# ACTIVESTATE TEAPOT-PKG BEGIN TM -*- tcl -*- # -- Tcl Module # @@ Meta Begin # Package png 0.2 # Meta as::build::date 2015-05-25 # Meta as::origin http://sourceforge.net/projects/tcllib # Meta category Image manipulation # Meta description PNG querying and manipulation of meta data # Meta license BSD # Meta platform tcl # Meta require {Tcl 8.2} # Meta require crc32 # Meta subject timestamp png image comment # Meta summary png # @@ Meta End # ACTIVESTATE TEAPOT-PKG BEGIN REQUIREMENTS package require Tcl 8.2 package require crc32 # ACTIVESTATE TEAPOT-PKG END REQUIREMENTS # ACTIVESTATE TEAPOT-PKG BEGIN DECLARE package provide png 0.2 # ACTIVESTATE TEAPOT-PKG END DECLARE # ACTIVESTATE TEAPOT-PKG END TM # png.tcl -- # # Querying and modifying PNG image files. # # Copyright (c) 2004-2012 Aaron Faupell # # See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution # of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES. # # RCS: @(#) $Id: png.tcl,v 1.11 2012/07/09 16:35:04 afaupell Exp $ package provide png 0.2 namespace eval ::png {} proc ::png::_openPNG {file {mode r}} { set fh [open $file $mode] fconfigure $fh -encoding binary -translation binary -eofchar {} if {[read $fh 8] != "\x89PNG\r\n\x1a\n"} { close $fh; return -code error "not a png file" } return $fh } proc ::png::_chunks {fh} { set out [list] while {[set r [read $fh 8]] != ""} { binary scan $r Ia4 len type lappend out [list $type [tell $fh] $len] seek $fh [expr {$len + 4}] current } return $out } proc ::png::isPNG {file} { if {[catch {_openPNG $file} fh]} { return 0 } close $fh return 1 } proc ::png::validate {file} { package require crc32 if {[catch {_openPNG $file} fh]} { return SIG } set num 0 set idat 0 set last {} while {[set r [read $fh 8]] != ""} { binary scan $r Ia4 len type if {$len < 0} { close $fh; return BADLEN } set r [read $fh $len] binary scan [read $fh 4] I crc if {$crc < 0} {set crc [format %u [expr {$crc & 0xffffffff}]]} if {[eof $fh]} { close $fh; return EOF } if {($num == 0) && ($type != "IHDR")} { close $fh; return NOHDR } if {$type == "IDAT"} { set idat 1 } if {[::crc::crc32 $type$r] != $crc} { close $fh; return CKSUM } set last $type incr num } close $fh if {!$idat} { return NODATA } if {$last != "IEND"} { return NOEND } return OK } proc ::png::imageInfo {file} { set fh [_openPNG $file] binary scan [read $fh 8] Ia4 len type set r [read $fh $len] if {![eof $fh] && $type == "IHDR"} { binary scan $r IIccccc width height depth color compression filter interlace binary scan [read $fh 4] I check if {$check < 0} {set check [format %u [expr {$check & 0xffffffff}]]} if {![catch {package present crc32}] && [::crc::crc32 IHDR$r] != $check} { return -code error "header checksum failed" } close $fh return [list width $width height $height depth $depth color $color \ compression $compression filter $filter interlace $interlace] } close $fh return } proc ::png::getTimestamp {file} { set fh [_openPNG $file] while {[set r [read $fh 8]] != ""} { binary scan $r Ia4 len type if {$type == "tIME"} { set r [read $fh [expr {$len + 4}]] binary scan $r Sccccc year month day hour minute second close $fh return [clock scan "$month/$day/$year $hour:$minute:$second" -gmt 1] } seek $fh [expr {$len + 4}] current } close $fh return } proc ::png::setTimestamp {file time} { set fh [_openPNG $file r+] set time [eval binary format Sccccc [string map {" 0" " "} [clock format $time -format "%Y %m %d %H %M %S" -gmt 1]]] if {![catch {package present crc32}]} { append time [binary format I [::crc::crc32 tIME$time]] } else { append time [binary format I 0] } while {[set r [read $fh 8]] != ""} { binary scan $r Ia4 len type if {[eof $fh]} { close $fh; return } if {$type == "tIME"} { seek $fh 0 current puts -nonewline $fh $time close $fh return } if {$type == "IDAT" && ![info exists idat]} { set idat [expr {[tell $fh] - 8}] } seek $fh [expr {$len + 4}] current } if {![info exists idat]} { close $fh; return -code error "no timestamp or data chunk found" } seek $fh $idat start set data [read $fh] seek $fh $idat start puts -nonewline $fh [binary format I 