# ACTIVESTATE TEAPOT-PKG BEGIN TM -*- tcl -*- # -- Tcl Module # @@ Meta Begin # Package ftp 2.4.9 # Meta as::build::date 2011-04-14 # Meta as::origin http://sourceforge.net/projects/tcllib # Meta category ftp client # Meta description Client-side tcl implementation of the ftp protocol # Meta license BSD # Meta platform tcl # Meta require {Tcl 8.2} # Meta require log # Meta subject internet {rfc 959} ftp net # Meta summary ftp # @@ Meta End # ACTIVESTATE TEAPOT-PKG BEGIN REQUIREMENTS package require Tcl 8.2 package require log # ACTIVESTATE TEAPOT-PKG END REQUIREMENTS # ACTIVESTATE TEAPOT-PKG BEGIN DECLARE package provide ftp 2.4.9 # ACTIVESTATE TEAPOT-PKG END DECLARE # ACTIVESTATE TEAPOT-PKG END TM # ftp.tcl -- # # FTP library package for Tcl 8.2+. Originally written by Steffen # Traeger (Steffen.Traeger@t-online.de); modified by Peter MacDonald # (peter@pdqi.com) to support multiple simultaneous FTP sessions; # Modified by Steve Ball (Steve.Ball@zveno.com) to support # asynchronous operation. # # Copyright (c) 1996-1999 by Steffen Traeger # Copyright (c) 2000 by Ajuba Solutions # Copyright (c) 2000 by Zveno Pty Ltd # # See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution # of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES. # # RCS: @(#) $Id: ftp.tcl,v 1.47 2008/08/05 20:34:32 andreas_kupries Exp $ # # core ftp support: ftp::Open # ftp::Close # ftp::Cd # ftp::Pwd # ftp::Type # ftp::List # ftp::NList # ftp::FileSize # ftp::ModTime # ftp::Delete # ftp::Rename # ftp::Put <(local | -data "data" -channel chan)> # ftp::Append <(local | -data "data" | -channel chan)> # ftp::Get # ftp::Reget # ftp::Newer # ftp::MkDir # ftp::RmDir # ftp::Quote ... # # Internal documentation. Contents of a session state array. # # --------------------------------------------- # key value # --------------------------------------------- # State Current state of the session and the currently executing command. # RemoteFileName Name of the remote file, for put/get # LocalFileName Name of local file, for put/get # inline 1 - Put/Get is inline (from data, to variable) # filebuffer # PutData Data to move when inline # SourceCI Channel to read from, "Put" # --------------------------------------------- # package require Tcl 8.2 package require log ; # tcllib/log, general logging facility. namespace eval ::ftp { namespace export DisplayMsg Open Close Cd Pwd Type List NList \ FileSize ModTime Delete Rename Put Append Get Reget \ Newer Quote MkDir RmDir variable serial 0 variable VERBOSE 0 variable DEBUG 0 } ############################################################################# # # DisplayMsg -- # # This is a simple procedure to display any messages on screen. # Can be intercepted by the -output option to Open # # namespace ftp { # proc DisplayMsg {msg} { # ...... # } # } # # Arguments: # msg - message string # state - different states {normal, data, control, error} # proc ::ftp::DisplayMsg {s msg {state ""}} { upvar ::ftp::ftp$s ftp if { ([info exists ftp(Output)]) && ($ftp(Output) != "") } { eval [concat $ftp(Output) {$s $msg $state}] return } # FIX #476729. Instead of changing the documentation this # procedure is changed to enforce the documented # behaviour. IOW, this procedure will not throw # errors anymore. At the same time printing to stdout # is exchanged against calls into the 'log' module # tcllib, which is much easier to customize for the # needs of any application using the ftp module. The # variable VERBOSE is still relevant as it controls # whether this procedure is called or not. global errorInfo switch -exact -- $state { data {log::log debug "$state | $msg"} control {log::log debug "$state | $msg"} error {log::log error "$state | E: $msg:\n$errorInfo"} default {log::log debug "$state | $msg"} } return } ############################################################################# # # Timeout -- # # Handle timeouts # # Arguments: # - # proc ::ftp::Timeout {s} { upvar ::ftp::ftp$s ftp after cancel $ftp(Wait) set ftp(state.control) 1 DisplayMsg "" "Timeout of control connection after $ftp(Timeout) sec.!" error Command $ftp(Command) timeout return } ############################################################################# # # WaitOrTimeout -- # # Blocks the running procedure and waits for a variable of the transaction # to complete. It continues processing procedure until a procedure or # StateHandler sets the value of variable "finished". # If a connection hangs the variable is setting instead of by this procedure after # specified seconds in $ftp(Timeout). # # # Arguments: # - # proc ::ftp::WaitOrTimeout {s} { upvar ::ftp::ftp$s ftp set retvar 1 if { ![string length $ftp(Command)] && [info exists ftp(state.control)] } { set ftp(Wait) [after [expr {$ftp(Timeout) * 1000}] [list [namespace current]::Timeout $s]] vwait ::ftp::ftp${s}(state.control) set retvar $ftp(state.control) } if {$ftp(Error) != ""} { set errmsg $ftp(Error) set ftp(Error) "" DisplayMsg $s $errmsg error } return $retvar } ############################################################################# # # WaitComplete -- # # Transaction completed. # Cancel execution of the delayed command declared in procedure WaitOrTimeout. # # Arguments: # value - result of the transaction # 0 ... Error # 1 ... OK # proc ::ftp::WaitComplete {s value} { upvar ::ftp::ftp$s ftp if {![info exists ftp(Command)]} { set ftp(state.control) $value return $value } if { ![string length $ftp(Command)] && [info exists ftp(state.data)] } { vwait ::ftp::ftp${s}(state.data) } catch {after cancel $ftp(Wait)} set ftp(state.control) $value return $ftp(state.control) } ############################################################################# # # PutsCtrlSocket -- # # Puts then specified command to control socket, # if DEBUG is set than it logs via DisplayMsg # # Arguments: # command - ftp command # proc ::ftp::PutsCtrlSock {s {command ""}} { upvar ::ftp::ftp$s ftp variable DEBUG if { $DEBUG } { DisplayMsg $s "---> $command" } puts $ftp(CtrlSock) $command flush $ftp(CtrlSock) return } ############################################################################# # # StateHandler -- # # Implements a finite state handler and a fileevent handler # for the control channel # # Arguments: # sock - socket name # If called from a procedure than this argument is empty. # If called from a fileevent than this argument contains # the socket channel identifier. proc ::ftp::StateHandler {s {sock ""}} { upvar ::ftp::ftp$s ftp variable DEBUG variable VERBOSE # disable fileevent on control socket, enable it at the and of the state machine # fileevent $ftp(CtrlSock) readable {} # there is no socket (and no channel to get) if called from a procedure set rc " " set msgtext {} if { $sock != "" } { set number 0 ;# Error condition catch {set number [gets $sock bufline]} if { $number > 0 } { # get return code, check for multi-line text if {![regexp -- "^-?(\[0-9\]+)( |-)?(.*)$" $bufline all rc multi_line msgtext]} { set errmsg "C: Internal Error @ line 255.\ Regex pattern not matching the input \"$bufline\"" if {$VERBOSE} { DisplayMsg $s $errmsg control } } else { # multi-line format detected ("-"), get all the lines # until the real return code set buffer $bufline while { [string equal $multi_line "-"] } { set number [gets $sock bufline] if { $number > 0 } { append buffer \n "$bufline" regexp -- "(^\[0-9\]+)( |-)?(.