# ACTIVESTATE TEAPOT-PKG BEGIN TM -*- tcl -*- # -- Tcl Module # @@ Meta Begin # Package page::util::norm::peg 0.1 # Meta as::build::date 2015-05-25 # Meta as::origin http://sourceforge.net/projects/tcllib # Meta category Parser generator tools # Meta description page AST normalization, PEG # Meta license BSD # Meta platform tcl # Meta require page::util::quote # Meta require treeql # Meta subject PEG {parser generator} {tree walking} page # Meta subject {text processing} normalization {graph walking} # Meta summary page_util_norm_peg # @@ Meta End # ACTIVESTATE TEAPOT-PKG BEGIN REQUIREMENTS package require page::util::quote package require treeql # ACTIVESTATE TEAPOT-PKG END REQUIREMENTS # ACTIVESTATE TEAPOT-PKG BEGIN DECLARE package provide page::util::norm::peg 0.1 # ACTIVESTATE TEAPOT-PKG END DECLARE # ACTIVESTATE TEAPOT-PKG END TM # -*- tcl -*- # # Copyright (c) 2005 by Andreas Kupries # Parser Generator / Transformation - Normalize PEG AST for later. # This package assumes to be used from within a PAGE plugin. It uses # the API commands listed below. These are identical across the major # types of PAGE plugins, allowing this package to be used in reader, # transform, and writer plugins. It cannot be used in a configuration # plugin, and this makes no sense either. # # To ensure that our assumption is ok we require the relevant pseudo # package setup by the PAGE plugin management code. # # -----------------+-- # page_info | Reporting to the user. # page_warning | # page_error | # -----------------+-- # page_log_error | Reporting of internals. # page_log_warning | # page_log_info | # -----------------+-- # ### ### ### ######### ######### ######### ## Requisites # @mdgen NODEP: page::plugin package require page::plugin ; # S.a. pseudo-package. package require treeql package require page::util::quote namespace eval ::page::util::norm::peg { # Get the peg char de/encoder commands. # (unquote, quote'tcl) namespace import ::page::util::quote::* } # ### ### ### ######### ######### ######### ## API proc ::page::util::norm::peg {t} { set q [treeql q -tree $t] page_info {[PEG Normalization]} page_log_info ..Terminals ; peg::Terminals $q $t page_log_info ..Chains ; peg::CutChains $q $t page_log_info ..Metadata ; peg::Metadata $q $t page_log_info ..Definitions ; peg::Definitions $q $t page_log_info ..Expressions ; peg::Expressions $q $t # Sentinel for PE algorithms. $t set root symbol $q destroy page_log_info Ok return } # ### ### ### ######### ######### ######### ## Documentation # ## See doc_normalize.txt for the specification of the publicly visible ## attributes. ## ## Internal attributes ## - DATA - Transient storage for terminal data. # ### ### ### ######### ######### ######### ## Internal. Helpers proc ::page::util::norm::peg::Terminals {q t} { # The data for all terminals is stored in their grandparental # nodes. We get rid of both terminals and their parents. $q query tree withatt type terminal over n { set p [$t parent $n] set gp [$t parent $p] CopyLocation $t $n $gp AttrCopy $t $n detail $gp DATA TokReduce $t $gp DATA $t delete $p } # We can now drop the type attribute, as all the remaining nodes # (which have it) will contain the value 'nonterminal'. $q query tree hasatt type over n { $t unset $n type } return } proc ::page::util::norm::peg::CutChains {q t} { # All nodes which have exactly one child are irrelevant. We get # rid of them. The root node is the sole exception. The immediate # child of the root however is superfluous as well. $q query tree notq {root} over n { if {[llength [$t children $n]] != 1} continue $t cut $n } foreach n [$t children root] {$t cut $n} return } proc ::page::util::norm::peg::Metadata {q t} { # Having the name of the grammar in a tree node is overkill. We # move this information into an attribute of the root node. # The node keeping the start expression separate is irrelevant as # well. We get rid of it, and tag the root of the start expression # with a marker attribute. $q query tree withatt detail Header over n { set tmp [Child $t $n 0] set sexpr [Child $t $n 1] AttrCopy $t $tmp DATA root name $t cut $tmp $t cut $n break } # Remember the node for the start expression in the root for quick # access by later stages. $t set root start $sexpr return } proc ::page::util::norm::peg::Definitions {q t} { # We move nonterminal hint information from nodes into attributes, # and delete the now irrelevant nodes. # NOTE: This transformation is dependent on the removal of all # nodes with exactly one child, as it removes the all 'Attribute' # nodes already. Otherwise this transformation would have to put # the information into the grandparental node. # The default mode for nonterminals is 'value'. $q query tree withatt detail Definition over n { $t set $n mode value } foreach {a mode} { VOID discard MATCH match LEAF leaf } { $q query tree withatt detail $a over n { set p [$t parent $n] $t set $p mode $mode $t delete $n } } # Like with the global metadata we move definition specific # information out of nodes into attributes, get rid of the # superfluous nodes, and tag the definition roots with marker # attributes. set defs {} $q query tree withatt detail Definition over n { # Define mode information for all