# ACTIVESTATE TEAPOT-PKG BEGIN TM -*- tcl -*- # -- Tcl Module # @@ Meta Begin # Package sha256 1.0.3 # Meta as::build::date 2015-05-25 # Meta as::origin http://sourceforge.net/projects/tcllib # Meta category SHA-x Message-Digest Algorithm # Meta description SHA256 Message-Digest Algorithm # Meta license BSD # Meta platform tcl # Meta recommend tcllibc # Meta require {Tcl 8.2} # Meta subject security sha256 {FIPS 180-1} {rfc 2104} # Meta subject message-digest hashing # Meta summary sha256 # @@ Meta End # ACTIVESTATE TEAPOT-PKG BEGIN REQUIREMENTS package require Tcl 8.2 # ACTIVESTATE TEAPOT-PKG END REQUIREMENTS # ACTIVESTATE TEAPOT-PKG BEGIN DECLARE package provide sha256 1.0.3 # ACTIVESTATE TEAPOT-PKG END DECLARE # ACTIVESTATE TEAPOT-PKG END TM # sha256.tcl - Copyright (C) 2005 Pat Thoyts # # SHA1 defined by FIPS 180-2, "The Secure Hash Standard" # HMAC defined by RFC 2104, "Keyed-Hashing for Message Authentication" # # This is an implementation of the secure hash algorithms specified in the # FIPS 180-2 document. # # This implementation permits incremental updating of the hash and # provides support for external compiled implementations using critcl. # # This implementation permits incremental updating of the hash and # provides support for external compiled implementations either using # critcl (sha256c). # # Ref: http://csrc.nist.gov/publications/fips/fips180-2/fips180-2.pdf # http://csrc.nist.gov/publications/fips/fips180-2/fips180-2withchangenotice.pdf # # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution # of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # @mdgen EXCLUDE: sha256c.tcl package require Tcl 8.2; # tcl minimum version namespace eval ::sha2 { variable accel array set accel {tcl 0 critcl 0} variable loaded {} namespace export sha256 hmac \ SHA256Init SHA256Update SHA256Final variable uid if {![info exists uid]} { set uid 0 } variable K if {![info exists K]} { # FIPS 180-2: 4.2.2 SHA-256 constants set K [list \ 0x428a2f98 0x71374491 0xb5c0fbcf 0xe9b5dba5 \ 0x3956c25b 0x59f111f1 0x923f82a4 0xab1c5ed5 \ 0xd807aa98 0x12835b01 0x243185be 0x550c7dc3 \ 0x72be5d74 0x80deb1fe 0x9bdc06a7 0xc19bf174 \ 0xe49b69c1 0xefbe4786 0x0fc19dc6 0x240ca1cc \ 0x2de92c6f 0x4a7484aa 0x5cb0a9dc 0x76f988da \ 0x983e5152 0xa831c66d 0xb00327c8 0xbf597fc7 \ 0xc6e00bf3 0xd5a79147 0x06ca6351 0x14292967 \ 0x27b70a85 0x2e1b2138 0x4d2c6dfc 0x53380d13 \ 0x650a7354 0x766a0abb 0x81c2c92e 0x92722c85 \ 0xa2bfe8a1 0xa81a664b 0xc24b8b70 0xc76c51a3 \ 0xd192e819 0xd6990624 0xf40e3585 0x106aa070 \ 0x19a4c116 0x1e376c08 0x2748774c 0x34b0bcb5 \ 0x391c0cb3 0x4ed8aa4a 0x5b9cca4f 0x682e6ff3 \ 0x748f82ee 0x78a5636f 0x84c87814 0x8cc70208 \ 0x90befffa 0xa4506ceb 0xbef9a3f7 0xc67178f2 \ ] } } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Management of sha256 implementations. # LoadAccelerator -- # # This package can make use of a number of compiled extensions to # accelerate the digest computation. This procedure manages the # use of these extensions within the package. During normal usage # this should not be called, but the test package manipulates the # list of enabled accelerators. # proc ::sha2::LoadAccelerator {name} { variable accel set r 0 switch -exact -- $name { tcl { # Already present (this file) set r 1 } critcl { if {![catch {package require tcllibc}] || ![catch {package require sha256c}]} { set r [expr {[info command ::sha2::sha256c_update] != {}}] } } default { return -code error "invalid accelerator $key:\ must be one of [join [KnownImplementations] {, }]" } } set accel($name) $r return $r } # ::sha2::Implementations -- # # Determines which implementations are # present, i.e. loaded. # # Arguments: # None. # # Results: # A list of implementation keys. proc ::sha2::Implementations {} { variable accel set res {} foreach n [array names accel] { if {!$accel($n)} continue lappend res $n } return $res } # ::sha2::KnownImplementations -- # # Determines which implementations are known # as possible implementations. # # Arguments: # None. # # Results: # A list of implementation keys. In the order # of preference, most prefered first. proc ::sha2::KnownImplementations {} { return {critcl tcl} } proc ::sha2::Names {} { return { critcl {tcllibc based} tcl {pure Tcl} } } # ::sha2::SwitchTo -- # # Activates a loaded named implementation. # # Arguments: # key Name of the implementation to activate. # # Results: # None. proc ::sha2::SwitchTo {key} { variable accel variable loaded if {[string equal $key $loaded]} { # No change, nothing to do. return } elseif {![string equal $key ""]} { # Validate the target implementation of the switch. if {![info exists accel($key)]} { return -code error "Unable to activate unknown implementation \"$key\"" } elseif {![info exists accel($key)] || !$accel($key)} { return -code error "Unable to activate missing implementation \"$key\"" } } # Deactivate the previous implementation, if there was any. if {![string equal $loaded ""]} { foreach c { SHA256Init SHA224Init SHA256Final SHA224Final SHA256Update } { rename ::sha2::$c ::sha2::${c}-${loaded} } } # Activate the new implementation, if there is any. if {![string equal $key ""]} { foreach c { SHA256Init SHA224Init SHA256Final SHA224Final SHA256Update } { rename ::sha2::${c}-${key} ::sha2::$c } } # Remember the active implementation, for deactivation by future # switches. set loaded $key return } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # SHA256Init -- # # Create and initialize an SHA256 state variable. This will be # cleaned up when we call SHA256Final # proc ::sha2::SHA256Init-tcl {} { variable uid set token [namespace current]::[incr uid] upvar #0 $token tok # FIPS 180-2: 5.3.2 Setting the initial hash value array set tok \ [list \ A [expr {int(0x6a09e667)}] \ B [expr {int(0xbb67ae85)}] \ C [expr {int(0x3c6ef372)}] \ D [expr {int(0xa54ff53a)}] \ E [expr {int(0x510e527f)}] \ F [expr {int(0x9b05688c)}] \ G [expr {int(0x1f83d9ab)}] \ H [expr {int(0x5be0cd19)}] \ n 0 i "" v 256] return $token } proc ::sha2::SHA256Init-critcl {} { variable uid set token [namespace current]::[incr uid] upvar #0 $token tok # FIPS 180-2: 5.3.2 Setting the initial hash value set tok(sha256c) [sha256c_init256] return $token } # SHA256Update -- # # This is called to add more data into the hash. You may call this # as many times as you require. Note that passing in "ABC" is equivalent # to passing these letters in as separate calls -- hence this proc # permits hashing of chunked data # # If we have a C-based implementation available, then we will use # it here in preference to the pure-Tcl implementation. # proc ::sha2::SHA256Update-tcl {token data} { upvar #0 $token state # Update the state values incr state(n) [string length $data] append state(i) $data # Calculate the hash for any complete blocks set len [string length $state(i)] for {set n 0} {($n + 64) <= $len} {} { SHA256Transform $token [string range $state(i) $n [incr n 64]] } # Adjust the state for the blocks completed. set state(i) [string range $state(i) $n end] return } proc ::sha2::SHA256Update-critcl {token data} { upvar #0 $token state set state(sha256c) [sha256c_update $data $state(sha256c)] return } # SHA256Final -- # # This procedure is used to close the current hash and returns the # hash data. Once this procedure has been called the hash context # is freed and cannot be used again. # # Note that the output is 256 bits represented as binary data. # proc ::sha2::SHA256Final-tcl {token} { upvar #0 $token state SHA256Penultimate $token # Output set r [bytes $state(A)][bytes $state(B)][bytes $state(C)][bytes $state(D)][bytes $state(E)][bytes $state(F)][bytes $state(G)][bytes $state(H)] unset state return $r } proc ::sha2::SHA256Final-critcl {token} { upvar #0 $token state set r $state(sha256c) unset state return $r } # SHA256Penultimate -- # # proc ::sha2::SHA256Penultimate {token} { upvar #0 $token state # FIPS 180-2: 5.1.1: Padding the message # set len [string length $state(i)] set pad [expr {56 - ($len % 64)}] if {$len % 64 > 56} { incr pad 64 } if {$pad == 0} { incr pad 64 } append state(i) [binary format a$pad \x80] # Append length in bits as big-endian wide int. set dlen [expr {8 * $state(n)}] append state(i) [binary format II 0 $dlen] # Calculate the hash for the remaining block. set len [string length $state(i)] for {set n 0} {($n + 64) <= $len} {} { SHA256Transform $token [string range $state(i) $n [incr n 64]] } } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- proc ::sha2::SHA224Init-tcl {} { variable uid set token [namespace current]::[incr uid] upvar #0 $token tok # FIPS 180-2 (change notice 1) (1): SHA-224 initialization values array set tok \ [list \ A [expr {int(0xc1059ed8)}] \ B [expr {int(0x367cd507)}] \ C [expr {int(0x3070dd17)}] \ D [expr {int(0xf70e5939)}] \ E [expr {int(0xffc00b31)}] \ F [expr {int(0x68581511)}] \ G [expr {int(0x64f98fa7)}] \ H [expr {int(0xbefa4fa4)}] \ n 0 i "" v 224] return $token } proc ::sha2::SHA224Init-critcl {} { variable uid set token [namespace current]::[incr uid] upvar #0 $token tok # FIPS 180-2 (change notice 1) (1): SHA-224 initialization values set tok(sha256c) [sha256c_init224] return $token } interp alias {} ::sha2::SHA224Update {} ::sha2::SHA256Update proc ::sha2::SHA224Final-tcl {token} { upvar #0 $token state SHA256Penultimate $token # Output set r [bytes $state(A)][bytes $state(B)][bytes $state(C)][bytes $state(D)][bytes $state(E)][bytes $state(F)][bytes $state(G)] unset state return $r } proc ::sha2::SHA224Final-critcl {token} { upvar #0 $token state # Trim result down to 224 bits (by 4 bytes). # See output below, A..G, not A..H set r [string range $state(sha256c) 0 end-4] unset state return $r } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # HMAC Hashed Message Authentication (RFC 2104) # # hmac = H(K xor opad, H(K xor ipad, text)) # # HMACInit -- # # This is equivalent to the SHA1Init procedure except that a key is # added into the algorithm # proc ::sha2::HMACInit {K} { # Key K is adjusted to be 64 bytes long. If K is larger, then use # the SHA1 digest of K and pad this instead. set len [string length $K] if {$len > 64} { set tok [SHA256Init] SHA256Update $tok $K set K [SHA256Final $tok] set len [string length $K] } set pad [expr {64 - $len}] append K [string repeat \0 $pad] # Cacluate the padding buffers. set Ki {} set Ko {} binary scan $K i16 Ks