# ACTIVESTATE TEAPOT-PKG BEGIN TM -*- tcl -*- # -- Tcl Module # @@ Meta Begin # Package mapproj 1.0 # Meta as::build::date 2015-05-25 # Meta as::origin http://sourceforge.net/projects/tcllib # Meta category Tcl Library # Meta description Map projection routines # Meta license BSD # Meta platform tcl # Meta require {Tcl 8.4} # Meta require {math::interpolate 1.0} # Meta require {math::special 0.2.1} # Meta subject geodesy projection map # Meta summary mapproj # @@ Meta End # ACTIVESTATE TEAPOT-PKG BEGIN REQUIREMENTS package require Tcl 8.4 package require math::interpolate 1.0 package require math::special 0.2.1 # ACTIVESTATE TEAPOT-PKG END REQUIREMENTS # ACTIVESTATE TEAPOT-PKG BEGIN DECLARE package provide mapproj 1.0 # ACTIVESTATE TEAPOT-PKG END DECLARE # ACTIVESTATE TEAPOT-PKG END TM # mapproj.tcl -- # # Package for map projections. # # Copyright (c) 2007 by Kevin B. Kenny. # # See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution # of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES. # # RCS: @(#) $Id: mapproj.tcl,v 1.1 2007/08/24 22:36:35 kennykb Exp $ #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ package require Tcl 8.4 package require math::interpolate 1.0 package require math::special 0.2.1 package provide mapproj 1.0 # ::mapproj -- # # Namespace holding the procedures and values. namespace eval ::mapproj { # Cylindrical projections namespace export toPlateCarree fromPlateCarree namespace export toCassini fromCassini namespace export toCylindricalEqualArea fromCylindricalEqualArea namespace export toMercator fromMercator # Named cylindric equal-area projections with specific # standard parallels namespace export toLambertCylindricalEqualArea \ fromLambertCylindricalEqualArea namespace export toBehrmann fromBehrmann namespace export toTrystanEdwards fromTrystanEdwards namespace export toHoboDyer fromHoboDyer namespace export toGallPeters fromGallPeters namespace export toBalthasart fromBalthasart # Pseudocylindrical projections - equal area namespace export toSinusoidal fromSinusoidal namespace export toMillerCylindrical fromMillerCylindrical namespace export toMollweide fromMollweide namespace export toEckertIV fromEckertIV toEckertVI fromEckertVI # Pseudocylindrical projections - compromise namespace export toRobinson fromRobinson # Azimuthal projections namespace export toAzimuthalEquidistant fromAzimuthalEquidistant namespace export toLambertAzimuthalEqualArea fromLambertAzimuthalEqualArea namespace export toStereographic fromStereographic namespace export toOrthographic fromOrthographic namespace export toGnomonic fromGnomonic # Pseudo-azimuthal projections namespace export toHammer fromHammer # Conic projections namespace export toConicEquidistant fromConicEquidistant namespace export toLambertConformalConic fromLambertConformalConic namespace export toAlbersEqualAreaConic fromAlbersEqualAreaConic # Miscellaneous projections namespace export toPeirceQuincuncial fromPeirceQuincuncial # Fundamental constants variable pi [expr {acos(-1.0)}] variable twopi [expr {2.0 * $pi}] variable halfpi [expr {0.5 * $pi}] variable quarterpi [expr {0.25 * $pi}] variable threequarterpi [expr {0.75 * $pi}] variable mquarterpi [expr {-0.25 * $pi}] variable mthreequarterpi [expr {-0.75 * $pi}] variable radian [expr {180. / $pi}] variable degree [expr {$pi / 180.}] variable sqrt2 [expr {sqrt(2.)}] variable sqrt8 [expr {2. * $sqrt2}] variable halfSqrt3 [expr {sqrt(3.) / 2.}] variable halfSqrt2 [expr {sqrt(2.) / 2.}] variable EckertIVK1 [expr {2.0 / sqrt($pi * (4.0 + $pi))}] variable EckertIVK2 [expr {2.0 * sqrt($pi / (4.0 + $pi))}] variable EckertVIK1 [expr {sqrt(2.0 + $pi)}] variable PeirceQuincuncialScale 3.7081493546027438 ;# 2*K(1/2) variable PeirceQuincuncialLimit 1.8540746773013719 ;# K(1/2) # Table of parallel length and distance from equator for the # Robinson projection variable RobinsonLatitude { -90.0 -85.0 -80.0 -75.0 -70.0 -65.0 -60.0 -55.0 -50.0 -45.0 -40.0 -35.0 -30.0 -25.0 -20.0 -15.0 -10.0 -5.0 0.0 5.0 10.0 15.0 20.0 25.0 30.0 35.0 40.0 45.0 50.0 55.0 60.0 65.0 70.0 75.0 80.0 85.0 90.0 } variable RobinsonPLEN { 0.5322 0.5722 0.6213 0.6732 0.7186 0.7597 0.7986 0.8350 0.8679 0.8962 0.9216 0.9427 0.9600 0.9730 0.9822 0.9900 0.9954 0.9986 1.0000 0.9986 0.9954 0.9900 0.9822 0.9730 0.9600 0.9427 0.9216 0.8962 0.8679 0.8350 0.7986 0.7597 0.7186 0.6732 0.6213 0.5722 0.5322 } variable RobinsonPDFE { -1.0000 -0.9761 -0.9394 -0.8936 -0.8435 -0.7903 -0.7346 -0.6769 -0.6176 -0.5571 -0.4958 -0.4340 -0.3720 -0.3100 -0.2480 -0.1860 -0.1240 -0.0620 0.0000 0.0620 0.1240 0.1860 0.2480 0.3100 0.3720 0.4340 0.4958 0.5571 0.6176 0.6769 0.7346 0.7903 0.8435 0.8936 0.9394 0.9761 1.0000 } # Interpolation tables for Robinson variable RobinsonSplinePLEN \ [math::interpolate::prepare-cubic-splines \ $RobinsonLatitude $RobinsonPLEN] variable RobinsonSplinePDFE \ [math::interpolate::prepare-cubic-splines \ $RobinsonLatitude $RobinsonPDFE] variable RobinsonM [expr {0.5072 * $pi}] namespace import ::math::special::cn } # ::mapproj::ellF - # # Computes the Legendre incomplete elliptic integral of the # first kind: # # F(phi, k) = \integral_0^phi dtheta/sqrt(1 - k**2 sin**2 theta) # # # Parameters: # phi -- Limit of integration; angle around the ellipse # k -- Eccentricity # # Results: # Returns F(phi, k) # # Notes: # We compute this integral in terms of the Carlson elliptic integral # ellRF(x, y, z). proc ::mapproj::ellF {phi k} { return [ellFaux [expr {cos($phi)}] [expr {sin($phi)}] $k] } # ::mapproj::ellFaux - # # Computes the Legendre incomplete elliptic integral of the # first kind when circular functions of the 'phi' argument # are already available. # # Parameters: # cos_phi - Cosine of the argument # sin_phi - Sine of the argument # k - Parameter # # Results: # Returns F(atan(sin_phi/cos_phi), k) proc ::mapproj::ellFaux {cos_phi sin_phi k} { set rf [ellRF [expr {$cos_phi * $cos_phi}] \ [expr {1.0 - $k * $k * $sin_phi * $sin_phi}] \ 1.0] return [expr {$sin_phi * $rf}] } # ::mapproj::ellRF -- # # Computes the Carlson incomplete elliptic integral of the # first kind: # # RF(x, y, z) = 1/2 * integral_0^inf dt/sqrt((t+x)*(t+y)*(t+z)) # # Parameters: # x, y, z -- Interchangeable parameters of the integral # # Results: # Returns the value of RF proc ::mapproj::ellRF {x y z} { if {$x < 0.0 || $y < 0.0 || $z < 0.0} { return -code error "Negative argument to Carlson's ellRF" \ -errorCode "ellRF negArgument" } set delx 1.0; set dely 1.0; set delz 1.0 while {abs($delx) > 0.0025 || abs($dely) > 0.0025 || abs($delz) > 0.0025} { set sx [expr {sqrt($x)}] set sy [expr {sqrt($y)}] set sz [expr {sqrt($z)}] set len [expr {$sx * ($sy + $sz) + $sy * $sz}] set x [expr {0.25 * ($x + $len)}] set y [expr {0.25 * ($y + $len)}] set z [expr {0.25 * ($z + $len)}] set mean [expr {($x + $y + $z) / 3.0}] set delx [expr {($mean - $x) / $mean}] set dely [expr {($mean - $y) / $mean}] set delz [expr {($mean - $z) / $mean}] } set e2 [expr {$delx * $dely - $delz * $delz}] set e3 [expr {$delx * $dely * $delz}] return [expr {(1.0 + ($e2 / 24.0 - 0.1 - 3.0 * $e3 / 44.0) * $e2 + $e3 / 14.) / sqrt($mean)}] } # ::mapproj::toPlateCarree -- # # Project a latitude and longitude onto the plate carrée. # # Parameters: # phi_0 -- Latitude of the center of the sheet in degrees # lambda_0 -- Longitude of the center of sheet in degrees # lambda -- Longitude of the point to be projected in degrees # phi -- Latitude of the point to be projected in degrees # # Results: # Returns x and y co-ordinates. Units of x and y are Earth radii; # scale is true at the Equator. proc ::mapproj::toPlateCarree {lambda_0 phi_0 lambda phi} { variable degree set lambda [expr {$lambda - $lambda_0 + 180.}] if {$lambda < 0.0 || $lambda > 360.0} { set lambda [expr {$lambda - 360. * floor($lambda / 360.)}] } set lambda [expr {$lambda - 180.}] set x [expr {$lambda * $degree}] set y [expr {($phi - $phi_0) * $degree}] return [list $x $y] } # ::mapproj::fromPlateCarree -- # # Solve a plate carrée projection for the # latitude and longitude represented by a point on the map. # # Parameters: # phi_0 -- Latitude of the center of the sheet in degrees # lambda_0 -- Longitude of the center of projection # x,y -- normalized x and y co-ordinates of a point on the map # # Results: # Returns a list consisting of the longitude and latitude in degrees. proc ::mapproj::fromPlateCarree {phi_0 lambda_0 x y} { variable radian set lambda [expr {$lambda_0 + $x * $radian + 180.}] if {$lambda < 0.0 || $lambda > 360.0} { set lambda [expr {$lambda - 360. * floor($lambda / 360.)}] } set lambda [expr {$lambda - 180.}] set phi [expr {$y * $radian + $phi_0}] return [list $lambda $phi] } # mapproj::toCylindricalEqualArea -- # # Project a latitude and longitude into cylindrical equal-area # co-ordinates. # # Parameters: # phi_1 -- Standard latitude in degrees # phi_0 -- Latitude of the center of the sheet in degrees # lambda_0 -- Longitude of the center of projection in degrees # lambda -- Longitude of the point to be projected in degrees # phi -- Latitude of the point to be projected in degrees # # Results: # Returns x and y co-ordinates. Units of x and y are Earth radii; # scale is true at the reference latitude proc ::mapproj::toCylindricalEqualArea {phi_1 lambda_0 phi_0 lambda phi} { variable degree set cos_phi_s [expr {cos($phi_1 * $degree)}] set lambda [expr {$lambda - $lambda_0 + 180.}] if {$lambda < 0.0 || $lambda > 360.0} { set lambda [expr {$lambda - 360. * floor($lambda / 360.)}] } set lambda [expr {$lambda - 180.}] set x [expr {$lambda * $degree * $cos_phi_s}] set y0 [expr {sin($phi_0 * $degree) / $cos_phi_s}] set y [expr {sin($phi * $degree) / $cos_phi_s}] return [list $x [expr {$y - $y0}]] } # ::mapproj::fromCylindricalEqualArea -- # # Solve a cylindrical equal area map projection for the # latitude and longitude represented by a point on the map. # # Parameters: # phi_1 -- Standard latitude in degrees # phi_0 -- Latitude of the center of the sheet in degrees # lambda_0 -- Longitude of the center of sheet in degrees # x,y -- normalized x and y co-ordinates of a point on the map # # Results: # Returns a list consisting of the longitude and latitude in degrees. proc ::mapproj::fromCylindricalEqualArea {phi_1 lambda_0 phi_0 x y} { variable degree variable radian set cos_phi_s [expr {cos($phi_1 * $degree)}] set lambda [expr {$lambda_0 + $x / $cos_phi_s * $radian + 180.}] if {$lambda < 0.0 || $lambda > 360.0} { set lambda [expr {$lambda - 360. * floor($lambda / 360.)}] } set lambda [expr {$lambda - 180.}] set y0 [expr {sin($phi_0 * $degree) / $cos_phi_s}] set phi [expr {asin(($y + $y0) * $cos_phi_s) * $radian}] return [list $lambda $phi] } # ::mapproj::toMercator -- # # Project a latitude and longitude into the Mercator projection # co-ordinates. # # Parameters: # lambda_0 -- Longitude of the center of projection in degrees # phi_0 -- Latitude of the center of sheet in degrees # lambda -- Longitude of the point to be projected in degrees # phi -- Latitude of the point to be projected in degrees # # Results: # Returns x and y co-ordinates in Earth radii. Scale is true # at the Equator and increases without bounds toward the Poles. proc ::mapproj::toMercator {lambda_0 phi_0 lambda phi} { variable trace; if {[info exists trace]} { puts [info level 0] } variable degree variable quarterpi set lambda [expr {$lambda - $lambda_0 + 180.}] if {$lambda < 0.0 || $lambda > 360.0} { set lambda [expr {$lambda - 360. * floor($lambda / 360.)}] } set lambda [expr {$lambda - 180.}] set x [expr {$lambda * $degree}] set y [expr {log(tan($quarterpi + 0.5 * $phi * $degree))}] set y0 [expr {log(tan($quarterpi + 0.5 * $phi_0 * $degree))}] if {[info exists trace]} { puts "[info level 0] -> $x [expr {$y - $y0}]" } return [list $x [expr {$y - $y0}]] } # ::mapproj::fromMercator -- # # Converts Mercator map co-ordinates to latitude and longitude. # # Parameters: # lambda_0 -- Longitude of the center of projection # phi_0 -- Latitude of the center of sheet in degrees # x,y -- normalized x and y co-ordinates of a point on the map # # Results: # Returns a list consisting of the longitude and latitude in degrees. proc ::mapproj::fromMercator {lambda_0 phi_0 x y} { variable quarterpi variable degree variable radian set y0 [expr {log(tan($quarterpi + 0.5 * $phi_0 * $degree))}] set lambda [expr {$lambda_0 + $x * $radian + 180.}] if {$lambda < 0.0 || $lambda > 360.0} { set lambda [expr {$lambda - 360. * floor($lambda / 360.)}] } set lambda [expr {$lambda - 180.}] set phi [expr {$radian * 2.0 * atan(exp($y + $y0)) - 90.0}] return [list $lambda $phi] } # ::mapproj::toMillerCylindrical -- # # Project a latitude and longitude into the Miller Cylindrical projection # co-ordinates. # # Parameters: # lambda_0 -- Longitude of the center of projection in degrees # lambda -- Longitude of the point to be projected in degrees # phi -- Latitude of the point to be projected in degrees # # Results: # Returns x and y co-ordinates. The x co-ordinate ranges from # -$pi to pi. proc ::mapproj::toMillerCylindrical {lambda_0 lambda phi} { foreach {x y} [toMercator $lambda_0 0.0 \ $lambda [expr {0.8 * $phi}]] break set y [expr {1.25 * $y}] return [list $x $y] } # ::mapproj::fromMillerCylindrical -- # # Converts Miller Cylindrical projected map co-ordinates # to latitude and longitude. # # Parameters: # lambda_0 -- Longitude of the center of projection # x,y -- normalized x and y co-ordinates of a point on the map # # Results: # Returns a list consisting of the longitude and latitude in degrees. proc ::mapproj::fromMillerCylindrical {lambda_0 x y} { foreach {lambda phi} [fromMercator $lambda_0 0.0 \ $x [expr {0.8 * $y}]] break return [list $lambda [expr {1.25 * $phi}]] } # ::mapproj::toSinusoidal -- # # Project a latitude and longitude into the sinusoidal # (Sanson-Flamsteed) projection. # # Parameters: # lambda_0 -- Longitude of the center of projection in degrees # phi_0 -- Latitude of the center of the sheet, in degrees # lambda -- Longitude of the point to be projected in degrees # phi -- Latitude of the point to be projected in degrees # # Results: # Returns x and y co-ordinates, in Earth radii. # Scale is true along the Equator and central meridian. proc ::mapproj::toSinusoidal {lambda_0 phi_0 lambda phi} { variable degree variable quarterpi set lambda [expr {$lambda - $lambda_0 + 180.}] if {$lambda < 0.0 || $lambda > 360.0} { set lambda [expr {$lambda - 360. * floor($lambda / 360.)}] } set lambda [expr {($lambda - 180.) * $degree}] set phi [expr {$phi * $degree}] set x [expr {$lambda * cos($phi)}] set phi [expr {$phi - $phi_0 * $degree}] return [list $x $phi] } # ::mapproj::fromSinusoidal -- # # Converts sinusoidal (Sanson-Flamsteed) map co-ordinates # to latitude and longitude. # # Parameters: # lambda_0 -- Longitude of the center of projection # phi_0 -- Latitude of the center of the sheet, in degrees # x,y -- normalized x and y co-ordinates of a point on the map # # Results: # Returns a list consisting of the longitude and latitude in degrees. proc ::mapproj::fromSinusoidal {lambda_0 phi_0 x y} { variable degree variable radian set y [expr {$y + $phi_0 * $degree}] set phi [expr {$y * $radian}] set lambda [expr {180. + $lambda_0 + $radian * $x / cos($y)}] if {$lambda < 0.0 || $lambda > 360.0} { set lambda [expr {$lambda - 360. * floor($lambda / 360.)}] } set lambda [expr {$lambda - 180.}] return [list $lambda $phi] } # ::mapproj::toMollweide -- # # Project a latitude and longitude into the Mollweide projection # co-ordinates. # # Parameters: # lambda_0 -- Longitude of the center of projection in degrees # lambda -- Longitude of the point to be projected in degrees # phi -- Latitude of the point to be projected in degrees # # Results: # Returns x and y co-ordinates, in Earth radii. # Scale is true along the 40 deg 44 min parallels proc ::mapproj::toMollweide {lambda_0 lambda phi} { variable degree variable pi variable halfpi variable sqrt2 variable sqrt8 set lambda [expr {$lambda - $lambda_0 + 180.}] if {$lambda < 0.0 || $lambda > 360.0} { set lambda [expr {$lambda - 360. * floor($lambda / 360.)}] } set lambda [expr {($lambda - 180.) * $degree}] set phi [expr {$phi * $degree}] set theta [expr {2.0 * asin(2.0 * $phi / $pi)}] set diff 1.0 set pisinphi [expr {$pi * sin($phi)}] while {abs($diff) >= 1.0e-4} { set diff [expr {($theta + sin($theta) - $pisinphi) / (1.0 + cos($theta))}] set theta [expr {$theta - $diff}] } set theta [expr {0.5 * $theta}] set x [expr {$sqrt8 * $lambda * cos($theta) / $pi}] set y [expr {$sqrt2 * sin($theta)}] return [list $x $y] } # ::mapproj::fromMollweide -- # # Converts Mollweide projected map co-ordinates to latitude # and longitude. # # Parameters: # lambda_0 -- Longitude of the center of projection # x,y -- normalized x and y co-ordinates of a point on the map # # Results: # Returns a list consisting of the longitude and latitude in degrees. proc ::mapproj::fromMollweide {lambda_0 x y} { variable pi variable radian variable degree variable halfpi variable sqrt2 variable sqrt8 set theta [expr {asin($y / $sqrt2)}] set lambda [expr {$lambda_0 + $radian * $pi * $x / ($sqrt8 * cos($theta)) + 180.}] set phi [expr {asin((2.0 * $theta + sin(2.0 * $theta)) / $pi)}] if {$lambda < 0.0 || $lambda > 360.0} { set lambda [expr {$lambda - 360. * floor($lambda / 360.)}] } set lambda [expr {$lambda - 180.}] return [list $lambda [expr {$phi * $radian}]] } # ::mapproj::toEckertIV -- # # Project a latitude and longitude into the Eckert IV projection # co-ordinates. # # Parameters: # lambda_0 -- Longitude of the center of projection in degrees # lambda -- Longitude of the point to be projected in degrees # phi -- Latitude of the point to be projected in degrees # # Results: # Returns x and y co-ordinates. Scale is true along the 40 deg 30 min # parallels. proc ::mapproj::toEckertIV {lambda_0 lambda phi} { variable degree variable pi variable halfpi variable EckertIVK1 variable EckertIVK2 set lambda [expr {$lambda - $lambda_0 + 180.}] if {$lambda < 0.0 || $lambda > 360.0} { set lambda [expr {$lambda - 360. * floor($lambda / 360.)}] } set lambda [expr {($lambda - 180.) * $degree}] set phi [expr {$phi * $degree}] set theta [expr {$phi / 2}] set diff 1.0 set A [expr {(2.0 + $halfpi) * sin($phi)}] while {abs($diff) >= 1.0e-4} { set costheta [expr {cos($theta)}] set sintheta [expr {sin($theta)}] set diff \ [expr {($theta + $sintheta * $costheta + 2.0 * sin($theta) - $A) / (2.0 * $costheta * (1.0 + $costheta))}] set theta [expr {$theta - $diff}] } set x [expr {$EckertIVK1 * $lambda * (1.0 + cos($theta))}] set y [expr {$EckertIVK2 * sin($theta)}] return [list $x $y] } # ::mapproj::fromEckertIV -- # # Converts Eckert IV projected map co-ordinates to latitude # and longitude. # # Parameters: # lambda_0 -- Longitude of the center of projection # x,y -- normalized x and y co-ordinates of a point on the map # # Results: # Returns a list consisting of the longitude and latitude in degrees. proc ::mapproj::fromEckertIV {lambda_0 x y} { variable pi variable radian variable degree variable halfpi variable sqrt2 variable EckertIVK1 variable EckertIVK2 set sintheta [expr {$y / $EckertIVK2}] set costheta [expr {sqrt(1.0 - $sintheta * $sintheta)}] set theta [expr {atan2($sintheta, $costheta)}] set phi [expr {asin(($theta + $sintheta*$costheta + 2.*$sintheta) / (2. + $halfpi))}] set lambda [expr {180.0 + $lambda_0 + $radian / $EckertIVK1 * $x / (1.0 + $costheta)}] if {$lambda < 0.0 || $lambda > 360.0} { set lambda [expr {$lambda - 360. * floor($lambda / 360.)}] } set lambda [expr {$lambda - 180.}] return [list $lambda [expr {$phi * $radian}]] } # ::mapproj::toEckertVI -- # # Project a latitude and longitude into the Eckert IV projection # co-ordinates. # # Parameters: # lambda_0 -- Longitude of the center of projection in degrees # lambda -- Longitude of the point to be projected in degrees # phi -- Latitude of the point to be projected in degrees # # Results: # Returns x and y co-ordinates. Scale is true along the 40 deg 30 min # parallels. proc ::mapproj::toEckertVI {lambda_0 lambda phi} { variable degree variable pi variable halfpi variable EckertVIK1 set lambda [expr {$lambda - $lambda_0 + 180.}] if {$lambda < 0.0 || $lambda > 360.0} { set lambda [expr {$lambda - 360. * floor($lambda / 360.)}] } set lambda [expr {($lambda - 180.) * $degree}] set phi [expr {$phi * $degree}] set theta [expr {$phi / 2}] set diff 1.0 set A [expr {(1.0 + $halfpi) * sin($phi)}] while {abs($diff) >= 1.0e-4} { set costheta [expr {cos($theta)}] set sintheta [expr {sin($theta)}] set diff \ [expr {($theta + $sintheta - $A) / (1.0 + $costheta)}] set theta [expr {$theta - $diff}] } set x [expr {$lambda * (1.0 + cos($theta)) / $EckertVIK1}] set y [expr {2.0 * $theta / $EckertVIK1}] return [list $x $y] } # ::mapproj::fromEckertVI -- # # Converts Eckert IV projected map co-ordinates to latitude # and longitude. # # Parameters: # lambda_0 -- Longitude of the center of projection # x,y -- normalized x and y co-ordinates of a point on the map # # Results: # Returns a list consisting of the longitude and latitude in degrees. proc ::mapproj::fromEckertVI {lambda_0 x y} { variable pi variable radian variable degree variable halfpi variable sqrt2 variable EckertVIK1 puts [info level 0] set theta [expr {0.5 * $EckertVIK1 * $y}] puts [list theta = $theta] set phi [expr {asin(($theta + sin($theta)) / (1.0 + $halfpi))}] puts [list phi = $phi] set lambda [expr {180.0 + $lambda_0 + $radian * $EckertVIK1 * $x / (1 + cos($theta))}] if {$lambda < 0.0 || $lambda > 360.0} { set lambda [expr {$lambda - 360. * floor($lambda / 360.)}] } set lambda [expr {$lambda - 180.}] return [list $lambda [expr {$phi * $radian}]] } # ::mapproj::toRobinson -- # # Project a latitude and longitude into the Robinson projection. # # Parameters: # lambda_0 -- Longitude of the center of projection in degrees # lambda -- Longitude of the point to be projected in degrees # phi -- Latitude of the point to be projected in degrees # # Results: # Returns x and y co-ordinates, in Earth radii. # Scale is true along the Equator. proc ::mapproj::toRobinson {lambda_0 lambda phi} { variable RobinsonLatitude variable RobinsonSplinePLEN variable RobinsonSplinePDFE variable RobinsonM variable pi variable degree set lambda [expr {$lambda - $lambda_0 + 180.}] if {$lambda < 0.0 || $lambda > 360.0} { set lambda [expr {$lambda - 360. * floor($lambda / 360.)}] } set lambda [expr {$lambda - 180.}] set y [math::interpolate::interp-cubic-splines $RobinsonSplinePDFE $phi] set y [expr {$RobinsonM * $y}] set s [math::interpolate::interp-cubic-splines $RobinsonSplinePLEN $phi] set x [expr {$degree * $s * $lambda}] return [list $x $y] } # ::mapproj::fromRobinson -- # # Solve the Robinson projection for the # latitude and longitude represented by a point on the map. # # Parameters: # lambda_0 -- Longitude of the center of projection # x,y -- normalized x and y co-ordinates of a point on the map # # Results: # Returns a list consisting of the longitude and latitude in degrees. proc ::mapproj::fromRobinson {lambda_0 x y} { variable RobinsonLatitude variable RobinsonPDFE variable RobinsonSplinePLEN variable RobinsonSplinePDFE variable RobinsonM variable radian # We know that Robinson latitudes are equally spaced from [-90..90] # at 5-degree intervals. Find the values for RobinsonPDFE that # bracket the y co-ordinate. set y [expr {$y / $RobinsonM}] set l 0 set u [expr {[llength $RobinsonPDFE] - 1}] while {$l < $u} { set m [expr {($l + $u + 1) / 2}] if {$y >= [lindex $RobinsonPDFE $m]} { set l $m } else { set u [expr {$m - 1}] } } set u [lindex $RobinsonLatitude [expr {$l+1}]] set l [lindex $RobinsonLatitude $l] for {set i 0} {$i < 12} {incr i} { set m [expr {0.5 * ($u + $l)}] set ystar [math::interpolate::interp-cubic-splines \ $RobinsonSplinePDFE $m] if {$ystar < $y} { set l $m } else { set u $m } } puts "latitude $m" set s [math::interpolate::interp-cubic-splines $RobinsonSplinePLEN $m] puts "parallel length $s" set lambda [expr {180.0 + $lambda_0 + $radian * $x / $s}] if {$lambda < 0.0 || $lambda > 360.0} { set lambda [expr {$lambda - 360. * floor($lambda / 360.)}] } set lambda [expr {$lambda - 180.}] return [list $lambda $m] } # ::mapproj::toCassini -- # # Project a latitude and longitude into the Cassini projection. # # Parameters: # lambda_0 -- Longitude of the center of projection in degrees # phi_0 -- Latitude of the center of the sheet # lambda -- Longitude of the point to be projected in degrees # phi -- Latitude of the point to be projected in degrees # # Results: # Returns x and y co-ordinates, in Earth radii. # Scale is true along the central meridian. proc ::mapproj::toCassini {lambda_0 phi_0 lambda phi} { variable degree variable pi variable twopi variable quarterpi set lambda [expr {$lambda - $lambda_0 + 180.}] if {$lambda < 0.0 || $lambda > 360.0} { set lambda [expr {$lambda - 360. * floor($lambda / 360.)}] } set lambda [expr {($lambda - 180.) * $degree}] set phi [expr {$phi * $degree}] set x [expr {asin(cos($phi) * sin($lambda))}] set y [expr {atan2(tan($phi), cos($lambda)) - $degree * $phi_0}] if {$y < -$pi} { set y [expr {$y + $twopi}] } elseif {$y > $pi} { set y [expr {$y - $twopi}] } return [list $x $y] } # ::mapproj::fromCassini -- # # Converts Cassini map co-ordinates to latitude and longitude. # # Parameters: # lambda_0 -- Longitude of the center of projection # phi_0 -- Latitude of the center of the sheet # x,y -- normalized x and y co-ordinates of a point on the map # # Results: # Returns a list consisting of the longitude and latitude in degrees. proc ::mapproj::fromCassini {lambda_0 phi_0 x y} { variable degree variable radian set y [expr {$y + $degree * $phi_0}] set phi [expr {$radian * asin(cos($x) * sin($y))}] set lambda [expr {180. + $lambda_0 + $radian * atan2(tan($x), cos($y))}] if {$lambda < 0.0 || $lambda > 360.0} { set lambda [expr {$lambda - 360. * floor($lambda / 360.)}] } set lambda [expr {$lambda - 180.}] return [list $lambda $phi] } # ::mapproj::toPeirceQuincuncial # # Converts geodetic co-ordinates to the Peirce Quincuncial projection. # # Parameters: # lambda_0 - Longitude of the central meridian. (Conventionally, 20.0). # lambda - Longitude of the point to be projected in degrees # phi - Latitude of the point to be projected in degrees. # # Results: # Returns a list of the x and y co-ordinates. proc ::mapproj::toPeirceQuincuncial {lambda_0 lambda phi} { variable degree variable halfSqrt2 variable pi variable quarterpi variable mquarterpi variable threequarterpi variable mthreequarterpi variable PeirceQuincuncialScale # Convert latitude and longitude to radians relative to the # central meridian set lambda [expr {$lambda - $lambda_0 + 180.}] if {$lambda < 0.0 || $lambda > 360.0} { set lambda [expr {$lambda - 360. * floor($lambda / 360.)}] } set lambda [expr {($lambda - 180.) * $degree}] set phi [expr {$phi * $degree}] # Compute the auxiliary quantities 'm' and 'n'. Set 'm' to match # the sign of 'lambda' and 'n' to be positive if |lambda| > pi/2 set cos_phiosqrt2 [expr {$halfSqrt2 * cos($phi)}] set cos_lambda [expr {cos($lambda)}] set sin_lambda [expr {sin($lambda)}] set cos_a [expr {$cos_phiosqrt2 * ($sin_lambda + $cos_lambda)}] set cos_b [expr {$cos_phiosqrt2 * ($sin_lambda - $cos_lambda)}] set sin_a [expr {sqrt(1.0 - $cos_a * $cos_a)}] set sin_b [expr {sqrt(1.0 - $cos_b * $cos_b)}] set cos_a_cos_b [expr {$cos_a * $cos_b}] set sin_a_sin_b [expr {$sin_a * $sin_b}] set sin2_m [expr {1.0 + $cos_a_cos_b - $sin_a_sin_b}] set sin2_n [expr {1.0 - $cos_a_cos_b - $sin_a_sin_b}] if {$sin2_m < 0.0} {set sin2_m 0.0} set sin_m [expr {sqrt($sin2_m)}] if {$sin2_m > 1.0} { set sin2_m 1.0 } set cos_m [expr {sqrt(1.0 - $sin2_m)}] if {$sin_lambda < 0.0} { set sin_m [expr {-$sin_m}] } if {$sin2_n < 0.0} { set sin2_n 0.0 } set sin_n [expr {sqrt($sin2_n)}] if {$sin2_n > 1.0} { set sin2_n 1.0 } set cos_n [expr {sqrt(1.0 - $sin2_n)}] if {$cos_lambda > 0.0} { set sin_n [expr {-$sin_n}] } # Compute elliptic integrals to map the disc to the square set x [ellFaux $cos_m $sin_m $halfSqrt2] set y [ellFaux $cos_n $sin_n $halfSqrt2] # Reflect the Southern Hemisphere outward if {$phi < 0} { if {$lambda < $mthreequarterpi} { set y [expr {$PeirceQuincuncialScale - $y}] } elseif {$lambda < $mquarterpi} { set x [expr {-$PeirceQuincuncialScale - $x}] } elseif {$lambda < $quarterpi} { set y [expr {-$PeirceQuincuncialScale - $y}] } elseif {$lambda < $threequarterpi} { set x [expr {$PeirceQuincuncialScale - $x}] } else { set y [expr {$PeirceQuincuncialScale - $y}] } } # Rotate the square by 45 degrees to fit the screen better set X [expr {($x - $y) * $halfSqrt2}] set Y [expr {($x + $y) * $halfSqrt2}] return [list $X $Y] } # ::mapproj::fromPeirceQuincuncial -- # # Converts Peirce Quincuncial map co-ordinates to latitude and longitude. # # Parameters: # lambda_0 -- Longitude of the center of projection # x,y -- normalized x and y co-ordinates of a point on the map # # Results: # Returns a list consisting of the longitude and latitude in degrees. proc ::mapproj::fromPeirceQuincuncial {lambda_0 x y} { variable halfSqrt2 variable radian variable pi variable halfpi variable quarterpi variable PeirceQuincuncialScale variable PeirceQuincuncialLimit # Rotate x and y 45 degrees set X [expr {($x + $y) * $halfSqrt2}] set Y [expr {($y - $x) * $halfSqrt2}] # Reflect Southern Hemisphere into the Northern set southern 0 if {$X < -$PeirceQuincuncialLimit} { set X [expr {-$PeirceQuincuncialScale - $X}] set southern 1 } elseif {$X > $PeirceQuincuncialLimit} { set X [expr {$PeirceQuincuncialScale - $X}] set southern 1 } elseif {$Y < -$PeirceQuincuncialLimit} { set Y [expr {-$PeirceQuincuncialScale - $Y}] set southern 1 } elseif {$Y > $PeirceQuincuncialLimit} { set Y [expr {$PeirceQuincuncialScale - $Y}] set southern 1 } # Now we know that latitude will be positive. If X is negative, then # longitude will be negative; reflect the Western Hemisphere into the # Eastern. set western 0 if {$X < 0.0} { set western 1 set X [expr {-$X}] } # If Y is positive, the point is in the back hemisphere. Reflect # it to the front. set back 0 if {$Y > 0.0} { set back 1 set Y [expr {-$Y}] } # Finally, constrain longitude to be less than pi/4, by reflecting across # the 45 degree meridian. set complement 0 if {$X > -$Y} { set complement 1 set t [expr {-$X}] set X [expr {-$Y}] set Y $t } # Compute the elliptic functions to map the plane onto the sphere set cnx [cn $X $halfSqrt2] set cny [cn $Y $halfSqrt2] # Undo the mapping to latitude and longitude set a1 [expr {acos(-$cnx * $cnx)}] set a2 [expr {acos($cny * $cny)}] set b [expr {0.5 * ($a1 + $a2)}] set a [expr {0.5 * ($a1 - $a2)}] set cos_a [expr {cos($a)}] set cos_b [expr {-cos($b)}] set lambda [expr {$quarterpi - atan2($cos_b, $cos_a)}] set phi [expr {acos(hypot($cos_b, $cos_a))}] # Undo the reflections that were done above, to get correct latitude # and longitude if {$complement} { set lambda [expr {$halfpi - $lambda}] } if {$back} { set lambda [expr {$pi - $lambda}] } if {$western} { set lambda [expr {-$lambda}] } if {$southern} { set phi [expr {-$phi}] } # Convert latitude and longitude to degrees set lambda [expr {$lambda * $radian + 180. + $lambda_0}] if {$lambda < 0.0 || $lambda > 360.0} { set lambda [expr {$lambda - 360. * floor($lambda / 360.)}] } set lambda [expr {$lambda - 180.}] set phi [expr {$phi * $radian}] return [list $lambda $phi] } # ::mapproj::RotateCartesianY # # Rotates Cartesian co-ordinates about the y axis # # Parameters: # phi - Angle (in degrees) about which to rotate. # x,y,z - Cartesian co-ordinates # # Results: # Returns a three-element list giving the rotated co-ordinates. proc ::mapproj::RotateCartesianY {phi x y z} { variable degree set phi [expr {$degree * $phi}] set cos_phi [expr {cos($phi)}] set sin_phi [expr {sin($phi)}] return [list [expr {$x * $cos_phi - $z * $sin_phi}] \ $y \ [expr {$z * $cos_phi + $x * $sin_phi}]] } # ::mapproj::ToCartesian -- # # Converts geodetic co-ordinates to Cartesian # # Parameters: # lambda - Longitude of the point to be projected, in degrees # phi - Latitude of the point to be projected, in degrees # # Results: # Returns a three-element list, x, y, z where x is the component # in the direction of longitude 0, latitude 0, y is the component # in the direction of longitude 90 East, latitude 0, and # z is the component in the direction of the North Pole # # Auxiliary procedure used in several projections to convert # geodetic coordinates to Cartesian range and bearing. proc ::mapproj::ToCartesian {lambda phi} { variable degree set lambda [expr {$degree * $lambda}] set phi [expr {$degree * $phi}] set cos_phi [expr cos($phi)] return [list [expr {$cos_phi * cos($lambda)}] \ [expr {$cos_phi * sin($lambda)}] \ [expr {sin($phi)}]] } # ::mapproj::CartesianToRangeAndBearing # # Transforms view-relative Cartesian co-ordinates to range and # bearing. # # Parameters: # x,y,z - Cartesian co-ordinates relative to center of Earth; # +x points to the viewer and +z to the "view-up" direction. # # Results: # Returns a three-element list containing, in order, # the cosine (easting) of the bearing, the sine (northing) of the # bearing, and the range. proc ::mapproj::CartesianToRangeAndBearing {x y z} { set c [expr {hypot($z, $y)}] if {$c == 0} { set cos_b 1.0 set sin_b 0.0 } else { set cos_b [expr {$y / $c}] set sin_b [expr {$z / $c}] } set range [expr {atan2($c, $x)}] return [list $cos_b $sin_b $range] } # ::mapproj::RangeAndBearingToCartesian -- # # Converts range and bearing to Cartesian co-ordinates. # # Parameters: # cos_b, sin_b -- Cosine (easting) and sine (northing) of the bearing # range - Range, in Earth radii # # Results: # Returns Cartesian co-ordinates relative to center of Earth. # x is toward the station, and z is "view up" proc ::mapproj::RangeAndBearingToCartesian {cos_b sin_b range} { set c [expr {sin($range)}] set x [expr {cos($range)}] set y [expr {$cos_b * $c}] set z [expr {$sin_b * $c}] return [list $x $y $z] } # ::mapproj::CartesianToSpherical -- # # Transforms Cartesian x, y, z to spherical co-ordinates # # Parameters: # x, y, z -- Coordinates of a point on the surface of the Earth, # in Earth radii # # Results: # Returns a two-element list comprising longitude and latitude # in radians proc ::mapproj::CartesianToSpherical {x y z} { return [list [expr {atan2($y, $x)}] [expr {atan2($z, hypot($y, $x))}]] } # ::mapproj::toOrthographic -- # # Transforms latitude and longitude to x and y co-ordinates # on an orthographic projection. Scale is true only at the # point of projection. # # Parameters: # lambda_0, phi_0 -- Longitude and latitude of the center of projection # in degrees # lambda, phi -- Longitude and latitude of the point to be projected # in degrees # # Results: # Returns map x and y co-ordinates, in Earth radii. proc ::mapproj::toOrthographic {lambda_0 phi_0 lambda phi} { foreach {x y z} [ToCartesian [expr {$lambda-$lambda_0}] $phi] \ break foreach {x y z} [RotateCartesianY [expr {-$phi_0}] $x $y $z] \ break if {$x < 0} { return {} } else { return [list $y $z] } } # ::mapproj::fromOrthographic -- # # Transforms x and y on an orthographic projection to latitude # and longitude. # # Parameters: # lambda_0, phi_0 -- Longitude and latitude of the center of projection # in degrees # x, y -- Co-ordinates of the projected point, in Earth radii # # Results: # Returns a two element list containing longitude and latitude # in degrees. proc ::mapproj::fromOrthographic {lambda_0 phi_0 x y} { variable radian set r [expr {hypot($x, $y)}] set alpha [expr {asin($r)}] set z [expr {sqrt(1.0 - $r*$r)}] foreach {x y z} [RotateCartesianY $phi_0 $z $x $y] break foreach {lambda phi} [CartesianToSpherical $x $y $z] break # Convert latitude and longitude to degrees set lambda [expr {$lambda * $radian + 180. + $lambda_0}] if {$lambda < 0.0 || $lambda > 360.0} { set lambda [expr {$lambda - 360. * floor($lambda / 360.)}] } set lambda [expr {$lambda - 180.}] set phi [expr {$phi * $radian}] return [list $lambda $phi] } # ::mapproj::toStereographic -- # # Transforms latitude and longitude to x and y co-ordinates # on an orthographic projection. Scale is true only at the # point of projection. # # Parameters: # lambda_0, phi_0 -- Longitude and latitude of the center of projection # in degrees # lambda, phi -- Longitude and latitude of the point to be projected # in degrees # # Results: # Returns map x and y co-ordinates, in Earth radii. proc ::mapproj::toStereographic {lambda_0 phi_0 lambda phi} { foreach {x y z} [ToCartesian [expr {$lambda-$lambda_0}] $phi] \ break foreach {x y z} [RotateCartesianY [expr {-$phi_0}] $x $y $z] \ break if {$x < -0.5} { return {} } else { set y [expr {2. * $y / (1. + $x)}] set z [expr {2. * $z / (1. + $x)}] return [list $y $z] } } # ::mapproj::fromStereographic -- # # Transforms x and y on an orthographic projection to latitude # and longitude. # # Parameters: # lambda_0, phi_0 -- Longitude and latitude of the center of projection # in degrees # x, y -- Co-ordinates of the projected point, in Earth radii # # Results: # Returns a two element list containing longitude and latitude # in degrees. proc ::mapproj::fromStereographic {lambda_0 phi_0 x y} { variable radian variable halfpi set denom [expr {4.0 + $x*$x + $y*$y}] foreach {x y z} [list \ [expr {(4.0 - $x*$x - $y*$y) / $denom}] \ [expr {4. * $x / $denom}] \ [expr {4. * $y / $denom}]] break foreach {x y z} [RotateCartesianY $phi_0 $x $y $z] break foreach {lambda phi} [CartesianToSpherical $x $y $z] break # Convert latitude and longitude to degrees set lambda [expr {$lambda * $radian + 180. + $lambda_0}] if {$lambda < 0.0 || $lambda > 360.0} { set lambda [expr {$lambda - 360. * floor($lambda / 360.)}] } set lambda [expr {$lambda - 180.}] set phi [expr {$phi * $radian}] return [list $lambda $phi] } # ::mapproj::toGnomonic -- # # Transforms latitude and longitude to x and y co-ordinates # on an orthographic projection. Scale is true only at the # point of projection. # # Parameters: # lambda_0, phi_0 -- Longitude and latitude of the center of projection # in degrees # lambda, phi -- Longitude and latitude of the point to be projected # in degrees # # Results: # Returns map x and y co-ordinates, in Earth radii. proc ::mapproj::toGnomonic {lambda_0 phi_0 lambda phi} { foreach {x y z} [ToCartesian [expr {$lambda-$lambda_0}] $phi] \ break foreach {x y z} [RotateCartesianY [expr {-$phi_0}] $x $y $z] \ break if {$x < 0.01} { return {} } else { set y [expr {$y / $x}] set z [expr {$z / $x}] return [list $y $z] } } # ::mapproj::fromGnomonic -- # # Transforms x and y on an orthographic projection to latitude # and longitude. # # Parameters: # lambda_0, phi_0 -- Longitude and latitude of the center of projection # in degrees # x, y -- Co-ordinates of the projected point, in Earth radii # # Results: # Returns a two element list containing longitude and latitude # in degrees. proc ::mapproj::fromGnomonic {lambda_0 phi_0 x y} { variable radian variable halfpi set denom [expr {hypot(1.0, hypot($x, $y))}] foreach {x y z} [list \ [expr {1.0 / $denom}] \ [expr {$x / $denom}] \ [expr {$y / $denom}]] break foreach {x y z} [RotateCartesianY $phi_0 $x $y $z] break foreach {lambda phi} [CartesianToSpherical $x $y $z] break # Convert latitude and longitude to degrees set lambda [expr {$lambda * $radian + 180. + $lambda_0}] if {$lambda < 0.0 || $lambda > 360.0} { set lambda [expr {$lambda - 360. * floor($lambda / 360.)}] } set lambda [expr {$lambda - 180.}] set phi [expr {$phi * $radian}] return [list $lambda $phi] } # ::mapproj::toAzimuthalEquidistant -- # # Transforms latitude and longitude to x and y co-ordinates # on an orthographic projection. Scale is true only at the # point of projection. # # Parameters: # lambda_0, phi_0 -- Longitude and latitude of the center of projection # in degrees # lambda, phi -- Longitude and latitude of the point to be projected # in degrees # # Results: # Returns map x and y co-ordinates, in Earth radii. proc ::mapproj::toAzimuthalEquidistant {lambda_0 phi_0 lambda phi} { foreach {x y z} [ToCartesian [expr {$lambda-$lambda_0}] $phi] \ break foreach {x y z} [RotateCartesianY [expr {-$phi_0}] $x $y $z] \ break foreach {cs sn range} [CartesianToRangeAndBearing $x $y $z] break return [list [expr {$cs * $range}] [expr {$sn * $range}]] } # ::mapproj::fromAzimuthalEquidistant -- # # Transforms x and y on an orthographic projection to latitude # and longitude. # # Parameters: # lambda_0, phi_0 -- Longitude and latitude of the center of projection # in degrees # x, y -- Co-ordinates of the projected point, in Earth radii # # Results: # Returns a two element list containing longitude and latitude # in degrees. proc ::mapproj::fromAzimuthalEquidistant {lambda_0 phi_0 x y} { variable radian variable halfpi set range [expr {hypot($y, $x)}] set cos_b [expr {$x / $range}] set sin_b [expr {$y / $range}] foreach {x y z} [RangeAndBearingToCartesian $cos_b $sin_b $range] break foreach {x y z} [RotateCartesianY $phi_0 $x $y $z] break foreach {lambda phi} [CartesianToSpherical $x $y $z] break # Convert latitude and longitude to degrees set lambda [expr {$lambda * $radian + 180. + $lambda_0}] if {$lambda < 0.0 || $lambda > 360.0} { set lambda [expr {$lambda - 360. * floor($lambda / 360.)}] } set lambda [expr {$lambda - 180.}] set phi [expr {$phi * $radian}] return [list $lambda $phi] } # ::mapproj::toLambertAzimuthalEqualArea -- # # Transforms latitude and longitude to x and y co-ordinates # on an orthographic projection. Scale is true only at the # point of projection. # # Parameters: # lambda_0, phi_0 -- Longitude and latitude of the center of projection # in degrees # lambda, phi -- Longitude and latitude of the point to be projected # in degrees # # Results: # Returns map x and y co-ordinates, in Earth radii. proc ::mapproj::toLambertAzimuthalEqualArea {lambda_0 phi_0 lambda phi} { foreach {x y z} [ToCartesian [expr {$lambda-$lambda_0}] $phi] \ break foreach {x y z} [RotateCartesianY [expr {-$phi_0}] $x $y $z] \ break foreach {cs sn range} [CartesianToRangeAndBearing $x $y $z] break set range [expr {2.0 * sin(0.5 * $range)}] return [list [expr {$cs * $range}] [expr {$sn * $range}]] } # ::mapproj::fromLambertAzimuthalEqualArea -- # # Transforms x and y on an orthographic projection to latitude # and longitude. # # Parameters: # lambda_0, phi_0 -- Longitude and latitude of the center of projection # in degrees # x, y -- Co-ordinates of the projected point, in Earth radii # # Results: # Returns a two element list containing longitude and latitude # in degrees. proc ::mapproj::fromLambertAzimuthalEqualArea {lambda_0 phi_0 x y} { variable radian variable halfpi set range [expr {hypot($y, $x)}] set cos_b [expr {$x / $range}] set sin_b [expr {$y / $range}] set range [expr {2.0 * asin(0.5 * $range)}] foreach {x y z} [RangeAndBearingToCartesian $cos_b $sin_b $range] break foreach {x y z} [RotateCartesianY $phi_0 $x $y $z] break foreach {lambda phi} [CartesianToSpherical $x $y $z] break # Convert latitude and longitude to degrees set lambda [expr {$lambda * $radian + 180. + $lambda_0}] if {$lambda < 0.0 || $lambda > 360.0} { set lambda [expr {$lambda - 360. * floor($lambda / 360.)}] } set lambda [expr {$lambda - 180.}] set phi [expr {$phi * $radian}] return [list $lambda $phi] } # ::mapproj::toHammer -- # # Transforms latitude and longitude to x and y co-ordinates # on an orthographic projection. Scale is true only at the # point of projection. # # Parameters: # lambda_0-- Longitude of the center of projection # in degrees # lambda, phi -- Longitude and latitude of the point to be projected # in degrees # # Results: # Returns map x and y co-ordinates, in Earth radii. proc ::mapproj::toHammer {lambda_0 lambda phi} { set lambda [expr {$lambda - $lambda_0 + 180.}] if {$lambda < 0.0 || $lambda > 360.0} { set lambda [expr {$lambda - 360. * floor($lambda / 360.)}] } set lambda [expr {$lambda - 180.0}] foreach {x y z} [ToCartesian [expr {$lambda/2.}] $phi] \ break foreach {cs sn range} [CartesianToRangeAndBearing $x $y $z] break set range [expr {2.0 * sin(0.5 * $range)}] return [list [expr {2.0 * $cs * $range}] [expr {$sn * $range}]] } # ::mapproj::fromHammer -- # # Transforms x and y on an orthographic projection to latitude # and longitude. # # Parameters: # lambda_0, phi_0 -- Longitude and latitude of the center of projection # in degrees # x, y -- Co-ordinates of the projected point, in Earth radii # # Results: # Returns a two element list containing longitude and latitude # in degrees. proc ::mapproj::fromHammer {lambda_0 x y} { variable radian variable halfpi set x [expr {0.5 * $x}] set range [expr {hypot($y, $x)}] set cos_b [expr {$x / $range}] set sin_b [expr {$y / $range}] set range [expr {2.0 * asin(0.5 * $range)}] foreach {x y z} [RangeAndBearingToCartesian $cos_b $sin_b $range] break foreach {lambda phi} [CartesianToSpherical $x $y $z] break # Convert latitude and longitude to degrees set lambda [expr {2.0 * $lambda * $radian + 180. + $lambda_0}] if {$lambda < 0.0 || $lambda > 360.0} { set lambda [expr {$lambda - 360. * floor($lambda / 360.)}] } set lambda [expr {$lambda - 180.}] set phi [expr {$phi * $radian}] return [list $lambda $phi] } # ::mapproj::toConicEquidistant # # Converts latitude and longitude to map co-ordinates on a # conic equidistant projection. # # Parameters: # lambda_0, phi_0 -- Longitude and latitude of the center of the sheet. # phi_1, phi_2 -- Latitudes of the two standard parallels at which scale # is true # lambda, phi -- Longitude and latitude of the point to be projected # # Results: # Returns a list of map x and y measured in Earth radii. proc ::mapproj::toConicEquidistant {lambda_0 phi_0 phi_1 phi_2 lambda phi} { variable degree set phi_0 [expr {$phi_0 * $degree}] set phi_1 [expr {$phi_1 * $degree}] set phi_2 [expr {$phi_2 * $degree}] set lambda [expr {$lambda - $lambda_0 + 180.}] if {$lambda < 0.0 || $lambda > 360.0} { set lambda [expr {$lambda - 360. * floor($lambda / 360.)}] } set lambda [expr {($lambda - 180.0) * $degree}] set phi [expr {$phi * $degree}] set cos_phi_1 [expr {cos($phi_1)}] set n [expr {($cos_phi_1 - cos($phi_2)) / ($phi_2 - $phi_1)}] set G [expr {$cos_phi_1 / $n + $phi_1}] set rho_0 [expr {$G - $phi_0}] set theta [expr {$n * $lambda}] set rho [expr {$G - $phi}] set x [expr {$rho * sin($theta)}] set y [expr {$rho_0 - $rho * cos($theta)}] return [list $x $y] } # ::mapproj::fromConicEquidistant -- # # Unprojects map x and y in a conic equidistant projection to # latitude and longitude # # Parameters: # lambda_0, phi_0 -- Longitude and latitude of the center of the sheet. # phi_1, phi_2 -- Latitudes of the two standard parallels at which scale # is true # x, y -- Map co-ordinates in Earth radii # # Results: # Returns a list of longitude and latitude in degrees. proc ::mapproj::fromConicEquidistant {lambda_0 phi_0 phi_1 phi_2 x y} { variable degree variable radian set phi_0 [expr {$phi_0 * $degree}] set phi_1 [expr {$phi_1 * $degree}] set phi_2 [expr {$phi_2 * $degree}] set cos_phi_1 [expr {cos($phi_1)}] set n [expr {($cos_phi_1 - cos($phi_2)) / ($phi_2 - $phi_1)}] set G [expr {$cos_phi_1 / $n + $phi_1}] set rho_0 [expr {$G - $phi_0}] set rho_0my [expr {$rho_0 - $y}] set theta [expr {atan2($x, $rho_0my)}] set rho [expr {sqrt($x*$x + $rho_0my * $rho_0my)}] if {$n < 0.0} {set rho [expr {-$rho}]} set phi [expr {($G - $rho) * $radian}] set lambda [expr {($theta / $n * $radian) + $lambda_0 + 180.}] if {$lambda < 0.0 || $lambda > 360.0} { set lambda [expr {$lambda - 360. * floor($lambda / 360.)}] } set lambda [expr {$lambda - 180.}] return [list $lambda $phi] } # ::mapproj::toAlbersEqualAreaConic # # Converts latitude and longitude to map co-ordinates on a # conic equal-area projection. # # Parameters: # lambda_0, phi_0 -- Longitude and latitude of the center of the sheet. # phi_1, phi_2 -- Latitudes of the two standard parallels at which scale # is true # lambda, phi -- Longitude and latitude of the point to be projected # # Results: # Returns a list of map x and y measured in Earth radii. proc ::mapproj::toAlbersEqualAreaConic {lambda_0 phi_0 phi_1 phi_2 lambda phi} { variable degree set phi_0 [expr {$phi_0 * $degree}] set phi_1 [expr {$phi_1 * $degree}] set phi_2 [expr {$phi_2 * $degree}] set lambda [expr {$lambda - $lambda_0 + 180.}] if {$lambda < 0.0 || $lambda > 360.0} { set lambda [expr {$lambda - 360. * floor($lambda / 360.)}] } set lambda [expr {($lambda - 180.0) * $degree}] set phi [expr {$phi * $degree}] set cos_phi_1 [expr {cos($phi_1)}] set sin_phi_1 [expr {sin($phi_1)}] set n [expr {0.5 * ($sin_phi_1 + sin($phi_2))}] set theta [expr {$n * $lambda}] set C [expr {$cos_phi_1 * $cos_phi_1 + 2.0 * $n * $sin_phi_1}] set rho [expr {sqrt($C - 2.0 * $n * sin($phi)) / $n}] set rho_0 [expr {sqrt($C - 2.0 * $n * sin($phi_0)) / $n}] set x [expr {$rho * sin($theta)}] set y [expr {$rho_0 - $rho * cos($theta)}] return [list $x $y] } # ::mapproj::fromAlbersEqualAreaConic -- # # Unprojects map x and y in a conic equal-area projection to # latitude and longitude # # Parameters: # lambda_0, phi_0 -- Longitude and latitude of the center of the sheet. # phi_1, phi_2 -- Latitudes of the two standard parallels at which scale # is true # x, y -- Map co-ordinates in Earth radii # # Results: # Returns a list of longitude and latitude in degrees. proc ::mapproj::fromAlbersEqualAreaConic {lambda_0 phi_0 phi_1 phi_2 x y} { variable degree variable radian variable twopi set phi_0 [expr {$phi_0 * $degree}] set phi_1 [expr {$phi_1 * $degree}] set phi_2 [expr {$phi_2 * $degree}] set cos_phi_1 [expr {cos($phi_1)}] set sin_phi_1 [expr {sin($phi_1)}] set n [expr {0.5 * ($sin_phi_1 + sin($phi_2))}] set C [expr {$cos_phi_1 * $cos_phi_1 + 2.0 * $n * $sin_phi_1}] set rho_0 [expr {sqrt($C - 2.0 * $n * sin($phi_0)) / $n}] set theta [expr {atan2($x, $rho_0 - $y)}] set rho [expr {hypot($x, $rho_0 - $y)}] set phi [expr {$radian * asin(($C - $rho*$rho*$n*$n) / (2.0 * $n))}] set lambda [expr {($theta / $n * $radian) + $lambda_0 + 180.}] if {$lambda < 0.0 || $lambda > 360.0} { set lambda [expr {$lambda - 360. * floor($lambda / 360.)}] } set lambda [expr {$lambda - 180.}] return [list $lambda $phi] } # ::mapproj::toLambertConformalConic # # Converts latitude and longitude to map co-ordinates on a # conformal conic projection. # # Parameters: # lambda_0, phi_0 -- Longitude and latitude of the center of the sheet. # phi_1, phi_2 -- Latitudes of the two standard parallels at which scale # is true # lambda, phi -- Longitude and latitude of the point to be projected # # Results: # Returns a list of map x and y measured in Earth radii. proc ::mapproj::toLambertConformalConic {lambda_0 phi_0 phi_1 phi_2 lambda phi} { variable degree variable quarterpi set phi_0 [expr {$phi_0 * $degree}] set phi_1 [expr {$phi_1 * $degree}] set phi_2 [expr {$phi_2 * $degree}] set lambda [expr {$lambda - $lambda_0 + 180.}] if {$lambda < 0.0 || $lambda > 360.0} { set lambda [expr {$lambda - 360. * floor($lambda / 360.)}] } set lambda [expr {($lambda - 180.0) * $degree}] set phi [expr {$phi * $degree}] set cos_phi_1 [expr {cos($phi_1)}] set sin_phi_1 [expr {sin($phi_1)}] set tan1 [expr {tan($quarterpi + 0.5 * $phi_1)}] set n [expr {log($cos_phi_1 / cos($phi_2)) / log(tan($quarterpi + 0.5 * $phi_2) / $tan1)}] set F [expr {$cos_phi_1 * pow($tan1, $n) / $n}] set rho [expr {$F * pow(tan($quarterpi + 0.5 * $phi), -$n)}] set rho_0 [expr {$F * pow(tan($quarterpi + 0.5 * $phi_0), -$n)}] set x [expr {$rho * sin($n * $lambda)}] set y [expr {$rho_0 - $rho * cos($n * $lambda)}] return [list $x $y] } # ::mapproj::fromLambertConformalConic -- # # Unprojects map x and y in a conformal conic projection to # latitude and longitude # # Parameters: # lambda_0, phi_0 -- Longitude and latitude of the center of the sheet. # phi_1, phi_2 -- Latitudes of the two standard parallels at which scale # is true # x, y -- Map co-ordinates in Earth radii # # Results: # Returns a list of longitude and latitude in degrees. proc ::mapproj::fromLambertConformalConic {lambda_0 phi_0 phi_1 phi_2 x y} { variable degree variable radian variable quarterpi set phi_0 [expr {$phi_0 * $degree}] set phi_1 [expr {$phi_1 * $degree}] set phi_2 [expr {$phi_2 * $degree}] set cos_phi_1 [expr {cos($phi_1)}] set sin_phi_1 [expr {sin($phi_1)}] set tan1 [expr {tan($quarterpi + 0.5 * $phi_1)}] set n [expr {log($cos_phi_1 / cos($phi_2)) / log(tan($quarterpi + 0.5 * $phi_2) / $tan1)}] set F [expr {$cos_phi_1 * pow($tan1, $n) / $n}] set rho_0 [expr {$F * pow(tan($quarterpi + 0.5 * $phi_0), -$n)}] set y [expr {$rho_0 - $y}] set rho [expr {sqrt($x*$x + $y*$y)}] if {$n < 0} { set rho [expr {-$rho}] } set theta [expr {atan2($x, $y)}] set phi [expr {$radian * 2 * atan(pow($F / $rho, 1.0 / $n)) - 90.}] set lambda [expr {($theta / $n * $radian) + $lambda_0 + 180.}] if {$lambda < 0.0 || $lambda > 360.0} { set lambda [expr {$lambda - 360. * floor($lambda / 360.)}] } set lambda [expr {$lambda - 180.}] return [list $lambda $phi] } # Define commonly used cylindrical equal-area projections proc ::mapproj::toLambertCylindricalEqualArea {lambda_0 phi_0 lambda phi} { toCylindricalEqualArea 0.0 $lambda_0 $phi_0 $lambda $phi } proc ::mapproj::fromLambertCylindricalEqualArea {lambda_0 phi_0 x y} { fromCylindricalEqualArea 0.0 $lambda_0 $phi_0 $x $y } proc ::mapproj::toBehrmann {lambda_0 phi_0 lambda phi} { toCylindricalEqualArea 30.0 $lambda_0 $phi_0 $lambda $phi } proc ::mapproj::fromBehrmann {lambda_0 phi_0 x y} { fromCylindricalEqualArea 30.0 $lambda_0 $phi_0 $x $y } proc ::mapproj::toTrystanEdwards {lambda_0 phi_0 lambda phi} { toCylindricalEqualArea 37.4 $lambda_0 $phi_0 $lambda $phi } proc ::mapproj::fromTrystanEdwards {lambda_0 phi_0 x y} { fromCylindricalEqualArea 37.4 $lambda_0 $phi_0 $x $y } proc ::mapproj::toHoboDyer {lambda_0 phi_0 lambda phi} { toCylindricalEqualArea 37.5 $lambda_0 $phi_0 $lambda $phi } proc ::mapproj::fromHoboDyer {lambda_0 phi_0 x y} { fromCylindricalEqualArea 37.5 $lambda_0 $phi_0 $x $y } proc ::mapproj::toGallPeters {lambda_0 phi_0 lambda phi} { toCylindricalEqualArea 45.0 $lambda_0 $phi_0 $lambda $phi } proc ::mapproj::fromGallPeters {lambda_0 phi_0 x y} { fromCylindricalEqualArea 45.0 $lambda_0 $phi_0 $x $y } proc ::mapproj::toBalthasart {lambda_0 phi_0 lambda phi} { toCylindricalEqualArea 50.0 $lambda_0 $phi_0 $lambda $phi } proc ::mapproj::fromBalthasart {lambda_0 phi_0 x y} { fromCylindricalEqualArea 50.0 $lambda_0 $phi_0 $x $y }