# -*- tcl -*- Tcl Module ########## Repository Information Block ### # @@ Meta Begin # Package htmlparse 1.1.1 # Meta as::origin http://sf.net/projects/tcllib # Meta category HTML Parser # Meta description Procedures to parse HTML strings # Meta license BSD # Meta platform tcl # Meta require {cmdline 1.1} # Meta require struct::stack # Meta require {Tcl 8.2} # Meta subject tree parsing queue html # @@ Meta End ########## ########## Requirements Enforcement Code ### package require cmdline 1.1 package require struct::stack package require Tcl 8.2 ########## ########## Package Declaration Code ### package provide htmlparse 1.1.1 ########## # htmlparse.tcl -- # # This file implements a simple HTML parsing library in Tcl. # It may take advantage of parsers coded in C in the future. # # The functionality here is a subset of the # # Simple HTML display library by Stephen Uhler (stephen.uhler@sun.com) # Copyright (c) 1995 by Sun Microsystems # Version 0.3 Fri Sep 1 10:47:17 PDT 1995 # # The main restriction is that all Tk-related code in the above # was left out of the code here. It is expected that this code # will go into a 'tklib' in the future. # # Copyright (c) 2001 by ActiveState Tool Corp. # See the file license.terms. package require Tcl 8.2 package require struct::stack package require cmdline 1.1 namespace eval ::htmlparse { namespace export \ parse \ debugCallback \ mapEscapes \ 2tree \ removeVisualFluff \ removeFormDefs # Table of escape characters. Maps from their names to the actual # character. See http://htmlhelp.org/reference/html40/entities/ variable namedEntities # I. Latin-1 Entities (HTML 4.01) array set namedEntities { nbsp \xa0 iexcl \xa1 cent \xa2 pound \xa3 curren \xa4 yen \xa5 brvbar \xa6 sect \xa7 uml \xa8 copy \xa9 ordf \xaa laquo \xab not \xac shy \xad reg \xae macr \xaf deg \xb0 plusmn \xb1 sup2 \xb2 sup3 \xb3 acute \xb4 micro \xb5 para \xb6 middot \xb7 cedil \xb8 sup1 \xb9 ordm \xba raquo \xbb frac14 \xbc frac12 \xbd frac34 \xbe iquest \xbf Agrave \xc0 Aacute \xc1 Acirc \xc2 Atilde \xc3 Auml \xc4 Aring \xc5 AElig \xc6 Ccedil \xc7 Egrave \xc8 Eacute \xc9 Ecirc \xca Euml \xcb Igrave \xcc Iacute \xcd Icirc \xce Iuml \xcf ETH \xd0 Ntilde \xd1 Ograve \xd2 Oacute \xd3 Ocirc \xd4 Otilde \xd5 Ouml \xd6 times \xd7 Oslash \xd8 Ugrave \xd9 Uacute \xda Ucirc \xdb Uuml \xdc Yacute \xdd THORN \xde szlig \xdf agrave \xe0 aacute \xe1 acirc \xe2 atilde \xe3 auml \xe4 aring \xe5 aelig \xe6 ccedil \xe7 egrave \xe8 eacute \xe9 ecirc \xea euml \xeb igrave \xec iacute \xed icirc \xee iuml \xef eth \xf0 ntilde \xf1 ograve \xf2 oacute \xf3 ocirc \xf4 otilde \xf5 ouml \xf6 divide \xf7 oslash \xf8 ugrave \xf9 uacute \xfa ucirc \xfb uuml \xfc yacute \xfd thorn \xfe yuml \xff } # II. Entities for Symbols and Greek Letters (HTML 4.01) array set namedEntities { fnof \u192 Alpha \u391 Beta \u392 Gamma \u393 Delta \u394 Epsilon \u395 Zeta \u396 Eta \u397 Theta \u398 Iota \u399 Kappa \u39A Lambda \u39B Mu \u39C Nu \u39D Xi \u39E Omicron \u39F Pi \u3A0 Rho \u3A1 Sigma \u3A3 Tau \u3A4 Upsilon \u3A5 Phi \u3A6 Chi \u3A7 Psi \u3A8 Omega \u3A9 alpha \u3B1 beta \u3B2 gamma \u3B3 delta \u3B4 epsilon \u3B5 zeta \u3B6 eta \u3B7 theta \u3B8 iota \u3B9 kappa \u3BA lambda \u3BB mu \u3BC nu \u3BD xi \u3BE omicron \u3BF pi \u3C0 rho \u3C1 sigmaf \u3C2 sigma \u3C3 tau \u3C4 upsilon \u3C5 phi \u3C6 chi \u3C7 psi \u3C8 omega \u3C9 thetasym \u3D1 upsih \u3D2 piv \u3D6 bull \u2022 hellip \u2026 prime \u2032 Prime \u2033 oline \u203E frasl \u2044 weierp \u2118 image \u2111 real \u211C trade \u2122 alefsym \u2135 larr \u2190 uarr \u2191 rarr \u2192 darr \u2193 harr \u2194 crarr \u21B5 lArr \u21D0 uArr \u21D1 rArr \u21D2 dArr \u21D3 hArr \u21D4 forall \u2200 part \u2202 exist \u2203 empty \u2205 nabla \u2207 isin \u2208 notin \u2209 ni \u220B prod \u220F sum \u2211 minus \u2212 lowast \u2217 radic \u221A prop \u221D infin \u221E ang \u2220 and \u2227 or \u2228 cap \u2229 cup \u222A int \u222B there4 \u2234 sim \u223C cong \u2245 asymp \u2248 ne \u2260 equiv \u2261 le \u2264 ge \u2265 sub \u2282 sup \u2283 nsub \u2284 sube \u2286 supe \u2287 oplus \u2295 otimes \u2297 perp \u22A5 sdot \u22C5 lceil \u2308 rceil \u2309 lfloor \u230A rfloor \u230B lang \u2329 rang \u232A loz \u25CA spades \u2660 clubs \u2663 hearts \u2665 diams \u2666 } # III. Special Entities (HTML 4.01) array set namedEntities { quot \x22 amp \x26 lt \x3C gt \x3E OElig \u152 oelig \u153 Scaron \u160 scaron \u161 Yuml \u178 circ \u2C6 tilde \u2DC ensp \u2002 emsp \u2003 thinsp \u2009 zwnj \u200C zwj \u200D lrm \u200E rlm \u200F ndash \u2013 mdash \u2014 lsquo \u2018 rsquo \u2019 sbquo \u201A ldquo \u201C rdquo \u201D bdquo \u201E dagger \u2020 Dagger \u2021 permil \u2030 lsaquo \u2039 rsaquo \u203A euro \u20AC } # Internal cache for the foreach variable-lists and the # substitution strings used to split a HTML string into # incrementally handleable scripts. This should reduce the # time compute this information for repeated calls with the same # split-factor. The array is indexed by a combination of the # numerical split factor and the length of the command prefix and # maps this to a 2-element list containing variable- and # subst-string. variable splitdata array set splitdata {} } # htmlparse::parse -- # # This command is the basic parser for HTML. It takes a HTML # string, parses it and invokes a command prefix for every tag # encountered. It is not necessary for the HTML to be valid for # this parser to function. It is the responsibility of the # command invoked for every tag to check this. Another # responsibility of the invoked command is the handling of tag # attributes and character entities (escaped characters). The # parser provides the un-interpreted tag attributes to the # invoked command to aid in the former, and the package at large # provides a helper command, '::htmlparse::mapEscapes', to aid # in the handling of the latter. The parser *does* ignore # leading DOCTYPE declarations and all valid HTML comments it # encounters. # # All information beyond the HTML string itself is specified via # options, these are explained below. # # To help understanding the options some more background # information about the parser. # # It is capable to detect incomplete tags in the HTML string # given to it. Under normal circumstances this will cause the # parser to throw an error, but if the option '-incvar' is used # to specify a global (or namespace) variable the parser will # store the incomplete part of the input into this variable # instead. This will aid greatly in the handling of # incrementally arriving HTML as the parser will handle whatever # he can and defer the handling of the incomplete part until # more data has arrived. # # Another feature of the parser are its two possible modes of # operation. The normal mode is activated if the option '-queue' # is not present on the command line invoking the parser. If it # is present the parser will go into the incremental mode instead. # # The main difference is that a parser in normal mode will # immediately invoke the command prefix for each tag it # encounters. In incremental mode however the parser will # generate a number of scripts which invoke the command prefix # for groups of tags in the HTML string and then store these # scripts in the specified queue. It is then the responsibility # of the caller of the parser to ensure the execution of the # scripts in the queue. # # Note: The queue objecct given to the parser has to provide the # same interface as the queue defined in tcllib -> struct. This # does for example mean that all queues created via that part of # tcllib can be immediately used here. Still, the queue doesn't # have to come from tcllib -> struct as long as the same # interface is provided. # # In both modes the parser will return an empty string to the # caller. # # To a parser in incremental mode the option '-split' can be # given and will specify the size of the groups he creates. In # other words, -split 5 means that each of the generated scripts # will invoke the command prefix for 5 consecutive tags in the # HTML string. A parser in normal mode will ignore this option # and its value. # # The option '-vroot' specifies a virtual root tag. A parser in # normal mode will invoke the command prefix for it immediately # before and after he processes the tags in the HTML, thus # simulating that the HTML string is enclosed in a # combination. In incremental mode however the parser # is unable to provide the closing virtual root as he never # knows when the input is complete. In this case the first # script generated by each invocation of the parser will contain # an invocation of the command prefix for the virtual root as # its first command. # # Interface to the command prefix: # # In normal mode the parser will invoke the command prefix with # for arguments appended. See '::htmlparse::debugCallback' for a # description. In incremental mode however the generated scripts # will invoke the command prefix with five arguments # appended. The last four of these are the same which were # mentioned above. The first however is a placeholder string # (\win\) for a clientdata value to be supplied later during the # actual execution of the generated scripts. This could be a tk # window path, for example. This allows the user of this package # to preprocess HTML strings without commiting them to a # specific window, object, whatever during parsing. This # connection can be made later. This also means that it is # possible to cache preprocessed HTML. Of course, nothing # prevents the user of the parser to replace the placeholder # with an empty string. # # Arguments: # args An option/value-list followed by the string to # parse. Available options are: # # -cmd The command prefix to invoke for every tag in # the HTML string. Defaults to # '::htmlparse::debugCallback'. # # -vroot The virtual root tag to add around the HTML in # normal mode. In incremental mode it is the # first tag in each chunk processed by the # parser, but there will be no closing tags. # Defaults to 'hmstart'. # # -split The size of the groups produced by an # incremental mode parser. Ignored when in # normal mode. Defaults to 10. Values <= 0 are # not allowed. # # -incvar The name of the variable where to store any # incomplete HTML into. Optional. # # -queue # The handle/name of the queue objecct to store # the generated scripts into. Activates # incremental mode. Normal mode is used if this # option is not present. # # After the option the command explect a single argument # containing the HTML string to parse. # # Side Effects: # In normal mode as of the invoked command. Else none. # # Results: # None. proc ::htmlparse::parse {args} { # Convert the HTML string into a evaluable command sequence. variable splitdata # Option processing, start with the defaults, then run through the # list of arguments. set cmd ::htmlparse::debugCallback set vroot hmstart set incvar "" set split 10 set queue "" while {[set err [cmdline::getopt args {cmd.arg vroot.arg incvar.arg split.arg queue.arg} opt arg]]} { if {$err < 0} { return -code error "::htmlparse::parse : $arg" } switch -exact -- $opt { cmd - vroot - incvar - queue { if {[string length $arg] == 0} { return -code error "::htmlparse::parse : -$opt illegal argument (empty)" } # Each option has an variable with the same name associated with it. # FRINK: nocheck set $opt $arg } split { if {$arg <= 0} { return -code error "::htmlparse::parse : -split illegal argument (<= 0)" } set split $arg } default {# Can't happen} } } if {[llength $args] > 1} { return -code error "::htmlparse::parse : to many arguments behind the options, expected one" } if {[llength $args] < 1} { return -code error "::htmlparse::parse : html string missing" } set html [PrepareHtml [lindex $args 0]] # Look for incomplete HTML from the last iteration and prepend it # to the input we just got. if {$incvar != {}} { upvar $incvar incomplete } else { set incomplete "" } if {[catch {set new $incomplete$html}]} {set new $html} set html $new # Handle incomplete HTML (Recognize incomplete tag at end, buffer # it up for the next call). set end [lindex \{$html\} end] if {[set idx [string last < $end]] > [string last > $end]} { if {$incvar == {}} { return -code error "::htmlparse::parse : HTML is incomplete, option -incvar is missing" } # upvar $incvar incomplete -- Already done, s.a. set incomplete [string range $end $idx end] incr idx -1 set html [string range $end 0 $idx] } else { set incomplete "" } # Convert the HTML string into a script. set sub "\}\n$cmd {\\1} {} {\\2} \{\}\n$cmd {\\1} {/} {} \{" regsub -all -- {<([^\s>]+)\s*([^>]*)/>} $html $sub html set sub "\}\n$cmd {\\2} {\\1} {\\3} \{" regsub -all -- {<(/?)([^\s>]+)\s*([^>]*)>} $html $sub html # The value of queue now determines wether we process the HTML by # ourselves (queue is empty) or if we generate a list of scripts # each of which processes n tags, n the argument to -split. if {$queue == {}} { # And evaluate it. This is the main parsing step. eval "$cmd {$vroot} {} {} \{$html\}" eval "$cmd {$vroot} / {} {}" } else { # queue defined, generate list of scripts doing small chunks of tags. set lcmd [llength $cmd] set key $split,$lcmd if {![info exists splitdata($key)]} { for {set i 0; set group {}} {$i < $split} {incr i} { # Use the length of the command prefix to generate # additional variables before the main variable after # which the placeholder will be inserted. for {set j 1} {$j < $lcmd} {incr j} { append group "b${j}_$i " } append group "a$i c$i d$i e$i f$i\n" } regsub -all -- {(a[0-9]+)} $group {{$\1} \\\\win\\\\} subgroup regsub -all -- {([b-z_0-9]+[0-9]+)} $subgroup {{$\1}} subgroup set splitdata($key) [list $group $subgroup] } foreach {group subgroup} $splitdata($key) break ; # lassign foreach $group "$cmd {$vroot} {} {} \{$html\}" { $queue put [string trimright [subst $subgroup]] } } return } # htmlparse::PrepareHtml -- # # Internal helper command of '::htmlparse::parse'. Removes # leading DOCTYPE declarations and comments, protects the # special characters of tcl from evaluation. # # Arguments: # html The HTML string to prepare # # Side Effects: # None. # # Results: # The provided HTML string with the described modifications # applied to it. proc ::htmlparse::PrepareHtml {html} { # Remove the following items from the text: # - A leading declaration. # - All comments # # Also normalize the line endings (\r -> \n). # Tcllib SF Bug 861287 - Processing of comments. # Recognize EOC by RE, instead of fixed string. set html [string map [list \r \n] $html] regsub -- "^.*\]*>" $html {} html regsub -all -- "--(\[ \t\n\]*)>" $html "\001\\1\002" html # Recognize borken beginnings of a comment and convert them to PCDATA. regsub -all -- "<--(\[^\001\]*)\001(\[^\002\]*)\002" $html {\<--\1--\2\>} html # And now recognize true comments, remove them. regsub -all -- "