# ACTIVESTATE TEAPOT-PKG BEGIN TM -*- tcl -*- # -- Tcl Module # @@ Meta Begin # Package SOAP # Meta as::author {Pat Thoyts} # Meta as::origin http://tclsoap.sourceforge.net # Meta category SOAP # Meta description Provide support for building clients and servers for the # Meta description SOAP remote procedure call protocol from Tcl. SOAP is an # Meta description XML based RPC mechanism which provides cross-platform # Meta description and cross language compatability. # Meta license BSD # Meta platform tcl # Meta recommend base64 # Meta recommend uri::urn # Meta require SOAP::Utils # Meta require SOAP::http # Meta require {http 2.0} # Meta require log # Meta require rpcvar # Meta require uri # Meta subject SOAP RPC remote XML XMLRPC # Meta summary Tcl commands for SOAP remote procedure calls # @@ Meta End # ACTIVESTATE TEAPOT-PKG BEGIN REQUIREMENTS package require SOAP::Utils catch { package require SOAP::http } ; # Circular, recover package require http 2.0 package require log package require rpcvar package require uri # ACTIVESTATE TEAPOT-PKG END REQUIREMENTS # ACTIVESTATE TEAPOT-PKG BEGIN DECLARE package provide SOAP # ACTIVESTATE TEAPOT-PKG END DECLARE # ACTIVESTATE TEAPOT-PKG END TM # SOAP.tcl - Copyright (C) 2001 Pat Thoyts # Copyright (C) 2008 Andreas Kupries # # Provide Tcl access to SOAP 1.1 methods. # # See http://tclsoap.sourceforge.net/ or doc/TclSOAP.html for usage details. # # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY # or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the accompanying file `LICENSE' # for more details. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- package require http 2.0; # tcl 8.n package require log; # tcllib 1.0 package require uri; # tcllib 1.0 catch {package require uri::urn}; # tcllib 1.2 package require SOAP::Utils; # TclSOAP package require rpcvar; # TclSOAP # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- namespace eval ::SOAP {variable domVersion} # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- namespace eval ::SOAP { variable version variable logLevel warning variable rcs_version { $Id: SOAP.tcl,v 2008/03/04 23:12:55 andreas_kupries Exp $ } namespace export create cget dump configure proxyconfig export catch {namespace import -force Utils::*} ;# catch to allow pkg_mkIndex. catch {namespace import -force [uplevel {namespace current}]::rpcvar::*} } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Description: # Register the namespace for handling SOAP methods using 'scheme' as a # transport. See the http.tcl and smtp.tcl files for examples of how # to plug in a new scheme. # A SOAP transport package requires an 'xfer' method for performing the # SOAP method call and a 'configure' method for setting any transport # specific options via SOAP::configure -transport. # You may also have a 'dump' method to help with debugging. # Parameters: # scheme - should be a URI scheme (in fact it must be recognised by the # then uri package from tcllib) # namespace - the namespace within which the transport methods are defined. # proc ::SOAP::register {scheme namespace} { variable transports set transports($scheme) $namespace } # Description: # Internal method to return the namespace hosting a SOAP transport using # the URL scheme 'scheme'. # proc ::SOAP::schemeloc {scheme} { variable transports if {[info exists transports($scheme)]} { return $transports($scheme) } else { return -code error "invalid transport scheme:\ \"$scheme\" is not registered. Try one of [array names transports]" } } # Description: # Check for the existence of a SOAP Transport specific procedure. # If the named proc exists then the fully qualified name is returned # otherwise an empty string is returned. # Used by SOAP::destroy, SOAP::wait and others. # proc ::SOAP::transportHook {procVarName cmdname} { upvar $procVarName procvar array set URL [uri::split $procvar(proxy)] if {$URL(scheme) == "urn"} { set URL(scheme) "$a(scheme):$a(nid)" } set cmd [schemeloc $URL(scheme)]::$cmdname if {[info command $cmd] == {}} { set cmd {} } return $cmd } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Description: # Called from SOAP package methods, shift up to the callers level and # get the fully namespace qualified name for the given proc / var # Parameters: # name - the name of a Tcl entity, or list of command and arguments # Result: # Fully qualified namespace path for the named entity. If the name # parameter is a list the the first element is namespace qualified # and the remainder of the list is unchanged. # proc ::SOAP::qualifyNamespace {name} { if {$name != {}} { set name [lreplace $name 0 0 \ [uplevel 2 namespace origin [lindex $name 0]]] } return $name } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Description: # An interal procedure to mangle and SOAP method name and it's namespace # and generate a name for use as a specific SOAP variable. This ensures # that similarly named methods in different namespaces