Index | tbcload Versions > 1.7 Instances > macosx10.5-i386-x86_64 Details

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Details of package tbcload 1.7 macosx10.5-i386-x86_64

Key Value
as::build::date 2015-03-24
category Bytecode
description Loading of pre-compiled scripts. Complement of tclcompiler. This package handles the differences between the bytecodes of Tcl 8.4+, 8.5+ and 8.6+ automatically, always selecting and loading the proper binary. This makes it universal, and also larger than binaries for a specific runtime.
entity package
license BSD
platform macosx10.5-i386-x86_64
require Tcl -require 8.4
subject bytecode load pre-compiled
summary Loader for precompiled bytecode

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