*)$" $bufline all rc multi_line # multi_line is not set if the bufline does not match the regexp, # I.e. this keeps the '-' which started this around until the # closing line does match and sets it to space. } } # Export the accumulated response. [Bug 1191607]. set msgtext $buffer } } elseif { [eof $ftp(CtrlSock)] } { # remote server has closed control connection. kill # control socket, unset State to disable all following # commands. Killing the socket is done before # 'WaitComplete' to prevent it from recursively entering # this code, overflowing the stack (socket still existing, # still readable, still eof). [SF Tcllib Bug 15822535]. set rc 421 catch {close $ftp(CtrlSock)} catch {unset ftp(CtrlSock)} catch {unset ftp(state.data)} if { $VERBOSE } { DisplayMsg $s "C: 421 Service not available, closing control connection." control } if {![string equal $ftp(State) "quit_sent"]} { set ftp(Error) "Service not available!" } CloseDataConn $s WaitComplete $s 0 Command $ftp(Command) terminated catch {unset ftp(State)} return } else { # Fix SF bug #466746: Incomplete line, do nothing. return } } if { $DEBUG } { DisplayMsg $s "-> rc=\"$rc\"\n-> msgtext=\"$msgtext\"\n-> state=\"$ftp(State)\"" } # In asynchronous mode, should we move on to the next state? set nextState 0 # system status replay if { [string equal $rc "211"] } { return } # use only the first digit regexp -- "^\[0-9\]?" $rc rc switch -exact -- $ftp(State) { user { switch -exact -- $rc { 2 { PutsCtrlSock $s "USER $ftp(User)" set ftp(State) passwd Command $ftp(Command) user } default { set errmsg "Error connecting! $msgtext" set complete_with 0 Command $ftp(Command) error $errmsg } } } passwd { switch -exact -- $rc { 2 { set complete_with 1 Command $ftp(Command) password } 3 { PutsCtrlSock $s "PASS $ftp(Passwd)" set ftp(State) connect Command $ftp(Command) password } default { set errmsg "Error connecting! $msgtext" set complete_with 0 Command $ftp(Command) error $msgtext } } } connect { switch -exact -- $rc { 2 { # The type is set after this, and we want to report # that the connection is complete once the type is done set nextState 1 if {[info exists ftp(NextState)] && ![llength $ftp(NextState)]} { Command $ftp(Command) connect $s } else { set complete_with 1 } } default { set errmsg "Error connecting! $msgtext" set complete_with 0 Command $ftp(Command) error $msgtext } } } connect_last { Command $ftp(Command) connect $s set complete_with 1 } quit { PutsCtrlSock $s "QUIT" set ftp(State) quit_sent } quit_sent { switch -exact -- $rc { 2 { set complete_with 1 set nextState 1 Command $ftp(Command) quit } default { set errmsg "Error disconnecting! $msgtext" set complete_with 0 Command $ftp(Command) error $msgtext } } } quote { PutsCtrlSock $s $ftp(Cmd) set ftp(State) quote_sent } quote_sent { set complete_with 1 set ftp(Quote) $buffer set nextState 1 Command $ftp(Command) quote $buffer } type { if { [string equal $ftp(Type) "ascii"] } { PutsCtrlSock $s "TYPE A" } elseif { [string equal $ftp(Type) "binary"] } { PutsCtrlSock $s "TYPE I" } else { PutsCtrlSock $s "TYPE L" } set ftp(State) type_sent } type_sent { switch -exact -- $rc { 2 { set complete_with 1 set nextState 1 Command $ftp(Command) type $ftp(Type) } default { set errmsg "Error setting type \"$ftp(Type)\"!" set complete_with 0 Command $ftp(Command) error "error setting type \"$ftp(Type)\"" } } } type_change { set ftp(Type) $ftp(type:changeto) set ftp(State) type StateHandler $s } nlist_active { if { [OpenActiveConn $s] } { PutsCtrlSock $s "PORT $ftp(LocalAddr),$ftp(DataPort)" set ftp(State) nlist_open } else { set errmsg "Error setting port!" } } nlist_passive { PutsCtrlSock $s "PASV" set ftp(State) nlist_open } nlist_open { switch -exact -- $rc { 1 {} 2 { if { [string equal $ftp(Mode) "passive"] } { if { ![OpenPassiveConn $s $buffer] } { set errmsg "Error setting PASSIVE mode!" set complete_with 0 Command $ftp(Command) error "error setting passive mode" } } PutsCtrlSock $s "NLST$ftp(Dir)" set ftp(State) list_sent } default { if { [string equal $ftp(Mode) "passive"] } { set errmsg "Error setting PASSIVE mode!" } else { set errmsg "Error setting port!" } set complete_with 0 Command $ftp(Command) error $errmsg } } } list_active { if { [OpenActiveConn $s] } { PutsCtrlSock $s "PORT $ftp(LocalAddr),$ftp(DataPort)" set ftp(State) list_open } else { set errmsg "Error setting port!" Command $ftp(Command) error $errmsg } } list_passive { PutsCtrlSock $s "PASV" set ftp(State) list_open } list_open { switch -exact -- $rc { 1 {} 2 { if { [string equal $ftp(Mode) "passive"] } { if { ![OpenPassiveConn $s $buffer] } { set errmsg "Error setting PASSIVE mode!" set complete_with 0 Command $ftp(Command) error $errmsg } } PutsCtrlSock $s "LIST$ftp(Dir)" set ftp(State) list_sent } default { if { [string equal $ftp(Mode) "passive"] } { set errmsg "Error setting PASSIVE mode!" } else { set errmsg "Error setting port!" } set complete_with 0 Command $ftp(Command) error $errmsg } } } list_sent { switch -exact -- $rc { 1 - 2 { set ftp(State) list_close } default { if { [string equal $ftp(Mode) "passive"] } { catch {unset ftp(state.data)} } set errmsg "Error getting directory listing!" set complete_with 0 Command $ftp(Command) error $errmsg } } } list_close { switch -exact -- $rc { 1 {} 2 { set nextState 1 if {[info exists ftp(NextState)] && ![llength $ftp(NextState)]} { Command $ftp(Command) list [ListPostProcess $ftp(List)] } else { set complete_with 1 } } default { set errmsg "Error receiving list!" set complete_with 0 Command $ftp(Command) error $errmsg } } } list_last { Command $ftp(Command) list [ListPostProcess $ftp(List)] set complete_with 1 } size { PutsCtrlSock $s "SIZE $ftp(File)" set ftp(State) size_sent } size_sent { switch -exact -- $rc { 2 { regexp -- "^\[0-9\]+ (.*)$" $buffer all ftp(FileSize) set complete_with 1 set nextState 1 Command $ftp(Command) size $ftp(File) $ftp(FileSize) } default { set errmsg "Error getting file size!" set complete_with 0 Command $ftp(Command) error $errmsg } } } modtime { if {$ftp(DateTime) != ""} { PutsCtrlSock $s "MDTM $ftp(DateTime) $ftp(File)" } else { ;# No DateTime Specified PutsCtrlSock $s "MDTM $ftp(File)" } set ftp(State) modtime_sent } modtime_sent { switch -exact -- $rc { 2 { regexp -- "^\[0-9\]+ (.*)$" $buffer all ftp(DateTime) set complete_with 1 set nextState 1 Command $ftp(Command) modtime $ftp(File) [ModTimePostProcess $ftp(DateTime)] } default { if {$ftp(DateTime) != ""} { set errmsg "Error setting modification time! No server MDTM support?" } else { set errmsg "Error getting modification time!" } set complete_with 0 Command $ftp(Command) error $errmsg } } } pwd { PutsCtrlSock $s "PWD" set ftp(State) pwd_sent } pwd_sent { switch -exact -- $rc { 2 { regexp -- "^.*\"(.*)\"" $buffer temp ftp(Dir) set complete_with 1 set nextState 1 Command $ftp(Command) pwd $ftp(Dir) } default { set errmsg "Error getting working dir!" set complete_with 0 Command $ftp(Command) error $errmsg } } } cd { PutsCtrlSock $s "CWD$ftp(Dir)" set ftp(State) cd_sent } cd_sent { switch -exact -- $rc { 1 {} 2 { set complete_with 1 set nextState 1 Command $ftp(Command) cd $ftp(Dir) } default { set errmsg "Error changing directory to \"$ftp(Dir)\"" set complete_with 0 Command $ftp(Command) error $errmsg } } } mkdir { PutsCtrlSock $s "MKD $ftp(Dir)" set ftp(State) mkdir_sent } mkdir_sent { switch -exact -- $rc { 2 { set complete_with 1 set nextState 1 Command $ftp(Command) mkdir $ftp(Dir) } default { set errmsg "Error making dir \"$ftp(Dir)\"!" set complete_with 0 Command $ftp(Command) error $errmsg } } } rmdir { PutsCtrlSock $s "RMD $ftp(Dir)" set ftp(State) rmdir_sent } rmdir_sent { switch -exact -- $rc { 2 { set complete_with 1 set nextState 1 Command $ftp(Command) rmdir $ftp(Dir) } default { set errmsg "Error removing directory!" set complete_with 0 Command $ftp(Command) error $errmsg } } } delete { PutsCtrlSock $s "DELE $ftp(File)" set ftp(State) delete_sent } delete_sent { switch -exact -- $rc { 2 { set complete_with 1 set nextState 1 Command $ftp(Command) delete $ftp(File) } default { set errmsg "Error deleting file \"$ftp(File)\"!" set complete_with 0 Command $ftp(Command) error $errmsg } } } rename { PutsCtrlSock $s "RNFR $ftp(RenameFrom)" set ftp(State) rename_to } rename_to { switch -exact -- $rc { 3 { PutsCtrlSock $s "RNTO $ftp(RenameTo)" set ftp(State) rename_sent } default { set errmsg "Error renaming file \"$ftp(RenameFrom)\"!" set complete_with 0 Command $ftp(Command) error $errmsg } } } rename_sent { switch -exact -- $rc { 2 { set complete_with 1 set nextState 1 Command $ftp(Command) rename $ftp(RenameFrom) $ftp(RenameTo) } default { set errmsg "Error renaming file \"$ftp(RenameFrom)\"!" set complete_with 0 Command $ftp(Command) error $errmsg } } } put_active { if { [OpenActiveConn $s] } { PutsCtrlSock $s "PORT $ftp(LocalAddr),$ftp(DataPort)" set ftp(State) put_open } else { set errmsg "Error setting port!" Command $ftp(Command) error $errmsg } } put_passive { PutsCtrlSock $s "PASV" set ftp(State) put_open } put_open { switch -exact -- $rc { 1 - 2 { if { [string equal $ftp(Mode) "passive"] } { if { ![OpenPassiveConn $s $buffer] } { set errmsg "Error setting PASSIVE mode!" set complete_with 0 Command $ftp(Command) error $errmsg } } PutsCtrlSock $s "STOR $ftp(RemoteFilename)" set ftp(State) put_sent } default { if { [string equal $ftp(Mode) "passive"] } { set errmsg "Error setting PASSIVE mode!" } else { set errmsg "Error setting port!" } set complete_with 0 Command $ftp(Command) error $errmsg } } } put_sent { switch -exact -- $rc { 1 - 2 { set ftp(State) put_close } default { if { [string equal $ftp(Mode) "passive"] } { # close already opened DataConnection catch {unset ftp(state.data)} } set errmsg "Error opening connection!" set complete_with 0 Command $ftp(Command) error $errmsg } } } put_close { switch -exact -- $rc { 1 { # Keep going return } 2 { set complete_with 1 set nextState 1 Command $ftp(Command) put $ftp(RemoteFilename) } default { DisplayMsg $s "rc = $rc msgtext = \"$msgtext\"" set errmsg "Error storing file \"$ftp(RemoteFilename)\" due to \"$msgtext\"" set complete_with 0 Command $ftp(Command) error $errmsg } } } append_active { if { [OpenActiveConn $s] } { PutsCtrlSock $s "PORT $ftp(LocalAddr),$ftp(DataPort)" set ftp(State) append_open } else { set errmsg "Error setting port!" Command $ftp(Command) error $errmsg } } append_passive { PutsCtrlSock $s "PASV" set ftp(State) append_open } append_open { switch -exact -- $rc { 1 - 2 { if { [string equal $ftp(Mode) "passive"] } { if { ![OpenPassiveConn $s $buffer] } { set errmsg "Error setting PASSIVE mode!" set complete_with 0 Command $ftp(Command) error $errmsg } } PutsCtrlSock $s "APPE $ftp(RemoteFilename)" set ftp(State) append_sent } default { if { [string equal $ftp(Mode) "passive"] } { set errmsg "Error setting PASSIVE mode!" } else { set errmsg "Error setting port!" } set complete_with 0 Command $ftp(Command) error $errmsg } } } append_sent { switch -exact -- $rc { 1 { set ftp(State) append_close } default { if { [string equal $ftp(Mode) "passive"] } { # close already opened DataConnection catch {unset ftp(state.data)} } set errmsg "Error opening connection!" set complete_with 0 Command $ftp(Command) error $errmsg } } } append_close { switch -exact -- $rc { 2 { set complete_with 1 set nextState 1 Command $ftp(Command) append $ftp(RemoteFilename) } default { set errmsg "Error storing file \"$ftp(RemoteFilename)\"!" set complete_with 0 Command $ftp(Command) error $errmsg } } } reget_active { if { [OpenActiveConn $s] } { PutsCtrlSock $s "PORT $ftp(LocalAddr),$ftp(DataPort)" set ftp(State) reget_restart } else { set errmsg "Error setting port!" Command $ftp(Command) error $errmsg } } reget_passive { PutsCtrlSock $s "PASV" set ftp(State) reget_restart } reget_restart { switch -exact -- $rc { 2 { if { [string equal $ftp(Mode) "passive"] } { if { ![OpenPassiveConn $s $buffer] } { set errmsg "Error setting PASSIVE mode!" set complete_with 0 Command $ftp(Command) error $errmsg } } if { $ftp(FileSize) != 0 } { PutsCtrlSock $s "REST $ftp(FileSize)" set ftp(State) reget_open } else { PutsCtrlSock $s "RETR $ftp(RemoteFilename)" set ftp(State) reget_sent } } default { set errmsg "Error restarting filetransfer of \"$ftp(RemoteFilename)\"!" set complete_with 0 Command $ftp(Command) error $errmsg } } } reget_open { switch -exact -- $rc { 2 - 3 { PutsCtrlSock $s "RETR $ftp(RemoteFilename)" set ftp(State) reget_sent } default { if { [string equal $ftp(Mode) "passive"] } { set errmsg "Error setting PASSIVE mode!" } else { set errmsg "Error setting port!" } set complete_with 0 Command $ftp(Command) error $errmsg } } } reget_sent { switch -exact -- $rc { 1 { set ftp(State) reget_close } default { if { [string equal $ftp(Mode) "passive"] } { # close already opened DataConnection catch {unset ftp(state.data)} } set errmsg "Error retrieving file \"$ftp(RemoteFilename)\"!" set complete_with 0 Command $ftp(Command) error $errmsg } } } reget_close { switch -exact -- $rc { 2 { set complete_with 1 set nextState 1 Command $ftp(Command) get $ftp(RemoteFilename):$ftp(From):$ftp(To) unset ftp(From) ftp(To) } default { set errmsg "Error retrieving file \"$ftp(RemoteFilename)\"!" set complete_with 0 Command $ftp(Command) error $errmsg } } } get_active { if { [OpenActiveConn $s] } { PutsCtrlSock $s "PORT $ftp(LocalAddr),$ftp(DataPort)" set ftp(State) get_open } else { set errmsg "Error setting port!" Command $ftp(Command) error $errmsg } } get_passive { PutsCtrlSock $s "PASV" set ftp(State) get_open } get_open { switch -exact -- $rc { 1 - 2 - 3 { if { [string equal $ftp(Mode) "passive"] } { if { ![OpenPassiveConn $s $buffer] } { set errmsg "Error setting PASSIVE mode!" set complete_with 0 Command $ftp(Command) error $errmsg } } PutsCtrlSock $s "RETR $ftp(RemoteFilename)" set ftp(State) get_sent } default { if { [string equal $ftp(Mode) "passive"] } { set errmsg "Error setting PASSIVE mode!" } else { set errmsg "Error setting port!" } set complete_with 0 Command $ftp(Command) error $errmsg } } } get_sent { switch -exact -- $rc { 1 { set ftp(State) get_close } default { if { [string equal $ftp(Mode) "passive"] } { # close already opened DataConnection catch {unset ftp(state.data)} } set errmsg "Error retrieving file \"$ftp(RemoteFilename)\"!" set complete_with 0 Command $ftp(Command) error $errmsg } } } get_close { switch -exact -- $rc { 2 { set complete_with 1 set nextState 1 if {$ftp(inline)} { upvar #0 $ftp(get:varname) returnData set returnData $ftp(GetData) Command $ftp(Command) get $ftp(GetData) } else { Command $ftp(Command) get $ftp(RemoteFilename) } } default { set errmsg "Error retrieving file \"$ftp(RemoteFilename)\"!" set complete_with 0 Command $ftp(Command) error $errmsg } } } default { error "Unknown state \"$ftp(State)\"" } } # finish waiting if { [info exists complete_with] } { WaitComplete $s $complete_with } # display control channel message if { [info exists buffer] } { if { $VERBOSE } { foreach line [split $buffer \n] { DisplayMsg $s "C: $line" control } } } # Rather than throwing an error in the event loop, set the ftp(Error) # variable to hold the message so that it can later be thrown after the # the StateHandler has completed. if { [info exists errmsg] } { set ftp(Error) $errmsg } # If operating asynchronously, commence next state if {$nextState && [info exists ftp(NextState)] && [llength $ftp(NextState)]} { # Pop the head of the NextState queue set ftp(State) [lindex $ftp(NextState) 0] set ftp(NextState) [lreplace $ftp(NextState) 0 0] StateHandler $s } # enable fileevent on control socket again #fileevent $ftp(CtrlSock) readable [list ::ftp::StateHandler $ftp(CtrlSock)] } ############################################################################# # # Type -- # # REPRESENTATION TYPE - Sets the file transfer type to ascii or binary. # (exported) # # Arguments: # type - specifies the representation type (ascii|binary) # # Returns: # type - returns the current type or {} if an error occurs proc ::ftp::Type {s {type ""}} { upvar ::ftp::ftp$s ftp if { ![info exists ftp(State)] } { if { ![string is digit -strict $s] } { DisplayMsg $s "Bad connection name \"$s\"" error } else { DisplayMsg $s "Not connected!" error } return {} } # return current type if { $type == "" } { return $ftp(Type) } # save current type set old_type $ftp(Type) set ftp(Type) $type set ftp(State) type StateHandler $s # wait for synchronization set rc [WaitOrTimeout $s] if { $rc } { return $ftp(Type) } else { # restore old type set ftp(Type) $old_type return {} } } ############################################################################# # # NList -- # # NAME LIST - This command causes a directory listing to be sent from # server to user site. # (exported) # # Arguments: # dir - The $dir should specify a directory or other system # specific file group descriptor; a null argument # implies the current directory. # # Arguments: # dir - directory to list # # Returns: # sorted list of files or {} if listing fails proc ::ftp::NList {s { dir ""}} { upvar ::ftp::ftp$s ftp if { ![info exists ftp(State)] } { if { ![string is digit -strict $s] } { DisplayMsg $s "Bad connection name \"$s\"" error } else { DisplayMsg $s "Not connected!" error } return {} } set ftp(List) {} if { $dir == "" } { set ftp(Dir) "" } else { set ftp(Dir) " $dir" } # save current type and force ascii mode set old_type $ftp(Type) if { $ftp(Type) != "ascii" } { if {[string length $ftp(Command)]} { set ftp(NextState) [list nlist_$ftp(Mode) type_change list_last] set ftp(type:changeto) $old_type Type $s ascii return {} } Type $s ascii } set ftp(State) nlist_$ftp(Mode) StateHandler $s # wait for synchronization set rc [WaitOrTimeout $s] # restore old type if { [Type $s] != $old_type } { Type $s $old_type } unset ftp(Dir) if { $rc } { return [lsort [split [string trim $ftp(List) \n] \n]] } else { CloseDataConn $s return {} } } ############################################################################# # # List -- # # LIST - This command causes a list to be sent from the server # to user site. # (exported) # # Arguments: # dir - If the $dir specifies a directory or other group of # files, the server should transfer a list of files in # the specified directory. If the $dir specifies a file # then the server should send current information on the # file. A null argument implies the user's current # working or default directory. # # Returns: # list of files or {} if listing fails proc ::ftp::List {s {dir ""}} { upvar ::ftp::ftp$s ftp if { ![info exists ftp(State)] } { if { ![string is digit -strict $s] } { DisplayMsg $s "Bad connection name \"$s\"" error } else { DisplayMsg $s "Not connected!" error } return {} } set ftp(List) {} if { $dir == "" } { set ftp(Dir) "" } else { set ftp(Dir) " $dir" } # save current type and force ascii mode set old_type $ftp(Type) if { ![string equal "$ftp(Type)" "ascii"] } { if {[string length $ftp(Command)]} { set ftp(NextState) [list list_$ftp(Mode) type_change list_last] set ftp(type:changeto) $old_type Type $s ascii return {} } Type $s ascii } set ftp(State) list_$ftp(Mode) StateHandler $s # wait for synchronization set rc [WaitOrTimeout $s] # restore old type if { ![string equal "[Type $s]" "$old_type"] } { Type $s $old_type } unset ftp(Dir) if { $rc } { return [ListPostProcess $ftp(List)] } else { CloseDataConn $s return {} } } proc ::ftp::ListPostProcess l { # clear "total"-line set l [split $l "\n"] set index [lsearch -regexp $l "^total"] if { $index != "-1" } { set l [lreplace $l $index $index] } # clear blank line set index [lsearch -regexp $l "^$"] if { $index != "-1" } { set l [lreplace $l $index $index] } return $l } ############################################################################# # # FileSize -- # # REMOTE FILE SIZE - This command gets the file size of the # file on the remote machine. # ATTENTION! Doesn't work properly in ascii mode! # (exported) # # Arguments: # filename - specifies the remote file name # # Returns: # size - files size in bytes or {} in error cases proc ::ftp::FileSize {s {filename ""}} { upvar ::ftp::ftp$s ftp if { ![info exists ftp(State)] } { if { ![string is digit -strict $s] } { DisplayMsg $s "Bad connection name \"$s\"" error } else { DisplayMsg $s "Not connected!" error } return {} } if { $filename == "" } { return {} } set ftp(File) $filename set ftp(FileSize) 0 set ftp(State) size StateHandler $s # wait for synchronization set rc [WaitOrTimeout $s] if {![string length $ftp(Command)]} { unset ftp(File) } if { $rc } { return $ftp(FileSize) } else { return {} } } ############################################################################# # # ModTime -- # # MODIFICATION TIME - This command gets the last modification time of the # file on the remote machine. # (exported) # # Arguments: # filename - specifies the remote file name # datetime - optional new timestamp for file # # Returns: # clock - files date and time as a system-depentend integer # value in seconds (see tcls clock command) or {} in # error cases # if MDTM not supported on server, returns original timestamp proc ::ftp::ModTime {s {filename ""} {datetime ""}} { upvar ::ftp::ftp$s ftp if { ![info exists ftp(State)] } { if { ![string is digit -strict $s] } { DisplayMsg $s "Bad connection name \"$s\"" error } else { DisplayMsg $s "Not connected!" error } return {} } if { $filename == "" } { return {} } set ftp(File) $filename if {$datetime != ""} { set datetime [clock format $datetime -format "%Y%m%d%H%M%S"] } set ftp(DateTime) $datetime set ftp(State) modtime StateHandler $s # wait for synchronization set rc [WaitOrTimeout $s] if {![string length $ftp(Command)]} { unset ftp(File) } if { ![string length $ftp(Command)] && $rc } { return [ModTimePostProcess $ftp(DateTime)] } else { return {} } } proc ::ftp::ModTimePostProcess {clock} { foreach {year month day hour min sec} {1 1 1 1 1 1} break # Bug #478478. Special code to detect ftp servers with a Y2K patch # gone bad and delivering, hmmm, non-standard date information. if {[string length $clock] == 15} { scan $clock "%2s%3s%2s%2s%2s%2s%2s" cent year month day hour min sec set year [expr {($cent * 100) + $year}] log::log warning "data | W: server with non-standard time, bad Y2K patch." } else { scan $clock "%4s%2s%2s%2s%2s%2s" year month day hour min sec } set clock [clock scan "$month/$day/$year $hour:$min:$sec" -gmt 1] return $clock } ############################################################################# # # Pwd -- # # PRINT WORKING DIRECTORY - Causes the name of the current working directory. # (exported) # # Arguments: # None. # # Returns: # current directory name proc ::ftp::Pwd {s } { upvar ::ftp::ftp$s ftp if { ![info exists ftp(State)] } { if { ![string is digit -strict $s] } { DisplayMsg $s "Bad connection name \"$s\"" error } else { DisplayMsg $s "Not connected!" error } return {} } set ftp(Dir) {} set ftp(State) pwd StateHandler $s # wait for synchronization set rc [WaitOrTimeout $s] if { $rc } { return $ftp(Dir) } else { return {} } } ############################################################################# # # Cd -- # # CHANGE DIRECTORY - Sets the working directory on the server host. # (exported) # # Arguments: # dir - pathname specifying a directory # # Returns: # 0 - ERROR # 1 - OK proc ::ftp::Cd {s {dir ""}} { upvar ::ftp::ftp$s ftp if { ![info exists ftp(State)] } { if { ![string is digit -strict $s] } { DisplayMsg $s "Bad connection name \"$s\"" error } else { DisplayMsg $s "Not connected!" error } return 0 } if { $dir == "" } { set ftp(Dir) "" } else { set ftp(Dir) " $dir" } set ftp(State) cd StateHandler $s # wait for synchronization set rc [WaitOrTimeout $s] if {![string length $ftp(Command)]} { unset ftp(Dir) } if { $rc } { return 1 } else { return 0 } } ############################################################################# # # MkDir -- # # MAKE DIRECTORY - This command causes the directory specified in the $dir # to be created as a directory (if the $dir is absolute) or as a subdirectory # of the current working directory (if the $dir is relative). # (exported) # # Arguments: # dir - new directory name # # Returns: # 0 - ERROR # 1 - OK proc ::ftp::MkDir {s dir} { upvar ::ftp::ftp$s ftp if { ![info exists ftp(State)] } { DisplayMsg $s "Not connected!" error return 0 } set ftp(Dir) $dir set ftp(State) mkdir StateHandler $s # wait for synchronization set rc [WaitOrTimeout $s] if {![string length $ftp(Command)]} { unset ftp(Dir) } if { $rc } { return 1 } else { return 0 } } ############################################################################# # # RmDir -- # # REMOVE DIRECTORY - This command causes the directory specified in $dir to # be removed as a directory (if the $dir is absolute) or as a # subdirectory of the current working directory (if the $dir is relative). # (exported) # # Arguments: # dir - directory name # # Returns: # 0 - ERROR # 1 - OK proc ::ftp::RmDir {s dir} { upvar ::ftp::ftp$s ftp if { ![info exists ftp(State)] } { DisplayMsg $s "Not