do not conflict # within the SOAP package. # Parameters: # methodName - the SOAP method name # proc ::SOAP::methodVarName {methodName} { if {[catch {uplevel 2 namespace origin $methodName} name]} { return -code error "invalid method name:\ \"$methodName\" is not a SOAP method" } regsub -all {::+} $name {_} name return [namespace current]::$name } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Description: # Set the amount of logging you would like to see. This is for debugging # the SOAP package. We use the tcllib log package for this so the level # must be one of log::levels. The default is 'warning'. # Parameters: # level - one of log::levels. See the tcllib log package documentation. # proc ::SOAP::setLogLevel {level} { variable logLevel set logLevel $level log::lvSuppressLE emergency 0 log::lvSuppressLE $logLevel 1 log::lvSuppress $logLevel 0 return $logLevel } if {[info exists SOAP::logLevel]} { SOAP::setLogLevel $SOAP::logLevel } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Description: # Retrieve configuration variables from the SOAP package. The options # are all as found for SOAP::configure. # # FIXME: do for -transport as well! # proc ::SOAP::cget { args } { if { [llength $args] != 2 } { return -code error "wrong # args:\ should be \"cget methodName optionName\"" } set methodName [lindex $args 0] set optionName [lindex $args 1] set configVarName [methodVarName $methodName] # FRINK: nocheck if {[catch {set [subst $configVarName]([string trimleft $optionName "-"])} result]} { # kenstir@synchonicity.com: Fixed typo. return -code error "unknown option \"$optionName\"" } return $result } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Description: # Dump out information concerning the last SOAP transaction for a # SOAP method. What you can dump depends on the transport involved. # Parameters: # ?-option? - specify type of data to dump. # methodName - the SOAP method to dump data from. # Notes: # Delegates to the transport namespace to a 'dump' procedure. # proc ::SOAP::dump {args} { if {[llength $args] == 1} { set type -reply set methodName [lindex $args 0] } elseif { [llength $args] == 2 } { set type [lindex $args 0] set methodName [lindex $args 1] } else { return -code error "wrong # args:\ should be \"dump ?option? methodName\"" } # call the transports 'dump' proc if found set procVarName [methodVarName $methodName] if {[set cmd [transportHook $procVarName dump]] != {}} { $cmd $methodName $type } else { return -code error "no dump available:\ the configured transport has no 'dump' procedure defined" } } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Description: # Configure or display a SOAP method options. # Parameters: # procName - the SOAP method Tcl procedure name # args - list of option name / option pairs # Result: # Sets up a configuration array for the SOAP method. # proc ::SOAP::configure { procName args } { variable transports # The list of valid options, used in the error messsage set options { uri proxy params name transport action \ wrapProc replyProc parseProc postProc \ command errorCommand schemas version \ encoding } if { $procName == "-transport" } { set scheme [lindex $args 0] set config "[schemeloc $scheme]::configure" if {[info command $config] != {}} { return [eval $config [lrange $args 1 end]] } else { return -code error "invalid transport:\ \"$scheme\" is not a valid SOAP transport method." } } if { [string match "-logLevel" $procName] } { if {[llength $args] > 0} { setLogLevel [lindex $args 0] } variable logLevel return $logLevel } # construct the name of the options array from the procName. set procVarName "[uplevel namespace current]::$procName" regsub -all {::+} $procVarName {_} procVarName set procVarName [namespace current]::$procVarName # Check that the named method has actually been defined if {! [array exists $procVarName]} { return -code error "invalid command: \"$procName\" not defined" } upvar $procVarName procvar # Add in transport plugin defined options and locate the # configuration hook procedure if one exists. set scheme [eval getTransportFromArgs $procVarName $args] if {$scheme != {}} { set transport_opts "[schemeloc $scheme]::method:options" if {[info exists $transport_opts]} { # FRINK: nocheck set options [concat $options [set $transport_opts]] } set transportHook "[schemeloc $scheme]::method:configure" } # if no args - print out the current settings. if { [llength $args] == 0 } { set r {} foreach opt $options { if {[info exists procvar($opt)]} { lappend r -$opt $procvar($opt) } } return $r } foreach {opt value} $args { switch -glob -- $opt { -uri { set procvar(uri) $value } -proxy { set procvar(proxy) $value } -param* { set procvar(params) $value } -trans* { set procvar(transport) $value } -name { set procvar(name) $value } -action { set procvar(action) $value } -schema* { set procvar(schemas) $value } -ver* { set procvar(version) $value } -enc* { set procvar(encoding) $value } -wrap* { set procvar(wrapProc) [qualifyNamespace $value] } -rep* { set procvar(replyProc) [qualifyNamespace $value] } -parse* { set procvar(parseProc) [qualifyNamespace $value] } -post* { set procvar(postProc) [qualifyNamespace $value] } -com* { set procvar(command) [qualifyNamespace $value] } -err* { set procvar(errorCommand) [qualifyNamespace $value] } default { # might be better to delete the args as we process them # and then call this once with all the remaining args. # Still - this will work fine. if {[info exists transportHook] && [info command $transportHook] != {}} { if {[catch {eval $transportHook $procVarName \ [list $opt] [list $value]}]} { return -code error "unknown option \"$opt\":\ must be one of ${options}" } } else { return -code error "unknown option \"$opt\":\ must be one of ${options}" } } } } if { $procvar(name) == {} } { set procvar(name) $procName } # If the transport proc is not overridden then set based upon the proxy # scheme registered by SOAP::register. if { $procvar(transport) == {} } { set xferProc "[schemeloc $scheme]::xfer" if {[info command $xferProc] != {}} { set procvar(transport) $xferProc } else { return -code error "invalid transport:\ \"$scheme\" is improperly registered" } } # The default version is SOAP 1.1 if { $procvar(version) == {} } { set procvar(version) SOAP1.1 } # Canonicalize the SOAP version URI switch -glob -- $procvar(version) { SOAP1.1 - 1.1 { set procvar(version) "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" } SOAP1.2 - 1.2 { set procvar(version) "http://www.w3.org/2001/06/soap-envelope" } } # Default SOAP encoding is SOAP 1.1 if { $procvar(encoding) == {} } { set procvar(encoding) SOAP1.1 } switch -glob -- $procvar(encoding) { SOAP1.1 - 1.1 { set procvar(encoding) "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/" } SOAP1.2 - 1.2 { set procvar(encoding) "http://www.w3.org/2001/06/soap-encoding" } } # Select the default parser unless one is specified if { $procvar(parseProc) == {} } { set procvar(parseProc) [namespace current]::parse_soap_response } # If no request wrapper is set, use the default SOAP wrap proc. if { $procvar(wrapProc) == {} } { set procvar(wrapProc) [namespace current]::soap_request } # Create the Tcl procedure that maps to this RPC method. uplevel 1 "proc $procName { args } {eval [namespace current]::invoke $procVarName \$args}" # return the fully qualified command name created. return [uplevel 1 "namespace which $procName"] } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Description: # Create a Tcl wrapper for a SOAP methodcall. This constructs a Tcl command # and the necessary data structures to support the method call using the # specified transport. # proc ::SOAP::create { args } { if { [llength $args] < 1 } { return -code error "wrong # args:\ should be \"create procName ?options?\"" } else { set procName [lindex $args 0] set args [lreplace $args 0 0] } set ns "[uplevel namespace current]::$procName" regsub -all {::+} $ns {_} varName set varName [namespace current]::$varName array set $varName {} array set $varName {uri {}} ;# the XML namespace URI for this method array set $varName {proxy {}} ;# URL for the location of a provider array set $varName {params {}} ;# name/type pairs for the parameters array set $varName {transport {}} ;# transport procedure for this method array set $varName {name {}} ;# SOAP method name array set $varName {action {}} ;# Contents of the SOAPAction header array set $varName {wrapProc {}} ;# encode request into XML for sending array set $varName {replyProc {}} ;# post process the raw XML result array set $varName {parseProc {}} ;# parse raw XML and extract the values array set $varName {postProc {}} ;# post process the parsed result array set $varName {command {}} ;# asynchronous reply handler array set $varName {errorCommand {}} ;# asynchronous error handler array set $varName {headers {}} ;# SOAP Head elements returned. array set $varName {schemas {}} ;# List of SOAP Schemas in force array set $varName {version {}} ;# SOAP Version in force (URI) array set $varName {encoding {}} ;# SOAP Encoding (URI) set scheme [eval getTransportFromArgs $varName $args] if {$scheme != {}} { # Add any transport defined method options set transportOptions "[schemeloc $scheme]::method:options" # FRINK: nocheck foreach opt [set $transportOptions] { array set $varName [list $opt {}] } # Call any transport defined construction proc set createHook "[schemeloc $scheme]::method:create" if {[info command $createHook] != {}} { eval $createHook $varName $args } } # call configure from the callers level so it can get the namespace. return [uplevel 1 "[namespace current]::configure $procName $args"] } # Identify the transport protocol so we can include transport specific # creation code. proc getTransportFromArgs {procVarName args} { upvar $procVarName procvar set uri {} set scheme {} if {$procvar(proxy) != {}} { set uri $procvar(proxy) } elseif {[set