7]tIME$time$data close $fh return } proc ::png::getComments {file} { set fh [_openPNG $file] set text {} while {[set r [read $fh 8]] != ""} { binary scan $r Ia4 len type set pos [tell $fh] if {$type == "tEXt"} { set r [read $fh $len] lappend text [split $r \x00] } elseif {$type == "iTXt"} { set r [read $fh $len] set keyword [lindex [split $r \x00] 0] set r [string range $r [expr {[string length $keyword] + 1}] end] binary scan $r cc comp method if {$comp == 0} { lappend text [linsert [split [string range $r 2 end] \x00] 0 $keyword] } } seek $fh [expr {$pos + $len + 4}] start } close $fh return $text } proc ::png::removeComments {file} { set fh [_openPNG $file r+] set data "\x89PNG\r\n\x1a\n" while {[set r [read $fh 8]] != ""} { binary scan $r Ia4 len type if {$type == "zTXt" || $type == "iTXt" || $type == "tEXt"} { seek $fh [expr {$len + 4}] current } else { seek $fh -8 current append data [read $fh [expr {$len + 12}]] } } close $fh set fh [open $file w] fconfigure $fh -encoding binary -translation binary -eofchar {} puts -nonewline $fh $data close $fh } proc ::png::addComment {file keyword arg1 args} { if {[llength $args] > 0 && [llength $args] != 2} { close $fh; return -code error "wrong number of arguments" } set fh [_openPNG $file r+] if {[llength $args] > 0} { set comment "iTXt$keyword\x00\x00\x00$arg1\x00[encoding convertto utf-8 [lindex $args 0]]\x00[encoding convertto utf-8 [lindex $args 1]]" } else { set comment "tEXt$keyword\x00$arg1" } if {![catch {package present crc32}]} { append comment [binary format I [::crc::crc32 $comment]] } else { append comment [binary format I 0] } while {[set r [read $fh 8]] != ""} { binary scan $r Ia4 len type if {$type == "IDAT"} { seek $fh -8 current set pos [tell $fh] set data [read $fh] seek $fh $pos start set 1 [tell $fh] puts -nonewline $fh $comment set clen [binary format I [expr {[tell $fh] - $1 - 8}]] seek $fh $pos start puts -nonewline $fh $clen$comment$data close $fh return } seek $fh [expr {$len + 4}] current } close $fh return -code error "no data chunk found" } proc ::png::image {file} { set fh [_openPNG $file] set chunks [_chunks $fh] set cdata {} set h [lsearch -exact -index 0 -inline $chunks IHDR] seek $fh [lindex $h 1] start binary scan [read $fh [lindex $h 2]] IIccccc width height depth color compression filter interlace if {$color != 2 || $compression != 0 || $depth != 8} { return -code error "unsupported image format" } foreach c [lsearch -exact -index 0 -all -inline $chunks IDAT] { seek $fh [lindex $c 1] start append cdata [read $fh [lindex $c 2]] } set data [zlib decompress $cdata] set len [string length $data] set col 1 set offset 1 set row [list] set out [list] while {$offset < $len} { binary scan $data @${offset}H2H2H2 r g b lappend row "#$r$g$b" incr offset 3 if {$col == $width} { set col 1 incr offset lappend out $row set row [list] continue } incr col } return $out } proc ::png::write {file in} { set blocksize 65524 set chunks [list] set data "" lappend chunks [list IHDR [binary format IIccccc [llength [lindex $in 0]] [llength $in] 8 2 0 0 0]] foreach row $in { append data \x00 foreach pixel $row { set pixel [string trimleft $pixel "#"] append data [binary format H2H2H2 [string range $pixel 0 1] [string range $pixel 2 3] [string range $pixel 4 5]] } } set cdata [zlib compress $data] set offset 0 while {$offset < ([string length $cdata] + $blocksize)} { lappend chunks [list IDAT [string range $cdata $offset [expr {$offset+$blocksize-1}]]] incr offset $blocksize } #lappend chunks [list tIME [eval binary format Sccccc [clock format [clock seconds] -format "%Y %m %d %H %M %S"]]] lappend chunks [list IEND ""] _write $file $chunks } proc ::png::_write {file chunks} { package require crc32 set fh [open $file w+] fconfigure $fh -encoding binary -translation binary puts -nonewline $fh "\x89PNG\r\n\x1a\n" foreach chunk $chunks { puts -nonewline $fh [binary format Ia4 [string length [lindex $chunk 1]] [lindex $chunk 0]] puts -nonewline $fh [lindex $chunk 1] puts -nonewline $fh [binary format I [::crc::crc32 [join $chunk ""]]] } close $fh return $file }