# ACTIVESTATE TEAPOT-PKG BEGIN TM -*- tcl -*- # -- Tcl Module # @@ Meta Begin # Package ldap 1.6.9 # Meta as::origin http://sf.net/projects/tcllib # Meta category LDAP client # Meta description LDAP client # Meta license BSD # Meta platform tcl # Meta recommend SASL # Meta recommend tls # Meta require {Tcl 8.4} # Meta require {asn 0.7} # Meta subject {ldap client} x.680 internet x.690 ber {rfc 2251} ldap # Meta subject protocol asn {directory access} # Meta summary ldap # @@ Meta End # ACTIVESTATE TEAPOT-PKG BEGIN REQUIREMENTS package require Tcl 8.4 package require asn 0.7 # ACTIVESTATE TEAPOT-PKG END REQUIREMENTS # ACTIVESTATE TEAPOT-PKG BEGIN DECLARE package provide ldap 1.6.9 # ACTIVESTATE TEAPOT-PKG END DECLARE # ACTIVESTATE TEAPOT-PKG END TM #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Copyright (C) 1999-2004 Jochen C. Loewer (loewerj@web.de) # Copyright (C) 2006 Michael Schlenker (mic42@users.sourceforge.net) #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # A (partial) LDAPv3 protocol implementation in plain Tcl. # # See RFC 2251 and ASN.1 (X.680) and BER (X.690). # # # This software is copyrighted by Jochen C. Loewer (loewerj@web.de). The # following terms apply to all files associated with the software unless # explicitly disclaimed in individual files. # # The authors hereby grant permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, # and license this software and its documentation for any purpose, provided # that existing copyright notices are retained in all copies and that this # notice is included verbatim in any distributions. No written agreement, # license, or royalty fee is required for any of the authorized uses. # Modifications to this software may be copyrighted by their authors # and need not follow the licensing terms described here, provided that # the new terms are clearly indicated on the first page of each file where # they apply. # # IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR DISTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE TO ANY PARTY # FOR DIRECT, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES # ARISING OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, ITS DOCUMENTATION, OR ANY # DERIVATIVES THEREOF, EVEN IF THE AUTHORS HAVE BEEN ADVISED OF THE # POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # # THE AUTHORS AND DISTRIBUTORS SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIM ANY WARRANTIES, # INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, AND NON-INFRINGEMENT. THIS SOFTWARE # IS PROVIDED ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, AND THE AUTHORS AND DISTRIBUTORS HAVE # NO OBLIGATION TO PROVIDE MAINTENANCE, SUPPORT, UPDATES, ENHANCEMENTS, OR # MODIFICATIONS. # # $Id: ldap.tcl,v 1.24 2008/03/27 04:21:05 andreas_kupries Exp $ # # written by Jochen Loewer # 3 June, 1999 # #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- package require Tcl 8.4 package require asn 0.7 package provide ldap 1.6.9 namespace eval ldap { namespace export connect secure_connect \ disconnect \ bind unbind \ bindSASL \ search \ searchInit \ searchNext \ searchEnd \ modify \ modifyMulti \ add \ addMulti \ delete \ modifyDN \ info namespace import ::asn::* variable SSLCertifiedAuthoritiesFile variable doDebug set doDebug 0 # LDAP result codes from the RFC variable resultCode2String array set resultCode2String { 0 success 1 operationsError 2 protocolError 3 timeLimitExceeded 4 sizeLimitExceeded 5 compareFalse 6 compareTrue 7 authMethodNotSupported 8 strongAuthRequired 10 referral 11 adminLimitExceeded 12 unavailableCriticalExtension 13 confidentialityRequired 14 saslBindInProgress 16 noSuchAttribute 17 undefinedAttributeType 18 inappropriateMatching 19 constraintViolation 20 attributeOrValueExists 21 invalidAttributeSyntax 32 noSuchObject 33 aliasProblem 34 invalidDNSyntax 35 isLeaf 36 aliasDereferencingProblem 48 inappropriateAuthentication 49 invalidCredentials 50 insufficientAccessRights 51 busy 52 unavailable 53 unwillingToPerform 54 loopDetect 64 namingViolation 65 objectClassViolation 66 notAllowedOnNonLeaf 67 notAllowedOnRDN 68 entryAlreadyExists 69 objectClassModsProhibited 80 other } } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Lookup an numerical ldap result code and return a string version # #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- proc ::ldap::resultCode2String {code} { variable resultCode2String if {[::info exists resultCode2String($code)]} { return $resultCode2String($code) } else { return "unknownError" } } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Basic sanity check for connection handles # must be an array #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- proc ::ldap::CheckHandle {handle} { if {![array exists $handle]} { return -code error \ [format "Not a valid LDAP connection handle: %s" $handle] } } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # info # #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- proc ldap::info {args} { set cmd [lindex $args 0] set cmds {connections bound bounduser control extensions features ip saslmechanisms tls whoami} if {[llength $args] == 0} { return -code error \ "Usage: \"info subcommand ?handle?\"" } if {[lsearch -exact $cmds $cmd] == -1} { return -code error \ "Invalid subcommand \"$cmd\", valid commands are\ [join [lrange $cmds 0 end-1] ,] and [lindex $cmds end]" } eval [linsert [lrange $args 1 end] 0 ldap::info_$cmd] } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # get the ip address of the server we connected to # #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- proc ldap::info_ip {args} { if {[llength $args] != 1} { return -code error \ "Wrong # of arguments. Usage: ldap::info ip handle" } CheckHandle [lindex $args 0] upvar #0 [lindex $args 0] conn if {![::info exists conn(sock)]} { return -code error \ "\"[lindex $args 0]\" is not a ldap connection handle" } return [lindex [fconfigure $conn(sock) -peername] 0] } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # get the list of open ldap connections # #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- proc ldap::info_connections {args} { if {[llength $args] != 0} { return -code error \ "Wrong # of arguments. Usage: ldap::info connections" } return [::info vars ::ldap::ldap*] } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # check if the connection is bound # #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- proc ldap::info_bound {args} { if {[llength $args] != 1} { return -code error \ "Wrong # of arguments. Usage: ldap::info bound handle" } CheckHandle [lindex $args 0] upvar #0 [lindex $args 0] conn if {![::info exists conn(bound)]} { return -code error \ "\"[lindex $args 0]\" is not a ldap connection handle" } return $conn(bound) } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # check with which user the connection is bound # #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- proc ldap::info_bounduser {args} { if {[llength $args] != 1} { return -code error \ "Wrong # of arguments. Usage: ldap::info bounduser handle" } CheckHandle [lindex $args 0] upvar #0 [lindex $args 0] conn if {![::info exists conn(bound)]} { return -code error \ "\"[lindex $args 0]\" is not a ldap connection handle" } return $conn(bounduser) } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # check if the connection uses tls # #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- proc ldap::info_tls {args} { if {[llength $args] != 1} { return -code error \ "Wrong # of arguments. Usage: ldap::info tls handle" } CheckHandle [lindex $args 0] upvar #0 [lindex $args 0] conn if {![::info exists conn(tls)]} { return -code error \ "\"[lindex $args 0]\" is not a ldap connection handle" } return $conn(tls) } proc ldap::info_saslmechanisms {args} { if {[llength $args] != 1} { return -code error \ "Wrong # of arguments. Usage: ldap::info saslmechanisms handle" } return [Saslmechanisms [lindex $args 0]] } proc ldap::info_extensions {args} { if {[llength $args] != 1} { return -code error \ "Wrong # of arguments. Usage: ldap::info extensions handle" } return [Extensions [lindex $args 0]] } proc ldap::info_control {args} { if {[llength $args] != 1} { return -code error \ "Wrong # of arguments. Usage: ldap::info control handle" } return [Control [lindex $args 0]] } proc ldap::info_features {args} { if {[llength $args] != 1} { return -code error \ "Wrong # of arguments. Usage: ldap::info features handle" } return [Features [lindex $args 0]] } proc ldap::info_whoami {args} { if {[llength $args] != 1} { return -code error \ "Wrong # of arguments. Usage: ldap::info whoami handle" } return [Whoami [lindex $args 0]] } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Basic server introspection support # #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- proc ldap::Saslmechanisms {conn} { CheckHandle $conn lindex [ldap::search $conn {} {(objectClass=*)} \ {supportedSASLMechanisms} -scope base] 0 1 1 } proc ldap::Extensions {conn} { CheckHandle $conn lindex [ldap::search $conn {} {(objectClass=*)} \ {supportedExtension} -scope base] 0 1 1 } proc ldap::Control {conn} { CheckHandle $conn lindex [ldap::search $conn {} {(objectClass=*)} \ {supportedControl} -scope base] 0 1 1 } proc ldap::Features {conn} { CheckHandle $conn lindex [ldap::search $conn {} {(objectClass=*)} \ {supportedFeatures} -scope base] 0 1 1 } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Implements the RFC 4532 extension "Who am I?" # #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- proc ldap::Whoami {handle} { CheckHandle $handle if {[lsearch [ldap::Extensions $handle]] == -1} { return -code error \ "Server does not support the \"Who am I?\" extension" } set request [asnApplicationConstr 23 [asnOctetString]] set mid [SendMessage $handle $request] set response [WaitForResponse $handle $mid] asnGetApplication response appNum if {$appNum != 24} { return -code error \ "unexpected application number ($appNum != 24)" } asnGetEnumeration response resultCode asnGetOctetString response matchedDN asnGetOctetString response errorMessage if {$resultCode != 0} { return -code error \ -errorcode [list LDAP [resultCode2String $resultCode] $matchedDN $errorMessage] \ "LDAP error [resultCode2String $resultCode] '$matchedDN': $errorMessage" } set whoami "" if {[string length $response]} { asnRetag response 0x04 asnGetOctetString response whoami } return $whoami } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # connect # #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- proc ldap::connect { host {port 389} } { #-------------------------------------- # connect via TCP/IP #-------------------------------------- set sock [socket $host $port] fconfigure $sock -blocking no -translation binary -buffering full #-------------------------------------- # initialize connection array #-------------------------------------- upvar #0 ::ldap::ldap$sock conn catch { unset conn } set conn(host) $host set conn(sock) $sock set conn(messageId) 0 set conn(tls) 0 set conn(bound) 0 set conn(bounduser) "" set conn(saslBindInProgress) 0 set conn(tlsHandshakeInProgress) 0 set conn(lastError) "" fileevent $sock readable [list ::ldap::MessageReceiver ::ldap::ldap$sock] return ::ldap::ldap$sock } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # secure_connect # #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- proc ldap::secure_connect { host {port 636} } { variable SSLCertifiedAuthoritiesFile package require tls #------------------------------------------------------------------ # connect via TCP/IP #------------------------------------------------------------------ set sock [socket $host $port] fconfigure $sock -blocking no -translation binary -buffering full #------------------------------------------------------------------ # make it a SSL connection # #------------------------------------------------------------------ #tls::import $sock -cafile $SSLCertifiedAuthoritiesFile -ssl2 no -ssl3 yes -tls1 yes tls::import $sock -cafile "" -certfile "" -keyfile "" \ -request 1 -server 0 -require 0 -ssl2 no -ssl3 yes -tls1 yes set retry 0 while {1} { if {$retry > 20} { close $sock return -code error "too long retry to setup SSL connection" } if {[catch { tls::handshake $sock } err]} { if {[string match "*resource temporarily unavailable*" $err]} { after 50 incr retry } else { close $sock return -code error $err } } else { break } } #-------------------------------------- # initialize connection array #-------------------------------------- upvar ::ldap::ldap$sock conn catch { unset conn } set conn(host) $host set conn(sock) $sock set conn(messageId) 0 set conn(tls) 1 set conn(bound) 0 set conn(bounduser) "" set conn(saslBindInProgress) 0 set conn(tlsHandshakeInProgress) 0 set conn(lasterror) "" fileevent $sock readable [list ::ldap::MessageReceiver ::ldap::ldap$sock] return ::ldap::ldap$sock } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # starttls - negotiate tls on an open ldap connection # #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ proc ldap::starttls {handle {cafile ""} {certfile ""} {keyfile ""}} { CheckHandle $handle upvar #0 $handle conn if {$conn(tls)} { return -code error \ "Cannot StartTLS on connection, TLS already running" } if {[ldap::waitingForMessages $handle]} { return -code error \ "Cannot StartTLS while waiting for repsonses" } if {$conn(saslBindInProgress)} { return -code error \ "Cannot StartTLS while SASL bind in progress" } if {[lsearch -exact [ldap::Extensions $handle]] == -1} { return -code error \ "Server does not support the StartTLS extension" } package require tls set request [asnApplicationConstr 23 [asnOctetString]] set mid [SendMessage $handle $request] set conn(tlsHandshakeInProgress) 1 set response [WaitForResponse $handle $mid] asnGetApplication response appNum if {$appNum != 24} { set conn(tlsHandshakeInProgress) 0 return -code error \ "unexpected application number ($appNum != 24)" } asnGetEnumeration response resultCode asnGetOctetString response matchedDN asnGetOctetString response errorMessage if {$resultCode != 0} { set conn(tlsHandshakeInProgress) 0 return -code error \ -errorcode [list LDAP [resultCode2String $resultCode] $matchedDN $errorMessage] \ "LDAP error [resultCode2String $resultCode] '$matchedDN': $errorMessage" } set oid "" if {[string length $response]} { asnRetag response 0x04 asnGetOctetString response oid } if {$oid ne ""} { set conn(tlsHandshakeInProgress) 0 return -code error \ "Unexpected LDAP response" } tls::import $conn(sock) -cafile $cafile -certfile $certfile -keyfile $keyfile \ -request 1 -server 0 -require 0 -ssl2 no -ssl3 yes -tls1 yes set retry 0 while {1} { if {$retry > 20} { close $sock return -code error "too long retry to setup SSL connection" } if {[catch { tls::handshake $conn(sock) } err]} { if {[string match "*resource temporarily unavailable*" $err]} { after 50 incr retry } else { close $conn(sock) return -code error $err } } else { break } } set conn(tls) 1 set conn(tlsHandshakeInProgress) 0 return 1 } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Create a new unique message and send it over the socket. # #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ proc ldap::CreateAndSendMessage {handle payload} { upvar #0 $handle conn if {$conn(tlsHandshakeInProgress)} { return -code error \ "Cannot send other LDAP PDU while TLS handshake in progress" } incr conn(messageId) set message [asnSequence [asnInteger $conn(messageId)] $payload] debugData "Message $conn(messageId) Sent" $message puts -nonewline $conn(sock) $message flush $conn(sock) return $conn(messageId) } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Send a message to the server which expects a response, # returns the messageId which is to be used with FinalizeMessage # and WaitForResponse # #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ proc ldap::SendMessage {handle pdu} { upvar #0 $handle conn set mid [CreateAndSendMessage $handle $pdu] # safe the state to match responses set conn(message,$mid) [list] return $mid } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Send a message to the server without expecting a response # #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ proc ldap::SendMessageNoReply {handle pdu} { upvar #0 $handle conn return [CreateAndSendMessage $handle $pdu] } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Cleanup the storage associated with a messageId # #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ proc ldap::FinalizeMessage {handle messageId} { upvar #0 $handle conn trace "Message $messageId finalized" unset -nocomplain conn(message,$messageId) } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Wait for a response for the given messageId. # # This waits in a vwait if no message has yet been received or returns # the oldest message at once, if it is queued. # #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ proc ldap::WaitForResponse {handle messageId} { upvar #0 $handle conn trace "Waiting for Message $messageId" # check if the message waits for a reply if {![::info exists conn(message,$messageId)]} { return -code error \ [format "Cannot wait for message %d." $messageId] } # check if we have a received response in the buffer if {[llength $conn(message,$messageId)] > 0} { set response [lindex $conn(message,$messageId) 0] set conn(message,$messageId) [lrange $conn(message,$messageId) 1 end] return $response } # wait for an incoming response vwait [namespace which -variable $handle](message,$messageId) if {[llength $conn(message,$messageId)] == 0} { # We have waited and have been awakended but no message is there if {[string length $conn(lastError)]} { return -code error \ [format "Protocol error: %s" $conn(lastError)] } else { return -code error \ [format "Broken response for message %d" $messageId] } } set response [lindex $conn(message,$messageId) 0] set conn(message,$messageId) [lrange $conn(message,$messageId) 1 end] return $response } proc ldap::waitingForMessages {handle} { upvar #0 $handle conn return [llength [array names conn message,*]] } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Process a single response PDU. Decodes the messageId and puts the # message into the appropriate queue. # #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ proc ldap::ProcessMessage {handle response} { upvar #0 $handle conn # decode the messageId asnGetInteger response messageId # check if we wait for a response if {[::info exists conn(message,$messageId)]} { # append the new message, which triggers # message handlers using vwait on the entry lappend conn(message,$messageId) $response return } # handle unsolicited server responses if {0} { asnGetApplication response appNum #if { $appNum != 24 } { # error "unexpected application number ($appNum != 24)" #} asnGetEnumeration response resultCode asnGetOctetString response matchedDN asnGetOctetString response errorMessage if {[string length $response]} { asnGetOctetString response responseName } if {[string length $response]} { asnGetOctetString response responseValue } if {$resultCode != 0} { return -code error \ -errorcode [list LDAP [resultCode2String $resultCode] $matchedDN $errorMessage] \ "LDAP error [resultCode2String $resultCode] '$matchedDN': $errorMessage" } } #dumpASN1Parse $response #error "Unsolicited message from server" } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Get the code out of waitForResponse in case of errors # #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- proc ldap::CleanupWaitingMessages {handle} { upvar #0 $handle conn foreach message [array names conn message,*] { set conn($message) [list] } } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # The basic fileevent based message receiver. # It reads PDU's from the network in a non-blocking fashion. # #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- proc ldap::MessageReceiver {handle} { upvar #0 $handle conn # We have to account for partial PDUs received, so # we keep some state information. # # conn(pdu,partial) -- we are reading a partial pdu if non zero # conn(pdu,length_bytes) -- the buffer for loading the length # conn(pdu,length) -- we have decoded the length if >= 0, if <0 it contains # the length of the length encoding in bytes # conn(pdu,payload) -- the payload buffer # conn(pdu,received) -- the data received # fetch the sequence byte if {[::info exists conn(pdu,partial)] && $conn(pdu,partial) != 0} { # we have decoded at least the type byte } else { foreach {code type} [ReceiveBytes $conn(sock) 1] {break} switch -- $code { ok { binary scan $type c byte set type [expr {($byte + 0x100) % 0x100}] if {$type != 0x30} { CleanupWaitingMessages $handle set conn(lastError) [format "Expected SEQUENCE (0x30) but got %x" $type] return } else { set conn(pdu,partial) 1 append conn(pdu,received) $type } } eof { CleanupWaitingMessages $handle set conn(lastError) "Server closed connection" catch {close $conn(sock)} return } default { CleanupWaitingMessages $handle set bytes $type[read $conn(sock)] binary scan $bytes h* values set conn(lastError) [format \ "Error reading SEQUENCE response for handle %s : %s : %s" $handle $code $values] return } } } # fetch the length if {[::info exists conn(pdu,length)] && $conn(pdu,length) >= 0} { # we already have a decoded length } else { if {[::info exists conn(pdu,length)] && $conn(pdu,length) < 0} { # we already know the length, but have not received enough bytes to decode it set missing [expr {1+abs($conn(pdu,length))-[string length $conn(pdu,length_bytes)]}] if {$missing != 0} { foreach {code bytes} [ReceiveBytes $conn(sock) $missing] {break} switch -- $code { "ok" { append conn(pdu,length_bytes) $bytes append conn(pdu,received) $bytes asnGetLength conn(pdu,length_bytes) conn(pdu,length) } "partial" { append conn(pdu,length_bytes) $bytes append conn(pdu,received) $bytes return } "eof" { CleanupWaitingMessages $handle catch {close $conn(sock)} set conn(lastError) "Server closed connection" return } default { CleanupWaitingMessages $handle set conn(lastError) [format \ "Error reading LENGTH2 response for handle %s : %s" $handle $code] return } } } } else { # we know nothing, need to read the first length byte foreach {code bytes} [ReceiveBytes $conn(sock) 1] {break} switch -- $code { "ok" { set conn(pdu,length_bytes) $bytes binary scan $bytes c byte set size [expr {($byte + 0x100) % 0x100}] if {$size > 0x080} { set conn(pdu,length) [expr {-1* ($size & 0x7f)}] # fetch the rest with the next fileevent return } else { asnGetLength conn(pdu,length_bytes) conn(pdu,length) } } "eof" { CleanupWaitingMessages $handle catch {close $conn(sock)} set conn(lastError) "Server closed connection" } default { CleanupWaitingMessages $handle set conn(lastError) [format \ "Error reading LENGTH1 response for handle %s : %s" $handle $code] return } } } } if {[::info exists conn(pdu,payload)]} { # length is decoded, we can read the rest set missing [expr {$conn(pdu,length) - [string length $conn(pdu,payload)]}] } else { set missing $conn(pdu,length) } if {$missing > 0} { foreach {code bytes} [ReceiveBytes $conn(sock) $missing] {break} switch -- $code { "ok" { append conn(pdu,payload) $bytes } "partial" { append conn(pdu,payload) $bytes return } "eof" { CleanupWaitingMessages $handle catch {close $conn(sock)} set conn(lastError) "Server closed connection" } default { CleanupWaitingMessages $handle set conn(lastError) [format \ "Error reading DATA response for handle %s : %s" $handle $code] return } } } # we have a complete PDU, push it for processing set pdu $conn(pdu,payload) set conn(pdu,payload) "" set conn(pdu,partial) 0 unset -nocomplain set conn(pdu,length) set conn(pdu,length_bytes) "" # reschedule message Processing after 0 [list ::ldap::ProcessMessage $handle $pdu] } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Receive the number of bytes from the socket and signal error conditions. # #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- proc ldap::ReceiveBytes {sock bytes} { set status [catch {read $sock $bytes} block] if { $status != 0 } { return [list error $block] } elseif { [string length $block] == $bytes } { # we have all bytes we wanted return [list ok $block] } elseif { [eof $sock] } { return [list eof $block] } elseif { [fblocked $sock] || ([string length $block] < $bytes)} { return [list partial $block] } else { error "Socket state for socket $sock undefined!" } } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # bindSASL - does a bind with SASL authentication #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- proc ldap::bindSASL {handle {name ""} {password ""} } { CheckHandle $handle package require SASL upvar #0 $handle conn set mechs [ldap::Saslmechanisms $handle] set conn(saslBindInProgress) 1 set auth 0 foreach mech [SASL::mechanisms] { if {[lsearch -exact $mechs $mech] == -1} { continue } trace "Using $mech for SASL Auth" if {[catch { SASLAuth $handle $mech $name $password } msg]} { trace [format "AUTH %s failed: %s" $mech $msg] } else { # AUTH was successful if {$msg == 1} { set auth 1 break } } } set conn(saslBindInProgress) 0 return $auth } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # SASLCallback - Callback to use for SASL authentication # # More or less cut and copied from the smtp module. # May need adjustments for ldap. # #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- proc ::ldap::SASLCallback {handle context command args} { upvar #0 $handle conn upvar #0 $context ctx array set options $conn(options) trace "SASLCallback $command" switch -exact -- $command { login { return $options(-username) } username { return $options(-username) } password { return $options(-password) } hostname { return [::info hostname] } realm { if {[string equal $ctx(mech) "NTLM"] \ && [info exists ::env(USERDOMAIN)]} { return $::env(USERDOMAIN) } else { return "" } } default { return -code error "error: unsupported SASL information requested" } } } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # SASLAuth - Handles the actual SASL message exchange # #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- proc ldap::SASLAuth {handle mech name password} { upvar 1 $handle conn set conn(options) [list -password $password -username $name] # check for tcllib bug # 1545306 and reset the nonce-count if # found, so a second call to this code does not fail # if {[::info exists ::SASL::digest_md5_noncecount]} { set ::SASL::digest_md5_noncecount 0 } set ctx [SASL::new -mechanism $mech \ -service ldap \ -callback [list ::ldap::SASLCallback $handle]] set msg(serverSASLCreds) "" # Do the SASL Message exchanges while {[SASL::step $ctx $msg(serverSASLCreds)]} { # Create and send the BindRequest set request [buildSASLBindRequest "" $mech [SASL::response $ctx]] set messageId [SendMessage $handle $request] debugData bindRequest $request set response [WaitForResponse $handle $messageId] FinalizeMessage $handle $messageId debugData bindResponse $response array set msg [decodeSASLBindResponse $handle $response] # Check for Bind success if {$msg(resultCode) == 0} { set conn(bound) 1 set conn(bounduser) $name SASL::cleanup $ctx break } # Check if next SASL step is requested if {$msg(resultCode) == 14} { continue } SASL::cleanup $ctx # Something went wrong return -code error \ -errorcode [list LDAP [resultCode2String $msg(resultCode)] \ $msg(matchedDN) $msg(errorMessage)] \ "LDAP error [resultCode2String $msg(resultCode)] '$msg(matchedDN)': $msg(errorMessage)" } return 1 } #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Create a LDAP BindRequest using SASL # #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- proc ldap::buildSASLBindRequest {name mech {credentials {}}} { if {$credentials ne {}} { set request [ asnApplicationConstr 0 \ [asnInteger 3] \ [asnOctetString $name] \ [asnChoiceConstr 3 \ [asnOctetString $mech] \ [asnOctetString $credentials] \ ] \ ] } else { set request [ asnApplicationConstr 0 \ [asnInteger 3] \ [asnOctetString $name] \ [asnChoiceConstr 3 \ [asnOctetString $mech] \ ] \ ] } return $request } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Decode an LDAP BindResponse # #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- proc ldap::decodeSASLBindResponse {handle response} { upvar #0 $handle conn asnGetApplication response appNum if { $appNum != 1 } { error "unexpected application number ($appNum != 1)" } asnGetEnumeration response resultCode asnGetOctetString response matchedDN asnGetOctetString response errorMessage # Check if we have a serverSASLCreds field left, # or if this is a simple response without it # probably an error message then. if {[string length $response]} { asnRetag response 0x04 asnGetOctetString response serverSASLCreds } else { set serverSASLCreds "" } return [list appNum $appNum \ resultCode $resultCode matchedDN $matchedDN \ errorMessage $errorMessage serverSASLCreds $serverSASLCreds] } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # bind - does a bind with simple authentication # #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- proc ldap::bind { handle {name ""} {password ""} } { CheckHandle $handle upvar #0 $handle conn #----------------------------------------------------------------- # marshal bind request packet and send it # #----------------------------------------------------------------- set request [asnApplicationConstr 0 \ [asnInteger 3] \ [asnOctetString $name] \ [asnChoice 0 $password] \ ] set messageId [SendMessage $handle $request] debugData bindRequest $request set response [WaitForResponse $handle $messageId] FinalizeMessage $handle $messageId debugData bindResponse $response asnGetApplication response appNum if { $appNum != 1 } { error "unexpected application number ($appNum != 1)" } asnGetEnumeration response resultCode asnGetOctetString response matchedDN asnGetOctetString response errorMessage if {$resultCode != 0} { return -code error \ -errorcode [list LDAP [resultCode2String $resultCode] $matchedDN $errorMessage] \ "LDAP error [resultCode2String $resultCode] '$matchedDN': $errorMessage" } set conn(bound) 1 set conn(bounduser) $name } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # unbind # #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- proc ldap::unbind { handle } { CheckHandle $handle upvar #0 $handle conn #------------------------------------------------ # marshal unbind request packet and send it #------------------------------------------------ set request [asnApplication 2 ""] SendMessageNoReply $handle $request set conn(bounduser) "" set conn(bound) 0 close $conn(sock) set conn(sock) "" } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # buildUpFilter - parses the text representation of LDAP search # filters and transforms it into the correct # marshalled representation for the search request # packet # #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- proc ldap::buildUpFilter { filter } { set first [lindex $filter 0] set data "" switch -regexp -- $first { ^\\&$ { #--- and ------------------------------------------- foreach term [lrange $filter 1 end] { append data [buildUpFilter $term] } return [asnChoiceConstr 0 $data] } ^\\|$ { #--- or -------------------------------------------- foreach term [lrange $filter 1 end] { append data [buildUpFilter $term] } return [asnChoiceConstr 1 $data] } ^\\!$ { #--- not ------------------------------------------- return [asnChoiceConstr 2 [buildUpFilter [lindex $filter 1]]] } =\\*$ { #--- present --------------------------------------- set endpos [expr {[string length $first] -3}] set attributetype [string range $first 0 $endpos] return [asnChoice 7 $attributetype] } ^[0-9A-z.]*~= { #--- approxMatch -------------------------- regexp {^([0-9A-z.]*)~=(.*)$} $first all attributetype value return [asnChoiceConstr 8 [asnOctetString $attributetype] \ [asnOctetString $value] ] } ^[0-9A-z.]*<= { #--- lessOrEqual -------------------------- regexp {^([0-9A-z.]*)<=(.*)$} $first all attributetype value return [asnChoiceConstr 6 [asnOctetString $attributetype] \ [asnOctetString $value] ] } ^[0-9A-z.]*>= { #--- greaterOrEqual ----------------------- regexp {^([0-9A-z.]*)>=(.*)$} $first all attributetype value return [asnChoiceConstr 5 [asnOctetString $attributetype] \ [asnOctetString $value] ] } ^[0-9A-z.]*=.*\\*.* { #--- substrings ----------------- regexp {^([0-9A-z.]*)=(.*)$} $first all attributetype value regsub -all {\*+} $value {*} value set value [split $value "*"] set firstsubstrtype 0 ;# initial set lastsubstrtype 2 ;# final if {[string equal [lindex $value 0] ""]} { set firstsubstrtype 1 ;# any set value [lreplace $value 0 0] } if {[string equal [lindex $value end] ""]} { set lastsubstrtype 1 ;# any set value [lreplace $value end end] } set n [llength $value] set i 1 set l {} set substrtype 0 ;# initial foreach str $value { if {$i == 1 && $i == $n} { if {$firstsubstrtype == 0} { set substrtype 0 ;# initial } elseif {$lastsubstrtype == 2} { set substrtype 2 ;# final } else { set substrtype 1 ;# any } } elseif {$i == 1} { set substrtype $firstsubstrtype } elseif {$i == $n} { set substrtype $lastsubstrtype } else { set substrtype 1 ;# any } lappend l [asnChoice $substrtype $str] incr i } return [asnChoiceConstr 4 [asnOctetString $attributetype] \ [asnSequenceFromList $l] ] } ^[0-9A-z.]*= { #--- equal --------------------------------- regexp {^([0-9A-z.]*)=(.*)$} $first all attributetype value trace "equal: attributetype='$attributetype' value='$value'" return [asnChoiceConstr 3 [asnOctetString $attributetype] \ [asnOctetString $value] ] } default { return [buildUpFilter $first] #error "cant handle $first for filter part" } } } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # search - performs a LDAP search below the baseObject tree using a # complex LDAP search expression (like "|(cn=Linus*)(sn=Torvalds*)" # and returns all matching objects (DNs) with given attributes # (or all attributes if empty list is given) as list: # # {dn1 { attr1 {val11 val12 ...} attr2 {val21 val22 ... } ... }} {dn2 { ... }} ... # #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- proc ldap::search { handle baseObject filterString attributes args} { CheckHandle $handle upvar #0 $handle conn searchInit $handle $baseObject $filterString $attributes $args set results {} set lastPacket 0 while { !$lastPacket } { set r [searchNext $handle] if {[llength $r] > 0} then { lappend results $r } else { set lastPacket 1 } } searchEnd $handle return $results } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # searchInProgress - checks if a search is in progress # #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- proc ldap::searchInProgress {handle} { CheckHandle $handle upvar #0 $handle conn if {[::info exists conn(searchInProgress)]} { return $conn(searchInProgress) } else { return 0 } } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # searchInit - initiates an LDAP search # #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- proc ldap::searchInit { handle baseObject filterString attributes opt} { CheckHandle $handle upvar #0 $handle conn if {[searchInProgress $handle]} { return -code error \ "Cannot start search. Already a search in progress for this handle." } set scope 2 set derefAliases 0 set sizeLimit 0 set timeLimit 0 set attrsOnly 0 foreach {key value} $opt { switch -- [string tolower $key] { -scope { switch -- $value { base { set scope 0 } one - onelevel { set scope 1 } sub - subtree { set scope 2 } default { } } } -derefaliases { switch -- $value { never { set derefAliases 0 } search { set derefAliases 1 } find { set derefAliases 2 } always { set derefAliases 3 } default { } } } -sizelimit { set sizeLimit $value } -timelimit { set timeLimit $value } -attrsonly { set attrsOnly $value } default { return -code error \ "Invalid search option '$key'" } } } set request [buildSearchRequest $baseObject $scope \ $derefAliases $sizeLimit $timeLimit $attrsOnly $filterString \ $attributes] set messageId [SendMessage $handle $request] debugData searchRequest $request # Keep the message Id, so we know about the search set conn(searchInProgress) $messageId return $conn(searchInProgress) } proc ldap::buildSearchRequest {baseObject scope derefAliases sizeLimit timeLimit attrsOnly filterString attributes} { #---------------------------------------------------------- # marshal filter and attributes parameter #---------------------------------------------------------- regsub -all {\(} $filterString " \{" filterString regsub -all {\)} $filterString "\} " filterString set berFilter [buildUpFilter $filterString] set berAttributes "" foreach attribute $attributes { append berAttributes [asnOctetString $attribute] } #---------------------------------------------------------- # marshal search request packet and send it #---------------------------------------------------------- set request [asnApplicationConstr 3 \ [asnOctetString $baseObject] \ [asnEnumeration $scope] \ [asnEnumeration $derefAliases] \ [asnInteger $sizeLimit] \ [asnInteger $timeLimit] \ [asnBoolean $attrsOnly] \ $berFilter \ [asnSequence $berAttributes] \ ] } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # searchNext - returns the next result of an LDAP search # #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- proc ldap::searchNext { handle } { CheckHandle $handle upvar #0 $handle conn if {! [::info exists conn(searchInProgress)]} then { return -code error \ "No search in progress" } set result {} set lastPacket 0 #---------------------------------------------------------- # Wait for a search response packet #---------------------------------------------------------- set response [WaitForResponse $handle $conn(searchInProgress)] debugData searchResponse $response asnGetApplication response appNum if {$appNum == 4} { trace "Search Response Continue" #---------------------------------------------------------- # unmarshal search data packet #---------------------------------------------------------- asnGetOctetString response objectName asnGetSequence response attributes set result_attributes {} while { [string length $attributes] != 0 } { asnGetSequence attributes attribute asnGetOctetString attribute attrType asnGetSet attribute attrValues set result_attrValues {} while { [string length $attrValues] != 0 } { asnGetOctetString attrValues attrValue lappend result_attrValues $attrValue } lappend result_attributes $attrType $result_attrValues } set result [list $objectName $result_attributes] } elseif {$appNum == 5} { trace "Search Response Done" #---------------------------------------------------------- # unmarshal search final response packet #---------------------------------------------------------- asnGetEnumeration response resultCode asnGetOctetString response matchedDN asnGetOctetString response errorMessage set result {} FinalizeMessage $handle $conn(searchInProgress) unset conn(searchInProgress) if {$resultCode != 0} { return -code error \ -errorcode [list LDAP [resultCode2String $resultCode] $matchedDN $errorMessage] \ "LDAP error [resultCode2String $resultCode] : $errorMessage" } } else { error "unexpected application number ($appNum != 4 or 5)" } return $result } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # searchEnd - end an LDAP search # #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- proc ldap::searchEnd { handle } { CheckHandle $handle upvar #0 $handle conn if {! [::info exists conn(searchInProgress)]} then { # no harm done, just do nothing return } abandon $handle $conn(searchInProgress) FinalizeMessage $handle $conn(searchInProgress) unset conn(searchInProgress) return } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Send an LDAP abandon message # #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- proc ldap::abandon {handle messageId} { CheckHandle $handle upvar #0 $handle conn trace "MessagesPending: [string length $conn(messageId)]" set request [asnApplication 16 \ [asnInteger $messageId] \ ] SendMessageNoReply $handle $request } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # modify - provides attribute modifications on one single object (DN): # o replace attributes with new values # o delete attributes (having certain values) # o add attributes with new values # #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- proc ldap::modify { handle dn attrValToReplace { attrToDelete {} } { attrValToAdd {} } } { CheckHandle $handle upvar #0 $handle conn set lrep {} foreach {attr value} $attrValToReplace { lappend lrep $attr [list $value] } set ldel {} foreach {attr value} $attrToDelete { if {[string equal $value ""]} then { lappend ldel $attr {} } else { lappend ldel $attr [list $value] } } set ladd {} foreach {attr value} $attrValToAdd { lappend ladd $attr [list $value] } modifyMulti $handle $dn $lrep $ldel $ladd } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # modify - provides attribute modifications on one single object (DN): # o replace attributes with new values # o delete attributes (having certain values) # o add attributes with new values # #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- proc ldap::modifyMulti {handle dn attrValToReplace {attrValToDelete {}} {attrValToAdd {}}} { CheckHandle $handle upvar #0 $handle conn set operationAdd 0 set operationDelete 1 set operationReplace 2 set modifications "" #------------------------------------------------------------------ # marshal attribute modify operations # - always mode 'replace' ! see rfc2251: # # replace: replace all existing values of the given attribute # with the new values listed, creating the attribute if it # did not already exist. A replace with no value will delete # the entire attribute if it exists, and is ignored if the # attribute does not exist. # #------------------------------------------------------------------ append modifications [ldap::packOpAttrVal $operationReplace \ $attrValToReplace] #------------------------------------------------------------------ # marshal attribute add operations # #------------------------------------------------------------------ append modifications [ldap::packOpAttrVal $operationAdd \ $attrValToAdd] #------------------------------------------------------------------ # marshal attribute delete operations # # - a non-empty value will trigger to delete only those # attributes which have the same value as the given one # # - an empty value will trigger to delete the attribute # in all cases # #------------------------------------------------------------------ append modifications [ldap::packOpAttrVal $operationDelete \ $attrValToDelete] #---------------------------------------------------------- # marshal 'modify' request packet and send it #---------------------------------------------------------- set request [asnApplicationConstr 6 \ [asnOctetString $dn ] \ [asnSequence $modifications ] \ ] set messageId [SendMessage $handle $request] debugData modifyRequest $request set response [WaitForResponse $handle $messageId] FinalizeMessage $handle $messageId debugData bindResponse $response asnGetApplication response appNum if { $appNum != 7 } { error "unexpected application number ($appNum != 7)" } asnGetEnumeration response resultCode asnGetOctetString response matchedDN asnGetOctetString response errorMessage if {$resultCode != 0} { return -code error \ -errorcode [list LDAP [resultCode2String $resultCode] $matchedDN $errorMessage] \ "LDAP error [resultCode2String $resultCode] '$matchedDN': $errorMessage" } } proc ldap::packOpAttrVal {op attrValueTuples} { set p "" foreach {attrName attrValues} $attrValueTuples { set l {} foreach v $attrValues { lappend l [asnOctetString $v] } append p [asnSequence \ [asnEnumeration $op ] \ [asnSequence \ [asnOctetString $attrName ] \ [asnSetFromList $l] \ ] \ ] } return $p } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # add - will create a new object using given DN and sets the given # attributes. Multiple value attributes may be used, provided # that each attr-val pair be listed. # #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- proc ldap::add { handle dn attrValueTuples } { CheckHandle $handle # # In order to handle multi-valuated attributes (see bug 1191326 on # sourceforge), we walk through tuples to collect all values for # an attribute. # http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&atid=112883&group_id=12883&aid=1191326 # foreach { attrName attrValue } $attrValueTuples { lappend avpairs($attrName) $attrValue } return [addMulti $handle $dn [array get avpairs]] } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # addMulti - will create a new object using given DN and sets the given # attributes. Argument is a list of attr-listOfVals pair. # #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- proc ldap::addMulti { handle dn attrValueTuples } { CheckHandle $handle upvar #0 $handle conn #------------------------------------------------------------------ # marshal attribute list # #------------------------------------------------------------------ set attrList "" foreach { attrName attrValues } $attrValueTuples { set valList {} foreach val $attrValues { lappend valList [asnOctetString $val] } append attrList [asnSequence \ [asnOctetString $attrName ] \ [asnSetFromList $valList] \ ] } #---------------------------------------------------------- # marshal search 'add' request packet and send it #---------------------------------------------------------- set request [asnApplicationConstr 8 \ [asnOctetString $dn ] \ [asnSequence $attrList ] \ ] set messageId [SendMessage $handle $request] debugData addRequest $request set response [WaitForResponse $handle $messageId] FinalizeMessage $handle $messageId debugData bindResponse $response asnGetApplication response appNum if { $appNum != 9 } { error "unexpected application number ($appNum != 9)" } asnGetEnumeration response resultCode asnGetOctetString response matchedDN asnGetOctetString response errorMessage if {$resultCode != 0} { return -code error \ -errorcode [list LDAP [resultCode2String $resultCode] $matchedDN $errorMessage] \ "LDAP error [resultCode2String $resultCode] '$matchedDN': $errorMessage" } } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # delete - removes the whole object (DN) inclusive all attributes # #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- proc ldap::delete { handle dn } { CheckHandle $handle upvar #0 $handle conn #---------------------------------------------------------- # marshal 'delete' request packet and send it #---------------------------------------------------------- set request [asnApplication 10 $dn ] set messageId [SendMessage $handle $request] debugData deleteRequest $request set response [WaitForResponse $handle $messageId] FinalizeMessage $handle $messageId debugData deleteResponse $response asnGetApplication response appNum if { $appNum != 11 } { error "unexpected application number ($appNum != 11)" } asnGetEnumeration response resultCode asnGetOctetString response matchedDN asnGetOctetString response errorMessage if {$resultCode != 0} { return -code error \ -errorcode [list LDAP [resultCode2String $resultCode] $matchedDN $errorMessage] \ "LDAP error [resultCode2String $resultCode] '$matchedDN': $errorMessage" } } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # modifyDN - moves an object (DN) to another (relative) place # #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- proc ldap::modifyDN { handle dn newrdn { deleteOld 1 } {newSuperior ! } } { CheckHandle $handle upvar #0 $handle conn #---------------------------------------------------------- # marshal 'modifyDN' request packet and send it #---------------------------------------------------------- if {[string equal $newSuperior "!"]} then { set request [asnApplicationConstr 12 \ [asnOctetString $dn ] \ [asnOctetString $newrdn ] \ [asnBoolean $deleteOld ] \ ] } else { set request [asnApplicationConstr 12 \ [asnOctetString $dn ] \ [asnOctetString $newrdn ] \ [asnBoolean $deleteOld ] \ [asnContext 0 $newSuperior] \ ] } set messageId [SendMessage $handle $request] debugData modifyRequest $request set response [WaitForResponse $handle $messageId] asnGetApplication response appNum if { $appNum != 13 } { error "unexpected application number ($appNum != 13)" } asnGetEnumeration response resultCode asnGetOctetString response matchedDN asnGetOctetString response errorMessage if {$resultCode != 0} { return -code error \ -errorcode [list LDAP [resultCode2String $resultCode] $matchedDN $errorMessage] \ "LDAP error [resultCode2String $resultCode] '$matchedDN': $errorMessage" } } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # disconnect # #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- proc ldap::disconnect { handle } { CheckHandle $handle upvar #0 $handle conn # should we sent an 'unbind' ? catch {close $conn(sock)} unset conn return } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # trace # #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- proc ldap::trace { message } { variable doDebug if {!$doDebug} return puts stderr $message } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # debugData # #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- proc ldap::debugData { info data } { variable doDebug if {!$doDebug} return set len [string length $data] trace "$info ($len bytes):" set address "" set hexnums "" set ascii "" for {set i 0} {$i < $len} {incr i} { set v [string index $data $i] binary scan $v H2 hex binary scan $v c num set num [expr {( $num + 0x100 ) % 0x100}] set text . if {$num > 31} { set text $v } if { ($i % 16) == 0 } { if {$address != ""} { trace [format "%4s %-48s |%s|" $address $hexnums $ascii ] set address "" set hexnums "" set ascii "" } append address [format "%04d" $i] } append hexnums "$hex " append ascii $text #trace [format "%3d %2s %s" $i $hex $text] } if {$address != ""} { trace [format "%4s %-48s |%s|" $address $hexnums $ascii ] } trace "" }