foreach k $Ks { append Ki [binary format i [expr {$k ^ 0x36363636}]] append Ko [binary format i [expr {$k ^ 0x5c5c5c5c}]] } set tok [SHA256Init] SHA256Update $tok $Ki; # initialize with the inner pad # preserve the Ko value for the final stage. # FRINK: nocheck set [subst $tok](Ko) $Ko return $tok } # HMACUpdate -- # # Identical to calling SHA256Update # proc ::sha2::HMACUpdate {token data} { SHA256Update $token $data return } # HMACFinal -- # # This is equivalent to the SHA256Final procedure. The hash context is # closed and the binary representation of the hash result is returned. # proc ::sha2::HMACFinal {token} { upvar #0 $token state set tok [SHA256Init]; # init the outer hashing function SHA256Update $tok $state(Ko); # prepare with the outer pad. SHA256Update $tok [SHA256Final $token]; # hash the inner result return [SHA256Final $tok] } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Description: # This is the core SHA1 algorithm. It is a lot like the MD4 algorithm but # includes an extra round and a set of constant modifiers throughout. # set ::sha2::SHA256Transform_body { variable K upvar #0 $token state # FIPS 180-2: 6.2.2 SHA-256 Hash computation. binary scan $msg I* blocks set blockLen [llength $blocks] for {set i 0} {$i < $blockLen} {incr i 16} { set W [lrange $blocks $i [expr {$i+15}]] # FIPS 180-2: 6.2.2 (1) Prepare the message schedule # For t = 16 to 64 # let Wt = (sigma1(Wt-2) + Wt-7 + sigma0(Wt-15) + Wt-16) set t2 13 set t7 8 set t15 0 set t16 -1 for {set t 16} {$t < 64} {incr t} { lappend W [expr {([sigma1 [lindex $W [incr t2]]] \ + [lindex $W [incr t7]] \ + [sigma0 [lindex $W [incr t15]]] \ + [lindex $W [incr t16]]) & 0xffffffff}] } # FIPS 180-2: 6.2.2 (2) Initialise the working variables set A $state(A) set B $state(B) set C $state(C) set D $state(D) set E $state(E) set F $state(F) set G $state(G) set H $state(H) # FIPS 180-2: 6.2.2 (3) Do permutation rounds # For t = 0 to 63 do # T1 = h + SIGMA1(e) + Ch(e,f,g) + Kt + Wt # T2 = SIGMA0(a) + Maj(a,b,c) # h = g; g = f; f = e; e = d + T1; d = c; c = b; b = a; # a = T1 + T2 # for {set t 0} {$t < 64} {incr t} { set T1 [expr {($H + [SIGMA1 $E] + [Ch $E $F $G] + [lindex $K $t] + [lindex $W $t]) & 0xffffffff}] set T2 [expr {([SIGMA0 $A] + [Maj $A $B $C]) & 0xffffffff}] set H $G set G $F set F $E set E [expr {($D + $T1) & 0xffffffff}] set D $C set C $B set B $A set A [expr {($T1 + $T2) & 0xffffffff}] } # FIPS 180-2: 6.2.2 (4) Compute the intermediate hash incr state(A) $A incr state(B) $B incr state(C) $C incr state(D) $D incr state(E) $E incr state(F) $F incr state(G) $G incr state(H) $H } return } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # FIPS 180-2: 4.1.2 equation 4.2 proc ::sha2::Ch {x y z} { return [expr {($x & $y) ^ (~$x & $z)}] } # FIPS 180-2: 4.1.2 equation 4.3 proc ::sha2::Maj {x y z} { return [expr {($x & $y) ^ ($x & $z) ^ ($y & $z)}] } # FIPS 180-2: 4.1.2 equation 4.4 # (x >>> 2) ^ (x >>> 13) ^ (x >>> 22) proc ::sha2::SIGMA0 {x} { return [expr {[>>> $x 2] ^ [>>> $x 13] ^ [>>> $x 22]}] } # FIPS 180-2: 4.1.2 equation 4.5 # (x >>> 6) ^ (x >>> 11) ^ (x >>> 25) proc ::sha2::SIGMA1 {x} { return [expr {[>>> $x 6] ^ [>>> $x 11] ^ [>>> $x 25]}] } # FIPS 180-2: 4.1.2 equation 4.6 # s0 = (x >>> 7) ^ (x >>> 18) ^ (x >> 3) proc ::sha2::sigma0 {x} { #return [expr {[>>> $x 7] ^ [>>> $x 18] ^ (($x >> 3) & 0x1fffffff)}] return [expr {((($x<<25) | (($x>>7) & (0x7FFFFFFF>>6))) \ ^ (($x<<14) | (($x>>18) & (0x7FFFFFFF>>17))) & 