Index | crimp::pcx Versions > 0.1.1 Instances > hpux-parisc Details

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Details of redirect crimp::pcx 0.1.1 hpux-parisc

Key Value
as::note Business Edition Only --- License required
as::type package
author Andreas Kupries
build::date 2015-06-11
description This package provides the CRIMP eco-system with the functionality to handle images stored as Windows Bitmap (PCX). --- Access to this package requires a valid ActiveState ActiveTcl Business Edition license. Please visit to learn more about the ActiveTcl Business Edition offering.
entity redirect
generated::by critcl 3.1.13 andreask
generated::date 2015-06-11
license Under a BSD license.
platform hpux-parisc
require Tcl -require 8.5
crimp::core -require 0.1
subject image PCX image Personal Computer eXchange PCX import PCX export image image import image export PaintBrush
summary Extension of the CRIMP core to handle import and export of PCX images

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