# ACTIVESTATE TEAPOT-PKG BEGIN TM -*- tcl -*- # -- Tcl Module # @@ Meta Begin # Package struct::disjointset 1.0 # Meta as::build::date 2015-05-25 # Meta as::origin http://sourceforge.net/projects/tcllib # Meta category Tcl Data Structures # Meta description Disjoint set data structure # Meta license BSD # Meta platform tcl # Meta require {Tcl 8.2} # Meta require struct::set # Meta subject {equivalence class} {disjoint set} union {merge find} # Meta subject find partition {partitioned set} # Meta summary struct::disjointset # @@ Meta End # ACTIVESTATE TEAPOT-PKG BEGIN REQUIREMENTS package require Tcl 8.2 package require struct::set # ACTIVESTATE TEAPOT-PKG END REQUIREMENTS # ACTIVESTATE TEAPOT-PKG BEGIN DECLARE package provide struct::disjointset 1.0 # ACTIVESTATE TEAPOT-PKG END DECLARE # ACTIVESTATE TEAPOT-PKG END TM # disjointset.tcl -- # # Implementation of a Disjoint Set for Tcl. # # Copyright (c) Google Summer of Code 2008 Alejandro Eduardo Cruz Paz # Copyright (c) 2008 Andreas Kupries (API redesign and simplification) package require Tcl 8.2 package require struct::set # Initialize the disjointset structure namespace. Note that any # missing parent namespace (::struct) will be automatically created as # well. namespace eval ::struct::disjointset { # Counter for naming disjoint sets without a given name variable counter 0 # Only export one command, the one used to instantiate a new # disjoint set namespace export disjointset } # ::struct::disjointset::disjointset -- # # Create a new disjoint set with a given name; if no name is # given, use disjointsetX, where X is a number. # # Arguments: # name Optional name of the disjoint set; if not specified, generate one. # # Results: # name Name of the disjoint set created proc ::struct::disjointset::disjointset {args} { variable counter # Derived from the constructor of struct::queue, see file # "queue_tcl.tcl". Create name of not specified. switch -exact -- [llength [info level 0]] { 1 { # Missing name, generate one. incr counter set name "disjointset${counter}" } 2 { # Standard call. New empty disjoint set. set name [lindex $args 0] } default { # Error. return -code error \ "wrong # args: should be \"::struct::disjointset ?name?\"" } } # FIRST, qualify the name. if {![string match "::*" $name]} { # Get caller's namespace; append :: if not global namespace. set ns [uplevel 1 [list namespace current]] if {"::" != $ns} { append ns "::" } set name "$ns$name" } # Done after qualification so that we have a canonical name and # know exactly what we are looking for. if {[llength [info commands $name]]} { return -code error \ "command \"$name\" already exists, unable to create disjointset" } # This is the structure where each disjoint set will be kept. A # namespace containing a list/set of the partitions, and a set of # all elements (for quick testing of validity when adding # partitions.). namespace eval $name { variable partitions {} ; # Set of partitions. variable all {} ; # Set of all elements. } # Create the command to manipulate the DisjointSet interp alias {} ::$name {} ::struct::disjointset::DisjointSetProc $name return $name } ########################## # Private functions follow # ::struct::disjointset::DisjointSetProc -- # # Command that processes all disjointset object commands. # # Arguments: # name Name of the disjointset object to manipulate. # cmd Subcommand to invoke. # args Arguments for subcommand. # # Results: # Varies based on command to perform proc ::struct::disjointset::DisjointSetProc {name {cmd ""} args} { # Do minimal args checks here if { [llength [info level 0]] == 2 } { error "wrong # args: should be \"$name option ?arg arg ...?\"" } # Derived from the struct::queue dispatcher (see queue_tcl.tcl). # Gets rid of the explicit list of commands. Slower in case of an # error, considered acceptable, as errors should not happen, or # only seldomly. set sub _$cmd if { ![llength [info commands ::struct::disjointset::$sub]]} { set optlist [lsort [info commands ::struct::disjointset::_*]] set xlist {} foreach p $optlist { set p [namespace tail $p] lappend xlist [string range $p 1 end] } set optlist [linsert [join $xlist ", "] "end-1" "or"] return -code error \ "bad option \"$cmd\": must be $optlist" } # Run the method in the same context as the dispatcher. return [uplevel 1 [linsert $args 0 ::struct::disjointset::_$cmd $name]] } # ::struct::disjointset::_add-partition # # Creates a new partition in the disjoint set structure, # verifying the integrity of each new insertion for previous # existence in the structure. # # Arguments: # name The name of the actual disjoint set structure # items A set of elements to add to the set as a new partition. # # Results: # A new partition is added to the disjoint set. If the disjoint # set already included