0xFFFFFFFF) \ ^ (($x>>3) & 0x1fffffff)}] } # FIPS 180-2: 4.1.2 equation 4.7 # s1 = (x >>> 17) ^ (x >>> 19) ^ (x >> 10) proc ::sha2::sigma1 {x} { #return [expr {[>>> $x 17] ^ [>>> $x 19] ^ (($x >> 10) & 0x003fffff)}] return [expr {((($x<<15) | (($x>>17) & (0x7FFFFFFF>>16))) \ ^ (($x<<13) | (($x>>19) & (0x7FFFFFFF>>18))) & 0xFFFFFFFF) \ ^ (($x >> 10) & 0x003fffff)}] } # 32bit rotate-right proc ::sha2::>>> {v n} { return [expr {(($v << (32 - $n)) \ | (($v >> $n) & (0x7FFFFFFF >> ($n - 1)))) \ & 0xFFFFFFFF}] } # 32bit rotate-left proc ::sha2::<<< {v n} { return [expr {((($v << $n) \ | (($v >> (32 - $n)) \ & (0x7FFFFFFF >> (31 - $n))))) \ & 0xFFFFFFFF}] } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # We speed up the SHA256Transform code while maintaining readability in the # source code by substituting inline for a number of functions. # The idea is to reduce the number of [expr] calls. # Inline the Ch function regsub -all -line \ {\[Ch (\$[ABCDEFGH]) (\$[ABCDEFGH]) (\$[ABCDEFGH])\]} \ $::sha2::SHA256Transform_body \ {((\1 \& \2) ^ ((~\1) \& \3))} \ ::sha2::SHA256Transform_body # Inline the Maj function regsub -all -line \ {\[Maj (\$[ABCDEFGH]) (\$[ABCDEFGH]) (\$[ABCDEFGH])\]} \ $::sha2::SHA256Transform_body \ {((\1 \& \2) ^ (\1 \& \3) ^ (\2 \& \3))} \ ::sha2::SHA256Transform_body # Inline the SIGMA0 function regsub -all -line \ {\[SIGMA0 (\$[ABCDEFGH])\]} \ $::sha2::SHA256Transform_body \ {((((\1<<30) | ((\1>>2) \& (0x7FFFFFFF>>1))) \& 0xFFFFFFFF) \ ^ (((\1<<19) | ((\1>>13) \& (0x7FFFFFFF>>12))) \& 0xFFFFFFFF) \ ^ (((\1<<10) | ((\1>>22) \& (0x7FFFFFFF>>21))) \& 0xFFFFFFFF) \ )} \ ::sha2::SHA256Transform_body # Inline the SIGMA1 function regsub -all -line \ {\[SIGMA1 (\$[ABCDEFGH])\]} \ $::sha2::SHA256Transform_body \ {((((\1<<26) | ((\1>>6) \& (0x7FFFFFFF>>5))) \& 0xFFFFFFFF) \ ^ (((\1<<21) | ((\1>>11) \& (0x7FFFFFFF>>10))) \& 0xFFFFFFFF) \ ^ (((\1<<7) | ((\1>>25) \& (0x7FFFFFFF>>24))) \& 0xFFFFFFFF) \ )} \ ::sha2::SHA256Transform_body proc ::sha2::SHA256Transform {token msg} $::sha2::SHA256Transform_body # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Convert a integer value into a binary string in big-endian order. proc ::sha2::byte {n v} {expr {((0xFF << (8 * $n)) & $v) >> (8 * $n)}} proc ::sha2::bytes {v} { #format %c%c%c%c [byte 3 $v] [byte 2 $v] [byte 1 $v] [byte 0 $v] format %c%c%c%c \ [expr {((0xFF000000 & $v) >> 24) & 0xFF}] \ [expr {(0xFF0000 & $v) >> 16}] \ [expr {(0xFF00 & $v) >> 8}] \ [expr {0xFF & $v}] } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- proc ::sha2::Hex {data} { binary scan $data H* result return $result } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Description: # Pop the nth element off a list. Used in options processing. # proc ::sha2::Pop {varname {nth 0}} { upvar $varname args set r [lindex $args $nth] set args [lreplace $args $nth $nth] return $r } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # fileevent handler for chunked file hashing. # proc ::sha2::Chunk {token channel {chunksize 4096}} { upvar #0 $token state if {[eof $channel]} { fileevent $channel readable {} set state(reading) 0 } SHA256Update $token [read $channel $chunksize] } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- proc ::sha2::_sha256 {ver args} { array set opts {-hex 0 -filename {} -channel {} -chunksize 4096} if {[llength $args] == 1} { set opts(-hex) 1 } else { while {[string match -* [set option [lindex $args 0]]]} { switch -glob -- $option { -hex { set opts(-hex) 1 } -bin { set opts(-hex) 0 } -file* { set opts(-filename) [Pop args 1] } -channel { set opts(-channel) [Pop args 1] } -chunksize { set opts(-chunksize) [Pop args 1] } default { if {[llength $args] == 1} { break } if {[string compare $option "--"] == 0} { Pop args; break } set err [join [lsort [concat -bin [array names opts]]] ", "] return -code error "bad option $option:\ must be one of $err" } } Pop args } } if {$opts(-filename) != {}} { set opts(-channel) [open $opts(-filename) r] fconfigure $opts(-channel) -translation binary } if {$opts(-channel) == {}} { if {[llength $args] != 1} { return -code error "wrong # args: should be\ \"[namespace current]::sha$ver ?-hex|-bin? -filename file\ | -channel channel | string\"" } set tok [SHA${ver}Init] SHA${ver}Update $tok [lindex $args 0] set r [SHA${ver}Final $tok] } else { set tok [SHA${ver}Init] # FRINK: nocheck set [subst $tok](reading) 1 fileevent $opts(-channel) readable \ [list [namespace origin Chunk] \ $tok $opts(-channel) $opts(-chunksize)] # FRINK: nocheck vwait [subst $tok](reading) set r [SHA${ver}Final $tok] # If we opened the channel - we should close it too. if {$opts(-filename) != {}} { close $opts(-channel) } } if {$opts(-hex)} { set r [Hex $r] } return $r } interp alias {} ::sha2::sha256 {} ::sha2::_sha256 256 interp alias {} ::sha2::sha224 {} ::sha2::_sha256 224 # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- proc ::sha2::hmac {args} { array set opts {-hex 1 -filename {} -channel {} -chunksize 4096} if {[llength $args] != 2} { while {[string match -* [set option [lindex $args 0]]]} { switch -glob -- $option { -key { set opts(-key) [Pop args 1] } -hex { set opts(-hex) 1 } -bin { set opts(-hex) 0 } -file* { set opts(-filename) [Pop args 1] } -channel { set opts(-channel) [Pop args 1] } -chunksize { set opts(-chunksize) [Pop args 1] } default { if {[llength $args] == 1} { break } if {[string compare $option "--"] == 0} { Pop args; break } set err [join [lsort [array names opts]] ", "] return -code error "bad option $option:\ must be one of $err" } } Pop args } } if {[llength $args] == 2} { set opts(-key) [Pop args] } if {![info exists opts(-key)]} { return -code error "wrong # args:\ should be \"hmac ?-hex? -key key -filename file | string\"" } if {$opts(-filename) != {}} { set opts(-channel) [open $opts(-filename) r] fconfigure $opts(-channel) -translation binary } if {$opts(-channel) == {}} { if {[llength $args] != 1} { return -code error "wrong # args:\ should be \"hmac ?-hex? -key key -filename file | string\"" } set tok [HMACInit $opts(-key)] HMACUpdate $tok [lindex $args 0] set r [HMACFinal $tok] } else { set tok [HMACInit $opts(-key)] # FRINK: nocheck set [subst $tok](reading) 1 fileevent $opts(-channel) readable \ [list [namespace origin Chunk] \ $tok $opts(-channel) $opts(-chunksize)] # FRINK: nocheck vwait [subst $tok](reading) set r [HMACFinal $tok] # If we opened the channel - we should close it too. if {$opts(-filename) != {}} { close $opts(-channel) } } if {$opts(-hex)} { set r [Hex $r] } return $r } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Try and load a compiled extension to help. namespace eval ::sha2 { variable e {} foreach e [KnownImplementations] { if {[LoadAccelerator $e]} { SwitchTo $e break } } unset e } package provide sha256 1.0.3 # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Local Variables: # mode: tcl # indent-tabs-mode: nil # End: