# ACTIVESTATE TEAPOT-PKG BEGIN TM -*- tcl -*- # -- Tcl Module # @@ Meta Begin # Package pdf4tcl 0.7 # Meta as::author {Frank Richter} {Jens Poenisch} # Meta as::build::date 2013-08-18 # Meta as::origin http://pdf4tcl.berlios.de/ # Meta category Pdf document generation Pdf document generation # Meta description Pdf document generation Pdf document generation # Meta license BSD # Meta platform tcl # Meta recommend Img # Meta recommend zlib # Meta require pdf4tcl::glyph2unicode # Meta require pdf4tcl::stdmetrics # Meta require snit # Meta subject pdf document pdf document # Meta summary pdf4tcl pdf4tcl # @@ Meta End # ACTIVESTATE TEAPOT-PKG BEGIN REQUIREMENTS package require pdf4tcl::glyph2unicode package require pdf4tcl::stdmetrics package require snit # ACTIVESTATE TEAPOT-PKG END REQUIREMENTS # ACTIVESTATE TEAPOT-PKG BEGIN DECLARE package provide pdf4tcl 0.7 # ACTIVESTATE TEAPOT-PKG END DECLARE # ACTIVESTATE TEAPOT-PKG END TM # library of tcl procedures for generating portable document format files # this is a port of pdf4php from php to tcl # # Copyright (c) 2004 by Frank Richter and # Jens Pönisch # Copyright (c) 2006-2010 by Peter Spjuth # Copyright (c) 2009 by Yaroslav Schekin # # See the file "licence.terms" for information on usage and redistribution # of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES. # # $Id: pdf4tcl.tcl 182 2010-05-19 23:37:55Z pspjuth $ package provide pdf4tcl 0.7 package require pdf4tcl::stdmetrics package require pdf4tcl::glyph2unicode package require snit namespace eval pdf4tcl { # helper variables (constants) packaged into arrays to minimize # variable import statements variable g variable paper_sizes variable units variable dir [file dirname [file join [pwd] [info script]]] # Known papersizes. These are always in points. array set paper_sizes { a0 {2380.0 3368.0} a1 {1684.0 2380.0} a2 {1190.0 1684.0} a3 { 842.0 1190.0} a4 { 595.0 842.0} a5 { 421.0 595.0} a6 { 297.0 421.0} 11x17 { 792.0 1224.0} ledger {1224.0 792.0} legal { 612.0 1008.0} letter { 612.0 792.0} } # Known units. The value is their relationship to points array set units [list \ mm [expr {72.0 / 25.4}] \ m [expr {72.0 / 25.4}] \ cm [expr {72.0 / 2.54}] \ c [expr {72.0 / 2.54}] \ i 72.0 \ p 1.0 \ ] # Font Variables variable ttfpos 0 variable ttfdata # Base font attributes: variable BFA # BaseFontParts for TTF fonts: variable BFP # List of all created fonts: variable Fonts variable FontsAttrs # For currently processed font: variable ttfname "" variable ttftables variable type1AFM variable type1PFB if {[catch {package require zlib} err]} { set g(haveZlib) 0 if {[info commands zlib] eq "zlib"} { set g(haveZlib) 1 } } else { set g(haveZlib) 1 } # Utility to look up paper size by name # A two element list of width and height is also allowed. # Return value is in points proc getPaperSize {papername {unit 1.0}} { variable paper_sizes set papername [string tolower $papername] if {[info exists paper_sizes($papername)]} { # This array is always correct format return $paper_sizes($papername) } if {[catch {set len [llength $papername]}] || $len != 2} { return {} } foreach {w h} $papername break set w [getPoints $w $unit] set h [getPoints $h $unit] return [list $w $h] } # Return a list of known paper sizes proc getPaperSizeList {} { variable paper_sizes return [array names paper_sizes] } # Get points from a measurement. # No unit means points. # Supported units are "mm", "m", "cm", "c", "p" and "i". proc getPoints {val {unit 1.0}} { variable units if {[string is double -strict $val]} { # Always return a pure double value return [expr {$val * $unit}] } if {[regexp {^\s*(\S+?)\s*([[:alpha:]]+)\s*$} $val -> num unit]} { if {[string is double -strict $num]} { if {[info exists units($unit)]} { return [expr {$num * $units($unit)}] } } } return -code error "Unknown value $val" } # Wrapper to create pdf4tcl object proc new {args} { uplevel 1 pdf4tcl::pdf4tcl create $args } # ===== Procs for TrueType fonts processing ===== proc createBaseTrueTypeFont {basefontname ttf_data {validate 0}} { variable ttfname $basefontname variable ttfdata $ttf_data InitBaseTTF $validate } proc loadBaseTrueTypeFont {basefontname filename {validate 0}} { variable ttfname $basefontname variable ttfdata set fd [open $filename] fconfigure $fd -translation binary set ttfdata [read $fd] close $fd InitBaseTTF $validate } proc InitBaseTTF {validate} { variable BFA variable BFP variable ttfname variable ttfdata variable ttftables variable ttfpos 0 set BFA($ttfname,FontType) TTF set subfontIndex 0 if {[ReadHeader]} { ReadTTCHeader GetSubfont $subfontIndex $validate } else { ChecksumFile ReadTableDirectory $validate set BFA($ttfname,subfontNameX) "" } ExtractInfo unset -nocomplain ttfdata unset -nocomplain ttftables set BFA($ttfname,SubFontIdx) 0 } # Pad data with zero bytes to: len % 4 == 0 proc CalcTTFCheckSum {data pos len} { binary scan $data "@${pos}Iu[expr {$len >> 2}]" datalst if {$len & 3} { set s [expr {$pos + (($len >> 2) << 2)}] set e [expr {$s + ($len & 3)}] set lc "[string range $data $s $e][string repeat "\0" 3]" binary scan $lc "Iu" lastb lappend datalst $lastb } set sum 0 foreach u_int32 $datalst { incr sum $u_int32 } set sum [expr {$sum & 0xFFFFFFFF}] return $sum } # read the sfnt header at the current position: proc ReadHeader {} { variable ttfpos variable ttfdata set ttfVersions [list 65536 1953658213 1953784678] binary scan $ttfdata "@${ttfpos}Iu" version incr ttfpos 4 if {$version == 0x4F54544F} { error "TTF: postscript outlines are not supported" } if {[lsearch -exact $ttfVersions $version] < 0} {# 8.5 error "Not a TrueType font: version=$version" } return [expr {$version == [lindex $ttfVersions end]}] } proc ChecksumFile {} { variable ttfdata set checksum [CalcTTFCheckSum $ttfdata 0 [string length $ttfdata]] if {$checksum != 0xB1B0AFBA} { error "Invalid TTF file checksum [format %X $checksum]" } } proc ReadTTCHeader {} { variable ttfname variable ttfpos variable ttfdata variable BFA variable ttfsubfontOffsets set ttcVersions [list 65536 131072] binary scan $ttfdata "@${ttfpos}IuIu" \ ttcVersion BFA($ttfname,numSubfonts) incr ttfpos 8 if {[lsearch -exact $ttcVersions $ttcVersion] < 0} {# 8.5 error "Not a TTC file" } binary scan $ttfdata "@${ttfpos}Iu$BFA($ttfname,numSubfonts)" \ ttfSubFontOffsets incr ttfpos [expr {$BFA($ttfname,numSubfonts) * 4}] } proc GetSubfont {subfontIndex {validate 0}} { variable ttfpos variable ttfSubFontOffsets if {$subfontIndex >= [llength $ttfSubFontOffsets]} { error "Bad subfontIndex $subfontIndex" } set ttfpos [lindex $ttfSubFontOffsets $subfontIndex] ReadHeader ReadTableDirectory $validate } proc ReadTableDirectory {validate} { variable ttfdata variable ttfpos variable ttftables variable ttfname variable BFP variable BFA # Must copy only needed tables here, if they exist: set NT [list "name" "OS/2" "cvt " "fpgm" "prep" \ "glyf" "post" "hhea" "maxp" "head"] # 'srange', 'esel' and 'rshift' are UNUSED binary scan $ttfdata "@${ttfpos}SuSuSuSu" numTables srange esel rshift incr ttfpos 8 for {set f 0} {$f < $numTables} {incr f} { # list is 'checksum offset length' binary scan $ttfdata "@${ttfpos}a4Iu3" tag rlist incr ttfpos 16 set ttftables($tag) $rlist if {[lsearch -exact $NT $tag] >= 0} {# 8.5 foreach {cksum offset len} $rlist break set last [expr {$offset + $len - 1}] set BFP($ttfname,$tag) [string range $ttfdata $offset $last] lappend BFA($ttfname,tables) $tag } } if {$validate} ChecksumTables } # Check the checksums for all tables proc ChecksumTables {} { variable ttftables variable ttfdata foreach t [array names ttftables] { foreach {checksum offset length} $ttftables($t) break set RCkSum [CalcTTFCheckSum $ttfdata $offset $length] if {$t eq "head"} { incr offset 8 binary scan $ttfdata "@${offset}Iu" adjustment set RCkSum [expr {($RCkSum - $adjustment) & 0xFFFFFFFF}] } if {$RCkSum != $checksum} { error "TTF: invalid checksum of table $t" } } } # Extract typographic information from the loaded font file. # # The following attributes will be set:: # # name PostScript font name # flags Font flags # ascent Typographic ascender in 1/1000ths of a point # descent Typographic descender in 1/1000ths of a point # CapHeight Cap height in 1/1000ths of a point (0 if not available) # bbox Glyph bounding box [l,t,r,b] in 1/1000ths of a point # _bbox Glyph bounding box [l,t,r,b] in unitsPerEm # unitsPerEm Glyph units per em # ItalicAngle Italic angle in degrees ccw # stemV stem weight in 1/1000ths of a point (approximate) # # If charInfo is true, the following will also be set:: # # defaultWidth default glyph width in 1/1000ths of a point # charWidths dictionary of character widths for every supported UCS # character code # # This will only work if the font has a Unicode cmap (platform 3, # encoding 1, format 4 or platform 0 any encoding format 4). Setting # charInfo to false avoids this requirement proc ExtractInfo {{charInfo 1}} { variable ttfdata variable ttftables variable ttfpos variable ttfname variable BFA # name - Naming table set name_pos [lindex $ttftables(name) 1] set ttfpos $name_pos binary scan $ttfdata "@${ttfpos}SuSuSu" fmt NumRecords SDoffset if {$fmt != 0} {error "TTF: Unknown name table format $fmt"} incr ttfpos 6 set SDoffset [expr {$name_pos + $SDoffset}] array set names {1 "" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "" 6 ""} set NIDS [array names names] set nameCount [llength $NIDS] for {set f 0} {$f < $NumRecords} {incr f} { binary scan $ttfdata "@${ttfpos}SuSuSuSuSuSu" PlId EncId LangId \ nameId length offset incr ttfpos 12 if {[lsearch -exact $NIDS $nameId] < 0} {# 8.5 continue } set npos [expr {$SDoffset + $offset}] set Nstr [string range $ttfdata $npos $npos+$length] ;# 8.5 set N "" if {$PlId == 3 && $EncId == 1 && $LangId == 0x409} { # Microsoft, Unicode, US English, PS Name if {$length & 1} { error "PostScript name is UTF-16 string of odd length" } # Try to read a string of unicode chars: set N [encoding convertfrom unicode $Nstr] } elseif {$PlId == 1 && $EncId == 0 && $LangId == 0} { # Macintosh, Roman, English, PS Name # According to OpenType spec, if PS name exists, it must exist # both in MS Unicode and Macintosh Roman formats. Apparently, # you can find live TTF fonts which only have Macintosh format. set N [encoding convertfrom iso8859-1 $Nstr] } if {[string length $N] && $names($nameId) == ""} { set names($nameId) $N incr nameCount -1 if {$nameCount == 0} break } } set BFA($ttfname,psName) [string map {" " -} $names(6)] if {$BFA($ttfname,psName) eq ""} { error "Could not find PostScript font name" } #---------------------------------- # head - Font header table set ttfpos [lindex $ttftables(head) 1] binary scan $ttfdata "@${ttfpos}SuSuSux6Iux2Sux16SSSSx6SuSu" \ ver_maj ver_min fnt_rev magic \ BFA($ttfname,unitsPerEm) xMin yMin xMax yMax \ indexToLocFormat glyphDataFormat if {$ver_maj != 1} {error "Unknown head table version $ver_maj"} if {$magic != 0x5F0F3CF5} {error "Invalid head table magic $magic"} set BFA($ttfname,bbox) [list \ [Rescale $xMin] [Rescale $yMin] [Rescale $xMax] [Rescale $yMax]] # OS/2 - OS/2 and Windows metrics table (needs data from head table) if {[info exists ttftables(OS/2)]} { set ttfpos [lindex $ttftables(OS/2) 1] binary scan $ttfdata "@${ttfpos}Sux2Sux2Sux58SS" \ version usWeightClass fsType sTypoAscender sTypoDescender incr ttfpos 88 set BFA($ttfname,ascent) [Rescale $sTypoAscender] set BFA($ttfname,descent) [Rescale $sTypoDescender] if {$version > 1} { binary scan $ttfdata "@${ttfpos}Su" sCapHeight set BFA($ttfname,CapHeight) [Rescale $sCapHeight] } else { set BFA($ttfname,CapHeight) $BFA($ttfname,ascent) } } else { # Microsoft TTFs require an OS/2 table; Apple ones do not. Try to # cope. The data is not very important anyway. set usWeightClass 500 set BFA($ttfname,ascent) [Rescale $yMax] set BFA($ttfname,descent) [Rescale $yMin] set BFA($ttfname,CapHeight) $BFA($ttfname,ascent) } set BFA($ttfname,stemV) [expr {50 + int(pow($usWeightClass / 65.0, 2))}] ;# 8.5 #---------------------- # post - PostScript table (needs data from OS/2 table) set ttfpos [lindex $ttftables(post) 1] binary scan $ttfdata "@${ttfpos}SuSuSuSuSuSuIu" \ ver_maj ver_min itan0 itan1 ulpos ulthick isFixedPitch set BFA($ttfname,ItalicAngle) [expr {$itan0 + $itan1 / 65536.0}] set flags 4 ; # "symbolic". if {$BFA($ttfname,ItalicAngle) != 0} {set flags [expr {$flags | 32}]} if {$usWeightClass >= 600} {set flags [expr {$flags | (1 << 18)}]} if {$isFixedPitch} {set flags [expr {$flags | 1}]} set BFA($ttfname,flags) $flags set BFA($ttfname,fixed) $isFixedPitch # hhea - Horizontal header table set ttfpos [lindex $ttftables(hhea) 1] binary scan $ttfdata "@${ttfpos}SuSux28SuSu" \ ver_maj ver_min metricDataFormat numberOfHMetrics if {$ver_maj != 1} {error "Unknown hhea table version"} if {$metricDataFormat != 0} {error "Unknown horizontal metric data format"} if {$numberOfHMetrics == 0} {error "Number of horizontal metrics is 0"} # maxp - Maximum profile table set ttfpos [lindex $ttftables(maxp) 1] binary scan $ttfdata "@${ttfpos}SuSuSu" \ ver_maj ver_min numGlyphs if {$ver_maj != 1} {error "Unknown maxp table version"} if {!