any of the elements in any of its # partitions an error will be thrown. proc ::struct::disjointset::_add-partition {name items} { variable ${name}::partitions variable ${name}::all # Validate that one of the elements to be added are already known. foreach element $items { if {[struct::set contains $all $element]} { return -code error \ "The element \"$element\" is already known to the disjoint set $name" } } struct::set add all $items lappend partitions $items return } # ::struct::disjointset::_partitions # # Retrieves the set of partitions the disjoint set consists of. # # Arguments: # name The name of the disjoint set. # # Results: # A set of the partitions contained in the disjoint set. # If the disjoint set has no partitions the returned set # will be empty. proc ::struct::disjointset::_partitions {name} { variable ${name}::partitions return $partitions } # ::struct::disjointset::_num-partitions # # Retrieves the number of partitions the disjoint set consists of. # # Arguments: # name The name of the disjoint set. # # Results: # The number of partitions contained in the disjoint set. proc ::struct::disjointset::_num-partitions {name} { variable ${name}::partitions return [llength $partitions] } # ::struct::disjointset::_equal # # Determines if the two elements belong to the same partition # of the disjoint set. Throws an error if either element does # not belong to the disjoint set at all. # # Arguments: # name The name of the disjoint set. # a The first element to be compared # b The second element set to be compared # # Results: # The result of the comparison, a boolean flag. # True if the element are in the same partition, and False otherwise. proc ::struct::disjointset::_equal {name a b} { CheckValidity $name $a CheckValidity $name $b return [expr {[FindIndex $name $a] == [FindIndex $name $b]}] } # ::struct::disjointset::_merge # # Determines the partitions the two elements belong to and # merges them, if they are not the same. An error is thrown # if either element does not belong to the disjoint set. # # Arguments: # name The name of the actual disjoint set structure # a 1st item whose partition will be merged. # b 2nd item whose partition will be merged. # # Results: # An empty string. proc ::struct::disjointset::_merge {name a b} { CheckValidity $name $a CheckValidity $name $b set a [FindIndex $name $a] set b [FindIndex $name $b] if {$a == $b} return variable ${name}::partitions set apart [lindex $partitions $a] set bpart [lindex $partitions $b] # Remove the higher partition first, otherwise the 2nd replace # will access the wrong element. if {$b > $a} { set t $a ; set a $b ; set b $t } set partitions [linsert \ [lreplace [lreplace [K $partitions [unset partitions]] \ $a $a] $b $b] \ end [struct::set union $apart $bpart]] return } # ::struct::disjointset::_find # # Determines and returns the partition the element belongs to. # Returns an empty partition if the element does not belong to # the disjoint set. # # Arguments: # name The name of the disjoint set. # item The element to be searched. # # Results: # Returns the partition containing the element, or an empty # partition if the item is not present. proc ::struct::disjointset::_find {name item} { variable ${name}::all if {![struct::set contains $all $item]} { return {} } else { variable ${name}::partitions return [lindex $partitions [FindIndex $name $item]] } } proc ::struct::disjointset::FindIndex {name item} { variable ${name}::partitions # Check each partition directly. # AK XXX Future Use a nested-tree structure to make the search # faster set i 0 foreach p $partitions { if {[struct::set contains $p $item]} { return $i } incr i } return -1 } # ::struct::disjointset::_destroy # # Destroy the disjoint set structure and releases all memory # associated with it. # # Arguments: # name The name of the actual disjoint set structure proc ::struct::disjointset::_destroy {name} { namespace delete $name interp alias {} ::$name {} return } # ### ### ### ######### ######### ######### ## Internal helper # ::struct::disjointset::CheckValidity # # Verifies if the argument element is a member of the disjoint # set or not. Throws an error if not. # # Arguments: # name The name of the disjoint set # element The element to look for. # # Results: # 1 if element is a unary list, 0 otherwise proc ::struct::disjointset::CheckValidity {name element} { variable ${name}::all if {![struct::set contains $all $element]} { return -code error \ "The element \"$element\" is not known to the disjoint set $name" } return } proc ::struct::disjointset::K { x y } { set x } # ### ### ### ######### ######### ######### ## Ready namespace eval ::struct { namespace import -force disjointset::disjointset namespace export disjointset } package provide struct::disjointset 1.0