connected!" error return 0 } set ftp(Dir) $dir set ftp(State) rmdir StateHandler $s # wait for synchronization set rc [WaitOrTimeout $s] if {![string length $ftp(Command)]} { unset ftp(Dir) } if { $rc } { return 1 } else { return 0 } } ############################################################################# # # Delete -- # # DELETE - This command causes the file specified in $file to be deleted at # the server site. # (exported) # # Arguments: # file - file name # # Returns: # 0 - ERROR # 1 - OK proc ::ftp::Delete {s file} { upvar ::ftp::ftp$s ftp if { ![info exists ftp(State)] } { DisplayMsg $s "Not connected!" error return 0 } set ftp(File) $file set ftp(State) delete StateHandler $s # wait for synchronization set rc [WaitOrTimeout $s] if {![string length $ftp(Command)]} { unset ftp(File) } if { $rc } { return 1 } else { return 0 } } ############################################################################# # # Rename -- # # RENAME FROM TO - This command causes the file specified in $from to be # renamed at the server site. # (exported) # # Arguments: # from - specifies the old file name of the file which # is to be renamed # to - specifies the new file name of the file # specified in the $from agument # Returns: # 0 - ERROR # 1 - OK proc ::ftp::Rename {s from to} { upvar ::ftp::ftp$s ftp if { ![info exists ftp(State)] } { DisplayMsg $s "Not connected!" error return 0 } set ftp(RenameFrom) $from set ftp(RenameTo) $to set ftp(State) rename StateHandler $s # wait for synchronization set rc [WaitOrTimeout $s] if {![string length $ftp(Command)]} { unset ftp(RenameFrom) unset ftp(RenameTo) } if { $rc } { return 1 } else { return 0 } } ############################################################################# # # ElapsedTime -- # # Gets the elapsed time for file transfer # # Arguments: # stop_time - ending time proc ::ftp::ElapsedTime {s stop_time} { variable VERBOSE upvar ::ftp::ftp$s ftp set elapsed [expr {$stop_time - $ftp(Start_Time)}] if { $elapsed == 0 } { set elapsed 1 } set persec [expr {$ftp(Total) / $elapsed}] if { $VERBOSE } { DisplayMsg $s "$ftp(Total) bytes sent in $elapsed seconds ($persec Bytes/s)" } return } ############################################################################# # # PUT -- # # STORE DATA - Causes the server to accept the data transferred via the data # connection and to store the data as a file at the server site. If the file # exists at the server site, then its contents shall be replaced by the data # being transferred. A new file is created at the server site if the file # does not already exist. # (exported) # # Arguments: # source - local file name # dest - remote file name, if unspecified, ftp assigns # the local file name. # Returns: # 0 - file not stored # 1 - OK proc ::ftp::Put {s args} { upvar ::ftp::ftp$s ftp if { ![info exists ftp(State)] } { DisplayMsg $s "Not connected!" error return 0 } if {([llength $args] < 1) || ([llength $args] > 4)} { DisplayMsg $s \ "wrong # args: should be \"ftp::Put handle (-data \"data\" | -channel chan | localFilename) remoteFilename\"" error return 0 } set ftp(inline) 0 set flags 1 set source "" set dest "" foreach arg $args { if {[string equal $arg "--"]} { set flags 0 } elseif {($flags) && ([string equal $arg "-data"])} { set ftp(inline) 1 set ftp(filebuffer) "" } elseif {($flags) && ([string equal $arg "-channel"])} { set ftp(inline) 2 } elseif {$source == ""} { set source $arg } elseif {$dest == ""} { set dest $arg } else { DisplayMsg $s "wrong # args: should be \"ftp::Put handle (-data \"data\" | -channel chan | localFilename) remoteFilename\"" error return 0 } } if {($source == "")} { DisplayMsg $s "Must specify a valid data source to Put" error return 0 } set ftp(RemoteFilename) $dest if {$ftp(inline) == 1} { set ftp(PutData) $source if { $dest == "" } { set dest ftp.tmp } set ftp(RemoteFilename) $dest } else { if {$ftp(inline) == 0} { # File transfer set ftp(PutData) "" if { ![file exists $source] } { DisplayMsg $s "File \"$source\" not exist" error return 0 } if { $dest == "" } { set dest [file tail $source] } set ftp(LocalFilename) $source set ftp(SourceCI) [open $ftp(LocalFilename) r] } else { # Channel transfer. We fake the rest of the system into # believing that a file transfer is happening. This makes # the handling easier. set ftp(SourceCI) $source set ftp(inline) 0 } set ftp(RemoteFilename) $dest # TODO: read from source file asynchronously if { [string equal $ftp(Type) "ascii"] } { fconfigure $ftp(SourceCI) -buffering line -blocking 1 } else { fconfigure $ftp(SourceCI) -buffering line -translation binary -blocking 1 } } set ftp(State) put_$ftp(Mode) StateHandler $s # wait for synchronization set rc [WaitOrTimeout $s] if { $rc } { if {![string length $ftp(Command)]} { ElapsedTime $s [clock seconds] } return 1 } else { CloseDataConn $s return 0 } } ############################################################################# # # APPEND -- # # APPEND DATA - Causes the server to accept the data transferred via the data # connection and to store the data as a file at the server site. If the file # exists at the server site, then the data shall be appended to that file; # otherwise the file specified in the pathname shall be created at the # server site. # (exported) # # Arguments: # source - local file name # dest - remote file name, if unspecified, ftp assigns # the local file name. # Returns: # 0 - file not stored # 1 - OK proc ::ftp::Append {s args} { upvar ::ftp::ftp$s ftp if { ![info exists ftp(State)] } { DisplayMsg $s "Not connected!" error return 0 } if {([llength $args] < 1) || ([llength $args] > 4)} { DisplayMsg $s "wrong # args: should be \"ftp::Append handle (-data \"data\" | -channel chan | localFilename) remoteFilename\"" error return 0 } set ftp(inline) 0 set flags 1 set source "" set dest "" foreach arg $args { if {[string equal $arg "--"]} { set flags 0 } elseif {($flags) && ([string equal $arg "-data"])} { set ftp(inline) 1 set ftp(filebuffer) "" } elseif {($flags) && ([string equal $arg "-channel"])} { set ftp(inline) 2 } elseif {$source == ""} { set source $arg } elseif {$dest == ""} { set dest $arg } else { DisplayMsg $s "wrong # args: should be \"ftp::Append handle (-data \"data\" | -channel chan | localFilename) remoteFilename\"" error return 0 } } if {($source == "")} { DisplayMsg $s "Must specify a valid data source to Append" error return 0 } set ftp(RemoteFilename) $dest if {$ftp(inline) == 1} { set ftp(PutData) $source if { $dest == "" } { set dest ftp.tmp } set ftp(RemoteFilename) $dest } else { if {$ftp(inline) == 0} { # File transfer set ftp(PutData) "" if { ![file exists $source] } { DisplayMsg $s "File \"$source\" not exist" error return 0 } if { $dest == "" } { set dest [file tail $source] } set ftp(LocalFilename) $source set ftp(SourceCI) [open $ftp(LocalFilename) r] } else { # Channel transfer. We fake the rest of the system into # believing that a file transfer is happening. This makes # the handling easier. set ftp(SourceCI) $source set ftp(inline) 0 } set ftp(RemoteFilename) $dest if { [string equal $ftp(Type) "ascii"] } { fconfigure $ftp(SourceCI) -buffering line -blocking 1 } else { fconfigure $ftp(SourceCI) -buffering line -translation binary \ -blocking 1 } } set ftp(State) append_$ftp(Mode) StateHandler $s # wait for synchronization set rc [WaitOrTimeout $s] if { $rc } { if {![string length $ftp(Command)]} { ElapsedTime $s [clock seconds] } return 1 } else { CloseDataConn $s return 0 } } ############################################################################# # # Get -- # # RETRIEVE DATA - Causes the server to transfer a copy of the specified file # to the local site at the other end of the data connection. # (exported) # # Arguments: # source - remote file name # dest - local file name, if unspecified, ftp assigns # the remote file name. # Returns: # 0 - file not retrieved # 1 - OK proc ::ftp::Get {s args} { upvar ::ftp::ftp$s ftp if { ![info exists ftp(State)] } { DisplayMsg $s "Not connected!" error return 0 } if {([llength $args] < 1) || ([llength $args] > 4)} { DisplayMsg $s "wrong # args: should be \"ftp::Get handle remoteFile ?(-variable varName | -channel chan | localFilename)?\"" error return 0 } set ftp(inline) 0 set flags 1 set source "" set dest "" set varname "**NONE**" foreach arg $args { if {[string equal $arg "--"]} { set flags 0 } elseif {($flags) && ([string equal $arg "-variable"])} { set ftp(inline) 1 set ftp(filebuffer) "" } elseif {($flags) && ([string equal $arg "-channel"])} { set ftp(inline) 2 } elseif {($ftp(inline) == 1) && ([string equal $varname "**NONE**"])} { set varname $arg set ftp(get:varname) $varname } elseif {($ftp(inline) == 2) && ([string equal $varname "**NONE**"])} { set ftp(get:channel) $arg } elseif {$source == ""} { set source $arg } elseif {$dest == ""} { set dest $arg } else { DisplayMsg $s "wrong # args: should be \"ftp::Get handle remoteFile ?(-variable varName | -channel chan | localFilename)?\"" error return 0 } } if {($ftp(inline) != 0) && ($dest != "")} { DisplayMsg $s "Cannot return data in a variable or channel, and place it in destination file." error return 0 } if {$source == ""} { DisplayMsg $s "Must specify a valid data source to Get" error return 0 } if {$ftp(inline) == 0} { if { $dest == "" } { set dest $source } else { if {[file isdirectory $dest]} { set dest [file join $dest [file tail $source]] } } if {![file exists [file dirname $dest]]} { return -code error "ftp::Get, directory \"[file dirname $dest]\" for destination \"$dest\" does not exist" } set ftp(LocalFilename) $dest } set ftp(RemoteFilename) $source if {$ftp(inline) == 2} { set ftp(inline) 0 } set ftp(State) get_$ftp(Mode) StateHandler $s # wait for synchronization set rc [WaitOrTimeout $s] # It is important to unset 'get:channel' in all cases or it will # interfere with any following ftp command (as its existence # suppresses the closing of the destination channel identifier # (DestCI). We cannot do it earlier than just before the 'return' # or code depending on it for the current command may not execute # correctly. if { $rc } { if {![string length $ftp(Command)]} { ElapsedTime $s [clock seconds] if {$ftp(inline)} { catch {unset ftp(get:channel)} upvar $varname returnData set returnData $ftp(GetData) } } # catch {unset ftp(get:channel)} # SF Bug 1708350. DISABLED. In async mode (Open -command) the # unset here causes HandleData to blow up, see marker <@>. In # essence in async mode HandleData can be entered multiple # times, and unsetting get:channel here causes it to think # that the data goes into a local file, not a channel, but the # state does not contain local file information, so an error # is thrown. Removing the catch here seems to fix it without # adverse effects elsewhere. Maybe. We hope. return 1 } else { if {$ftp(inline)} { catch {unset ftp(get:channel)} return "" } CloseDataConn $s catch {unset ftp(get:channel)} return 0 } } ############################################################################# # # Reget -- # # RESTART RETRIEVING DATA - Causes the server to transfer a copy of the specified file # to the local site at the other end of the data connection like get but skips over # the file to the specified data checkpoint. # (exported) # # Arguments: # source - remote file name # dest - local file name, if unspecified, ftp assigns # the remote file name. # Returns: # 0 - file not retrieved # 1 - OK proc ::ftp::Reget {s source {dest ""} {from_bytes 0} {till_bytes -1}} { upvar ::ftp::ftp$s ftp if { ![info exists ftp(State)] } { DisplayMsg $s "Not connected!" error return 0 } if { $dest == "" } { set dest $source } if {![file exists [file dirname $dest]]} { return -code error \ "ftp::Reget, directory \"[file dirname $dest]\" for destination \"$dest\" does not exist" } set ftp(RemoteFilename) $source set ftp(LocalFilename) $dest set ftp(From) $from_bytes # Assumes that the local file has a starting offset of $from_bytes # The following calculation ensures that the download starts from the # correct offset if { [file exists $ftp(LocalFilename)] } { set ftp(FileSize) [ expr {[file size $ftp(LocalFilename)] + $from_bytes }] if { $till_bytes != -1 } { set ftp(To) $till_bytes set ftp(Bytes_to_go) [ expr {$till_bytes - $ftp(FileSize)} ] if { $ftp(Bytes_to_go) <= 0 } {return 0} } else { # till_bytes not set set ftp(To) end } } else { # local file does not exist set ftp(FileSize) $from_bytes if { $till_bytes != -1 } { set ftp(Bytes_to_go) [ expr {$till_bytes - $from_bytes }] set ftp(To) $till_bytes } else { #till_bytes not set set ftp(To) end } } set ftp(State) reget_$ftp(Mode) StateHandler $s # wait for synchronization set rc [WaitOrTimeout $s] if { $rc } { if {![string length $ftp(Command)]} { ElapsedTime $s [clock seconds] } return 1 } else { CloseDataConn $s return 0 } } ############################################################################# # # Newer -- # # GET NEWER DATA - Get the file only if the modification time of the remote # file is more recent that the file on the current system. If the file does # not exist on the current system, the remote file is considered newer. # Otherwise, this command is identical to get. # (exported) # # Arguments: # source - remote file name # dest - local file name, if unspecified, ftp assigns # the remote file name. # # Returns: # 0 - file not retrieved # 1 - OK proc ::ftp::Newer {s source {dest ""}} { upvar ::ftp::ftp$s ftp if { ![info exists ftp(State)] } { DisplayMsg $s "Not connected!" error return 0 } if {[string length $ftp(Command)]} { return -code error "unable to retrieve file asynchronously (not implemented yet)" } if { $dest == "" } { set dest $source } if {![file exists [file dirname $dest]]} { return -code error "ftp::Newer, directory \"[file dirname $dest]\" for destination \"$dest\" does not exist" } set ftp(RemoteFilename) $source set ftp(LocalFilename) $dest # get remote modification time set rmt [ModTime $s $ftp(RemoteFilename)] if { $rmt == "-1" } { return 0 } # get local modification time if { [file exists $ftp(LocalFilename)] } { set lmt [file mtime $ftp(LocalFilename)] } else { set lmt 0 } # remote file is older than local file if { $rmt < $lmt } { return 0 } # remote file is newer than local file or local file doesn't exist # get it set rc [Get $s $ftp(RemoteFilename) $ftp(LocalFilename)] return $rc } ############################################################################# # # Quote -- # # The arguments specified are sent, verbatim, to the remote ftp server. # # Arguments: # arg1 arg2 ... # # Returns: # string sent back by the remote ftp server or null string if any error # proc ::ftp::Quote {s args} { upvar ::ftp::ftp$s ftp if { ![info exists ftp(State)] } { DisplayMsg $s "Not connected!" error return 0 } set ftp(Cmd) $args set ftp(Quote) {} set ftp(State) quote StateHandler $s # wait for synchronization set rc [WaitOrTimeout $s] unset ftp(Cmd) if { $rc } { return $ftp(Quote) } else { return {} } } ############################################################################# # # Abort -- # # ABORT - Tells the server to abort the previous ftp service command and # any associated transfer of data. The control connection is not to be # closed by the server, but the data connection must be closed. # # NOTE: This procedure doesn't work properly. Thus the ftp::Abort command # is no longer available! # # Arguments: # None. # # Returns: # 0 - ERROR # 1 - OK # # proc Abort {} { # # } ############################################################################# # # Close -- # # Terminates a ftp session and if file transfer is not in progress, the server # closes the control connection. If file transfer is in progress, the # connection will remain open for result response and the server will then # close it. # (exported) # # Arguments: # None. # # Returns: # 0 - ERROR # 1 - OK proc ::ftp::Close {s } { variable connections upvar ::ftp::ftp$s ftp if { ![info exists ftp(State)] } { DisplayMsg $s "Not connected!" error return 0 } if {[info exists \ connections($ftp(User),$ftp(Passwd),$ftp(RemoteHost),afterid)]} { unset connections($ftp(User),$ftp(Passwd),$ftp(RemoteHost),afterid) unset connections($ftp(User),$ftp(Passwd),$ftp(RemoteHost)) } set