$charInfo} return # We don't care of this earlier: if {$glyphDataFormat != 0} {error "Unknown glyph data format"} # cmap - Character to glyph index mapping table set ttfpos [lindex $ttftables(cmap) 1] set cmap_offset $ttfpos binary scan $ttfdata "@${ttfpos}x2Su" cmapTableCount incr ttfpos 4 for {set f 0} {$f < $cmapTableCount} {incr f} { binary scan $ttfdata "@${ttfpos}SuSuIu" platformID encodingID offset incr ttfpos 8 if {($platformID == 3 && $encodingID == 1) || ($platformID == 0)} { # Microsoft, Unicode OR just Unicode binary scan $ttfdata "@[expr {$cmap_offset+$offset}]Su" format if {$format == 4} { set unicode_cmap_offset [expr {$cmap_offset + $offset}] break } } # This SHOULD NOT exit loop: if {($platformID == 3 && $encodingID == 0)} { binary scan $ttfdata "@[expr {$cmap_offset+$offset}]Su" format if {$format == 4} { set unicode_cmap_offset [expr {$cmap_offset + $offset}] break } } } if {![info exists unicode_cmap_offset]} { error "Font does not have cmap for Unicode" } incr unicode_cmap_offset 2 binary scan $ttfdata "@${unicode_cmap_offset}Sux2Su" length segCount set segCount [expr {$segCount / 2}] set limit [expr {$unicode_cmap_offset + $length}] set ttfpos [expr {$unicode_cmap_offset + 12}] binary scan $ttfdata "@${ttfpos}Su$segCount" endCount set ttfpos [expr {$ttfpos + 2*$segCount + 2}] binary scan $ttfdata "@${ttfpos}Su$segCount" startCount set ttfpos [expr {$ttfpos + 2*$segCount}] binary scan $ttfdata "@${ttfpos}S$segCount" idDelta set ttfpos [expr {$ttfpos + 2*$segCount}] set idRangeOffset_start $ttfpos binary scan $ttfdata "@${ttfpos}Su$segCount" idRangeOffset # Now it gets tricky. for {set f 0} {$f < $segCount} {incr f} { set r_start [lindex $startCount $f] set r_end [lindex $endCount $f] for {set unichar $r_start} {$unichar <= $r_end} {incr unichar} { set r_offset [lindex $idRangeOffset $f] set r_delta [lindex $idDelta $f] if {$r_offset == 0} { set glyph [expr {($unichar + $r_delta) & 0xFFFF}] } else { set offset [expr {($unichar - $r_start) * 2 + $r_offset}] set offset [expr {$idRangeOffset_start + 2 * $f + $offset}] if {$offset > $limit} { # workaround for broken fonts (like Thryomanes) set glyph 0 } else { binary scan $ttfdata "@${offset}Su" glyph if {$glyph != 0} { set glyph [expr {($glyph + $r_delta) & 0xFFFF}] } } } dict set BFA($ttfname,charToGlyph) $unichar $glyph ;# 8.5 lappend glyphToChar($glyph) $unichar } } #----------------------------------------------------- # hmtx - Horizontal metrics table # (needs data from hhea, maxp, and cmap tables) set ttfpos [lindex $ttftables(hmtx) 1] for {set glyph 0} {$glyph < $numberOfHMetrics} {incr glyph} { # advance width and left side bearing. lsb is actually signed # short, but we don't need it anyway (except for subsetting) binary scan $ttfdata "@${ttfpos}SuSu" aw lsb incr ttfpos 4 lappend BFA($ttfname,hmetrics) [list $aw $lsb] set aws [Rescale $aw] if {$glyph == 0} {set BFA($ttfname,defaultWidth) $aws} if {[info exists glyphToChar($glyph)]} { foreach char $glyphToChar($glyph) { dict set BFA($ttfname,charWidths) $char $aws } } } # The rest of the table only lists advance left side bearings. # so we reuse aw set by the last iteration of the previous loop. # -- BUG (in reportlab) fixed here: aw used scaled in hmetrics, # -- i.e. float (must be int) for {set glyph $numberOfHMetrics} {$glyph < $numGlyphs} {incr glyph} { binary scan $ttfdata "@${ttfpos}Su" lsb incr ttfpos 2 lappend BFA($ttfname,hmetrics) [list $aw $lsb] if {[info exists glyphToChar($glyph)]} { foreach char $glyphToChar($glyph) { dict set BFA($ttfname,charWidths) $char $aws } } } # loca - Index to location set ttfpos [lindex $ttftables(loca) 1] incr numGlyphs if {$indexToLocFormat == 0} { binary scan $ttfdata "@${ttfpos}Su$numGlyphs" glyphPositions foreach el $glyphPositions { lappend BFA($ttfname,glyphPos) [expr {$el << 1}] } } elseif {$indexToLocFormat == 1} { binary scan $ttfdata "@${ttfpos}Iu$numGlyphs" BFA($ttfname,glyphPos) } else { error "Unknown location table format $indexToLocFormat" } } proc Rescale {x} { variable BFA variable ttfname return [expr {$x * 1000.0 / $BFA($ttfname,unitsPerEm)}] } # Creates a ToUnicode CMap for a given subset. proc MakeToUnicodeCMap {fontname subset} { set len [llength $subset] set cmap "/CIDInit /ProcSet findresource begin\n" append cmap "12 dict begin\n" append cmap "begincmap\n" append cmap "/CIDSystemInfo\n" append cmap "<< /Registry ($fontname)\n" append cmap "/Ordering ($fontname)\n" append cmap "/Supplement 0\n" append cmap ">> def\n" append cmap "/CMapName /$fontname def\n" append cmap "/CMapType 2 def\n" append cmap "1 begincodespacerange\n" append cmap "<00> <[format %02X [expr {$len-1}]]>\n" append cmap "endcodespacerange\n" append cmap "$len beginbfchar\n" set f 0 foreach uchar $subset { append cmap [format "<%02X> <%04X>\n" $f $uchar] incr f } append cmap "endbfchar\n" append cmap "endcmap\n" append cmap "CMapName currentdict /CMap defineresource pop\n" append cmap "end\n" append cmap "end\n" return $cmap } # Create a subset of a TrueType font. Subset is a list of unicode values. proc MakeTTFSubset {bfname fontname subset} { variable BFA variable BFP variable FontsAttrs set GF_ARG_1_AND_2_ARE_WORDS [expr {1 << 0}] set GF_WE_HAVE_A_SCALE [expr {1 << 3}] set GF_MORE_COMPONENTS [expr {1 << 5}] set GF_WE_HAVE_AN_X_AND_Y_SCALE [expr {1 << 6}] set GF_WE_HAVE_A_TWO_BY_TWO [expr {1 << 7}] # Build a mapping of glyphs in the subset to glyph numbers in # the original font. Also build a mapping of UCS codes to # glyph values in the new font. # Start with 0 -> 0: "missing character" set glyphMap [list 0] ; # new glyph index -> old glyph index set glyphSet(0) 0 ; # old glyph index -> new glyph index #codeToGlyph # unicode -> new glyph index foreach code $subset { if {[dict exists $BFA($bfname,charToGlyph) $code]} { set originalGlyphIdx [dict get $BFA($bfname,charToGlyph) $code] } else { set originalGlyphIdx 0 } if {![info exists glyphSet($originalGlyphIdx)]} { set glyphSet($originalGlyphIdx) [llength $glyphMap] lappend glyphMap $originalGlyphIdx } set codeToGlyph($code) $glyphSet($originalGlyphIdx) } # Also include glyphs that are parts of composite glyphs set n 0 while {$n < [llength $glyphMap]} { set originalGlyphIdx [lindex $glyphMap $n] set glyphPos [lindex $BFA($bfname,glyphPos) $originalGlyphIdx] set glyphEnd [lindex $BFA($bfname,glyphPos) $originalGlyphIdx+1] set glyphLen [expr {$glyphEnd - $glyphPos}] set cpos $glyphPos binary scan $BFP($bfname,glyf) "@${cpos}S" numberOfContours if {$numberOfContours < 0} { # composite glyph incr cpos 10 set flags $GF_MORE_COMPONENTS while {$flags & $GF_MORE_COMPONENTS} { binary scan $BFP($bfname,glyf) "@${cpos}SuSu" flags glyphIdx incr cpos 4 if {![info exists glyphSet($glyphIdx)]} { set glyphSet($glyphIdx) [llength $glyphMap] lappend glyphMap $glyphIdx } if {$flags & $GF_ARG_1_AND_2_ARE_WORDS} { incr cpos 4 } else { incr cpos 2 } if {$flags & $GF_WE_HAVE_A_SCALE} { incr cpos 2 } elseif {$flags & $GF_WE_HAVE_AN_X_AND_Y_SCALE} { incr cpos 4 } elseif {$flags & $GF_WE_HAVE_A_TWO_BY_TWO} { incr cpos 8 } } } incr n } set n [llength $glyphMap] set numGlyphs $n while {$n > 1 && \ [lindex $BFA($bfname,hmetrics) $n 0] == \ [lindex $BFA($bfname,hmetrics) $n-1 0]} { incr n -1 } set numberOfHMetrics $n # post - PostScript set t(post) "\x00\x03\x00\x00" append t(post) [string range $BFP($bfname,post) 4 15] append t(post) [string repeat "\0" 16] # hhea - Horizontal Header set t(hhea) [string range $BFP($bfname,hhea) 0 33] append t(hhea) [binary format Su $numberOfHMetrics] append t(hhea) [string range $BFP($bfname,hhea) 36 end] # maxp - Maximum Profile set t(maxp) [string range $BFP($bfname,maxp) 0 3] append t(maxp) [binary format Su $numGlyphs] append t(maxp) [string range $BFP($bfname,maxp) 6 end] # cmap - Character to glyph mapping set entryCount [llength $subset] set length [expr {10 + $entryCount * 2}] foreach char $subset {lappend tlist $codeToGlyph($char)} set t(cmap) [binary format "SuSuSuSuSuSuSuSuSuSuSuSu*" 0 1 1 0 0 12 6 \ $length 0 0 $entryCount $tlist] # hmtx - Horizontal Metrics for {set f 0} {$f < $numGlyphs} {incr f} { set originalGlyphIdx [lindex $glyphMap $f] foreach {aw lsb} [lindex $BFA($bfname,hmetrics) $originalGlyphIdx] break if {$f < $numberOfHMetrics} { append t(hmtx) [binary format Su $aw] } append t(hmtx) [binary format Su $lsb] } # glyf - Glyph data set pos 0 for {set f 0} {$f < $numGlyphs} {incr f} { lappend offsets $pos set originalGlyphIdx [lindex $glyphMap $f] set glyphPos [lindex $BFA($bfname,glyphPos) $originalGlyphIdx] set glyphEnd [lindex $BFA($bfname,glyphPos) $originalGlyphIdx+1] set glyphLen [expr {$glyphEnd - $glyphPos}] set glyphEndPos [expr {$glyphPos + $glyphLen - 1}] set data [string range $BFP($bfname,glyf) $glyphPos $glyphEndPos] # Fix references in composite glyphs if {$glyphLen > 2} { binary scan $data "S" compos if {$compos < 0} { set pos_in_glyph 10 set flags $GF_MORE_COMPONENTS while {$flags & $GF_MORE_COMPONENTS} { binary scan $data "@${pos_in_glyph}SuSu" flags glyphIdx set data "[string range $data 0 $pos_in_glyph+1][binary format Su $glyphSet($glyphIdx)][string range $data $pos_in_glyph+4 end]" incr pos_in_glyph 4 if {$flags & $GF_ARG_1_AND_2_ARE_WORDS} { incr pos_in_glyph 4 } else { incr pos_in_glyph 2 } if {$flags & $GF_WE_HAVE_A_SCALE} { incr pos_in_glyph 2 } elseif {$flags & $GF_WE_HAVE_AN_X_AND_Y_SCALE} { incr pos_in_glyph 4 } elseif {$flags & $GF_WE_HAVE_A_TWO_BY_TWO} { incr pos_in_glyph 8 } } } } append t(glyf) $data incr pos $glyphLen if {$pos % 4 != 0} { set padding [expr {4 - $pos % 4}] append t(glyf) [string repeat "\0" $padding] incr pos $padding } } lappend offsets $pos # loca - Index to location if {(($pos + 1) >> 1) > 0xFFFF} { set indexToLocFormat 1 ; # long format set t(loca) [binary format "Iu*" $offsets] } else { set indexToLocFormat 0 ; # short format foreach offset $offsets { append t(loca) [binary format "Su" [expr {$offset >> 1}]] } } # head - Font header set t(head) [string range $BFP($bfname,head) 0 7] append t(head) [string repeat "\0" 4] append t(head) [string range $BFP($bfname,head) 12 49] append t(head) [binary format Su $indexToLocFormat] append t(head) [string range $BFP($bfname,head) 52 end] #---------------------------------------------------------------------- set tables [lsort -unique [concat $BFA($bfname,tables) [array names t]]] set numTables [llength $tables] set searchRange 1 set entrySelector 0 while {$searchRange * 2 <= $numTables} { set searchRange [expr {$searchRange * 2}] incr entrySelector } set searchRange [expr {$searchRange * 16}] set rangeShift [expr {$numTables * 16 - $searchRange}] # Header set res [binary format "IuSuSuSuSu" [expr {0x00010000}] $numTables \ $searchRange $entrySelector $rangeShift] # Table directory set offset [expr {12 + $numTables * 16}] foreach tag $tables { if {$tag eq "head"} {set head_start $offset} if {[info exists t($tag)]} { set len [string length $t($tag)] set checksum [CalcTTFCheckSum $t($tag) 0 $len] } else { set len [string length $BFP($bfname,$tag)] set checksum [CalcTTFCheckSum $BFP($bfname,$tag) 0 $len] } append res [binary format a4IuIuIu $tag $checksum $offset $len] incr offset [expr {($len + 3) & ~3}] } # Table data. foreach tag $tables { if {[info exists t($tag)]} { set len [string length $t($tag)] append res $t($tag) } else { set len [string length $BFP($bfname,$tag)] append res $BFP($bfname,$tag) } append res [string repeat "\0" [expr {(4 - ($len & 3)) & 3}]] } set len [string length $res] set checksum [CalcTTFCheckSum $res 0 $len] incr head_start 7 set checksum [expr {(0xB1B0AFBA - $checksum) & 0xFFFFFFFF}] set res "[string range $res 0 $head_start][binary format Iu $checksum][string range $res $head_start+5 end]" set FontsAttrs($fontname,data) $res set FontsAttrs($fontname,SubFontIdx) $BFA($bfname,SubFontIdx) incr BFA($bfname,SubFontIdx) } # make subfont name proc MakeSFNamePrefix {idx} { string map {0 A 1 B 2 C 3 D 4 E 5 F 6 G 7 H 8 I 9 J} [format %06d $idx] } # ----- General font support ----- # Create Font from BaseFont: proc createFont {bfname fontname enc_name} { variable FontsAttrs variable BFA variable Fonts set subset [list] for {set f 0} {$f<256} {incr f} {lappend codes $f} set uchars [encoding convertfrom $enc_name [binary format cu* $codes]] foreach unichar [split $uchars {}] { lappend subset [scan $unichar %c] } if {$BFA($bfname,FontType) eq "TTF"} { # Create TTF subset here: MakeTTFSubset $bfname $fontname $subset set FontsAttrs($fontname,type) TTF } else { set FontsAttrs($fontname,type) Type1 } lappend Fonts $fontname set FontsAttrs($fontname,basefontname) $bfname set FontsAttrs($fontname,uniset) $subset set FontsAttrs($fontname,specialencoding) 0 set FontsAttrs($fontname,encoding) $enc_name } # subset must be a list of unicode values: proc createFontSpecEnc {bfname fontname subset} { variable FontsAttrs variable BFA variable Fonts if {$BFA($bfname,FontType) eq "TTF"} { # Create TTF subset here: MakeTTFSubset $bfname $fontname $subset set FontsAttrs($fontname,type) TTF } else { set FontsAttrs($fontname,type) Type1 } lappend Fonts $fontname set FontsAttrs($fontname,basefontname) $bfname set FontsAttrs($fontname,uniset) $subset set FontsAttrs($fontname,specialencoding) 1 set symcode 0 foreach ucode $subset { set uchar [format %c $ucode] dict set FontsAttrs($fontname,encoding) $uchar \ [binary format cu $symcode] incr symcode } } # ===== Procs for Type1 fonts processing ===== # Create encoding differences list: proc MakeEncDiff {BFN fontname} { variable BFA # get WinAnsiEncoding unicodes: for {set f 0} {$f < 256} {incr f} {lappend bcodes $f} set bchars [encoding convertfrom cp1252 [binary format cu* $bcodes]] foreach unichar [split $bchars {}] { lappend bset [scan $unichar %c] } set f 0 set res [list] set eqflag 1 foreach ucode $::pdf4tcl::FontsAttrs($fontname,uniset) bcode $bset { if {$ucode != $bcode} { if {$eqflag} {lappend res $f} if {[dict exists $BFA($BFN,uni2glyph) $ucode]} { lappend res "/[dict get $BFA($BFN,uni2glyph) $ucode]" } else { lappend res "/.notdef" } set eqflag 0 } else { set eqflag 1 } incr f } return $res } proc PfbCheck {pos data mark} { binary scan $data "@${pos}cucu" d0 d1 if {($d0 != 0x80) || ($d1 != $mark)} {error "Bad pfb data at $pos"} if {$mark == 3} return; #PFB_EOF incr pos 2 binary scan $data "@${pos}iu" l incr pos 4 set npos [expr {$pos + $l}] if {$npos > [string length $data]} {error "pfb data is too short"} return $npos } # There's no need to create NEW binary stream, use font as is: proc ParsePFB {} { variable type1PFB variable type1name variable BFA set p1 [PfbCheck 0 $type1PFB 1] set p2 [PfbCheck $p1 $type1PFB 2] set p3 [PfbCheck $p2 $type1PFB 1] PfbCheck $p3 $type1PFB 3 set BFA($type1name,Length1) $p1 set BFA($type1name,Length2) [expr {$p2-$p1+7}] set BFA($type1name,Length3) [expr {$p3-$p2-5}] set BFA($type1name,data) $type1PFB } # Creates charWidths and mapping 'unicode=>glyph_name' for this font. proc ParseAFM {} { variable type1AFM variable type1name variable BFA variable GlName2Uni array set nmap {Ascender ascent Descender descent FontBBox bbox} set BFA($type1name,ascent) 1000 set BFA($type1name,descent) 0 set BFA($type1name,CapHeight) 1000 set BFA($type1name,ItalicAngle) 0 set BFA($type1name,stemV) 0 set BFA($type1name,bbox) [list 0 0 1000 1000] set lineslst [split $type1AFM "\n"] if {[llength $lineslst] < 2} {error "AFM hasn't enough data"} set InMetrics 0 set InHeader 0 foreach line $lineslst { if {[string equal -nocase -length 7 $line comment]} continue # StartCharMetrics terminates header: switch -nocase -glob -- $line { "StartCharMetrics*" {set