# ACTIVESTATE TEAPOT-PKG BEGIN TM -*- tcl -*- # -- Tcl Module # @@ Meta Begin # Package widget::calendar 0.97 # Meta as::build::date 2011-10-17 # Meta as::origin http://sourceforge.net/projects/tcllib # Meta category widget::calendar Megawidget # Meta description widget::calendar Megawidget # Meta license BSD # Meta platform tcl # Meta require {Tcl 8.4} # Meta require widget # Meta subject widget snit megawidget # Meta summary widget_calendar # @@ Meta End # ACTIVESTATE TEAPOT-PKG BEGIN DECLARE package provide widget::calendar 0.97 # ACTIVESTATE TEAPOT-PKG END DECLARE # ACTIVESTATE TEAPOT-PKG END TM # -*- tcl -*- # # calendar.tcl - # # Calendar widget drawn on a canvas. # Adapted from Suchenwirth code on the wiki. # # Copyright (c) 2008 Rüdiger Härtel # # RCS: @(#) $Id: calendar.tcl,v 1.11 2011/09/12 16:22:14 andreas_kupries Exp $ # # # Creation and Options - widget::calendar $path ... # -command -default {} # -dateformat -default "%m/%d/%Y" # -font -default {Helvetica 9} # -textvariable -default {} # -firstday -default "monday" # -highlightcolor -default "#FFCC00" # -shadecolor -default "#888888" # -language -default en Supported languages: de, en, es, fr, gr, # he, it, ja, sv, pt, zh, fi ,tr, nl, ru, # crk, crx-nak, crx-lhe # # All other options to canvas # # Methods # $path get => selected date, part can be # day,month,year, all # default is all # All other methods to canvas # # Bindings # NONE # if 0 { # Samples package require widget::calendar #set db [widget::calendar .db] #pack $sw -fill both -expand 1 } ### package require widget snit::widgetadaptor widget::calendar { delegate option * to hull delegate method * to hull option -firstday -default monday -configuremethod C-refresh \ -type [list snit::enum -values [list sunday monday]] option -textvariable -default {} -configuremethod C-textvariable option -command -default {} option -dateformat -default "%m/%d/%Y" -configuremethod C-refresh option -font -default {Helvetica 9} -configuremethod C-font option -highlightcolor -default "#FFCC00" -configuremethod C-refresh option -shadecolor -default "#888888" -configuremethod C-refresh option -language -default en -configuremethod C-language option -showpast -default 1 -configuremethod C-refresh \ -type {snit::boolean} variable fullrefresh 1 variable pending "" ; # pending after id for refresh variable data -array { day 01 month 01 year 2007 linespace 0 cellspace 0 selday {} selmonth {} selyear {} } constructor args { installhull using canvas -highlightthickness 0 -borderwidth 0 \ -background white bindtags $win [linsert [bindtags $win] 1 Calendar] set now [clock scan "today 00:00:00"] foreach {data(day) data(month) data(year)} \ [clock format $now -format "%e %m %Y"] { break } scan $data(month) %d data(month) ; # avoid leading 0 issues set data(selday) $data(day) set data(selmonth) $data(month) set data(selyear) $data(year) # Binding for the 'day' tagged items $win bind day <1> [mymethod invoke] # move days bind $win [mymethod adjust -1 0 0] bind $win [mymethod adjust 1 0 0] # move weeks bind $win [mymethod adjust -7 0 0] bind $win [mymethod adjust 7 0 0] # move months bind $win [mymethod adjust 0 -1 0] bind $win [mymethod adjust 0 1 0] # move years bind $win [mymethod adjust 0 0 -1] bind $win [mymethod adjust 0 0 1] $self configurelist $args $self reconfigure $self refresh } destructor { if { $options(-textvariable) ne "" } { trace remove variable $options(-textvariable) write [mymethod DoUpdate] } } # # C-font -- # # Configure the font of the widget # ## method C-font {option value} { set options($option) $value $self reconfigure set fullrefresh 1 $self refresh } # # C-refresh -- # # Place holder for all options that need a refresh after # takeing over the new option. # ## method C-refresh {option value} { set options($option) $value $self refresh } # # C-textvariable -- # # Configure the textvariable for the widget. Installs a # trace handler for the variable. # If an empty textvariable is given the trace handler is # uninstalled. # ## method C-textvariable {option value} { if {![string match ::* $value]} { set value ::$value } set options($option) $value if {$value ne "" } { trace remove variable $options(-textvariable) write [mymethod DoUpdate] if { ![info exists $options($option)] } { set now [clock seconds] set $options($option) [clock format $now -format $options(-dateformat)] } trace add variable ::$value write [mymethod DoUpdate] if { [info exists $value] } { $self DoUpdate } } } # # C-language -- # # Configure the language of the calendar. # ## method C-language {option value} { set langs [list \ de en es fr gr he it ja sv pt zh fi tr nl ru \ crk \ crx-nak \ crx-lhe \ ] if { $value ni $langs } { return -code error "Unsupported language. Choose one of: $langs" } set options($option) $value $self refresh } # # DoUpdate -- # # Update the internal values of day, month and year when the # textvariable is written to (trace callback). # ## method DoUpdate { args } { set value $options(-textvariable) set tmp [set $value] if {$tmp eq ""} { return } if {$::tcl_version < 8.5} { # Prior to 8.4, users must use [clock]-recognized dateformat set date [clock scan $tmp] } else { set date [clock scan $tmp -format $options(-dateformat)] } foreach {data(day) data(month) data(year)} \ [clock format $date -format "%e %m %Y"] { break } scan $data(month) %d data(month) ; # avoid leading 0 issues set data(selday) $data(day) set data(selmonth) $data(month) set data(selyear) $data(year) $self refresh } # # get -- # Return parts of the selected date or the complete date. # # Arguments: # what - Selects the part of the date or the complete date. # values , default is all # ## method get {{what all}} { switch -exact -- $what { "day" { return $data(selday) } "month" { return $data(selmonth) } "year" { return $data(selyear) } "all" { if {$data(selday) ne ""} { set date [clock scan $data(selmonth)/$data(selday)/$data(selyear)] set fmtdate [clock format $date -format $options(-dateformat)] return $fmtdate } } default { return -code error "unknown component to retrieve \"$what\",\ must be one of day, month or year" } } } # # adjust -- # # Adjust internal values of the calendar and update the contents # of the widget. This function is invoked by pressing the arrows # in the widget and on key bindings. # # Arguments: # dday - Difference in days # dmonth - Difference in months # dyear - Difference in years # ## method adjust {dday dmonth dyear} { incr data(year) $dyear incr data(month) $dmonth set maxday [$self numberofdays $data(month) $data(year)] if { ($data(day) + $dday) < 1} { incr data(month) -1 set maxday [$self numberofdays $data(month) $data(year)] set data(day) [expr {($data(day) + $dday) % $maxday}] } else { if { ($data(day) + $dday) > $maxday } { incr data(month) 1 set data(day) [expr {($data(day) + $dday) % $maxday}] } else { incr data(day) $dday } } if { $data(month) > 12} { set data(month) 1 incr data(year) } if { $data(month) < 1} { set data(month) 12 incr data(year) -1 } set maxday [$self numberofdays $data(month) $data(year)] if { $maxday < $data(day) } { set data(day) $maxday } set data(selday) $data(day) set data(selmonth) $data(month) set data(selyear) $data(year) $self refresh } method cbutton {x y w command} { # Draw simple arrowbutton using Tk's line arrows set wd [expr {abs($w)}] set wd2 [expr {$wd/2. - ((abs($w) < 10) ? 