Key | Value |
author | Andreas Kupries |
build::date | 2015-06-11 |
description | This package is the core shared/used by all other CRIMP packages. At the C-level it provides the core data structures, functions, and macros for images and image types. These are reflected in the Tcl level API as well, via the fundamental accessors and basic image conversion from and to Tcl data structures (nested lists). |
entity | package |
generated::by | critcl 3.1.13 andreask |
generated::date | 2015-06-11 |
license | Under a BSD license. |
platform | linux-glibc2.3-ix86 |
require | Tcl -require 8.5 |
subject | image image type image accessors image construction data structures data type |
summary | The core data structures of all CRIMP packages |