InMetrics 1; continue} "StartFontMetrics*" {set InHeader 1; continue} "EndCharMetrics*" {break} } if {$InMetrics} { set toklst [list] set reslst [list] # Create toklst -- list of needed tokens (only starting three): foreach chunk [lrange [split $line ";"] 0 2] { foreach el $chunk { lappend toklst $el } } # Convert and store tokens: foreach {l r} $toklst {et ss} [list C %d WX %d N %s] { if {$l != $et} {error "Bad line in font AFM ($et)"} if {![scan $r $ss val]} { error "Incorrect '$et' value in font AFM" } lappend reslst $val } # Must create charWidths and font's Uni2Glyph here: set N [lindex $reslst 2] set WX [lindex $reslst 1] set ucode -1 if {$N ne ".notdef"} { catch {set ucode $GlName2Uni($N)} } else { set ucode 0 } if {($ucode == -1) && [string equal -length 3 $N "uni"]} { scan $N "uni%x" ucode } if {$ucode != -1} { dict set BFA($type1name,charWidths) $ucode $WX dict set BFA($type1name,uni2glyph) $ucode $N } } elseif {$InHeader} { # Split into 2 parts on first space: set idx [string first " " $line] set l [string range $line 0 $idx-1] set r [string range $line $idx+1 end] if {[info exists nmap($l)]} { set l $nmap($l) } set BFA($type1name,$l) $r } } } proc createBaseType1Font {basefontname afm_data pfb_data} { variable type1name $basefontname variable type1AFM $afm_data variable type1PFB $pfb_data InitBaseType1 } proc loadBaseType1Font {basefontname AFMfilename PFBfilename} { variable type1name $basefontname variable type1AFM variable type1PFB set fd [open $AFMfilename "r"] set type1AFM [read $fd] close $fd set fd [open $PFBfilename "rb"] set type1PFB [read $fd] close $fd InitBaseType1 } proc InitBaseType1 {} { variable type1name variable type1AFM variable type1PFB ParseAFM ParsePFB set ::pdf4tcl::BFA($type1name,FontType) Type1 unset -nocomplain type1PFB unset -nocomplain type1AFM unset -nocomplain type1name } # 8.4 compatiblity patch for some functionality. if {[llength [info commands dict]] == 0} { proc ::dict {subC d i} { if {$subC eq "get"} { array set x $d return $x($i) } return -code error "No support for dict $subC" } } } # Object used for generating pdf snit::type pdf4tcl::pdf4tcl { variable pdf ####################################################################### # Global option handling ####################################################################### option -file -default "" -readonly 1 option -paper -default a4 -validatemethod CheckPaper \ -configuremethod SetPageOption option -landscape -default 0 -validatemethod CheckBoolean \ -configuremethod SetPageOption option -orient -default 1 -validatemethod CheckBoolean option -unit -default p -validatemethod CheckUnit \ -configuremethod SetUnit -readonly 1 option -compress -default 0 -validatemethod CheckBoolean \ -configuremethod SetCompress -readonly 1 option -margin -default 0 -validatemethod CheckMargin \ -configuremethod SetPageOption option -rotate -default 0 -validatemethod CheckRotation \ -configuremethod SetPageOption # Validator for -paper method CheckPaper {option value} { set papersize [pdf4tcl::getPaperSize $value] if {[llength $papersize] == 0} { return -code error "papersize $value is unknown" } } # Validator for -unit method CheckUnit {option value} { if {![info exists ::pdf4tcl::units($value)]} { return -code error "unit $value is unknown" } } # Validator for -margin method CheckMargin {option value} { switch [llength $value] { 1 - 2 - 4 { foreach elem $value { if {[catch {pdf4tcl::getPoints $elem}]} { return -code error "Bad margin value '$elem'" } } } default { return -code error "Bad margin list '$value'" } } } # Validator for boolean options method CheckBoolean {option value} { if {![string is boolean -strict $value]} { return -code error "option $option must have a boolean value." } } # Validator for -rotate method CheckRotation {option value} { if { $value % 90 } { return -code error "Rotation $value not a multiple of 90" } } # Configure method for -compress method SetCompress {option value} { variable ::pdf4tcl::g if {$value} { if {$g(haveZlib)} { set options($option) 1 } else { puts stderr "Package zlib not available. Sorry, no compression." } } else { set options($option) 0 } } # Configure method for page properties method SetPageOption {option value} { set options($option) $value # Fill in page properies $self SetPageSize $options(-paper) $options(-landscape) \ $options(-rotate) $self SetPageMargin $options(-margin) } # Configure method for -unit method SetUnit {option value} { set options($option) $value set pdf(unit) $::pdf4tcl::units($value) } ####################################################################### # Constructor ####################################################################### constructor {args} { variable images variable fonts variable bitmaps variable patterns variable metadata #Array of type1 base fonts already included in this PDF file: variable type1basefonts set pdf(bookmarks) {} #set metadata(CreationDate) [string range [clock format [clock seconds] -format {D:%Y%m%d%H%M%S%z} -gmt 0] 0 end-2] # The unit translation factor is needed before parsing arguments set pdf(unit) 1.0 $self configurelist $args # Document data set pdf(pages) {} set pdf(pdf_obj) 4 ;# Objects 1-3 are reserved for use in "finish" set pdf(out_pos) 0 set pdf(data_start) 0 set pdf(data_len) 0 array set fonts {} array set type1basefonts {} set pdf(font_set) false set pdf(in_text_object) false array set images {} array set bitmaps {} array set patterns {} set pdf(objects) {} set pdf(compress) $options(-compress) set pdf(finished) false set pdf(inPage) false set pdf(fillColor) [list 0 0 0] # start without default font set pdf(font_size) 1 set pdf(current_font) "" set pdf(line_spacing) 1.0 # Page data # Fill in page properies $self SetPageSize $options(-paper) $options(-landscape) \ $options(-rotate) $self SetPageMargin $options(-margin) set pdf(orient) $options(-orient) # The first buffer if for collecting page data until end of page. # This is to support compressing whole pages. set pdf(ob) "" # Write to file directly if requested. set pdf(ch) "" if {$options(-file) ne ""} { if {[catch {open $options(-file) "w"} ch]} { return -code error "Could not open file $options(-file) for writing: $ch" } fconfigure $ch -translation binary set pdf(ch) $ch } # collect output in memory set pdf(pdf) "" # Start on pdfout $self Pdfout "%PDF-1.4\n" set pdf(version) 1.4 # Add some chars >= 0x80 as recommended by the PDF standard # to make it easy to detect that this is not an ASCII file. $self Pdfout "%\xE5\xE4\xF6\n" } destructor { # Close any open channel if {[info exists pdf(ch)] && $pdf(ch) ne ""} { catch {$self finish} catch {close $pdf(ch)} set pdf(ch) "" } } # Deprecated destroy function method cleanup {} { $self destroy } ####################################################################### # Collect PDF Output ####################################################################### # Add raw data to accumulated pdf output method Pdfout {out} { append pdf(ob) $out incr pdf(out_pos) [string length $out] } # Add line of words to accumulated pdf output method Pdfoutn {args} { set out [join $args " "]\n $self Pdfout $out } # Helper to format a line consisiting of numbers and last a command method Pdfoutcmd {args} { set str "" foreach num [lrange $args 0 end-1] { append str [Nf $num] " " } append str "[lindex $args end]\n" $self Pdfout $str } # Move data from pdf(ob) cache to final destination. # Return number of bytes added method Flush {{compress 0}} { set data $pdf(ob) set pdf(ob) "" if {$compress} { set data [zlib compress $data] } set len [string length $data] if {$pdf(ch) eq ""} { append pdf(pdf) $data } else { puts -nonewline $pdf(ch) $data } return $len } ####################################################################### # ?? Handling ####################################################################### # If any feature requires PDF version > 1.4 they should call this method RequireVersion {version} { if {$version > $pdf(version)} { set pdf(version) $version } } ####################################################################### # Page Handling ####################################################################### # Fill in page margin from a user specified value method SetPageMargin {value} { set value2 {} foreach val $value { lappend value2 [pdf4tcl::getPoints $val $pdf(unit)] } switch -- [llength $value2] { 1 { set pdf(marginleft) [lindex $value2 0] set pdf(marginright) [lindex $value2 0] set pdf(margintop) [lindex $value2 0] set pdf(marginbottom) [lindex $value2 0] } 2 { set pdf(marginleft) [lindex $value2 0] set pdf(marginright) [lindex $value2 0] set pdf(margintop) [lindex $value2 1] set pdf(marginbottom) [lindex $value2 1] } 4 { set pdf(marginleft) [lindex $value2 0] set pdf(marginright) [lindex $value2 1] set pdf(margintop) [lindex $value2 2] set pdf(marginbottom) [lindex $value2 3] } default { ##nagelfar nocover # This should not happen since validation should catch it puts "ARARARARARAR '$value'" } } } # Fill in page data from options method SetPageSize {paper landscape rotation} { set papersize [pdf4tcl::getPaperSize $paper $pdf(unit)] set width [lindex $papersize 0] set height [lindex $papersize 1] # Switch if landscape has been asked for if {$landscape} { set tmp $width set width $height set height $tmp } set pdf(width) $width set pdf(height) $height set pdf(xpos) 0 set pdf(ypos) $height set pdf(rotate) $rotation set pdf(origxpos) 0 set pdf(origypos) $height } # Start on a new page method startPage {args} { # Get defaults from document set localopts(-orient) $options(-orient) set localopts(-landscape) $options(-landscape) set localopts(-margin) $options(-margin) set localopts(-paper) $options(-paper) set localopts(-rotate) $options(-rotate) if {[llength $args] == 1} { # Single arg = paper $self CheckPaper -paper [lindex $args 0] set localopts(-paper) [lindex $args 0] } elseif {[llength $args] == 2 && [string is digit [join $args ""]]} { # Old style two numeric args = {width height} $self CheckPaper -paper $args set localopts(-paper) $args } elseif {[llength $args] == 3 && [string is digit [join $args ""]]} { # Old style three numeric args = {width height orient} $self CheckPaper -paper [lrange $args 0 1] set localopts(-paper) [lrange $args 0 1] set localopts(-orient) [lindex $args 2] } elseif {[llength $args] % 2 != 0} { # Uneven, error return -code error "Uneven number of arguments to startPage" } else { # Parse options foreach {option value} $args { switch -- $option { -paper { $self CheckPaper $option $value } -landscape { $self CheckBoolean $option $value } -margin { $self CheckMargin $option $value } -orient { $self CheckBoolean $option $value } -rotate { $self CheckRotation $option $value } default { return -code error "Unknown option $option" } } set localopts($option) $value } } if {$pdf(inPage)} { $self endPage } # Fill in page properies $self SetPageSize $localopts(-paper) $localopts(-landscape) \ $localopts(-rotate) $self SetPageMargin $localopts(-margin) set pdf(orient) $localopts(-orient) set pdf(inPage) 1 # dimensions set oid [$self GetOid] lappend pdf(pages) $oid $self Pdfout "$oid 0 obj\n" $self Pdfout "<>\n" $self Pdfout "endobj\n\n" # start of contents set oid [$self GetOid] $self Pdfout "$oid 0 obj\n" # Allocate an object for the page length set pdf(pagelengthoid) [$self GetOid 1] $self Pdfout "<<\n/Length $pdf(pagelengthoid) 0 R\n" if {$pdf(compress)} { $self Pdfout "/Filter \[/FlateDecode\]\n" } $self Pdfout ">>\nstream\n" set pdf(data_start) $pdf(out_pos) set pdf(in_text_object) false # no font set on new pages set pdf(font_set) false # capture output $self Flush } # Finish a page method endPage {} { if {! $pdf(inPage)} { return } if {$pdf(in_text_object)} { $self Pdfout "\nET\n" } # get buffer set data_len [$self Flush $pdf(compress)] set pdf(out_pos) [expr {$pdf(data_start)+$data_len}] $self Pdfout "\nendstream\n" $self Pdfout "endobj\n\n" # Create Length object $self StoreXref $pdf(pagelengthoid) $self Pdfout "$pdf(pagelengthoid) 0 obj\n" incr data_len $self Pdfout "$data_len\n" $self Pdfout "endobj\n\n" set pdf(inPage) false # Dump stored objects $self FlushObjects } method FlushObjects {} { if {$pdf(inPage)} { return -code error "FlushObjects may not be called when in a page" } # Dump stored objects foreach {oid body} $pdf(objects) { $self StoreXref $oid $self Pdfout $body } set pdf(objects) {} $self Flush } # This must create optionally compressed PDF stream. # dictval must contain correct string value without << terminator. # Terminator and length will be added by this proc. proc MakeStream {dictval body compress} { set res $dictval if {$compress} { set body [zlib compress $body] append res "\n/Filter \[/FlateDecode\]" } set len [string length $body] append res "\n/Length $len\n>>\nstream\n" append res $body append res "\nendstream" return $res } # Create an object to be added to the stream at a suitable time. # Returns the Object Id. method AddObject {body} { set oid [$self GetOid 1] lappend pdf(objects) $oid "$oid 0 obj\n$body\nendobj\n" return $oid } # Finish document method finish {} { variable images variable patterns variable fonts variable metadata if {$pdf(finished)} { return } if {$pdf(inPage)} { $self endPage } # Object 1 is the Root of the document $self StoreXref 1 $self Pdfout "1 0 obj\n" $self Pdfout "<<\n" $self Pdfout "/Type /Catalog\n" if {$pdf(version) > 1.4} { $self Pdfout "/Version $pdf(version)\n" } $self Pdfout "/Pages 2 0 R\n" # Determine the number of bookmarks to add to the document. set nbookmarks [llength $pdf(bookmarks)] if {$nbookmarks > 0} { $self Pdfout "/Outlines [$self NextOid] 0 R\n" } $self Pdfout ">>\n" $self Pdfout "endobj\n\n" # Object 2 lists the pages $self StoreXref 2 $self Pdfout "2 0 obj\n" $self Pdfout "<<\n/Type /Pages\n" $self Pdfout "/Count [llength $pdf(pages)]\n" $self Pdfout "/Kids \[" foreach oid $pdf(pages) { $self Pdfout "$oid 0 R " } $self Pdfout "\]\n" $self Pdfout ">>\n" $self Pdfout "endobj\n\n" # Object 3 is the Resources Object $self StoreXref 3 $self Pdfout "3 0 obj\n" $self Pdfout "<<\n" $self Pdfout "/ProcSet\[/PDF /Text /ImageC\]\n" # font references if {[array size fonts] > 0} { $self Pdfout "/Font <<\n" foreach fontname [array names fonts] { set oid $fonts($fontname) $self Pdfout "/$fontname $oid 0 R\n" } $self Pdfout ">>\n" } # image