# ACTIVESTATE TEAPOT-PKG BEGIN TM -*- tcl -*- # -- Tcl Module # @@ Meta Begin # Package unicode 1.0.0 # Meta as::build::date 2015-05-25 # Meta as::origin http://sourceforge.net/projects/tcllib # Meta category Unicode normalization # Meta description Implementation of Unicode normalization # Meta license BSD # Meta platform tcl # Meta require {unicode::data 1.0} # Meta subject unicode normalization # Meta summary unicode # @@ Meta End # ACTIVESTATE TEAPOT-PKG BEGIN REQUIREMENTS package require unicode::data 1.0 # ACTIVESTATE TEAPOT-PKG END REQUIREMENTS # ACTIVESTATE TEAPOT-PKG BEGIN DECLARE package provide unicode 1.0.0 # ACTIVESTATE TEAPOT-PKG END DECLARE # ACTIVESTATE TEAPOT-PKG END TM # unicode.tcl -*- tcl -*- # # Implementation of RFC 3454 "Preparation of Internationalized Strings" # # Copyright (c) 2007 Sergei Golovan # # See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution # of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES. # # RCS: @(#) $Id: unicode.tcl,v 1.1 2008/01/29 02:18:10 patthoyts Exp $ package require unicode::data 1.0 namespace eval ::unicode { # Hangul constants set SBase 0xac00 set LBase 0x1100 set VBase 0x1161 set TBase 0x11a7 set LCount 19 set VCount 21 set TCount 28 set NCount [expr {$VCount * $TCount}] set SCount [expr {$LCount * $NCount}] } ######################################################################## # ::unicode::fromstring converts string to list of integers proc ::unicode::fromstring {str} { set uclist {} foreach char [split $str ""] { lappend uclist [scan $char %c] } return $uclist } ######################################################################## # ::unicode::tostring converts list of integers to string proc ::unicode::tostring {uclist} { set res "" foreach num $uclist { append res [format %c $num] } return $res } ######################################################################## # ::unicode::normalize normalizes list of integers according to # http://unicode.org/reports/tr15/ # form is to be D, C, KD, or KC proc ::unicode::normalize {form uclist} { switch -- $form { D { return [normalizeD $uclist] } C { return [normalizeC $uclist] } KD { return [normalizeKD $uclist] } KC { return [normalizeKC $uclist] } default { return -code error \ "::unicode::normalize: Only D, C, KD and KC forms are\ allowed" } } } ######################################################################## # ::unicode::normalizeS normalizes string according to # http://unicode.org/reports/tr15/ # form is to be D, C, KD, or KC proc ::unicode::normalizeS {form str} { switch -- $form { D { return [tostring [normalizeD [fromstring $str]]] } C { return [tostring [normalizeC [fromstring $str]]] } KD { return [tostring [normalizeKD [fromstring $str]]] } KC { return [tostring [normalizeKC [fromstring $str]]] } default { return -code error \ "::unicode::normalizeS: Only D, C, KD and KC forms are\ allowed" } } } ######################################################################## proc ::unicode::normalizeD {uclist} { set res {} foreach uc $uclist { set res [concat $res [decomposeCanonical $uc]] } canonicalOrdering $res } proc ::unicode::normalizeC {uclist} { composeCanonical [normalizeD $uclist] } proc ::unicode::normalizeKD {uclist} { set res {} foreach uc $uclist { set res [concat $res [decomposeCompat $uc]] } canonicalOrdering $res } proc ::unicode::normalizeKC {uclist} { composeCanonical [normalizeKD $uclist] } ######################################################################## # Adjacent characters with nonzero character class should go in # order of increasing character class proc ::unicode::canonicalOrdering {uclist} { set res {} set slist {} foreach uc $uclist { set cclass [data::GetUniCharCClass $uc] if {$cclass != 0} { lappend slist [list $uc $cclass] } else { foreach s [lsort -integer -index 1 $slist] { lappend res [lindex $s 0] } set slist {} lappend res $uc } } foreach s [lsort -integer -index 1 $slist] { lappend res [lindex $s 0] } return $res } ######################################################################## proc ::unicode::decomposeHangul {uc} { variable SBase variable LBase variable VBase variable TBase variable LCount variable VCount variable TCount variable NCount variable SCount # Hangul decomposition is algorithmic set SIndex [expr {$uc - $SBase}] if {$SIndex >= 0 && $SIndex < $SCount} { set res {} set L [expr {$LBase + $SIndex / $NCount}] set V [expr {$VBase + ($SIndex % $NCount) / $TCount}] set T [expr {$TBase + $SIndex % $TCount}] set res [list $L $V] if {$T != $TBase} { lappend res $T } return $res } return -1 } ######################################################################## proc ::unicode::decomposeCanonical {uc} { # Try to decompose Hangul first set res [decomposeHangul $uc] if {$res >= 0} { return $res } # For others do a lookup in data tables set info [data::GetUniCharDecompInfo $uc] if {$info >= 0} { set res {} foreach c [data::GetDecompList $info] { set res [concat $res [decomposeCanonical $c]] } return $res } else { return [list $uc] } } ######################################################################## proc ::unicode::decomposeCompat {uc} { # Try to decompose Hangul first set res [decomposeHangul $uc] if {$res >= 0} { return $res } # For others do a lookup in data tables set info [data::GetUniCharDecompCompatInfo $uc] if {$info >= 0} { set res {} foreach c [data::GetDecompList $info] { set res [concat $res [decomposeCompat $c]] } return $res } else { return [list $uc] } } ######################################################################## proc ::unicode::composeTwo {uc1 uc2} { variable SBase variable LBase variable VBase variable TBase variable LCount variable VCount variable TCount variable NCount variable SCount # Hangul composition is algorithmic if {$uc1 >= $LBase && $uc1 < $LBase + $LCount && \ $uc2 >= $VBase && $uc2 < $VBase + $VCount} { return [expr {$SBase + (($uc1 - $LBase) * $VCount + \ ($uc2 - $VBase)) * $TCount}] } if {$uc1 >= $SBase && $uc1 < $SBase + $SCount && \ (($uc1 - $SBase) % $TCount) == 0 && \ $uc2 >= $TBase && $uc2 < $TBase + $TCount} { return [expr {$uc1 + $uc2 - $TBase}] } # For others do a lookup in data tables set info1 [data::GetUniCharCompInfo $uc1] set res [data::GetCompFirst $uc2 $info1] if {$res != -1} { return $res } set info2 [data::GetUniCharCompInfo $uc2] set res [data::GetCompSecond $uc1 $info2] if {$res != -1} { return $res } data::GetCompBoth $info1 $info2 } ######################################################################## proc ::unicode::composeCanonical {uclist} { if {[llength $uclist] == 0} { return {} } set res {} set comps {} set ch1 [lindex $uclist 0] set cclass_prev [data::GetUniCharCClass $ch1] foreach ch2 [lrange $uclist 1 end] { set cclass [data::GetUniCharCClass $ch2] if {($cclass_prev == 0 || $cclass > $cclass_prev) && \ [set ruc [composeTwo $ch1 $ch2]]} { set ch1 $ruc } else { if {$cclass == 0} { lappend res $ch1 set res [concat $res $comps] set comps {} set ch1 $ch2 set cclass_prev 0 } else { lappend comps $ch2 set cclass_prev $cclass } } } lappend res $ch1 concat $res $comps } ######################################################################## package provide unicode 1.0.0