nonterminals without an # explicit specification. We also save the mode information # from deletion when we redo the definition node. set first [Child $t $n 0] set sym [$t get $first DATA] $t set $n symbol $sym $t set $n label $sym $t set $n users {} # Now determine the range in the input covered by the # definition. The left extent comes from the terminal for the # nonterminal symbol it defines. The right extent comes from # the rightmost child under the definition. While this not an # expression tree yet the location data is sound already. MergeLocations $t $first [Rightmost $t $n] $n $t unset $n detail lappend defs $sym $n $t cut $first } # We remember a mapping from nonterminal names to their defining # nodes in the root as well, for quick reference later, when we # build nonterminal usage references $t set root definitions $defs return } proc ::page::util::norm::peg::Rightmost {t n} { # Determine the rightmost leaf under the specified node. if {[$t isleaf $n]} {return $n} return [Rightmost $t [lindex [$t children $n] end]] } proc ::page::util::norm::peg::Expressions {q t} { # We now transform the remaining nodes into proper expression # trees. The order matters, to shed as much nodes as possible # early, and to avoid unncessary work. ExprRanges $q $t ExprUnaryOps $q $t ExprChars $q $t ExprNonterminals $q $t ExprOperators $q $t ExprFlatten $q $t return } proc ::page::util::norm::peg::ExprRanges {q t} { # Ranges = .. operator $q query tree withatt detail Range over n { # Two the children, both of text 'Char', their data is what we # take. The children become irrelevant and are removed. foreach {b e} [$t children $n] break set begin [unquote [$t get $b DATA]] set end [unquote [$t get $e DATA]] $t set $n op .. $t set $n begin $begin $t set $n end $end MergeLocations $t $b $e $n $t unset $n detail $t delete $b $t delete $e } return } proc ::page::util::norm::peg::ExprUnaryOps {q t} { # Unary operators ... Their transformation sheds more nodes. foreach {a op} { QUESTION ? STAR * PLUS + AND & NOT ! } { $q query tree withatt detail $a over n { set p [$t parent $n] $t set $p op $op $t cut $n $t unset $p detail } } return } proc ::page::util::norm::peg::ExprChars {q t} { # Chars = t operator (The remaining Char'acters are plain terminal # symbols. $q query tree withatt detail Char over n { set ch [unquote [$t get $n DATA]] $t set $n op t $t set $n char $ch $t unset $n detail $t unset $n DATA } return } proc ::page::util::norm::peg::ExprNonterminals {q t} { # Identifiers = n operator (nonterminal references) ... array set defs [$t get root definitions] array set undefined {} $q query tree withatt detail Identifier over n { set sym [$t get $n DATA] $t set $n op n $t set $n sym $sym $t unset $n detail $t unset $n DATA # Create x-references between the users and the definition of # a nonterminal symbol. if {![info exists defs($sym)]} { $t set $n def {} lappend undefined($sym) $n continue } else { set def $defs($sym) $t set $n def $def } set users [$t get $def users] lappend users $n $t set $def users $users } $t set root undefined [array get undefined] return } proc ::page::util::norm::peg::ExprOperators {q t} { # The remaining operator nodes can be changed directly from node # text to operator. Se we do. foreach {a op} { EPSILON epsilon ALNUM alnum ALPHA alpha DOT dot Literal x Class / Sequence x Expression / } { $q query tree withatt detail $a over n { $t set $n op $op $t unset $n detail } } return } proc ::page::util::norm::peg::ExprFlatten {q t} { # Last tweaks of the expressions. Classes inside of Expressions, # and Literals in Sequences create nested / or x expressions. We # locate such and flatten the nested expression, cutting out the # superfluous operator. foreach op {x /} { # Locate all x operators, whose parents are x operators as # well, then go back to the child operators and cut them out. $q query tree withatt op $op \ parent unique withatt op $op \ children withatt op $op \ over n { $t cut $n } # Locate all x operators without children and convert them # into epsilon operators. Because that is what they accept, # nothing. $q query tree withatt op $op over n { if {[$t numchildren $n]} continue $t set $n op epsilon } } return } # ### ### ### ######### ######### ######### ## Internal. Low-level helpers. proc ::page::util::norm::peg::CopyLocation {t src dst} { $t set $dst range [$t get $src range] $t set $dst range_lc [$t get $src range_lc] return } proc ::page::util::norm::peg::MergeLocations {t srca srcb dst} { set ar [$t get $srca range] set arlc [$t get $srca range_lc] set br [$t get $srcb range] set brlc [$t get $srcb range_lc] $t set $dst range [list [lindex $ar 0] [lindex $br 1]] $t set $dst range_lc [list [lindex $arlc 0] [lindex $brlc 1]] return } proc ::page::util::norm::peg::TokReduce {t src attr} { set tokens [$t get $src $attr] set ch {} foreach tok $tokens { lappend ch [lindex $tok 0] } $t set $src $attr [join $ch {}] return } proc ::page::util::norm::peg::AttrCopy {t src asrc dst adst} { $t set $dst $adst [$t get $src $asrc] return } proc ::page::util::norm::peg::Child {t n index} { return [lindex [$t children $n] $index] } # ### ### ### ######### ######### ######### ## Ready package provide page::util::norm::peg 0.1