references if {[array size images] > 0} { $self Pdfout "/XObject <<\n" foreach key [array names images] { set oid [lindex $images($key) 2] $self Pdfout "/$key $oid 0 R\n" } $self Pdfout ">>\n" } # pattern references if {[array size patterns] > 0} { $self Pdfout "/ColorSpace <<\n" $self Pdfout "/Cs1 \[/Pattern /DeviceRGB\]\n" $self Pdfout ">>\n" $self Pdfout "/Pattern <<\n" foreach key [array names patterns] { set oid [lindex $patterns($key) 2] $self Pdfout "/$key $oid 0 R\n" } $self Pdfout ">>\n" } $self Pdfout ">>\nendobj\n\n" if {$nbookmarks > 0} { set count [BookmarkCount $pdf(bookmarks) -1] # Create the outline dictionary. set oid [$self GetOid] $self StoreXref $oid $self Pdfout "$oid 0 obj\n" $self Pdfout "<<\n/Type /Outlines\n" $self Pdfout "/First [expr {$oid + 1}] 0 R\n" $self Pdfout "/Last [expr {$oid + $nbookmarks}] 0 R\n" if {$count} {$self Pdfout "/Count $count\n"} $self Pdfout ">>\nendobj\n\n" # Create the outline item dictionary for each bookmark. set nbookmark 0 set parent $oid set previous {} foreach bookmark $pdf(bookmarks) { if {[lindex $bookmark 1] == 0} { set previous [$self BookmarkObject $parent $previous [lrange $pdf(bookmarks) $nbookmark end]] } incr nbookmark } } # Create the PDF document information dictionary. if {[array exists metadata]} { set metadata_oid [$self GetOid] $self StoreXref $metadata_oid $self Pdfout "$metadata_oid 0 obj\n<<\n" foreach {name value} [array get metadata] { $self Pdfout "/$name ([CleanText $value $pdf(current_font)])\n" } $self Pdfout ">>\nendobj\n\n" } # Cross reference table set xref_pos $pdf(out_pos) $self Pdfout "xref\n" $self Pdfout "0 [$self NextOid]\n" $self Pdfout "0000000000 65535 f \n" for {set a 1} {$a<[$self NextOid]} {incr a} { set xref $pdf(xref,$a) $self Pdfout [format "%010ld 00000 n \n" $xref] } # Document trailer $self Pdfout "trailer\n" $self Pdfout "<<\n" $self Pdfout "/Size [$self NextOid]\n" $self Pdfout "/Root 1 0 R\n" if {[info exists metadata_oid]} { $self Pdfout "/Info $metadata_oid 0 R\n" } $self Pdfout ">>\n" $self Pdfout "\nstartxref\n" $self Pdfout "$xref_pos\n" $self Pdfout "%%EOF\n" $self Flush set pdf(finished) true } # Get finished PDF data method get {} { if {$pdf(inPage)} { $self endPage } if {! $pdf(finished)} { $self finish } return $pdf(pdf) } # Write PDF data to file method write {args} { set chan stdout set outfile 0 foreach {arg value} $args { switch -- $arg { "-file" { if {[catch {open $value "w"} chan]} { return -code error "Could not open file $value for writing: $chan" } else { set outfile 1 } } default { return -code error "unknown option $arg." } } } fconfigure $chan -translation binary puts -nonewline $chan [$self get] if {$outfile} { close $chan } } # Transform absolute user coordinates to page coordinates # This should take into account orientation, margins. method Trans {x y txName tyName} { upvar 1 $txName tx $tyName ty set px [pdf4tcl::getPoints $x $pdf(unit)] set py [pdf4tcl::getPoints $y $pdf(unit)] set tx [expr {$px + $pdf(marginleft)}] if {$pdf(orient)} { set ty [expr {$py + $pdf(margintop)}] set ty [expr {$pdf(height) - $ty}] } else { set ty [expr {$py + $pdf(marginbottom)}] } } # Transform relative user coordinates to page coordinates # This should take into account orientation, but not margins. method TransR {x y txName tyName} { upvar 1 $txName tx $tyName ty set tx [pdf4tcl::getPoints $x $pdf(unit)] set ty [pdf4tcl::getPoints $y $pdf(unit)] if {$pdf(orient)} { set ty [expr {- $ty}] } } # Returns width and height of drawable area, excluding margins. method getDrawableArea {} { set w [expr {$pdf(width) - $pdf(marginleft) - $pdf(marginright)}] set h [expr {$pdf(height) - $pdf(margintop) - $pdf(marginbottom)}] # Translate to current unit set w [expr {$w / $pdf(unit)}] set h [expr {$h / $pdf(unit)}] return [list $w $h] } ####################################################################### # Bookmark Handling ####################################################################### method bookmarkAdd {args} { set closed 0 set level 0 set title {} foreach {option value} $args { switch -- $option { -title { set value [string trim $value] if {[string length $value] == 0} { return -code error "Option $option requires a string." } set title $value } -level { if {[string is integer -strict $value]} { if {$value < 0} { return -code error "Option $option requires a non-negative integer value." } } else { return -code error "Option $option requires a non-negative integer value." } set level $value } -closed { $self CheckBoolean $option $value set closed $value } default { return -code error "Unknown option $option" } } } if {$pdf(pages) == {}} { return -code error "No pages defined." } # Determine the object id of the current page. set oid [lindex $pdf(pages) end] # Add the bookmark to the list. lappend pdf(bookmarks) [list $oid $level $closed $title] } #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # This procedure determines the number of open items of an outline # dictionary object. proc BookmarkCount {bookmarks level} { set count 0 # Increment the count if the bookmark is not closed. foreach bookmark $bookmarks { if {[lindex $bookmark 1] <= $level} {break} if {! [lindex $bookmark 2]} { incr count } } return $count } #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # This procedure creates a outline item dictionary object. method BookmarkObject {parent previous bookmarks} { set bookmark [lindex $bookmarks 0] set destination [lindex $bookmark 0] set level [lindex $bookmark 1] set closed [lindex $bookmark 2] set title [lindex $bookmark 3] set oid [$self GetOid] $self StoreXref $oid BookmarkProperties $oid $level [lrange $bookmarks 1 end] \ next first last count if {$closed} { set count [expr {-$count}] } $self Pdfout "$oid 0 obj\n" $self Pdfout "<<\n/Title ([CleanText $title $pdf(current_font)])\n" $self Pdfout "/Parent $parent 0 R\n" if {$previous != {}} {$self Pdfout "/Prev $previous 0 R\n"} if {$next != {}} {$self Pdfout "/Next $next 0 R\n"} if {$first != {}} {$self Pdfout "/First $first 0 R\n"} if {$last != {}} {$self Pdfout "/Last $last 0 R\n"} if {$count} {$self Pdfout "/Count $count\n"} $self Pdfout "/Dest \[$destination 0 R /XYZ null null null\]\n" $self Pdfout ">>\n" $self Pdfout "endobj\n\n" if {$next != {}} { set previous $oid } # Create the bookmark objects for all bookmarks that are children of # this bookmark. if {$first != {}} { set parent $oid set prev {} incr level set n 0 foreach bookmark [lrange $bookmarks 1 end] { incr n if {[lindex $bookmark 1] < $level} {break} if {[lindex $bookmark 1] == $level} { set prev [$self BookmarkObject $parent $prev \ [lrange $bookmarks $n end]] } } } return $previous } #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # This procedure determines the properties for an outline item dictionary # object. proc BookmarkProperties {oid current bookmarks n f l c} { upvar 1 $n next $f first $l last $c count set next {} set first {} set last {} # Determine the number of open decendants. set count [BookmarkCount $bookmarks $current] set child [expr {$current + 1}] set n 0 foreach bookmark $bookmarks { incr n set level [lindex $bookmark 1] if {$level < $current} {break} # Determine the object ID for the next bookmark at the same level. if {$next == {}} { if {$level == $current} { set next [expr {$oid + $n}] continue } # Determine the object ID for the first and last child # bookmarks. if {$level == $child} { if {$first == {}} { set first [expr {$oid + $n}] } set last [expr {$oid + $n}] } } } } #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Configure method for the PDF document metadata options. method metadata {args} { variable metadata foreach {option value} $args { set value [string trim $value] if {[string length $value] > 0} { switch -- $option { -author {set metadata(Author) $value} -creator {set metadata(Creator) $value} -keywords {set metadata(Keywords) $value} -producer {set metadata(Producer) $value} -subject {set metadata(Subject) $value} -title {set metadata(Title) $value} -creationdate { if {$value == 0} { set value [clock seconds] } set metadata(CreationDate) [string range [clock format $value -format {D:%Y%m%d%H%M%S%z} -gmt 0] 0 end-2] } } } } } ####################################################################### # Text Handling ####################################################################### # Set current font method setFont {size {fontname ""} {internal 0}} { if {$fontname eq ""} { if {$pdf(current_font) eq ""} { return -code error "No font family set" } set fontname $pdf(current_font) } # Font already loaded? if {[lsearch -exact $::pdf4tcl::Fonts $fontname] < 0} { #8.5 return -code error "Font $fontname doesn't exist" } if {!$internal} { set size [pdf4tcl::getPoints $size $pdf(unit)] } set pdf(current_font) $fontname set pdf(font_size) $size # Delay putting things in until we are actually on a page if {$pdf(inPage)} { $self SetupFont } } # Set the current font on the page method SetupFont {} { variable fonts variable ::pdf4tcl::BFA variable type1basefonts if {$pdf(current_font) eq ""} { return -code error "No font set" } set fontname $pdf(current_font) $self Pdfoutn "/$fontname [Nf $pdf(font_size)]" "Tf" $self Pdfoutcmd 0 "Tr" $self Pdfoutcmd $pdf(font_size) "TL" # Make sure a font object exists if {![info exists fonts($fontname)]} { set fonttype $::pdf4tcl::FontsAttrs($fontname,type) if {$fonttype eq "std"} { set body "<<\n/Type /Font\n" append body "/Subtype /Type1\n" append body "/Encoding /WinAnsiEncoding\n" append body "/Name /$fontname\n" append body "/BaseFont /$fontname\n" append body ">>" } elseif {$fonttype eq "TTF"} { # Add truetype font objectS: set BFN $::pdf4tcl::FontsAttrs($fontname,basefontname) set SFI $::pdf4tcl::FontsAttrs($fontname,SubFontIdx) set BaseFN "[MakeSFNamePrefix $SFI]+$BFN" # 1. Font subset binary data. set lc [string length $::pdf4tcl::FontsAttrs($fontname,data)] set dictv "<<\n/Length1 $lc" set body [MakeStream $dictv \ $::pdf4tcl::FontsAttrs($fontname,data) \ $pdf(compress)] set fsoid [$self AddObject $body] # 2. Font subset descriptor. set body "<<\n/FontName /$BaseFN\n" append body "/StemV [Nf $BFA($BFN,stemV)]\n" append body "/FontFile2 $fsoid 0 R\n" append body "/Ascent [Nf $BFA($BFN,ascent)]\n" append body "/Flags $BFA($BFN,flags)\n" append body "/Descent [Nf $BFA($BFN,descent)]\n" append body "/ItalicAngle [Nf $BFA($BFN,ItalicAngle)]\n" foreach n $BFA($BFN,bbox) {lappend fbbox [Nf $n]} append body "/FontBBox \[$fbbox\]\n" append body "/Type /FontDescriptor\n" append body "/CapHeight [Nf $BFA($BFN,CapHeight)]\n>>" set foid [$self AddObject $body] # 3. ToUnicode Cmap for subset. set body [MakeStream "<<" \ [MakeToUnicodeCMap $BaseFN \ $::pdf4tcl::FontsAttrs($fontname,uniset)] \ $pdf(compress)] set uoid [$self AddObject $body] # 4. Font object. # Make array of widths here: set Widths [list] foreach ucode $::pdf4tcl::FontsAttrs($fontname,uniset) { set res 0.0 if {[dict exists $BFA($BFN,charWidths) $ucode]} { set res [dict get $::pdf4tcl::BFA($BFN,charWidths) $ucode] } lappend Widths [Nf $res] } set body "<<\n/FirstChar 0\n" append body "/LastChar [expr {[llength $Widths]-1}]\n" append body "/ToUnicode $uoid 0 R\n" append body "/FontDescriptor $foid 0 R\n" append body "/Name /$fontname\n" append body "/BaseFont /$BaseFN\n" append body "/Subtype /TrueType\n" append body "/Widths \[$Widths\]\n" append body "/Type /Font\n" append body ">>" } else { # Add type1 font objects: set BFN $::pdf4tcl::FontsAttrs($fontname,basefontname) # Font data & descriptor if not already included in PDF file: if {![info exists type1basefonts($BFN)]} { #1. Font data: set dictv "<<\n/Length1 $BFA($BFN,Length1)" append dictv "\n/Length2 $BFA($BFN,Length2)" append dictv "\n/Length3 $BFA($BFN,Length3)" set body [MakeStream $dictv $BFA($BFN,data) $pdf(compress)] set fsoid [$self AddObject $body] #2. Font descriptor: set body "<<\n/FontName /$BFN\n" append body "/StemV [Nf $BFA($BFN,stemV)]\n" append body "/FontFile $fsoid 0 R\n" append body "/Ascent [Nf $BFA($BFN,ascent)]\n" append body "/Flags 34\n" append body "/Descent [Nf $BFA($BFN,descent)]\n" append body "/ItalicAngle [Nf $BFA($BFN,ItalicAngle)]\n" foreach n $BFA($BFN,bbox) {lappend fbbox [Nf $n]} append body "/FontBBox \[$fbbox\]\n" append body "/Type /FontDescriptor\n" append body "/CapHeight [Nf $BFA($BFN,CapHeight)]\n>>" set foid [$self AddObject $body] set type1basefonts($BFN) $foid } else { set foid $type1basefonts($BFN) } # 3. ToUnicode Cmap. set body [MakeStream "<<" \ [MakeToUnicodeCMap $BFN \ $::pdf4tcl::FontsAttrs($fontname,uniset)] \ $pdf(compress)] set uoid [$self AddObject $body] # 4. Font object: set Widths [list] foreach ucode $::pdf4tcl::FontsAttrs($fontname,uniset) { set res 0.0 if {[dict exists $BFA($BFN,charWidths) $ucode]} { set res [dict get $::pdf4tcl::BFA($BFN,charWidths) $ucode] } lappend Widths [Nf $res] } set body "<<\n/FirstChar 0\n" append body "/LastChar [expr {[llength $Widths]-1}]\n" append body "/ToUnicode $uoid 0 R\n" append body "/FontDescriptor $foid 0 R\n" append body "/Name /$fontname\n" append body "/BaseFont /$BFN\n" append body "/Subtype /Type1\n" append body "/Widths \[$Widths\]\n" append body "/Type /Font\n" set diffs [MakeEncDiff $BFN $fontname] append body "/Encoding <<\n/Type /Encoding\n" append body "/BaseEncoding /WinAnsiEncoding\n" append body "/Differences \[$diffs\]\n>>\n>>" } set oid [$self AddObject $body] set fonts($fontname) $oid } set pdf(font_set) true } # Get metrics from current font. # Supported metrics are ascend, descend, fixed, bboxy, height method getFontMetric {metric {internal 0}} { if {$pdf(current_font) eq ""} { return -code error "No font set" } set BFN $::pdf4tcl::FontsAttrs($pdf(current_font),basefontname) set bbox $::pdf4tcl::BFA($BFN,bbox) switch $metric { bboxy {set val [expr {[lindex $bbox 1] * 0.001}]} bboxb {set val [expr {[lindex $bbox 1] * 0.001}]} bboxt {set val [expr {[lindex $bbox 3] * 0.001}]} fixed {return $::pdf4tcl::BFA($BFN,fixed)} height {set val [expr {([lindex $bbox 3] - [lindex $bbox 1])* 0.001}]} ascend - descend { set val [expr {$::pdf4tcl::BFA($BFN,$metric) * 0.001}] } default { if {![info exists ::pdf4tcl::BFA($BFN,$metric)]} { return -code error "Metric $metric doesn't exist" } return $::pdf4tcl::BFA($BFN,$metric) } } # Translate to current unit if {!