1 : 2)}] set poly [$hull create line $x $y [expr {$x+$w}] $y -arrow last \ -arrowshape [list $wd $wd $wd2] \ -tags [list cbutton shadetext]] $hull bind $poly <1> $command } method reconfigure {} { set data(cellspace) [expr {[font measure $options(-font) "30"] * 2}] set w [expr {$data(cellspace) * 8}] set data(linespace) [font metrics $options(-font) -linespace] set h [expr {int($data(linespace) * 9.25)}] $hull configure -width $w -height $h } method refresh { } { # Idle deferred refresh after cancel $pending set pending [after idle [mymethod Refresh ]] } method Refresh { } { # Set up coords based on font spacing set x [expr {$data(cellspace) / 2}]; set x0 $x set dx $data(cellspace) set y [expr {int($data(linespace) * 1.75)}] set dy $data(linespace) set pad [expr {$data(linespace) / 2}] set xmax [expr {$x0+$dx*6}] set winw [$hull cget -width] set winh [$hull cget -height] if {$fullrefresh} { set fullrefresh 0 $hull delete all # Left and Right buttons set xs [expr {$data(cellspace) / 2}] $self cbutton [expr {$xs+2}] $pad -$xs [mymethod adjust 0 0 -1]; # << $self cbutton [expr {$xs*2}] $pad [expr {-$xs/1.5}] [mymethod adjust 0 -1 0]; # < set lxs [expr {$winw - $xs - 2}] $self cbutton $lxs $pad $xs [mymethod adjust 0 0 1]; # >> incr lxs -$xs $self cbutton $lxs $pad [expr {$xs/1.5}] [mymethod adjust 0 1 0]; # > # day (row) and weeknum (col) headers $hull create rect 0 [expr {$y - $pad}] $winw [expr {$y + $pad}] \ -tags shade $hull create rect 0 [expr {$y - $pad}] $dx $winh -tags shade } else { foreach tag {title otherday day highlight week} { $hull delete $tag } } # Title "Month Year" set title [$self formatMY $data(month) $data(year)] $hull create text [expr {$winw/2}] $pad -text $title -tag title \ -font $options(-font) -fill blue # weekdays - could be drawn on fullrefresh, watch -firstday change set weekdays $LANGS(weekdays,$options(-language)) if {$options(-firstday) eq "monday"} { $self lcycle weekdays } foreach i $weekdays { incr x $dx $hull create text $x $y -text $i -fill white \ -font $options(-font) -tag title } # place out the days set first $data(month)/1/$data(year) set weekday [clock format [clock scan $first] -format %w] if {$options(-firstday) eq "monday"} { set weekday [expr {($weekday+6)%7}] } # Print days preceding the 1st of the month set x [expr {$x0+$weekday*$dx}] set x1 $x; set offset 0 incr y $dy while {$weekday} { set t [clock scan "$first [incr offset] days ago"] set day [clock format $t -format "%e"] ; # %d w/o leading 0 $hull create text $x1 $y -text $day \ -font $options(-font) -tags [list otherday shadetext] incr weekday -1 incr x1 -$dx } set dmax [$self numberofdays $data(month) $data(year)] for {set d 1} {$d <= $dmax} {incr d} { incr x $dx if {($options(-showpast) == 0) && ($d < $data(selday)) && ($data(month) <= $data(selmonth)) && ($data(year) <= $data(selyear))} { # XXX day in the past - above condition currently broken set id [$hull create text $x $y -text $d \ -tags [list otherday shadetext] \ -font $options(-font)] } else { # current month day set id [$hull create text $x $y -text $d -tag day \ -font $options(-font)] } if {$d == $data(selday) && ($data(month) == $data(selmonth))} { # selected day $hull create rect [$hull bbox $id] -tags [list day highlight] } $hull raise $id if {$x > $xmax} { # Week of the year set x $x0 set week [$self getweek $d $data(month) $data(year)] $hull create text [expr {$x0}] $y -text $week -tag week \ -font $options(-font) -fill white incr y $dy } } # Week of year (last day) if {$x != $x0} { set week [$self getweek $dmax $data(month) $data(year)] $hull create text [expr {$x0}] $y -text $week -tag week \ -font $options(-font) -fill white for {set d 1} {$x <= $xmax} {incr d} { incr x $dx $hull create text $x $y -text $d \ -tags [list otherday shadetext] \ -font $options(-font) } } # Display Today line set now [clock seconds] set today "$LANGS(today,$options(-language)) [clock format $now -format $options(-dateformat)]" $hull create text [expr {$winw/2}] [expr {$winh - $pad}] -text $today \ -tag week -font $options(-font) -fill black # Make sure options-based items are set $hull itemconfigure highlight \ -fill $options(-highlightcolor) \ -outline $options(-highlightcolor) $hull itemconfigure shadetext -fill $options(-shadecolor) $hull itemconfigure shade -fill $options(-shadecolor) \ -outline $options(-shadecolor) } method getweek {day month year} { set _date [clock scan $month/$day/$year] return [clock format $_date -format %V] } method invoke {} { catch {focus -force $win} msg if { $msg ne "" } { # puts $msg } set item [$hull find withtag current] set data(day) [$hull itemcget $item -text] set data(selday) $data(day) set data(selmonth) $data(month) set data(selyear) $data(year) set date [clock scan $data(month)/$data(day)/$data(year)] set fmtdate [clock format $date -format $options(-dateformat)] if {$options(-textvariable) ne {}} { set $options(-textvariable) $fmtdate } if {$options(-command) ne {}} { # pass single arg of formatted date chosen uplevel \#0 $options(-command) [list $fmtdate] } $self refresh } method formatMY {month year} { set lang $options(-language) if {[info exists LANGS(mn,$lang)]} { set month [lindex $LANGS(mn,$lang) $month] } else { set _date [clock scan $month/1/$year] set month [clock format $_date -format %B] ; # full month name } if {[info exists LANGS(format,$lang)]} { set format $LANGS(format,$lang) } else { set format "%m %Y" ;# default } # Replace month/year and do any necessary substs return [subst [string map [list %m $month %Y $year] $format]] } method numberofdays {month year} { if {$month == 12} {set month 0; incr year} clock format [clock scan "[incr month]/1/$year 1 day ago"] -format %d } method lcycle _list { upvar $_list list set list [concat [lrange $list 1 end] [list [lindex $list 0]]] } typevariable LANGS -array { mn,crk { . Kis\u01E3p\u012Bsim Mikisiwip\u012Bsim Niskip\u012Bsim Ay\u012Bkip\u012Bsim S\u0101kipak\u0101wip\u012Bsim P\u0101sk\u0101wihowip\u012Bsim Paskowip\u012Bsim Ohpahowip\u012Bsim N\u014Dcihitowip\u012Bsim Pin\u0101skowip\u012Bsim Ihkopiwip\u012Bsim Paw\u0101cakinas\u012Bsip\u012Bsim } weekdays,crk {P\u01E3 N\u01E3s Nis N\u01E3 Niy Nik Ay} today,crk {} mn,crx-nak { . {Sacho Ooza'} {Chuzsul Ooza'} {Chuzcho Ooza'} {Shin Ooza'} {Dugoos Ooza'} {Dang Ooza'}\ {Talo Ooza'} {Gesul Ooza'} {Bit Ooza'} {Lhoh Ooza'} {Banghan Nuts'ukih} {Sacho Din'ai} } weekdays,crx-nak {Ji Jh WN WT WD Ts Sa} today,crx-nak {} mn,crx-lhe { . {'Elhdzichonun} {Yussulnun} {Datsannadulhnun} {Dulats'eknun} {Dugoosnun} {Daingnun}\ {Gesnun} {Nadlehcho} {Nadlehyaz} {Lhewhnandelnun} {Benats'ukuihnun} {'Elhdziyaznun} } weekdays,crx-lhe {Ji Jh WN WT WD Ts Sa} today,crx-lhe {} mn,de { . Januar Februar März April Mai Juni Juli August September Oktober November Dezember } weekdays,de {So Mo Di Mi Do Fr Sa} today,de {Heute ist der} mn,en { . January February March April May June July August September October November December } weekdays,en {Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa} today,en {Today is} mn,es { . Enero Febrero Marzo Abril Mayo Junio Julio Agosto Septiembre Octubre Noviembre Diciembre } weekdays,es {Do Lu Ma Mi Ju Vi Sa} today,es {} mn,fr { . Janvier Février Mars Avril Mai Juin Juillet Août Septembre Octobre Novembre Décembre } weekdays,fr {Di Lu Ma Me Je Ve Sa} today,fr {} mn,gr { . Îýý???Ïýý?Ïýý??Ïýý ???Ïýý?Ïýý?Ïýý??Ïýý Îýý?ÏýýÏýý??Ïýý ÎýýÏýýÏýý????Ïýý Îýý?Îýý?Ïýý Îýý?Ïýý???Ïýý Îýý?Ïýý???Ïýý ÎýýÏýý??ÏýýÏýýÏýý?Ïýý ??ÏýýÏýýÎýý??Ïýý??Ïýý Îýý?ÏýýÏýý??Ïýý??Ïýý Îýý?Îýý??Ïýý??Ïýý Îýý??Îýý??Ïýý??Ïýý } weekdays,gr {ÎýýÏýýÏýý Îýý?Ïýý TÏýý? ??Ïýý Î ?? Î ?Ïýý ???} today,gr {} mn,he { . ×ýý× ×ýý×ýý? ?×ýý?×ýý×ýý? ×ýý?? ×ýý??×ýý×ýý ×ýý×ýý×ýý ×ýý×ýý× ×ýý ×ýý×ýý×ýý×ýý ×ýý×ýý×ýý×ýý?×ýý ??×ýý×ýý×ýý? ×ýý×ýý?×ýý×ýý×ýý? × ×ýý×ýý×ýý×ýý? ×ýý?×ýý×ýý? } weekdays,he {?×ýý?×ýý×ýý ?× ×ýý ?×ýý×ýý?×ýý ?×ýý×ýý?×ýý ×ýý×ýý×ýý?×ýý ?×ýý?×ýý ?×ýý?} today,he {} mn,it { . Gennaio Febraio Marte Aprile Maggio Giugno Luglio Agosto Settembre Ottobre Novembre Dicembre } weekdays,it {Do Lu Ma Me Gi Ve Sa} today,it {} format,ja {%Y\u5e74 %m\u6708} weekdays,ja {\u65e5 \u6708 \u706b \u6c34 \u6728 \u91d1 \u571f} today,ja {} mn,nl { . januari februari maart april mei juni juli augustus september oktober november december } weekdays,nl {Zo Ma Di Wo Do Vr Za} today,nl {} mn,ru { . \u042F\u043D\u0432\u0430\u0440\u044C \u0424\u0435\u0432\u0440\u0430\u043B\u044C \u041C\u0430\u0440\u0442 \u0410\u043F\u0440\u0435\u043B\u044C \u041C\u0430\u0439 \u0418\u044E\u043D\u044C \u0418\u044E\u043B\u044C \u0410\u0432\u0433\u0443\u0441\u0442 \u0421\u0435\u043D\u0442\u044F\u0431\u0440\u044C \u041E\u043A\u0442\u044F\u0431\u0440\u044C \u041D\u043E\u044F\u0431\u0440\u044C \u0414\u0435\u043A\u0430\u0431\u0440\u044C } weekdays,ru { \u432\u43e\u441 \u43f\u43e\u43d \u432\u442\u43e \u441\u440\u435 \u447\u435\u442 \u43f\u44f\u442 \u441\u443\u431 } today,ru {} mn,sv { . januari februari mars april maj juni juli augusti september oktober november december } weekdays,sv {s\u00F6n m\u00E5n tis ons tor fre l\u00F6r} today,sv {} mn,pt { . Janeiro Fevereiro Mar\u00E7o Abril Maio Junho Julho Agosto Setembro Outubro Novembro Dezembro } weekdays,pt {Dom Seg Ter Qua Qui Sex Sab} today,pt {} format,zh {%Y\u5e74 %m\u6708} mn,zh { . \u4e00 \u4e8c \u4e09 \u56db \u4e94 \u516d \u4e03 \u516b \u4e5d \u5341 \u5341\u4e00 \u5341\u4e8c } weekdays,zh {\u65e5 \u4e00 \u4e8c \u4e09 \u56db \u4e94 \u516d} today,zh {} mn,fi { . Tammikuu Helmikuu Maaliskuu Huhtikuu Toukokuu Kesäkuu Heinäkuu Elokuu Syyskuu Lokakuu Marraskuu Joulukuu } weekdays,fi {Ma Ti Ke To Pe La Su} today,fi {} mn,tr { . ocak \u015fubat mart nisan may\u0131s haziran temmuz a\u011fustos eyl\u00FCl ekim kas\u0131m aral\u0131k } weekdays,tr {pa'tesi sa \u00e7a pe cu cu'tesi pa} today,tr {} mn,pl { . stycze\u0144 luty marzec kwiecie\u0144 maj czerwiec lipiec sierpie\u0144 wrzesie\u0144 pa\u017adziernik listopad grudzie\u0144 } weekdays,pl {Ni Po Wt \u015ar Cz Pi So} today,pl {Dzisiaj jest} } } package provide widget::calendar 0.97