ftp(State) quit StateHandler $s # wait for synchronization WaitOrTimeout $s catch {close $ftp(CtrlSock)} catch {unset ftp} return 1 } proc ::ftp::LazyClose {s } { variable connections upvar ::ftp::ftp$s ftp if { ![info exists ftp(State)] } { DisplayMsg $s "Not connected!" error return 0 } if {[info exists connections($ftp(User),$ftp(Passwd),$ftp(RemoteHost))]} { set connections($ftp(User),$ftp(Passwd),$ftp(RemoteHost),afterid) \ [after 5000 [list ftp::Close $s]] } return 1 } ############################################################################# # # Open -- # # Starts the ftp session and sets up a ftp control connection. # (exported) # # Arguments: # server - The ftp server hostname. # user - A string identifying the user. The user identification # is that which is required by the server for access to # its file system. # passwd - A string specifying the user's password. # options - -blocksize size writes "size" bytes at once # (default 4096) # -timeout seconds if non-zero, sets up timeout to # occur after specified number of # seconds (default 120) # -progress proc procedure name that handles callbacks # (no default) # -output proc procedure name that handles output # (no default) # -mode mode switch active or passive file transfer # (default active) # -port number alternative port (default 21) # -command proc callback for completion notification # (no default) # # Returns: # 0 - Not logged in # 1 - User logged in proc ::ftp::Open {server user passwd args} { variable DEBUG variable VERBOSE variable serial variable connections set s $serial incr serial upvar ::ftp::ftp$s ftp # if { [info exists ftp(State)] } { # DisplayMsg $s "Mmh, another attempt to open a new connection? There is already a hot wire!" error # return 0 # } # default NO DEBUG if { ![info exists DEBUG] } { set DEBUG 0 } # default NO VERBOSE if { ![info exists VERBOSE] } { set VERBOSE 0 } if { $DEBUG } { DisplayMsg $s "Starting new connection with: " } set ftp(inline) 0 set ftp(User) $user set ftp(Passwd) $passwd set ftp(RemoteHost) $server set ftp(LocalHost) [info hostname] set ftp(DataPort) 0 set ftp(Type) {} set ftp(Error) "" set ftp(Progress) {} set ftp(Command) {} set ftp(Output) {} set ftp(Blocksize) 4096 set ftp(Timeout) 600 set ftp(Mode) active set ftp(Port) 21 set ftp(State) user # set state var set ftp(state.control) "" # Get and set possible options set options {-blocksize -timeout -mode -port -progress -output -command} foreach {option value} $args { if { [lsearch -exact $options $option] != "-1" } { if { $DEBUG } { DisplayMsg $s " $option = $value" } regexp -- {^-(.?)(.*)$} $option all first rest set option "[string toupper $first]$rest" set ftp($option) $value } } if { $DEBUG && ([llength $args] == 0) } { DisplayMsg $s " no option" } if {[info exists \ connections($ftp(User),$ftp(Passwd),$ftp(RemoteHost),afterid)]} { after cancel $connections($ftp(User),$ftp(Passwd),$ftp(RemoteHost),afterid) Command $ftp(Command) connect $connections($ftp(User),$ftp(Passwd),$ftp(RemoteHost)) return $connections($ftp(User),$ftp(Passwd),$ftp(RemoteHost)) } # No call of StateHandler is required at this time. # StateHandler at first time is called automatically # by a fileevent for the control channel. # Try to open a control connection if { ![OpenControlConn $s [expr {[string length $ftp(Command)] > 0}]] } { return -1 } # waits for synchronization # 0 ... Not logged in # 1 ... User logged in if {[string length $ftp(Command)]} { # Don't wait - asynchronous operation set ftp(NextState) {type connect_last} set connections($ftp(User),$ftp(Passwd),$ftp(RemoteHost)) $s return $s } elseif { [WaitOrTimeout $s] } { # default type is binary Type $s binary set connections($ftp(User),$ftp(Passwd),$ftp(RemoteHost)) $s Command $ftp(Command) connect $s return $s } else { # close connection if not logged in Close $s return -1 } } ############################################################################# # # CopyNext -- # # recursive background copy procedure for ascii/binary file I/O # # Arguments: # bytes - indicates how many bytes were written on $ftp(DestCI) proc ::ftp::CopyNext {s bytes {error {}}} { upvar ::ftp::ftp$s ftp variable DEBUG variable VERBOSE # summary bytes incr ftp(Total) $bytes # update bytes_to_go and blocksize if { [info exists ftp(Bytes_to_go)] } { set ftp(Bytes_to_go) [expr {$ftp(Bytes_to_go) - $bytes}] if { $ftp(Blocksize) <= $ftp(Bytes_to_go) } { set blocksize $ftp(Blocksize) } else { set blocksize $ftp(Bytes_to_go) } } else { set blocksize $ftp(Blocksize) } # callback for progress bar procedure if { ([info exists ftp(Progress)]) && \ [string length $ftp(Progress)] && \ ([info commands [lindex $ftp(Progress) 0]] != "") } { eval $ftp(Progress) $ftp(Total) } # setup new timeout handler catch {after cancel $ftp(Wait)} set ftp(Wait) [after [expr {$ftp(Timeout) * 1000}] [namespace current]::Timeout $s] if { $DEBUG } { DisplayMsg $s "-> $ftp(Total) bytes $ftp(SourceCI) -> $ftp(DestCI)" } if { $error != "" } { # Protect the destination channel from destruction if it came # from the caller. Closing it is not our responsibility in that case. if {![info exists ftp(get:channel)]} { catch {close $ftp(DestCI)} } catch {close $ftp(SourceCI)} catch {unset ftp(state.data)} DisplayMsg $s $error error } elseif { ([eof $ftp(SourceCI)] || ($blocksize <= 0)) } { # Protect the destination channel from destruction if it came # from the caller. Closing it is not our responsibility in that case. if {![info exists ftp(get:channel)]} { close $ftp(DestCI) } close $ftp(SourceCI) catch {unset ftp(state.data)} if { $VERBOSE } { DisplayMsg $s "D: Port closed" data } } else { fcopy $ftp(SourceCI) $ftp(DestCI) \ -command [list [namespace current]::CopyNext $s] \ -size $blocksize } return } ############################################################################# # # HandleData -- # # Handles ascii/binary data transfer for Put and Get # # Arguments: # sock - socket name (data channel) proc ::ftp::HandleData {s sock} { upvar ::ftp::ftp$s ftp # Turn off any fileevent handlers fileevent $sock writable {} fileevent $sock readable {} # create local file for ftp::Get if { [string match "get*" $ftp(State)] && (!$ftp(inline))} { # A channel was specified by the caller. Use that instead of a # file. # SF Bug 1708350 <@> if {[info exists ftp(get:channel)]} { set ftp(DestCI) $ftp(get:channel) set rc 0 } else { set rc [catch {set ftp(DestCI) [open $ftp(LocalFilename) w]} msg] } if { $rc != 0 } { DisplayMsg $s "$msg" error return 0 } # TODO: Use non-blocking I/O if { [string equal $ftp(Type) "ascii"] } { fconfigure $ftp(DestCI) -buffering line -blocking 1 } else { fconfigure $ftp(DestCI) -buffering line -translation binary -blocking 1 } } # append local file for ftp::Reget if { [string match "reget*" $ftp(State)] } { set rc [catch {set ftp(DestCI) [open $ftp(LocalFilename) a]} msg] if { $rc != 0 } { DisplayMsg $s "$msg" error return 0 } # TODO: Use non-blocking I/O if { [string equal $ftp(Type) "ascii"] } { fconfigure $ftp(DestCI) -buffering line -blocking 1 } else { fconfigure $ftp(DestCI) -buffering line -translation binary -blocking 1 } } set ftp(Total) 0 set ftp(Start_Time) [clock seconds] # calculate blocksize if { [ info exists ftp(Bytes_to_go) ] } { if { $ftp(Blocksize) <= $ftp(Bytes_to_go) } { set Blocksize $ftp(Blocksize) } else { set Blocksize $ftp(Bytes_to_go) } } else { set Blocksize $ftp(Blocksize) } # perform fcopy fcopy $ftp(SourceCI) $ftp(DestCI) \ -command [list [namespace current]::CopyNext $s ] \ -size $Blocksize return 1 } ############################################################################# # # HandleList -- # # Handles ascii data transfer for list commands # # Arguments: # sock - socket name (data channel) proc ::ftp::HandleList {s sock} { upvar ::ftp::ftp$s ftp variable VERBOSE if { ![eof $sock] } { set buffer [read $sock] if { $buffer != "" } { set ftp(List) [append ftp(List) $buffer] } } else { close $sock catch {unset ftp(state.data)} if { $VERBOSE } { DisplayMsg $s "D: Port closed" data } } return } ############################################################################# # # HandleVar -- # # Handles data transfer for get/put commands that use buffers instead # of files. # # Arguments: # sock - socket name (data channel) proc ::ftp::HandleVar {s sock} { upvar ::ftp::ftp$s ftp variable VERBOSE if {$ftp(Start_Time) == -1} { set ftp(Start_Time) [clock seconds] } if { ![eof $sock] } { set buffer [read $sock] if { $buffer != "" } { append ftp(GetData) $buffer incr ftp(Total) [string length $buffer] } } else { close $sock catch {unset ftp(state.data)} if { $VERBOSE } { DisplayMsg $s "D: Port closed" data } } return } ############################################################################# # # HandleOutput -- # # Handles data transfer for get/put commands that use buffers instead # of files. # # Arguments: # sock - socket name (data channel) proc ::ftp::HandleOutput {s sock} { upvar ::ftp::ftp$s ftp variable VERBOSE if {$ftp(Start_Time) == -1} { set ftp(Start_Time) [clock seconds] } if { $ftp(Total) < [string length $ftp(PutData)] } { set substr [string range $ftp(PutData) $ftp(Total) \ [expr {$ftp(Total) + $ftp(Blocksize)}]] if {[catch {puts -nonewline $sock "$substr"} result]} { close $sock catch {unset ftp(state.data)} if { $VERBOSE } { DisplayMsg $s "D: Port closed" data } } else { incr ftp(Total) [string length $substr] } } else { fileevent $sock writable {} close $sock catch {unset ftp(state.data)} if { $VERBOSE } { DisplayMsg $s "D: Port closed" data } } return } ############################################################################ # # CloseDataConn -- # # Closes all sockets and files used by the data conection # # Arguments: # None. # # Returns: # None. # proc ::ftp::CloseDataConn {s } { upvar ::ftp::ftp$s ftp # Protect the destination channel from destruction if it came # from the caller. Closing it is not our responsibility. if {[info exists ftp(get:channel)]} { catch {unset ftp(get:channel)} catch {unset ftp(DestCI)} } catch {after cancel $ftp(Wait)} catch {fileevent $ftp(DataSock) readable {}} catch {close $ftp(DataSock); unset ftp(DataSock)} catch {close $ftp(DestCI); unset ftp(DestCI)} catch {close $ftp(SourceCI); unset ftp(SourceCI)} catch {close $ftp(DummySock); unset ftp(DummySock)} return } ############################################################################# # # InitDataConn -- # # Configures new data channel for connection to ftp server # ATTENTION! The new data channel "sock" is not the same as the # server channel, it's a dummy. # # Arguments: # sock - the name of the new channel # addr - the address, in network address notation, # of the client's host, # port - the client's port number proc ::ftp::InitDataConn {s sock addr port} { upvar ::ftp::ftp$s ftp variable VERBOSE # If the new channel is accepted, the dummy channel will be closed catch {close $ftp(DummySock); unset ftp(DummySock)} set ftp(state.data) 0 # Configure translation and blocking modes set blocking 1 if {[string length $ftp(Command)]} { set blocking 0 } if { [string equal $ftp(Type) "ascii"] } { fconfigure $sock -buffering line -blocking $blocking } else { fconfigure $sock -buffering line -translation binary -blocking $blocking } # assign fileevent handlers, source and destination CI (Channel Identifier) # NB: this really does need to be -regexp [PT] 18Mar03 switch -regexp -- $ftp(State) { list { fileevent $sock readable [list [namespace current]::HandleList $s $sock] set ftp(SourceCI) $sock } get { if {$ftp(inline)} { set ftp(GetData) "" set ftp(Start_Time) -1 set ftp(Total) 0 fileevent $sock readable [list [namespace current]::HandleVar $s $sock] } else { fileevent $sock readable [list [namespace current]::HandleData $s $sock] set ftp(SourceCI) $sock } } append - put { if {$ftp(inline)} { set ftp(Start_Time) -1 set ftp(Total) 0 fileevent $sock writable [list [namespace current]::HandleOutput $s $sock] } else { fileevent $sock writable [list [namespace current]::HandleData $s $sock] set ftp(DestCI) $sock } } default { error "Unknown state \"$ftp(State)\"" } } if { $VERBOSE } { DisplayMsg $s "D: Connection from $addr:$port" data } return } ############################################################################# # # OpenActiveConn -- # # Opens a ftp data connection # # Arguments: # None. # # Returns: # 0 - no connection # 1 - connection established proc ::ftp::OpenActiveConn {s } { upvar ::ftp::ftp$s ftp variable VERBOSE # Port address 0 is a dummy used to give the server the responsibility # of getting free new port addresses for every data transfer. set rc [catch {set ftp(DummySock) [socket -server [list [namespace current]::InitDataConn $s] 0]} msg] if { $rc != 0 } { DisplayMsg $s "$msg" error return 0 } # get a new local port address for data transfer and convert it to a format # which is useable by the PORT command set p [lindex [fconfigure $ftp(DummySock) -sockname] 2] if { $VERBOSE } { DisplayMsg $s "D: Port is $p" data } set ftp(DataPort) "[expr {$p / 256}],[expr {$p % 256}]" return 1 } ############################################################################# # # OpenPassiveConn -- # # Opens a ftp data connection # # Arguments: # buffer - returned line from server control connection # # Returns: # 0 - no connection # 1 - connection established proc ::ftp::OpenPassiveConn {s buffer} { upvar ::ftp::ftp$s ftp if { [regexp -- {([0-9]+),([0-9]+),([0-9]+),([0-9]+),([0-9]+),([0-9]+)} $buffer all a1 a2 a3 a4 p1 p2] } { set ftp(LocalAddr) "$a1.$a2.$a3.$a4" set ftp(DataPort) "[expr {$p1 * 256 + $p2}]" # establish data connection for passive mode set rc [catch {set ftp(DataSock) [socket $ftp(LocalAddr) $ftp(DataPort)]} msg] if { $rc != 0 } { DisplayMsg $s "$msg" error return 0 } InitDataConn $s $ftp(DataSock) $ftp(LocalAddr) $ftp(DataPort) return 1 } else { return 0 } } ############################################################################# # # OpenControlConn -- # # Opens a ftp control connection # # Arguments: # s connection id # block blocking or non-blocking mode # # Returns: # 0 - no connection # 1 - connection established proc ::ftp::OpenControlConn {s {block 1}} { upvar ::ftp::ftp$s ftp variable DEBUG variable VERBOSE # open a control channel set rc [catch {set ftp(CtrlSock) [socket $ftp(RemoteHost) $ftp(Port)]} msg] if { $rc != 0 } { if { $VERBOSE } { DisplayMsg $s "C: No connection to server!" error } if { $DEBUG } { DisplayMsg $s "[list $msg]" error } unset ftp(State) return 0 } # configure control channel fconfigure $ftp(CtrlSock) -buffering line -blocking $block -translation {auto crlf} fileevent $ftp(CtrlSock) readable [list [namespace current]::StateHandler $s $ftp(CtrlSock)] # prepare local ip address for PORT command (convert pointed format # to comma format) set ftp(LocalAddr) [lindex [fconfigure $ftp(CtrlSock) -sockname] 0] set ftp(LocalAddr) [string map {. ,} $ftp(LocalAddr)] # report ready message set peer [fconfigure $ftp(CtrlSock) -peername] if { $VERBOSE } { DisplayMsg $s "C: Connection from [lindex $peer 0]:[lindex $peer 2]" control } return 1 } # ::ftp::Command -- # # Wrapper for evaluated user-supplied command callback # # Arguments: # cb callback script # msg what happened # args additional info # # Results: # Depends on callback script proc ::ftp::Command {cb msg args} { if {[string length $cb]} { uplevel #0 $cb [list $msg] $args } } # ================================================================== # ?????? Hmm, how to do multithreaded for tkcon? # added TkCon support # TkCon is (c) 1995-2001 Jeffrey Hobbs, http://tkcon.sourceforge.net/ # started with: tkcon -load ftp if { [string equal [uplevel "#0" {info commands tkcon}] "tkcon"] } { # new ftp::List proc makes the output more readable proc ::ftp::__ftp_ls {args} { foreach i [eval ::ftp::List_org $args] { puts $i } } # rename the original ftp::List procedure rename ::ftp::List ::ftp::List_org alias ::ftp::List ::ftp::__ftp_ls alias bye catch {::ftp::Close; exit} set ::ftp::VERBOSE 1 set ::ftp::DEBUG 0 } # ================================================================== # At last, everything is fine, we can provide the package. package provide ftp [lindex {Revision: 2.4.9} 1]