$internal} { set val [expr {$val/ $pdf(unit)}] } return [expr {$val * $pdf(font_size)}] } # Get the width of a string under the current font. method getStringWidth {txt {internal 0}} { if {$pdf(current_font) eq ""} { return -code error "No font set" } set w 0.0 foreach ch [split $txt ""] { set w [expr {$w + [GetCharWidth $pdf(current_font) $ch]}] } if {!$internal} { set w [expr {$w / $pdf(unit)}] } return [expr {$w * $pdf(font_size)}] } # Get the width of a character. "ch" must be exacly one char long. proc GetCharWidth {font ch} { if {$ch eq "\n"} { return 0.0 } # This can't fail since ch is always 1 char long scan $ch %c n set BFN $::pdf4tcl::FontsAttrs($font,basefontname) set res 0.0 catch {set res [dict get $::pdf4tcl::BFA($BFN,charWidths) $n]} set res [expr {$res * 0.001}] return $res } # Get the width of a character under the current font. method getCharWidth {ch {internal 0}} { if {$pdf(current_font) eq ""} { return -code error "No font set" } set len [string length $ch] if {$len == 0} { return 0.0 } elseif {$len > 1} { set ch [string index $ch 0] } set width [expr {[GetCharWidth $pdf(current_font) $ch] * $pdf(font_size)}] if {!$internal} { set width [expr {$width / $pdf(unit)}] } return $width } # Set coordinate for next text command. Internal version method SetTextPosition {x y} { $self BeginTextObj set pdf(xpos) $x set pdf(ypos) $y $self Pdfoutcmd 1 0 0 1 $pdf(xpos) $pdf(ypos) "Tm" } proc MulVxM {vector matrix} { foreach {x y} $vector break foreach {a b c d e f} $matrix break lappend res [expr {$a*$x + $c*$y + $e}] lappend res [expr {$b*$x + $d*$y + $f}] return $res } proc MulMxM {m1 m2} { foreach {a1 b1 c1 d1 e1 f1} $m1 break foreach {a2 b2 c2 d2 e2 f2} $m2 break lappend res [expr {$a1*$a2 + $b1*$c2}] lappend res [expr {$a1*$b2 + $b1*$d2}] lappend res [expr {$c1*$a2 + $d1*$c2}] lappend res [expr {$c1*$b2 + $d1*$d2}] lappend res [expr {$e1*$a2 + $f1*$c2 + $e2}] lappend res [expr {$e1*$b2 + $f1*$d2 + $f2}] return $res } method SetTextPositionAngle {x y angle xangle yangle} { $self BeginTextObj set rad [expr {$angle*3.1415926/180.0}] set c [expr {cos($rad)}] set s [expr {sin($rad)}] set pdf(xpos) $x set pdf(ypos) $y if {$xangle == 0 && $yangle == 0} { $self Pdfoutcmd $c [expr {-$s}] $s $c $x $y "Tm" return } # Add skew if specified set tx [expr {tan($xangle*3.1415926/180.0)}] set ty [expr {tan($yangle*3.1415926/180.0)}] set mr [list $c [expr {-$s}] $s $c 0 0] set ms [list 1 $tx $ty 1 0 0] set ma [MulMxM $mr $ms] lset ma 4 $x lset ma 5 $y eval \$self Pdfoutcmd $ma "Tm" ;# 8.5 } # Set coordinate for next text command. method setTextPosition {x y} { $self BeginTextObj $self Trans $x $y x y # Store for reference set pdf(origxpos) $x set pdf(origypos) $y $self SetTextPosition $x $y } # Move coordinate for next text command. method moveTextPosition {x y} { $self TransR $x $y x y set y [expr {$pdf(ypos) + $y}] set x [expr {$pdf(xpos) + $x}] $self SetTextPosition $x $y } # Get current test position method getTextPosition {} { # This is basically a reverse Trans set tx [expr {$pdf(xpos) - $pdf(marginleft)}] if {$pdf(orient)} { set ty [expr {$pdf(height) - $pdf(ypos)}] set ty [expr {$ty - $pdf(margintop)}] } else { set ty [expr {$pdf(ypos) - $pdf(marginbottom)}] } # Translate to current unit set tx [expr {$tx / $pdf(unit)}] set ty [expr {$ty / $pdf(unit)}] return [ list $tx $ty ] } # Draw text at current position, with a newline before # DEPRECATED! method drawText {str} { $self BeginTextObj if {!$pdf(font_set)} { $self SetupFont } $self Pdfout "([CleanText $str $pdf(current_font)]) '\n" # Update to next line set strWidth [$self getStringWidth $str 1] set pdf(ypos) [expr {$pdf(ypos) - $pdf(font_size) * $pdf(line_spacing)}] set pdf(xpos) [expr {$pdf(origxpos) + $strWidth}] } # Move text position to new line, relative to last # setTextPosition command. method newLine {{spacing {}}} { if {$spacing eq ""} { set spacing $pdf(line_spacing) } elseif {![string is double -strict $spacing]} { return -code error "Line spacing must be a number" } # Update to next line set y [expr {$pdf(ypos) - $pdf(font_size) * $spacing}] set x $pdf(origxpos) $self SetTextPosition $x $y } # Set Line spacing factor (which is used by method newLine # if no explicit spacing is given) method setLineSpacing {spacing} { if {![string is double -strict $spacing]} { return -code error "Line spacing must be a number" } set pdf(line_spacing) $spacing } # Return the current line spacing factor method getLineSpacing {} { return $pdf(line_spacing) } # Draw a text string # Returns the width of the drawn string. method text {str args} { if {!$pdf(inPage)} { $self startPage } set align "left" set angle 0 set xangle 0 set yangle 0 set bg 0 set x $pdf(xpos) set y $pdf(ypos) set posSet 0 foreach {arg value} $args { switch -- $arg { "-align" { set align $value } "-angle" { set angle $value } "-xangle" { set xangle $value } "-yangle" { set yangle $value } "-background" - "-bg" - "-fill" { if {[string is boolean -strict $value]} { set bg $value } else { set bg [GetColor $value] } } "-y" { $self Trans 0 $value _ y set posSet 1 } "-x" { $self Trans $value 0 x _ set posSet 1 } default { return -code error "unknown option $arg" } } } if {!$pdf(font_set)} { $self SetupFont } set strWidth [$self getStringWidth $str 1] if {$align == "right"} { set x [expr {$x - $strWidth}] set posSet 1 } elseif {$align == "center"} { set x [expr {$x - $strWidth / 2 * cos($angle*3.1415926/180.0)}] set y [expr {$y - $strWidth / 2 * sin($angle*3.1415926/180.0)}] set posSet 1 } # Draw a background box if needed. if {[llength $bg] > 1 || $bg} { set bboxb [$self getFontMetric bboxb 1] set bboxt [$self getFontMetric bboxt 1] set ytop [expr {$y + $bboxt}] set ybot [expr {$y + $bboxb}] set dh [expr {$bboxt - $bboxb}] $self EndTextObj # Temporarily shift fill color $self Pdfoutcmd "q" if {[llength $bg] > 1} { $self Pdfout "$bg rg\n" } else { $self Pdfout "$pdf(bgColor) rg\n" } if {$angle || $xangle || $yangle} { # Create rotated and skewed background polygon: # Translation from x,y to origin matrix: set mt [list 1 0 0 1 [expr {-$x}] [expr {-$y}]] # Rotation matrix: set r1 [expr {(360.0-$angle)*3.1415926/180.0}] set c [expr {cos($r1)}] set s [expr {sin($r1)}] set mr [list $c $s [expr {-$s}] $c 0 0] # Skew matrix: set tx [expr {tan($xangle*3.1415926/180.0)}] set ty [expr {tan($yangle*3.1415926/180.0)}] set ms [list 1 $tx $ty 1 0 0] # Translation from origin to x,y matrix: set mtb [list 1 0 0 1 $x $y] # Matrix of all operations: set ma [MulMxM $mt $mr] set ma [MulMxM $ma $ms] set ma [MulMxM $ma $mtb] # Four points must be translated: set x2 [expr {$x+$strWidth}] set y2 $ybot set p1 [MulVxM [list $x $ytop] $ma] set p2 [MulVxM [list $x2 $ytop] $ma] set p3 [MulVxM [list $x2 $y2] $ma] set p4 [MulVxM [list $x $y2] $ma] eval \$self DrawPoly 0 1 $p1 $p2 $p3 $p4 } else { $self DrawRect $x $ybot $strWidth $dh 0 1 } $self Pdfoutcmd "Q" # Position needs to be set since we left the text object set posSet 1 } $self BeginTextObj if {$angle || $xangle || $yangle} { $self SetTextPositionAngle $x $y $angle $xangle $yangle } elseif {$posSet} { $self SetTextPosition $x $y } $self Pdfout "([CleanText $str $pdf(current_font)]) Tj\n" set pdf(xpos) [expr {$x + $strWidth}] return $strWidth } # Draw a text string at a given position. method DrawTextAt {x y str {align left}} { if {! $pdf(font_set)} { $self SetupFont } set strWidth [$self getStringWidth $str 1] if {$align == "right"} { set x [expr {$x - $strWidth}] } elseif {$align == "center"} { set x [expr {$x - $strWidth / 2}] } $self BeginTextObj $self SetTextPosition $x $y $self Pdfout "([CleanText $str $pdf(current_font)]) Tj\n" } method drawTextBox {x y width height txt args} { if {!$pdf(inPage)} { $self startPage } set align left set linesVar "" foreach {arg value} $args { switch -- $arg { "-align" { set align $value } "-linesvar" { set linesVar $value } default { return -code error "unknown option $arg" } } } if {$linesVar ne ""} { upvar 1 $linesVar lines } set lines 0 $self Trans $x $y x y $self TransR $width $height width height if {!$pdf(orient)} { # Always have anchor position upper left set y [expr {$y + $height}] } else { # Restore a positive height set height [expr {- $height}] } $self BeginTextObj if {! $pdf(font_set)} { $self SetupFont } # pre-calculate some values set font_height [expr {$pdf(font_size) * $pdf(line_spacing)}] set space_width [$self getCharWidth " " 1] # Displace y to put the first line within the box set bboxb [$self getFontMetric bboxb 1] set ystart $y set y [expr {$y - $pdf(font_size) - $bboxb}] set len [string length $txt] # run through chars until we exceed width or reach end set start 0 set pos 0 set cwidth 0 set lastbp 0 set done false while {! $done} { set ch [string index $txt $pos] # test for breakable character if {[regexp "\[ \t\r\n-\]" $ch]} { set lastbp $pos } set w [$self getCharWidth $ch 1] if {($cwidth+$w)>$width || $pos>=$len || $ch=="\n"} { if {$pos>=$len} { set done true } else { # backtrack to last breakpoint if {$lastbp != $start} { set pos $lastbp } else { # Word longer than line. # Back up one char if possible if {$pos > $start} { incr pos -1 } } } set sent [string trim [string range $txt $start $pos]] switch -- $align { "justify" { # count number of spaces set words [split $sent " "] if {[llength $words]>1 && (!$done) && $ch!="\n"} { # determine additional width per space set sw [$self getStringWidth $sent 1] set add [expr {($width-$sw)/([llength $words]-1)}] # display words $self Pdfoutcmd $add "Tw" $self DrawTextAt $x $y $sent $self Pdfoutcmd 0 "Tw" } else { $self DrawTextAt $x $y $sent } } "right" { $self DrawTextAt [expr {$x+$width}] $y $sent right } "center" { $self DrawTextAt [expr {$x+$width/2.0}] $y $sent center } default { $self DrawTextAt $x $y $sent } } # Move y down to next line set y [expr {$y-$font_height}] incr lines set start $pos incr start set cwidth 0 set lastbp $start # Will another line fit? if {($ystart - ($y + $bboxb)) > $height} { return [string range $txt $start end] } } else { set cwidth [expr {$cwidth+$w}] } incr pos } return "" } # start text object, if not already in text method BeginTextObj {} { if {!$pdf(in_text_object)} { $self Pdfout "BT\n" set pdf(in_text_object) true } } # end text object, if in text, else do nothing method EndTextObj {} { if {!$pdf(inPage)} { $self startPage } if {$pdf(in_text_object)} { $self Pdfout "ET\n" set pdf(in_text_object) false } } ####################################################################### # Graphics Handling ####################################################################### # Convert any user color to PDF color proc GetColor {color} { # Remove list layers, to accept things that have been # multiply listified if {[llength $color] == 1} { set color [lindex $color 0] } if {[llength $color] == 3} { # Maybe range check them here... return $color } if {[regexp {^\#([[:xdigit:]]{2})([[:xdigit:]]{2})([[:xdigit:]]{2})$} \ $color -> rHex gHex bHex]} { set red [expr {[scan $rHex %x] / 255.0}] set green [expr {[scan $gHex %x] / 255.0}] set blue [expr {[scan $bHex %x] / 255.0}] return [list $red $green $blue] } # Use catch both to catch bad color, and to catch Tk not present if {[catch {winfo rgb . $color} tkcolor]} { return -code error "Unknown color: $color" } foreach {red green blue} $tkcolor break set red [expr {($red & 0xFF00) / 65280.0}] set green [expr {($green & 0xFF00) / 65280.0}] set blue [expr {($blue & 0xFF00) / 65280.0}] return [list $red $green $blue] } ###2004-11-03 jpo method qCurve {x1 y1 xc yc x2 y2} { $self EndTextObj $self Trans $x1 $y1 x1 y1 $self Trans $xc $yc xc yc $self Trans $x2 $y2 x2 y2 $self Pdfoutcmd $x1 $y1 "m" $self Pdfoutcmd \ [expr {0.3333*$x1+0.6667*$xc}] \ [expr {0.3333*$y1+0.6667*$yc}] \ [expr {0.3333*$x2+0.6667*$xc}] \ [expr {0.3333*$y2+0.6667*$yc}] \ $x2 \ $y2 "c" $self Pdfoutcmd "S" } ###= 360.0} { $self DrawOval $x0 $y0 $rx $ry $stroke $filled return } if {abs($extend) < 0.01} return $self EndTextObj set count 1 while {abs($extend) > 90} { set count [expr {2*$count}] set extend [expr {0.5*$extend}] } set phi [expr {$phi/180.0*3.1416}] set extend [expr {$extend/180.0*3.1416}] set phi2 [expr {0.5*$extend}] set x [expr {$x0+$rx*cos($phi)}] set y [expr {$y0+$ry*sin($phi)}] $self Pdfoutcmd $x $y "m" set points [Simplearc $phi2] set phi [expr {$phi+$phi2}] for {set i 0} {$i < $count} {incr i} { foreach {x y x1 y1 x2 y2 x3 y3} \ [Transform $rx $ry $phi $x0 $y0 $points] break set phi [expr {$phi+$extend}] $self Pdfoutcmd $x1 $y1 $x2 $y2 $x3 $y3 "c" } switch $style { "arc" { set filled 0 } "pieslice" { # Add the line to the center $self Pdfoutcmd $x0 $y0 "l" # Close the path $self Pdfoutcmd "h" } "chord" { # Close the path $self Pdfoutcmd "h" } } if {$filled && $stroke} { $self Pdfoutcmd "B" } elseif {$filled && !$stroke} { $self Pdfoutcmd "f" } else { $self Pdfoutcmd "S" } } # Draw an arc method arc {x0 y0 rx ry phi extend args} { if {!$pdf(inPage)} { $self startPage } set filled 0 set stroke 1 set style arc foreach {arg value} $args { switch -- $arg { "-filled" { set filled $value } "-stroke" { set stroke $value } "-style" { set style $value } default { return -code error "unknown option $arg" } } } $self Trans $x0 $y0 x0 y0 set rx [pdf4tcl::getPoints $rx $pdf(unit)] set ry [pdf4tcl::getPoints $ry $pdf(unit)] $self DrawArc $x0 $y0 $rx $ry $phi $extend $stroke $filled $style } method arrow {x1 y1 x2 y2 sz {angle 20}} { if {!$pdf(inPage)} { $self startPage } $self Trans $x1 $y1 x1 y1 $self Trans $x2 $y2 x2 y2 set sz [pdf4tcl::getPoints $sz $pdf(unit)] $self DrawLine $x1 $y1 $x2 $y2 set rad [expr {$angle*3.1415926/180.0}] set ang [expr {atan2(($y1-$y2), ($x1-$x2))}] $self DrawLine $x2 $y2 [expr {$x2+$sz*cos($ang+$rad)}] [expr {$y2+$sz*sin($ang+$rad)}] $self DrawLine $x2 $y2 [expr {$x2+$sz*cos($ang-$rad)}] [expr {$y2+$sz*sin($ang-$rad)}] } method setBgColor {args} { set pdf(bgColor) [GetColor $args] } method setFillColor {args} { if {!$pdf(inPage)} { $self startPage } set pdf(fillColor) [GetColor $args] foreach {red green blue} $pdf(fillColor) break $self Pdfoutcmd $red $green $blue "rg" } method setStrokeColor {args} { if {!$pdf(inPage)} { $self startPage } set pdf(strokeColor) [GetColor $args] foreach {red green blue} $pdf(strokeColor) break $self Pdfoutcmd $red $green $blue "RG" } # Draw a rectangle, internal version method DrawRect {x y w h stroke filled} { $self Pdfoutcmd $x $y $w $h "re" if {$filled && $stroke} { $self Pdfoutcmd "B" } elseif {$filled && !