n [lsearch -exact $args -proxy]] != -1} { incr n set uri [lindex $args $n] } if {$uri != {}} { array set URL [uri::split $uri] if {$URL(scheme) == "urn"} { set URL(scheme) $URL(scheme):$URL(nid) } set scheme $URL(scheme) } return $scheme } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Description: # Export a list of procedure names as SOAP endpoints. This is only used # in the SOAP server code to specify the subset of Tcl commands that should # be accessible via a SOAP call. # Parameters: # args - a list of tcl commands to be made available as SOAP endpoints. # proc ::SOAP::export {args} { foreach item $args { uplevel "set \[namespace current\]::__soap_exports($item)\ \[namespace code $item\]" } return } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Description: # Reverse the SOAP::create command by deleting the SOAP method binding and # freeing up any allocated resources. This needs to delegate to the # transports cleanup procedure if one is defined as well. # Parameters: # methodName - the name of the SOAP method command # proc ::SOAP::destroy {methodName} { set procVarName [methodVarName $methodName] # Delete the SOAP command uplevel rename $methodName {{}} # Call the transport specific method destructor (if any) if {[set cmd [transportHook $procVarName method:destroy]] != {}} { $cmd $procVarName } # Delete the SOAP method configuration array # FRINK: nocheck unset $procVarName } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Description: # Wait for any pending asynchronous method calls. # Parameters: # methodName - the method binding we are interested in. # proc ::SOAP::wait {methodName} { set procVarName [methodVarName $methodName] # Call the transport specific method wait proc (if any) if {[set cmd [transportHook $procVarName wait]] != {}} { $cmd $procVarName } } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Description: # Make a SOAP method call using the configured transport. # See also 'invoke2' for the reply handling which may be asynchronous. # Parameters: # procName - the SOAP method configuration variable path # args - the parameter list for the SOAP method call # Returns: # Returns the parsed and processed result of the method call # proc ::SOAP::invoke { procVarName args } { set procName [lindex [split $procVarName {_}] end] if {![array exists $procVarName]} { return -code error "invalid command: \"$procName\" not defined" } upvar $procVarName procvar # Get the URL set url $procvar(proxy) # Get the XML data containing our request by calling the -wrapProc # procedure set req [eval "$procvar(wrapProc) $procVarName $args"] # Send the SOAP packet (req) using the configured transport procedure set transport $procvar(transport) set reply [$transport $procVarName $url $req] # Check for an async command handler. If async then return now, # otherwise call the invoke second stage immediately. if { $procvar(command) != {} } { return $reply } return [invoke2 $procVarName $reply] } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Description: # The second stage of the method invocation deals with unwrapping the # reply packet that has been received from the remote service. # Parameters: # procVarName - the SOAP method configuration variable path # reply - the raw data returned from the remote service # Notes: # This has been separated from `invoke' to support asynchronous # transports. It calls the various unwrapping hooks in turn. # proc ::SOAP::invoke2 {procVarName reply} { set ::lastReply $reply set procName [lindex [split $procVarName {_}] end] upvar $procVarName procvar # Post-process the raw XML using -replyProc if { $procvar(replyProc) != {} } { set reply [$procvar(replyProc) $procVarName $reply] } # Call the relevant parser to extract the returned values set parseProc $procvar(parseProc) if { $parseProc == {} } { set parseProc parse_soap_response } set r [$parseProc $procVarName $reply] # Post process the parsed reply using -postProc if { $procvar(postProc) != {} } { set r [$procvar(postProc) $procVarName $r] } return $r } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Description: # Dummy SOAP transports to examine the SOAP requests generated for use # with the test package and for debugging. # Parameters: # procVarName - SOAP method name configuration variable # url - URL of the remote server method implementation # soap - the XML payload for this SOAP method call # namespace eval SOAP::Transport::print { variable method:options {} proc configure {args} { return } proc xfer { procVarName url soap } { puts "$soap" } SOAP::register urn:print [namespace current] } namespace eval SOAP::Transport::reflect { variable method:options {} proc configure {args} { return } proc xfer {procVarName url soap} { return $soap } SOAP::register urn:reflect [namespace current] } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Description: # Setup SOAP HTTP transport for an authenticating proxy HTTP server. # At present the