Key | Value |
as::author | Kare Sjolander |
as::build::date | 2015-07-09 |
as::origin | |
category | Audio recording, processing, and playing |
description | The Snack sound extension adds commands to play and record audio. Snack supports in-memory sound objects, file based audio, and streaming audio, with background audio processing. It handles fileformats such as AIFF, AU, MP3, NIST/Sphere, and WAV. Snack is extensible; new commands and sound file formats can be added using the Snack C-library. This package is nearly identical to the regular snack package, the graphical parts have been stripped out. |
entity | package |
license | BSD |
platform | linux-glibc2.3-x86_64 |
require | Tcl -require 8.4 |
subject | sound audio wav aiff au mp3 |
summary | Recording, processing, and playing of audio |