$stroke} { $self Pdfoutcmd "f" } else { $self Pdfoutcmd "S" } } # Draw a polygon, internal version method DrawPoly {stroke filled args} { set start 1 foreach {x y} $args { if {$start} { $self Pdfoutcmd $x $y "m" set start 0 } else { $self Pdfoutcmd $x $y "l" } } if {$filled && $stroke} { $self Pdfoutcmd "b" } elseif {$filled && !$stroke} { $self Pdfoutcmd "f" } else { $self Pdfoutcmd "s" } } # Draw a rectangle method rectangle {x y w h args} { $self EndTextObj set filled 0 set stroke 1 foreach {arg value} $args { switch -- $arg { "-filled" { set filled $value } "-stroke" { set stroke $value } default { return -code error "unknown option $arg" } } } $self Trans $x $y x y $self TransR $w $h w h $self DrawRect $x $y $w $h $stroke $filled } ####################################################################### # Image Handling ####################################################################### # Add an image to the document method addImage {filename args} { if {!$pdf(inPage)} { $self startPage } set id "" set type "" foreach {arg val} $args { switch -- $arg { -id { set id $val } -type { set type $val } } } if {$type eq ""} { switch -glob $filename { *.png { set type png } *.jpg - *.jpeg { set type jpg } default { return -code error "Unknown image type $filename" } } } switch $type { png { set id [$self AddPng $filename $id] } jpg - jpeg { set id [$self addJpeg $filename $id] } default { return -code error "Unknown image type $type" } } return $id } # Deprecated jpeg adder, use addImage method addJpeg {filename id} { if {!$pdf(inPage)} { $self startPage } variable images set imgOK false if {[catch {open $filename "r"} if]} { return -code error "Could not open file $filename" } fconfigure $if -translation binary set img [read $if] close $if binary scan $img "H4" h if {$h != "ffd8"} { return -code error "file $filename does not contain JPEG data." } set pos 2 set img_length [string length $img] while {$pos < $img_length} { set endpos [expr {$pos+4}] binary scan [string range $img $pos $endpos] "H4S" h length set length [expr {$length & 0xffff}] if {$h == "ffc0"} { incr pos 4 set endpos [expr {$pos+6}] binary scan [string range $img $pos $endpos] "cSS" depth height width set height [expr {$height & 0xffff}] set width [expr {$width & 0xffff}] set imgOK true break } else { incr pos 2 incr pos $length } } if {!$imgOK} { return -code error "something is wrong with jpeg data in file $filename" } set xobject "<<\n/Type /XObject\n" append xobject "/Subtype /Image\n" append xobject "/Width $width\n/Height $height\n" append xobject "/ColorSpace /DeviceRGB\n" append xobject "/BitsPerComponent $depth\n" append xobject "/Filter /DCTDecode\n" append xobject "/Length $img_length >>\n" append xobject "stream\n" append xobject $img append xobject "\nendstream" set oid [$self AddObject $xobject] if {$id eq ""} { set id image$oid } set images($id) [list $width $height $oid] return $id } # PNG support # # This implementation uses tricks in PDF to avoid unpacking the # compressed data stream. Currently this means that interlaced # images are not supported. # Decompressing (using zlib) would be feasible I guess, but the # de-filtering and de-interlacing steps would be rather costly. # Anyone needing such png images can always load them themselves # and provide them as raw images. method AddPng {filename id} { variable images set imgOK false if {[catch {open $filename "r"} if]} { return -code error "Could not open file $filename" } fconfigure $if -translation binary if {[read $if 8] != "\x89PNG\r\n\x1a\n"} { close $if return -code error "file does not contain PNG data" } set img [read $if] close $if set pos 0 set img_length [string length $img] set img_data "" set palette "" while {$pos < $img_length} { # Scan one chunk binary scan $img "@${pos}Ia4" length type incr pos 8 set data [string range $img $pos [expr {$pos + $length - 1}]] incr pos $length binary scan $img "@${pos}I" crc incr pos 4 switch $type { "IHDR" { set imgOK 1 binary scan $data IIccccc width height depth color \ compression filter interlace } "PLTE" { set palette $data } "IDAT" { append img_data $data } } } if {!$imgOK} { return -code error "something is wrong with PNG data in file $filename" } if {[string length $img_data] == 0} { return -code error "PNG file does not contain any IDAT chunks" } if {$compression != 0} { return -code error "PNG file is of an unsupported compression type" } if {$filter != 0} { return -code error "PNG file is of an unsupported filter type" } if {$interlace != 0} { # Would need to unpack and repack to do interlaced return -code error "Interlaced PNG is not supported" } if {$palette ne ""} { # Transform the palette into a PDF Indexed color space binary scan $palette H* PaletteHex set PaletteLen [expr {[string length $palette] / 3 - 1}] set paletteX "\[ /Indexed /DeviceRGB " append paletteX $PaletteLen " < " append paletteX $PaletteHex append paletteX " > \]" } set xobject "<<\n/Type /XObject\n" append xobject "/Subtype /Image\n" append xobject "/Width $width\n/Height $height\n" if {$depth > 8} { $self RequireVersion 1.5 } switch $color { 0 { # Grayscale append xobject "/ColorSpace /DeviceGray\n" append xobject "/BitsPerComponent $depth\n" append xobject "/Filter /FlateDecode\n" append xobject "/DecodeParms << /Predictor 15 /Colors 1 /BitsPerComponent $depth /Columns $width>>\n" } 2 { # RGB append xobject "/ColorSpace /DeviceRGB\n" append xobject "/BitsPerComponent $depth\n" append xobject "/Filter /FlateDecode\n" append xobject "/DecodeParms << /Predictor 15 /Colors 3 /BitsPerComponent $depth /Columns $width>>\n" } 3 { # Palette append xobject "/ColorSpace $paletteX\n" append xobject "/BitsPerComponent $depth\n" append xobject "/Filter /FlateDecode\n" append xobject "/DecodeParms << /Predictor 15 /Colors 1 /BitsPerComponent $depth /Columns $width>>\n" } 4 { # Gray + alpha $self PngInitGrayAlpha append xobject "/ColorSpace $pdf(png_ga) 0 R\n" append xobject "/BitsPerComponent $depth\n" append xobject "/Filter /FlateDecode\n" append xobject "/DecodeParms << /Predictor 15 /Colors 2 /BitsPerComponent $depth /Columns $width>>\n" } 6 { # RGBA $self PngInitRgba append xobject "/ColorSpace $pdf(png_rgba) 0 R\n" append xobject "/BitsPerComponent $depth\n" append xobject "/Filter /FlateDecode\n" append xobject "/DecodeParms << /Predictor 15 /Colors 4 /BitsPerComponent $depth /Columns $width>>\n" } } append xobject "/Length [string length $img_data] >>\n" append xobject "stream\n" append xobject $img_data append xobject "\nendstream" set oid [$self AddObject $xobject] if {$id eq ""} { set id image$oid } set images($id) [list $width $height $oid] return $id } # Create the Color Space needed to display RGBA as RGB method PngInitRgba {} { if {[info exists pdf(png_rgba)]} return set body "<< /FunctionType 4\n" append body {/Domain [ 0.0 1.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 1.0 ]} \n append body {/Range [ 0.0 1.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 1.0 ]} \n append body {/Length 5} \n append body {>>} \n append body {stream} \n append body {{pop}} \n append body {endstream} set oid [$self AddObject $body] set body "\[ /DeviceN\n" append body " \[ /Red /Green /Blue /Alpha \]\n" append body " /DeviceRGB\n" append body " $oid 0 R % Tint transformation function\n" append body "\]" set pdf(png_rgba) [$self AddObject $body] } # Create the Color Space needed to display Gray+Alpha as Gray method PngInitGrayAlpha {} { if {[info exists pdf(png_ga)]} return set body "<< /FunctionType 4\n" append body {/Domain [ 0.0 1.0 0.0 1.0 ]} \n append body {/Range [ 0.0 1.0 ]} \n append body {/Length 5} \n append body {>>} \n append body {stream} \n append body {{pop}} \n append body {endstream} set oid [$self AddObject $body] set body "\[ /DeviceN\n" append body " \[ /_Gray_ /_Alpha_ \]\n" append body " /DeviceGray\n" append body " $oid 0 R % Tint transformation function\n" append body "\]" set pdf(png_ga) [$self AddObject $body] } # Incomplete gif experiment... method AddGif {filename id} { variable images set imgOK false if {[catch {open $filename "r"} if]} { return -code error "Could not open file $filename" } fconfigure $if -translation binary set sign [read $if 6] if {![string match "GIF*" $sign]} { close $if return -code error "file does not contain GIF data" } set img [read $if] close $if set pos 0 set img_length [string length $img] set img_data "" set palette "" # Read the screen descriptor binary scan $img "ssccc" scrWidth scrHeight cr bg dummy set pos 7 set depth [expr {($cr & 7) + 1}] set colorMap [expr {($cr >> 7) & 1}] set colorRes [expr {($cr >> 4) & 7}] set nColor [expr {1 << $colorRes}] set gMap {} if {$colorMap} { for {set t 0} {$t < $nColor} {incr t} { binary scan $img "@${pos}ccc" red green blue incr pos 3 lappend gMap $red $green $blue } } while {$pos < $img_length} { # Scan one chunk binary scan $img "@${pos}Ia4" length type incr pos 8 set data [string range $img $pos [expr {$pos + $length - 1}]] incr pos $length binary scan $img "@${pos}I" crc incr pos 4 switch $type { "IHDR" { set imgOK 1 binary scan $data IIccccc width height depth color \ compression filter interlace } "PLTE" { set palette $data } "IDAT" { append img_data $data } } } if {!$imgOK} { return -code error "something is wrong with PNG data in file $filename" } if {[string length $img_data] == 0} { return -code error "PNG file does not contain any IDAT chunks" } if {$compression != 0} { return -code error "PNG file is of an unsupported compression type" } if {$filter != 0} { return -code error "PNG file is of an unsupported filter type" } if {$interlace != 0} { # Would need to unpack and repack to do interlaced return -code error "Interlaced PNG is not supported" } if {$palette ne ""} { # Transform the palette into a PDF Indexed color space binary scan $palette H* PaletteHex set PaletteLen [expr {[string length $palette] / 3 - 1}] set paletteX "\[ /Indexed /DeviceRGB " append paletteX $PaletteLen " < " append paletteX $PaletteHex append paletteX " > \]" } set xobject "<<\n/Type /XObject\n" append xobject "/Subtype /Image\n" append xobject "/Width $width\n/Height $height\n" if {$depth > 8} { $self RequireVersion 1.5 } switch $color { 0 { # Grayscale append xobject "/ColorSpace /DeviceGray\n" append xobject "/BitsPerComponent $depth\n" append xobject "/Filter /FlateDecode\n" append xobject "/DecodeParms << /Predictor 15 /Colors 1 /BitsPerComponent $depth /Columns $width>>\n" } 2 { # RGB append xobject "/ColorSpace /DeviceRGB\n" append xobject "/BitsPerComponent $depth\n" append xobject "/Filter /FlateDecode\n" append xobject "/DecodeParms << /Predictor 15 /Colors 3 /BitsPerComponent $depth /Columns $width>>\n" } 3 { # Palette append xobject "/ColorSpace $paletteX\n" append xobject "/BitsPerComponent $depth\n" append xobject "/Filter /FlateDecode\n" append xobject "/DecodeParms << /Predictor 15 /Colors 1 /BitsPerComponent $depth /Columns $width>>\n" } 4 { # Gray + alpha $self PngInitGrayAlpha append xobject "/ColorSpace $pdf(png_ga) 0 R\n" append xobject "/BitsPerComponent $depth\n" append xobject "/Filter /FlateDecode\n" append xobject "/DecodeParms << /Predictor 15 /Colors 2 /BitsPerComponent $depth /Columns $width>>\n" } 6 { # RGBA $self PngInitRgba append xobject "/ColorSpace $pdf(png_rgba) 0 R\n" append xobject "/BitsPerComponent $depth\n" append xobject "/Filter /FlateDecode\n" append xobject "/DecodeParms << /Predictor 15 /Colors 4 /BitsPerComponent $depth /Columns $width>>\n" } } append xobject "/Length [string length $img_data] >>\n" append xobject "stream\n" append xobject $img_data append xobject "\nendstream" set oid [$self AddObject $xobject] if {$id eq ""} { set id image$oid } set images($id) [list $width $height $oid] return $id } # Return the height of an image. method getImageHeight {id} { variable images set status {} if {[info exists images($id)]} { set status [lindex $images($id) 1] } return $status } # Return the size of an image. The size is returned as a list containing # the width and height of the image. method getImageSize {id} { variable images set status {} if {[info exists images($id)]} { set status [lrange $images($id) 0 1] } return $status } # Return the width of an image. method getImageWidth {id} { variable images set status {} if {[info exists images($id)]} { set status [lindex $images($id) 0] } return $status } # Place an image at the page method putImage {id x y args} { $self EndTextObj variable images foreach {width height oid} $images($id) {break} $self Trans $x $y x y set w $width set h $height set wfix 0 set hfix 0 foreach {arg value} $args { set value [pdf4tcl::getPoints $value $pdf(unit)] switch -- $arg { "-width" {set w $value; set wfix 1} "-height" {set h $value; set hfix 1} } } if {$wfix && !$hfix} { set h [expr {$height*$w/$width}] } if {$hfix && !$wfix} { set w [expr {$width*$h/$height}] } if {$pdf(orient)} { set y [expr {$y-$h}] } $self Pdfoutcmd "q" $self Pdfoutcmd $w 0 0 $h $x $y "cm" $self Pdfout "/$id Do\nQ\n" } # Add a raw image to the document, to be placed later method addRawImage {img_data args} { if {!$pdf(inPage)} { $self startPage } variable images # Determine the width and height of the image, which is # a list of lists(rows). set width [llength [lindex $img_data 0]] set height [llength $img_data] set id "" foreach {arg value} $args { switch -- $arg { "-id" {set id $value} } } set xobject "<<\n/Type /XObject\n" append xobject "/Subtype /Image\n" append xobject "/Width $width\n/Height $height\n" append xobject "/ColorSpace /DeviceRGB\n" append xobject "/BitsPerComponent 8\n" append xobject "/Length [expr {$width * $height * 3}]>>\n" append xobject "stream\n" # Iterate on each row of the image data. set img "" foreach rawRow $img_data { # Remove spaces and # characters set row [string map "# {} { } {}" $rawRow] # Convert data to binary format and # add to data stream. append img [binary format H* $row] } append xobject $img append xobject "\nendstream" set oid [$self AddObject $xobject] if {$id eq ""} { set id image$oid } set images($id) [list $width $height $oid] return $id } # Place a raw image at the page method putRawImage {img_data x y args} { $self EndTextObj # Determine the width and height of the image, which is # a list of lists(rows). set width [llength [lindex $img_data 0]] set height [llength $img_data] $self Trans $x $y x y set w $width set h $height set wfix 0 set hfix 0 foreach {arg value} $args { set value [pdf4tcl::getPoints $value $pdf(unit)] switch -- $arg { "-width" {set w $value; set wfix 1} "-height" {set h $value; set hfix 1} } } if {$wfix && !