SOAP package only supports Basic authentication and this # dialog is used to configure the proxy information. # Parameters: # none proc ::SOAP::proxyconfig {} { package require Tk if { [catch {package require base64}] } { return -code error "proxyconfig requires the tcllib base64 package." } toplevel .tx wm title .tx "Proxy Authentication Configuration" set m [message .tx.m1 -relief groove -justify left -width 6c -aspect 200 \ -text "Enter details of your proxy server (if any) and your\ username and password if it is needed by the proxy."] set f1 [frame .tx.f1] set f2 [frame .tx.f2] button $f2.b -text "OK" -command {destroy .tx} pack $f2.b -side right label $f1.l1 -text "Proxy (host:port)" label $f1.l2 -text "Username" label $f1.l3 -text "Password" entry $f1.e1 -textvariable SOAP::conf_proxy entry $f1.e2 -textvariable SOAP::conf_userid entry $f1.e3 -textvariable SOAP::conf_passwd -show {*} grid $f1.l1 -column 0 -row 0 -sticky e grid $f1.l2 -column 0 -row 1 -sticky e grid $f1.l3 -column 0 -row 2 -sticky e grid $f1.e1 -column 1 -row 0 -sticky news grid $f1.e2 -column 1 -row 1 -sticky news grid $f1.e3 -column 1 -row 2 -sticky news grid columnconfigure $f1 1 -weight 1 pack $f2 -side bottom -fill x pack $m -side top -fill x -expand 1 pack $f1 -side top -anchor n -fill both -expand 1 #bind .tx "$f2.b invoke" tkwait window .tx SOAP::configure -transport http -proxy $SOAP::conf_proxy if { [info exists SOAP::conf_userid] } { SOAP::configure -transport http \ -headers [list "Proxy-Authorization" \ "Basic [lindex [base64::encode ${SOAP::conf_userid}:${SOAP::conf_passwd}] 0]" ] } unset SOAP::conf_passwd } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Description: # Prepare a SOAP fault message # Parameters: # faultcode - the SOAP faultcode e.g: SOAP-ENV:Client # faultstring - summary of the fault # detail - list of {detailName detailInfo} # Result: # returns the XML text of the SOAP Fault packet. # proc ::SOAP::fault {faultcode faultstring {detail {}}} { set doc [newDocument] set bod [reply_envelope $doc] set flt [addNode $bod "SOAP-ENV:Fault"] set fcd [addNode $flt "faultcode"] addTextNode $fcd $faultcode set fst [addNode $flt "faultstring"] addTextNode $fst $faultstring if { $detail != {} } { set dtl0 [addNode $flt "detail"] set dtl [addNode $dtl0 "e:errorInfo"] setElementAttribute $dtl "xmlns:e" "urn:TclSOAP-ErrorInfo" foreach {detailName detailInfo} $detail { set err [addNode $dtl $detailName] addTextNode $err $detailInfo } } # serialize the DOM document and return the XML text set r [generateXML $doc] deleteDocument $doc return $r } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Description: # Generate the common portion of a SOAP replay packet # Parameters: # doc - the document element of a DOM document # Result: # returns the body node # proc ::SOAP::reply_envelope { doc } { set env [addNode $doc "SOAP-ENV:Envelope"] setElementAttribute $env \ "xmlns:SOAP-ENV" "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" setElementAttribute $env \ "xmlns:xsi" "http://www.w3.org/1999/XMLSchema-instance" setElementAttribute $env \ "xmlns:xsd" "http://www.w3.org/1999/XMLSchema" setElementAttribute $env \ "xmlns:SOAP-ENC" "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/" set bod [addNode $env "SOAP-ENV:Body"] return $bod } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Description: # Generate a SOAP reply packet. Uses 'rpcvar' variable type information to # manage complex data structures and arrays. # Parameters: # doc empty DOM document element # uri URI of the SOAP method # methodName the SOAP method name # result the reply data # Result: # returns the DOM document root # proc ::SOAP::reply { doc uri methodName result } { set bod [reply_envelope $doc] set cmd [addNode $bod "ns:$methodName"] setElementAttribute $cmd "xmlns:ns" $uri setElementAttribute $cmd \ "SOAP-ENV:encodingStyle" \ "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/" # insert the results into the DOM tree (unless it's a void result) if {$result != {}} { # Some methods may return a parameter list of name - value pairs. if {[rpctype $result] == "PARAMLIST"} { foreach {resultName resultValue} [rpcvalue $result] { set retnode [addNode $cmd $resultName] SOAP::insert_value $retnode $resultValue } } else { set retnode [addNode $cmd "return"] SOAP::insert_value $retnode $result } } return $doc } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Description: # Procedure to generate the XML data for a configured SOAP procedure. # This is the default SOAP -wrapProc procedure # Parameters: # procVarName - the path of the SOAP method configuration variable # args - the arguments for this SOAP method # Result: # XML data containing the SOAP method call. # Notes: # We permit a small number of option to be specified on the method call # itself. -headers is used to set SOAP Header elements and -attr can be # used to set additional XML attributes on the method element (needed for # UDDI.) # proc ::SOAP::soap_request {procVarName args} { upvar $procVarName procvar set procName [lindex [split $procVarName {_}] end] set params $procvar(params) set name $procvar(name) set uri $procvar(uri) set soapenv $procvar(version) set soapenc $procvar(encoding) # Check for options (ie: -header) give up on the fist non-matching arg. array set opts {-headers {} -attributes {}} while {[string match -* [lindex $args 0]]} { switch -glob -- [lindex $args 0] { -header* { set opts(-headers) [concat $opts(-headers) [lindex $args 1]] set args [lreplace $args 0 0] } -attr* { set opts(-attributes) [concat $opts(-attributes) [lindex $args 1]] set args [lreplace $args 0 0] } -- { set args [lreplace $args 0 0] break } default { # stop option processing at the first invalid option. break } } set args [lreplace $args 0 0] } # check for variable number of params and set the num required. if {[lindex $params end] == "args"} { set n_params [expr {( [llength $params] - 1 ) / 2}] } else { set n_params [expr {[llength $params] / 2}] } # check we have the correct number of parameters supplied. if {[llength $args] < $n_params} { set msg "wrong # args: should be \"$procName" foreach { id type } $params { append msg " " $id } append msg "\"" return -code error $msg } set doc [newDocument] set envx [addNode $doc "SOAP-ENV:Envelope"] setElementAttribute $envx "xmlns:SOAP-ENV" $soapenv setElementAttribute $envx "xmlns:SOAP-ENC" $soapenc setElementAttribute $envx "SOAP-ENV:encodingStyle" $soapenc # The set of namespaces depends upon the SOAP encoding as specified by # the encoding option and the user specified set of relevant schemas. foreach {nsname url} [concat \ [rpcvar::default_schemas $soapenc] \ $procvar(schemas)] { if {! [string match "xmlns:*" $nsname]} { set nsname "xmlns:$nsname" } setElementAttribute $envx $nsname $url } # Insert the Header elements (if any) if {$opts(-headers) != {}} { set headelt [addNode $envx "SOAP-ENV:Header"] foreach {hname hvalue} $opts(-headers) { set hnode [addNode $headelt $hname] insert_value $hnode $hvalue } } # Insert the body element and atributes. set bod [addNode $envx "SOAP-ENV:Body"] if {$uri == ""} { # don't use a namespace prefix if we don't have a namespace. set cmd [addNode $bod "$name" ] } else { set cmd [addNode $bod "ns:$name" ] setElementAttribute $cmd "xmlns:ns" $uri } # Insert any method attributes if {$opts(-attributes) != {}} { foreach {atname atvalue} $opts(-attributes) { setElementAttribute $cmd $atname $atvalue } } # insert the parameters. set param_no 0 foreach {key type} $params { set val [lindex $args $param_no] set d_param [addNode $cmd $key] insert_value $d_param [rpcvar $type $val] incr param_no } # We have to strip out the DOCTYPE element though. It would be better to # remove the DOM node for this, but that didn't work. set req [generateXML $doc] deleteDocument $doc ;# clean up set req [encoding convertto utf-8 $req] ;# make it UTF-8 return $req ;# return the XML data } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Description: # Procedure to generate the XML data for a configured XML-RPC procedure. # Parameters: # procVarName - the name of the XML-RPC method variable # args - the arguments for this RPC method # Result: # XML data containing the XML-RPC method call. # proc ::SOAP::xmlrpc_request {procVarName args} { upvar $procVarName procvar set procName [lindex [split $procVarName {_}] end] set params $procvar(params) set name $procvar(name) if { [llength $args] != [expr { [llength $params] / 2 } ]} { set msg "wrong # args: should be \"$procName" foreach { id type } $params { append msg " " $id } append msg "\"" return -code error $msg } set doc [newDocument] set d_root [addNode $doc "methodCall"] set d_meth [addNode $d_root "methodName"] addTextNode $d_meth $name if { [llength $params] != 0 } { set d_params [addNode $d_root "params"] } set param_no 0 foreach {key type} $params { set val [lindex $args $param_no] set d_param [addNode $d_params "param"] XMLRPC::insert_value $d_param [rpcvar $type $val] incr param_no } # We have to strip out the DOCTYPE element though. It would be better to # remove the DOM element, but that didn't work. set req [generateXML $doc] deleteDocument $doc ;# clean up return $req ;# return the XML data } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Description: # Parse a SOAP response payload. Check for Fault response otherwise # extract the value data. # Parameters: # procVarName - the name of the SOAP method configuration variable # xml - the XML payload of the response # Result: # The returned value data. # Notes: # Needs work to cope with struct or array types. # proc ::SOAP::parse_soap_response { procVarName xml } { upvar $procVarName procvar # Sometimes Fault packets come back with HTTP code 200 # # kenstir@synchronicity.com: Catch xml parse errors and present a # friendlier message. The parse method throws awful messages like # "{invalid attribute list} around line 16". if {$xml == {} && ![string match "http*" $procvar(proxy)]} { # This is probably not an error. SMTP and FTP won't return anything # HTTP should always return though (I think). return {} } else { if {[catch {set doc [parseXML $xml]}]} { return -code error -errorcode Server \ "Server response is not well-formed XML.\nresponse was $xml" } } set faultNode [selectNode $doc "/SENV:Envelope/SENV:Body/SENV:Fault"] if {$faultNode != {}} { array set fault [decomposeSoap $faultNode] deleteDocument $doc if {![info exists fault(detail)]} { set fault(detail) {}} return -code error -errorinfo $fault(detail) \ [list $fault(faultcode) $fault(faultstring)] } # If there is a header element then make it available via SOAP::getHeader set headerNode [selectNode $doc "/SENV:Envelope/SENV:Header"] if {$headerNode != {} \ && [string match \ "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" \ [namespaceURI $headerNode]]} { set procvar(headers) [decomposeSoap $headerNode] } else { set procvar(headers) {} } set result {} if {[info exists procvar(name)]} { set responseName "$procvar(name)Response" } else { set responseName "*" } set responseNode [selectNode $doc "/SENV:Envelope/SENV:Body/$responseName"] if {$responseNode == {}} { set responseNode [lindex [selectNode $doc "/SENV:Envelope/SENV:Body/*"] 0] } set nodes [getElements $responseNode] foreach node $nodes { set r [decomposeSoap $node] if {$result == {}} { set result $r } else { lappend result $r } } deleteDocument $doc return $result } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Description: # Parse an XML-RPC response payload. Check for fault response otherwise # extract the value data. # Parameters: # procVarName - the name of the XML-RPC method configuration variable # xml - the XML payload of the response # Result: # The extracted value(s). Array types are converted into lists and struct # types are turned into lists of name/value pairs suitable for array set # Notes: # The XML-RPC fault response doesn't allow us to add in extra values # to the fault struct. So where to put the servers errorInfo? # proc ::SOAP::parse_xmlrpc_response { procVarName xml } { upvar $procVarName procvar set result {} if {$xml == {} && ![string match "http*" $procvar(proxy)]} { # This is probably not an error. SMTP and FTP won't return anything # HTTP should always return though (I think). return {} } else { if {[catch {set doc [parseXML $xml]}]} { return -code error -errorcode Server \ "Server response is not well-formed XML.\n\ response was $xml" } } set faultNode [selectNode $doc "/methodResponse/fault"] if {$faultNode != {}} { array set err [lindex [decomposeXMLRPC \ [selectNode $doc /methodResponse]] 0] deleteDocument $doc return -code error \ -errorcode $err(faultCode) \ -errorinfo $err(faultString) \ "Received XML-RPC Error" } # Recurse over each params/param/value set n_params 0 foreach valueNode [selectNode $doc \ "/methodResponse/params/param/value"] { lappend result [xmlrpc_value_from_node $valueNode] incr n_params } deleteDocument $doc # If (as is usual) there is only one param, simplify things for the user # ie: sort {one two three} should return a 3 element list, not a single # element list whose first element has 3 elements! if {$n_params == 1} {set result [lindex $result 0]} return $result } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Description: # Parse an XML-RPC call payload. Extracts method name and parameters. # Parameters: # procVarName - the name of the XML-RPC method configuration variable # xml - the XML payload of the response # Result: # A list containing the name of the called method as first element # and the extracted parameter(s) as second element. Array types are # converted into lists and struct types are turned into lists of # name/value pairs suitable for array set # Notes: # proc ::SOAP::parse_xmlrpc_request { xml } { set result {} if {[catch {set doc [parseXML $xml]}]} { return -code error -errorinfo Server \ "Client request is not well-formed XML.\n\ call was $xml" } set methodNode [selectNode $doc "/methodCall/methodName"] set methodName [getElementValue $methodNode] # Get the parameters. # If there is only one parameter, simplify things for the user, # ie: sort {one two three} should return a 3 element list, not a # single element list whose first element has 3 elements! set paramsNode [selectNode $doc "/methodCall/params"] set paramValues {} if {$paramsNode != {}} { set paramValues [decomposeXMLRPC $paramsNode] } if {[llength $paramValues] == 1} { set paramValues [lindex $paramValues 0] } catch {deleteDocument $doc} return [list $methodName $paramValues] } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ### NB: this procedure needs to be moved into XMLRPC namespace # Description: # Retrieve the value under the given node. # Parameters: # valueNode - reference to a element in the response dom tree # Result: # Either a single value or a list of values. Arrays expand into a