$hfix} { set h [expr {$height*$w/$width}] } if {$hfix && !$wfix} { set w [expr {$width*$h/$height}] } if {$pdf(orient)} { set y [expr {$y-$h}] } $self Pdfoutcmd "q" $self Pdfoutcmd $w 0 0 $h $x $y "cm" $self Pdfoutcmd "BI" $self Pdfoutn "/W [Nf $width]" $self Pdfoutn "/H [Nf $height]" $self Pdfoutn "/CS /RGB" $self Pdfoutn "/BPC 8" $self Pdfoutcmd "ID" # Iterate on each row of the image data. foreach rawRow $img_data { # Remove spaces and # characters set row [string map "# {} { } {}" $rawRow] # Convert data to binary format and # add to data stream. $self Pdfout [binary format H* $row] } $self Pdfout \n $self Pdfoutcmd "EI" $self Pdfoutcmd "Q" } # Add a bitmap to the document, as a pattern method AddBitmap {bitmap args} { variable bitmaps variable patterns set id "" set pattern "" foreach {arg value} $args { switch -- $arg { "-id" {set id $value} "-pattern" {set pattern $value} } } # Load the bitmap file if {[string index $bitmap 0] eq "@"} { set filename [string range $bitmap 1 end] } else { # Internal bitmap set filename [file join $pdf4tcl::dir "bitmaps" ${bitmap}.xbm] } if {![file exists $filename]} { return -code error "No such bitmap $bitmap" } set ch [open $filename "r"] set bitmapdata [read $ch] close $ch if {![regexp {_width (\d+)} $bitmapdata -> width]} { return -code error "Not a bitmap $bitmap" } if {![regexp {_height (\d+)} $bitmapdata -> height]} { return -code error "Not a bitmap $bitmap" } if {![regexp {_bits\s*\[\]\s*=\s*\{(.*)\}} $bitmapdata -> rawdata]} { return -code error "Not a bitmap $bitmap" } set bytes [regexp -all -inline {0x[a-fA-F0-9]{2}} $rawdata] set bytesPerLine [expr {[llength $bytes] / $height}] set bits "" foreach byte $bytes { # Reverse bit order for {set t 0} {$t < 8} {incr t} { append bits [expr {1 & $byte}] set byte [expr {$byte >> 1}] } } set bitstream [binary format B* $bits] if {$pattern eq ""} { # The Image Mask Object can be used as transparency Mask # for something else, e.g. when drawing the bitmap itself # with transparent background. set xobject "<<\n/Type /XObject\n" append xobject "/Subtype /Image\n" append xobject "/Width $width\n/Height $height\n" append xobject {/ImageMask true /Decode [ 1 0 ]} \n append xobject "/BitsPerComponent 1\n" append xobject "/Length [string length $bitstream]\n" append xobject ">>\nstream\n" append xobject $bitstream append xobject "\nendstream" set imoid [$self AddObject $xobject] if {$id eq ""} { set id bitmap$imoid } set bitmaps($id) [list $width $height $imoid $bitstream] return $id } else { # Inline image within the Pattern Object set stream "q\n" append stream "$width 0 0 $height 0 0 " "cm" \n append stream "BI\n" append stream "/W [Nf $width]\n" append stream "/H [Nf $height]\n" append stream {/IM true /Decode [ 1 0 ]} \n append stream "/BPC 1\n" append stream "ID\n" append stream $bitstream append stream ">\nEI\nQ" # The Pattern Object can be used as a stipple Mask with the Cs1 # Colorspace. if {[llength $pattern] == 4} { foreach {xscale yscale xoffset yoffset} $pattern break } else { set xscale 1 set yscale 1 set xoffset 0 set yoffset 0 } set xobject "<<\n/Type /Pattern\n" append xobject "/PatternType 1\n" append xobject "/PaintType 2\n" append xobject "/TilingType 1\n" append xobject "/BBox \[ 0 0 $width $height \]\n" append xobject "/XStep $width\n" append xobject "/YStep $height\n" append xobject "/Matrix \[ $xscale 0 0 $yscale $xoffset $yoffset \] \n" append xobject "/Resources <<\n" append xobject ">>\n" append xobject "/Length [string length $stream]\n" append xobject ">>\n" append xobject "stream\n" append xobject $stream append xobject "\nendstream" set oid [$self AddObject $xobject] if {$id eq ""} { set id pattern$oid } set patterns($id) [list $width $height $oid] return $id } } ####################################################################### # Canvas Handling ####################################################################### method canvas {path args} { $self EndTextObj set sticky "nw" $self Trans 0 0 x y set width "" set height "" set bbox [$path bbox all] set bg 0 foreach {arg value} $args { switch -- $arg { "-width" {set width [pdf4tcl::getPoints $value $pdf(unit)]} "-height" {set height [pdf4tcl::getPoints $value $pdf(unit)]} "-sticky" {set sticky $value} "-y" {$self Trans 0 $value _ y} "-x" {$self Trans $value 0 x _} "-bbox" {set bbox $value} "-bg" {set bg $value} default { return -code error "unknown option $arg" } } } if {$bbox eq ""} { # Nothing to display return } if {$width eq ""} { set width [expr {$pdf(width) - \ $pdf(marginright) - $x}] } if {$height eq ""} { if {$pdf(orient)} { set height [expr {$y - $pdf(marginbottom)}] } else { set height [expr {$pdf(height) - $pdf(margintop) - $y}] } } if {[llength $bbox] != 4} { return -code error "-bbox must be a four element list" } foreach {bbx1 bby1 bbx2 bby2} $bbox break set bbw [expr {$bbx2 - $bbx1}] set bbh [expr {$bby2 - $bby1}] set stickyw [string match "*w*" $sticky] set stickye [string match "*e*" $sticky] set stickyn [string match "*n*" $sticky] set stickys [string match "*s*" $sticky] set fillx [expr {$stickyw && $stickye}] set filly [expr {$stickyn && $stickys}] # Now calculate offset and scale between canvas coords # and pdf coords. set xscale [expr {$width / $bbw}] set yscale [expr {$height / $bbh}] if {$xscale > $yscale && !$fillx} { set xscale $yscale } if {$yscale > $xscale && !$filly} { set yscale $xscale } set xoffset [expr {$x - $bbx1 * $xscale}] if {!$fillx && !$stickyw} { # Move right set xoffset [expr {$xoffset + ($width - $bbw * $xscale)}] } if {$pdf(orient)} { set yoffset $y } else { set yoffset [expr {$y + $height}] } set yoffset [expr {$yoffset + $bby1 * $yscale}] if {!$filly && !$stickyn} { # Move down set yoffset [expr {$yoffset - ($height - $bbh * $yscale)}] } # Canvas coordinate system starts in upper corner # Thus we need to flip the y axis set yscale [expr {-$yscale}] # Set up clean graphics modes $self Pdfoutcmd "q" $self Pdfoutcmd 1.0 "w" $self Pdfout "\[\] 0 d\n" $self Pdfoutcmd 0 0 0 "rg" $self Pdfoutcmd 0 0 0 "RG" $self Pdfoutcmd 0 "J" ;# Butt cap style $self Pdfoutcmd 0 "j" ;# Miter join style # Miter limit; Tk switches from miter to bevel at 11 degrees $self Pdfoutcmd [expr {1.0/sin(11.0/180.0*3.14159265/2.0)}] "M" # Store scale. Used to get the correct size of stipple patterns. set pdf(canvasscale) [list [Nf $xscale] [Nf [expr {-$yscale}]] \ [Nf $xoffset] [Nf $yoffset]] # Use better resolution for the scale since that can be small numbers $self Pdfoutn [Nf $xscale 6] 0 0 [Nf $yscale 6] \ [Nf $xoffset] [Nf $yoffset] "cm" # Clip region $self Pdfoutcmd $bbx1 $bby1 "m" $self Pdfoutcmd $bbx1 $bby2 "l" $self Pdfoutcmd $bbx2 $bby2 "l" $self Pdfoutcmd $bbx2 $bby1 "l" #$self Pdfoutcmd $bbx1 $bby1 $bbw $bbh "re" $self Pdfoutcmd "W" if {$bg} { # Draw the region in background color if requested foreach {red green blue} [GetColor [$path cget -background]] break $self Pdfoutcmd $red $green $blue "rg" $self Pdfoutcmd "f" $self Pdfoutcmd 0 0 0 "rg" } else { $self Pdfoutcmd "n" } #set enclosed [$path find enclosed $bbx1 $bby1 $bbx2 $bby2] set overlapping [$path find overlapping $bbx1 $bby1 $bbx2 $bby2] foreach id $overlapping { set coords [$path coords $id] CanvasGetOpts $path $id opts if {[info exists opts(-state)] && $opts(-state) eq "hidden"} { continue } # Save graphics state for each item $self Pdfoutcmd "q" $self CanvasDoItem $path $id $coords opts # Restore graphics state after the item $self Pdfoutcmd "Q" } # Restore graphics state after the canvas $self Pdfoutcmd "Q" } # Handle one canvas item method CanvasDoItem {path id coords optsName} { upvar 1 $optsName opts variable images variable bitmaps # Not implemented: line/polygon -splinesteps # Not implemented: stipple offset # Limited: Stipple scale and offset does not match screen display # Limited: window item needs Img, and needs to be mapped switch [$path type $id] { rectangle { foreach {x1 y1 x2 y2} $coords break set w [expr {$x2 - $x1}] set h [expr {$y2 - $y1}] $self CanvasStdOpts opts set stroke [expr {$opts(-outline) ne ""}] set filled [expr {$opts(-fill) ne ""}] $self DrawRect $x1 $y1 $w $h $stroke $filled } line { # For a line, -fill means the stroke colour set opts(-outline) $opts(-fill) set opts(-outlinestipple) $opts(-stipple) set opts(-outlineoffset) $opts(-offset) $self CanvasStdOpts opts set arrows {} if {$opts(-arrow) eq "first" || $opts(-arrow) eq "both"} { lappend arrows [lindex $coords 2] [lindex $coords 3] \ [lindex $coords 0] [lindex $coords 1] 0 } if {$opts(-arrow) eq "last" || $opts(-arrow) eq "both"} { lappend arrows [lindex $coords end-3] [lindex $coords end-2] \ [lindex $coords end-1] [lindex $coords end] [expr {[llength $coords] - 2}] } if {[llength $arrows] > 0} { foreach {shapeA shapeB shapeC} $opts(-arrowshape) break # Adjust like Tk does set shapeA [expr {$shapeA + 0.001}] set shapeB [expr {$shapeB + 0.001}] set shapeC [expr {$shapeC + $opts(-width) / 2.0 + 0.001}] set fracHeight [expr {($opts(-width)/2.0)/$shapeC}] set backup [expr {$fracHeight * $shapeB + \ $shapeA * (1.0 - $fracHeight)/2.0}] foreach {x1 y1 x2 y2 ix} $arrows { set poly [list 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0] lset poly 0 $x2 lset poly 10 $x2 lset poly 1 $y2 lset poly 11 $y2 set dx [expr {$x2 - $x1}] set dy [expr {$y2 - $y1}] set length [expr {hypot($dx, $dy)}] if {$length == 0} { set sinTheta 0.0 set cosTheta 0.0 } else { set sinTheta [expr {$dy / $length}] set cosTheta [expr {$dx / $length}] } set vertX [expr {[lindex $poly 0] - $shapeA * $cosTheta}] set vertY [expr {[lindex $poly 1] - $shapeA * $sinTheta}] set temp [expr { $shapeC * $sinTheta}] lset poly 2 [expr {[lindex $poly 0] - $shapeB * $cosTheta + $temp}] lset poly 8 [expr {[lindex $poly 2] - 2 * $temp}] set temp [expr { $shapeC * $cosTheta}] lset poly 3 [expr {[lindex $poly 1] - $shapeB * $sinTheta - $temp}] lset poly 9 [expr {[lindex $poly 3] + 2 * $temp}] lset poly 4 [expr {[lindex $poly 2] * $fracHeight + $vertX * (1.0-$fracHeight)}] lset poly 5 [expr {[lindex $poly 3] * $fracHeight + $vertY * (1.0-$fracHeight)}] lset poly 6 [expr {[lindex $poly 8] * $fracHeight + $vertX * (1.0-$fracHeight)}] lset poly 7 [expr {[lindex $poly 9] * $fracHeight + $vertY * (1.0-$fracHeight)}] # Adjust line end to draw it under the arrow lset coords $ix [expr {[lindex $coords $ix] - $backup * $cosTheta}] incr ix lset coords $ix [expr {[lindex $coords $ix] - $backup * $sinTheta}] # Draw polygon set cmd "m" foreach {x y} $poly { $self Pdfoutcmd $x $y $cmd set cmd "l" } $self Pdfoutcmd "f" } } # Draw lines if {([string is true -strict $opts(-smooth)] || \ $opts(-smooth) eq "bezier") && [llength $coords] > 4} { $self CanvasBezier $coords } elseif {$opts(-smooth) eq "raw"} { $self CanvasRawCurve $coords } else { set cmd "m" foreach {x y} $coords { $self Pdfoutcmd $x $y $cmd set cmd "l" } } $self Pdfoutcmd "S" } oval { foreach {x1 y1 x2 y2} $coords break set x [expr {($x2 + $x1) / 2.0}] set y [expr {($y2 + $y1) / 2.0}] set rx [expr {($x2 - $x1) / 2.0}] set ry [expr {($y2 - $y1) / 2.0}] $self CanvasStdOpts opts set stroke [expr {$opts(-outline) ne ""}] set filled [expr {$opts(-fill) ne ""}] $self DrawOval $x $y $rx $ry $stroke $filled } arc { foreach {x1 y1 x2 y2} $coords break set x [expr {($x2 + $x1) / 2.0}] set y [expr {($y2 + $y1) / 2.0}] set rx [expr {($x2 - $x1) / 2.0}] # Flip y-axis set ry [expr {-($y2 - $y1) / 2.0}] # Canvas draws arc with bevel style if {![info exists opts(-joinstyle)]} { set opts(-joinstyle) bevel } $self CanvasStdOpts opts set stroke [expr {$opts(-outline) ne ""}] set filled [expr {$opts(-fill) ne ""}] set phi $opts(-start) set extend $opts(-extent) $self DrawArc $x $y $rx $ry $phi $extend $stroke $filled \ $opts(-style) } polygon { $self CanvasStdOpts opts set stroke [expr {$opts(-outline) ne ""}] set filled [expr {$opts(-fill) ne ""}] if {[string is true -strict $opts(-smooth)] || \ $opts(-smooth) eq "bezier"} { # Close the coordinates if necessary if {[lindex $coords 0] != [lindex $coords end-1] || \ [lindex $coords 1] != [lindex $coords end]} { lappend coords [lindex $coords 0] [lindex $coords 1] } $self CanvasBezier $coords } elseif {$opts(-smooth) eq "raw"} { $self CanvasRawCurve $coords } else { set cmd "m" foreach {x y} $coords { $self Pdfoutcmd $x $y $cmd set cmd "l" } } if {$filled && $stroke} { $self Pdfoutcmd "b" } elseif {$filled && !$stroke} { $self Pdfoutcmd "f" } else { $self Pdfoutcmd "s" } } text { # Width is not a stroke option here array unset opts -width $self CanvasStdOpts opts set lines [CanvasGetWrappedText $path $id underline] foreach {x y} $coords break foreach {x1 y1 x2 y2} [$path bbox $id] break $self CanvasSetFont $opts(-font) set fontsize $pdf(font_size) # Next, figure out if the text fits within the bbox # with the current font, or it needs to be scaled. set widest 0.0 foreach line $lines { set width [$self getStringWidth $line 1] if {$width > $widest} { set widest $width } } set xscale [expr {$widest / ($x2 - $x1)}] set yscale [expr {([llength $lines] * $fontsize) / \ ($y2 - $y1)}] # Scale down if the font is too big if {$xscale > 1.001} { $self setFont [expr {$fontsize / $xscale}] "" 1 set fontsize $pdf(font_size) set widest [expr {$widest / $xscale}] } # Now we have selected an appropriate font and size. # Move x/y to point nw/n/ne depending on anchor # and justification set width $widest set height [expr {$fontsize * [llength $lines]}] if {[string match "s*" $opts(-anchor)]} { set y [expr {$y - $height}] } elseif {![string match "n*" $opts(-anchor)]} { set y [expr {$y - ($height / 2.0)}] } if {[string match "*w" $opts(-anchor)]} { set xanchor 0 } elseif {[string match "*e" $opts(-anchor)]} { set xanchor 2 } else { set xanchor 1 } set xjustify [lsearch {left center right} $opts(-justify)] set x [expr {$x + ($xjustify - $xanchor) * $width / 2.0}] # Displace y to base line of font set bboxt [$self getFontMetric bboxt 1] set y [expr {$y + $bboxt + $fontsize}] set lineNo 0 set ulcoords {} foreach line $lines { set width [$self getStringWidth $line 1] set x0 [expr {$x - $xjustify * $width / 2.0}] # Since we have put the coordinate system upside # down to follow canvas coordinates we need a # negative y scale here to get the text correct. $self Pdfoutcmd 1 0 0 -1 $x0 $y "Tm" $self Pdfout "([CleanText $line $pdf(current_font)]) Tj\n" if {$underline != -1} { if {[lindex $underline 0] eq $lineNo} { set index [lindex $underline 1] set ulx [$self getStringWidth [string range $line \ 0 [expr {$index - 1}]] 1] set ulw [$self getStringWidth [string index $line $index] 1] lappend ulcoords [expr {$x0 + $ulx}] \ [expr {$y - $bboxt}] $ulw } } incr lineNo set y [expr {$y + $fontsize}] } $self EndTextObj # Draw any underline foreach {x y w} $ulcoords { $self Pdfoutcmd $x $y "m" $self Pdfoutcmd [expr {$x + $w}] $y "l" $self Pdfoutcmd "S" } } bitmap { set bitmap $opts(-bitmap) if {$bitmap eq ""} { return } set id bitmap_canvas_[file rootname [file tail $bitmap]] if {![info exists bitmaps($id)]} { $self AddBitmap $bitmap -id $id } foreach {width height imoid stream} $bitmaps($id) break foreach {x1 y1} $coords break # Since the canvas coordinate system is upside # down we must flip back to get the image right. # We do this by adjusting y and y scale. switch $opts(-anchor) { nw { set dx 0.0 ; set dy 1.0 } n { set dx 0.5 ; set dy 1.0 } ne { set dx 1.0 ; set dy 1.0 } e { set dx 1.0 ; set dy 0.5 } se { set dx 1.0 ; set dy 0.0 } s { set dx 0.5 ; set dy 0.0 } sw { set dx 0.0 ; set dy 0.0 } w { set dx 0.0 ; set dy 0.5 } default { set dx 0.5 ; set dy 0.5 } } set x [expr {$x1 - $width * $dx}] set y [expr {$y1 + $height * $dy}] set bg $opts(-background) if {$bg eq ""} { # Dummy background to see if masking fails set bg $opts(-foreground) } # Build a two-color palette set colors [concat [GetColor $bg] [GetColor $opts(-foreground)]] set PaletteHex "" foreach color $colors { append PaletteHex [format %02x \ [expr {int(round($color * 255.0))}]] } set paletteX "\[ /Indexed /DeviceRGB " append paletteX "1 < " append paletteX $PaletteHex append paletteX " > \]" # An image object for this bitmap+color set xobject "<<\n/Type /XObject\n" append xobject "/Subtype /Image\n" append xobject "/Width $width\n/Height $height\n" append xobject "/ColorSpace $paletteX\n" append xobject "/BitsPerComponent 1\n" append xobject "/Length [string length $stream]\n" if {$opts(-background) eq ""} { append xobject "/Mask $imoid 0 R\n" } append xobject ">>\n" append xobject "stream\n" append xobject $stream append xobject "\nendstream" set newoid [$self AddObject $xobject] set newid image$newoid set images($newid) [list $width $height $newoid] # Put the image on the page $self Pdfoutcmd $width 0 0 [expr {-$height}] $x $y "cm" $self Pdfout "/$newid Do\n" } image { set image $opts(-image) if {$image eq ""} { return } set id image_canvas_$image if {![info exists images($id)]} { $self addRawImage [$image data] -id $id } foreach {width height oid} $images($id) break foreach {x1 y1} $coords break # Since the canvas coordinate system is upside # down we must flip back to get the image right. # We do this by adjusting y and y scale. switch $opts(-anchor) { nw { set dx 0.0 ; set dy 1.0 } n { set dx 0.5 ; set dy 1.0 } ne { set dx 1.0 ; set dy 1.0 } e { set dx 1.0 ; set dy 0.5 } se { set dx 1.0 ; set dy 0.0 } s { set dx 0.5 ; set dy 0.0 } sw { set dx 0.0 ; set dy 0.0 } w { set dx 0.0 ; set dy 0.5 } default { set dx 0.5 ; set dy 0.5 } } set x [expr {$x1 - $width * $dx}] set y [expr {$y1 + $height * $dy}] $self Pdfoutcmd $width 0 0 [expr {-$height}] $x $y "cm" $self Pdfout "/$id Do\n" } window { catch {package require Img} if {[catch {image create photo -format window -data $opts(-window)} image]} { set image "" } if {$image eq ""} { # Get a size even if it is unmapped foreach width [list [winfo width $opts(-window)] \ $opts(-width) \ [winfo reqwidth $opts(-window)]] { if {$width > 1} break } foreach height [list [winfo height $opts(-window)] \ $opts(-height) \ [winfo reqheight $opts(-window)]] { if {$height > 1} break } } else { set id [$self addRawImage [$image data]] foreach {width height oid} $images($id) break } foreach {x1 y1} $coords break # Since the canvas coordinate system is upside # down we must flip back to get the image right. # We do this by adjusting y and y scale. switch $opts(-anchor) { nw { set dx 0.0 ; set dy 1.0 } n { set dx 0.5 ; set dy 1.0 } ne { set dx 1.0 ; set dy 1.0 } e { set dx 1.0 ; set dy 0.5 } se { set dx 1.0 ; set dy 0.0 } s { set dx 0.5 ; set dy 0.0 } sw { set dx 0.0 ; set dy 0.0 } w { set dx 0.0 ; set dy 0.5 } default { set dx 0.5 ; set dy 0.5 } } set x [expr {$x1 - $width * $dx}] set y [expr {$y1 + $height * $dy}] if {$image eq ""} { # Draw a black box $self Pdfoutcmd $x [expr {$y - $height}] \ $width $height "re" $self Pdfoutcmd "f" } else { $self Pdfoutcmd $width 0 0 [expr {-$height}] $x $y "cm" $self Pdfout "/$id Do\n" } } } } method CanvasBezier {coords} { # Is it a closed curve? if {[lindex $coords 0] == [lindex $coords end-1] && \ [lindex $coords 1] == [lindex $coords end]} { set closed 1 set x0 [expr {0.5 * [lindex $coords end-3] + 0.5 *[lindex $coords 0]}] set y0 [expr {0.5 * [lindex $coords end-2] + 0.5 *[lindex $coords 1]}] set x1 [expr {0.167* [lindex $coords end-3] + 0.833*[lindex $coords 0]}] set y1 [expr {0.167* [lindex $coords end-2] + 0.833*[lindex $coords 1]}] set x2 [expr {0.833* [lindex $coords 0] + 0.167*[lindex $coords 2]}] set y2 [expr {0.833* [lindex $coords 1] + 0.167*[lindex $coords 3]}] set x3 [expr {0.5 * [lindex $coords 0] + 0.5 *[lindex $coords 2]}] set y3 [expr {0.5 * [lindex $coords 1] + 0.5 *[lindex $coords 3]}] $self Pdfoutcmd $x0 $y0 "m" $self Pdfoutcmd $x1 $y1 $x2 $y2 $x3 $y3 "c" } else { set closed 0 set x3 [lindex $coords 0] set y3 [lindex $coords 1] $self Pdfoutcmd $x3 $y3 "m" } set len [llength $coords] for {set i 2} {$i < ($len - 2)} {incr i 2} { foreach {px1 py1 px2 py2} [lrange $coords $i [expr {$i + 3}]] break set x1 [expr {0.333*$x3 + 0.667*$px1}] set y1 [expr {0.333*$y3 + 0.667*$py1}] if {!$closed && $i == ($len - 4)} { # Last of an open curve set x3 $px2 set y3 $py2 } else { set x3 [expr {0.5 * $px1 + 0.5 * $px2}] set y3 [expr {0.5 * $py1 + 0.5 * $py2}] } set x2 [expr {0.333 * $x3 + 0.667 * $px1}] set y2 [expr {0.333 * $y3 + 0.667 * $py1}] $self Pdfoutcmd $x1 $y1 $x2 $y2 $x3 $y3 "c" } } method CanvasRawCurve {coords} { set x3 [lindex $coords 0] set y3 [lindex $coords 1] $self Pdfoutcmd $x3 $y3 "m" set len [llength $coords] # Is there a complete set of segements in the list? set add [expr {($len - 2) % 6}] if {$add != 0} { eval lappend coords [lrange $coords 0 [expr {$add - 1}]] } for {set i 0} {$i < ($len - 8)} {incr i 6} { foreach {px1 py1 px2 py2 px3 py3 px4 py4} \ [lrange $coords $i [expr {$i + 7}]] break if {$px1 == $px2 && $py1 == $py2 && $px3 == $px4 && $py3 == $py4} { # Straight line $self Pdfoutcmd $px4 $py4 "l" } else { $self Pdfoutcmd $px2 $py2 $px3 $py3 $px4 $py4 "c" } } } method CanvasGetBitmap {bitmap offset} { # The pattern is unique for the scale for this canvas foreach {xscale yscale xoffset yoffset} $pdf(canvasscale) break # Adapt to offset if {[regexp {^(\#?)(.*),(.*)$} $offset -> pre ox oy]} { set xoffset [expr {$xoffset + $ox * $xscale}] set yoffset [expr {$yoffset - $oy * $yscale}] } else { # Not supported yet } set scale [list $xscale $yscale $xoffset $yoffset] set tail [string map {. x} [join $scale _]] set id pattern_canvas_[file rootname [file tail $bitmap]]_$tail if {![info exists patterns($id)]} { $self AddBitmap $bitmap -id $id -pattern $scale } return $id } # Setup the graphics state from standard options method CanvasStdOpts {optsName} { upvar 1 $optsName opts variable patterns # Stipple for fill color set fillstippleid "" if {[info exists opts(-stipple)] && $opts(-stipple) ne ""} { set fillstippleid [$self CanvasGetBitmap $opts(-stipple) \ $opts(-offset)] } # Stipple for stroke color set strokestippleid "" if {[info exists opts(-outlinestipple)] && \ $opts(-outlinestipple) ne ""} { # Outlineoffset is a 8.5 feature if {[info exists opts(-outlineoffset)]} { set offset $opts(-outlineoffset) } else { set offset $opts(-offset) } set strokestippleid [$self CanvasGetBitmap $opts(-outlinestipple) \ $offset] } # Outline controls stroke color if {[info exists opts(-outline)] && $opts(-outline) ne ""} { $self CanvasStrokeColor $opts(-outline) $strokestippleid } # Fill controls fill color if {[info exists opts(-fill)] && $opts(-fill) ne ""} { $self CanvasFillColor $opts(-fill) $fillstippleid } # Line width if {[info exists opts(-width)]} { $self Pdfoutcmd $opts(-width) "w" } # Dash pattern and offset if {[info exists opts(-dash)] && $opts(-dash) ne ""} { # FIXA: Support "..." and such $self Pdfout "\[$opts(-dash)\] $opts(-dashoffset) d\n" } # Cap style if {[info exists opts(-capstyle)] && $opts(-capstyle) ne "butt"} { switch $opts(-capstyle) { projecting { $self Pdfoutcmd 2 "J" } round { $self Pdfoutcmd 1 "J" } } } # Join style if {[info exists opts(-joinstyle)] && $opts(-joinstyle) ne "miter"} { switch $opts(-joinstyle) { bevel { $self Pdfoutcmd 2 "j" } round { $self Pdfoutcmd 1 "j" } } } } # Set the fill color from a Tk color method CanvasFillColor {color {bitmapid ""}} { foreach {red green blue} [GetColor $color] break if {$bitmapid eq ""} { $self Pdfoutcmd $red $green $blue "rg" } else { $self Pdfout "/Cs1 cs\n" #$self Pdfoutcmd $red $green $blue "scn" $self Pdfoutcmd $red $green $blue "/$bitmapid scn" } } # Set the stroke color from a Tk color method CanvasStrokeColor {color {bitmapid ""}} { foreach {red green blue} [GetColor $color] break if {$bitmapid eq ""} { $self Pdfoutcmd $red $green $blue "RG" } else { $self Pdfout "/Cs1 CS\n" $self Pdfoutcmd $red $green $blue "/$bitmapid SCN" } } # Helper to extract configuration from a canvas item proc CanvasGetOpts {path id arrName} { upvar 1 $arrName arr array unset arr foreach item [$path itemconfigure $id] { set arr([lindex $item 0]) [lindex $item 4] } if {![info exists arr(-state)]} { return } if {$arr(-state) eq "" || $arr(-state) eq "normal"} { return } # Translate options depending on state foreach item [array names arr] { if {[regexp -- "^-${state}(.*)\$" $item -> orig]} { if {[info exists arr(-$orig)]} { set arr(-$orig) $arr($item) } } } } # Get the text from a text item, as a list of lines # This takes and line wrapping into account proc CanvasGetWrappedText {w item ulName} { upvar 1 $ulName underline set text [$w itemcget $item -text] set width [$w itemcget $item -width] # Underline is a 8.5 feature if {[catch {$w itemcget $item -underline} underline]} { set underline -1 } # Simple non-wrapping case. Only divide on newlines. if {$width == 0} { set lines [split $text \n] if {$underline != -1} { set isum 0 set lineNo 0 foreach line $lines { set iend [expr {$isum + [string length $line]}] if {$underline < $iend} { set underline [list $lineNo [expr {$underline - $isum}]] break } incr lineNo set isum [expr {$iend + 1}] } } return $lines } # Run across the text's left side and look for all indexes # that start a line. foreach {x1 y1 x2 y2} [$w bbox $item] break set firsts {} for {set y $y1} {$y < $y2} {incr y} { lappend firsts [$w index $item @$x1,$y] } set firsts [lsort -integer -unique $firsts] # Extract each displayed line set prev 0 set res {} foreach index $firsts { if {$prev != $index} { set line [string range $text $prev [expr {$index - 1}]] if {[string index $line end] eq "\n"} { set line [string trimright $line \n] } else { # If the line does not end with \n it is wrapped. # Then spaces should be discarded set line [string trimright $line] } lappend res $line } set prev $index } # The last chunk lappend res [string range $text $prev end] if {$underline != -1} { set lineNo -1 set prev 0 foreach index $firsts { if {$underline < $index} { set underline [lindex $lineNo [expr {$underline - $prev}]] break } set prev $index incr lineNo } } return $res } # Given a Tk font, figure out a reasonable font to use and set it # as current font. # In the future we could give more user options for controlling this. method CanvasSetFont {font} { array unset fontinfo array set fontinfo [font actual $font] array set fontinfo [font metrics $font] # Any fixed font maps to courier if {$fontinfo(-fixed)} { set fontinfo(-family) courier } set bold [expr {$fontinfo(-weight) eq "bold"}] set italic [expr {$fontinfo(-slant) eq "italic"}] switch -glob [string tolower $fontinfo(-family)] { *courier* - *fixed* { set family Courier if {$bold && $italic} { append family -BoldOblique } elseif {$bold} { append family -Bold } elseif {$italic} { append family -BoldOblique } } *times* { if {$bold && $italic} { set family Times-BoldItalic } elseif {$bold} { set family Times-Bold } elseif {$italic} { set family Times-Italic } else { set family Times-Roman } } *helvetica* - *arial* - default { set family Helvetica if {$bold && $italic} { append family -BoldOblique } elseif {$bold} { append family -Bold } elseif {$italic} { append family -BoldOblique } } } set fontsize $fontinfo(-linespace) $self BeginTextObj $self setFont $fontsize $family 1 } ####################################################################### # Helper fuctions ####################################################################### # helper function: mask parentheses and backslash proc CleanText {in fn} { variable ::pdf4tcl::FontsAttrs if {$FontsAttrs($fn,specialencoding)} { # Convert using special encoding of font subset: set out "" foreach uchar [split $in {}] { append out [dict get $FontsAttrs($fn,encoding) $uchar] } } else { set out [encoding convertto $FontsAttrs($fn,encoding) $in] } return [string map {( \\( ) \\) \\ \\\\} $out] } # helper function: consume and return an object id method GetOid {{noxref 0}} { if {!$noxref} { $self StoreXref } set res $pdf(pdf_obj) incr pdf(pdf_obj) return $res } # helper function: return next object id (without incrementing) method NextOid {} { return $pdf(pdf_obj) } # helper function: set xref of (current) oid to current out_pos method StoreXref {{oid {}}} { if {$oid eq ""} { set oid $pdf(pdf_obj) } set pdf(xref,$oid) $pdf(out_pos) } # helper function for formatting floating point numbers proc Nf {n {deci 3}} { # Up to 3 decimals set num [format %.*f $deci $n] # Remove surplus decimals set num [string trimright [string trimright $num "0"] "."] # Small negative numbers might become -0 if {$num eq "-0"} { set num "0" } return $num } } # vim: tw=0