list # of values, structs to a list of name/value pairs. # Notes: # Called recursively when processing arrays and structs. # proc ::SOAP::xmlrpc_value_from_node {valueNode} { set value {} set elts [getElements $valueNode] if {[llength $elts] != 1} { return [getElementValue $valueNode] } set typeElement [lindex $elts 0] set type [getElementName $typeElement] if {$type == "array"} { set dataElement [lindex [getElements $typeElement] 0] foreach valueElement [getElements $dataElement] { lappend value [xmlrpc_value_from_node $valueElement] } } elseif {$type == "struct"} { # struct type has 1+ members which have a name and a value elt. foreach memberElement [getElements $typeElement] { set params [getElements $memberElement] foreach param $params { set nodeName [getElementName $param] if { $nodeName == "name"} { set pname [getElementValue $param] } elseif { $nodeName == "value" } { set pvalue [xmlrpc_value_from_node $param] } } lappend value $pname $pvalue } } else { set value [getElementValue $typeElement] } return $value } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- proc ::SOAP::insert_headers {node headers} { set doc [getDocumentElement $node] if {[set h [selectNode $doc /SENV:Envelope/SENV:Header]] == {}} { set e [documentElement $doc] set h [addNode $e "SOAP-ENV:Header"] } foreach {name value} $headers { if {$name != {}} { set elt [addNode $h $name] insert_value $elt $value } } } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- proc ::SOAP::insert_value {node value} { set type [rpctype $value] set subtype [rpcsubtype $value] set attrs [rpcattributes $value] set headers [rpcheaders $value] set value [rpcvalue $value] set typeinfo [typedef -info $type] set typexmlns [typedef -namespace $type] # Handle any header elements if {$headers != {}} { insert_headers $node $headers } # If the rpcvar namespace is a URI then assign it a tag and ensure we # have our colon only when required. if {$typexmlns != {} && [regexp : $typexmlns]} { setElementAttribute $node "xmlns:t" $typexmlns set typexmlns t } if {$typexmlns != {}} { append typexmlns : } # If there are any attributes assigned, apply them. if {$attrs != {}} { foreach {aname avalue} $attrs { setElementAttribute $node $aname $avalue } } if {[string match {*()} $typeinfo] || [string match {*()} $type] || [string match array $type]} { # array type: arrays are indicated by one or more () suffixes or # the word 'array' (depreciated) if {[string length $typeinfo] == 0} { set dimensions [regexp -all -- {\(\)} $type] set itemtype [string trimright $type ()] if {$itemtype == "array"} { set itemtype ur-type set dimensions 1 } } else { set dimensions [regexp -all -- {\(\)} $typeinfo] set itemtype [string trimright $typeinfo ()] } # Look up the typedef info of the item type set itemxmlns [typedef -namespace $itemtype] if {$itemxmlns != {} && [regexp : $itemxmlns]} { setElementAttribute $node "xmlns:i" $itemxmlns set itemxmlns i } # Currently we do not support non-0 offsets into the array. # This is because I don;t know how I should present this to the # user. It's got to be a dynamic attribute on the value. setElementAttribute $node \ "xmlns:SOAP-ENC" "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/" setElementAttribute $node "xsi:type" "SOAP-ENC:Array" setElementAttribute $node "SOAP-ENC:offset" "\[0\]" # we need to break a multi-dim array into r0c0,r0c1,r1c0,r1c1 # so list0 followed by list1 etc. # FIX ME set arrayType "$itemxmlns:$itemtype" #for {set cn 0} {$cn < $dimensions} {incr cn} append arrayType "\[[llength $value]\]" setElementAttribute $node "SOAP-ENC:arrayType" $arrayType foreach elt $value { set d_elt [addNode $node "item"] if {[string match "ur-type" $itemtype]} { insert_value $d_elt $elt } else { insert_value $d_elt [rpcvar $itemtype $elt] } } } elseif {[llength $typeinfo] > 1} { # a typedef'd struct. if {$typexmlns != {}} { setElementAttribute $node "xsi:type" "${typexmlns}${type}" } array set ti $typeinfo # Bounds checking - if {[llength $typeinfo] != [llength $value]} { return -code error "wrong # args:\ type $type contains \"$typeinfo\"" } foreach {eltname eltvalue} $value { set d_elt [addNode $node $eltname] if {![info exists ti($eltname)]} { return -code error "invalid member name:\ \"$eltname\" is not a member of the $type type." } insert_value $d_elt [rpcvar $ti($eltname) $eltvalue] } } elseif {$type == "struct"} { # an unspecified struct foreach {eltname eltvalue} $value { set d_elt [addNode $node $eltname] insert_value $d_elt $eltvalue } } else { # simple type or typedef'd enumeration if {$typexmlns != {}} { setElementAttribute $node "xsi:type" "${typexmlns}${type}" } addTextNode $node $value } } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- package provide SOAP $::SOAP::version if {[catch {package present SOAP::http}]} { package require SOAP::http; # TclSOAP 1.6.2+ } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Local variables: # indent-tabs-mode: nil # End: