# ACTIVESTATE TEAPOT-PKG BEGIN TM -*- tcl -*- # -- Tcl Module # @@ Meta Begin # Package transfer::copy 0.1 # Meta as::origin http://sf.net/projects/tcllib # Meta category Data transfer facilities # Meta description Data transfer foundation # Meta license BSD # Meta platform tcl # Meta require {Tcl 8.4} # Meta subject channel transfer copy # Meta summary transfer::copy # @@ Meta End # ACTIVESTATE TEAPOT-PKG BEGIN REQUIREMENTS package require Tcl 8.4 # ACTIVESTATE TEAPOT-PKG END REQUIREMENTS # ACTIVESTATE TEAPOT-PKG BEGIN DECLARE package provide transfer::copy 0.1 # ACTIVESTATE TEAPOT-PKG END DECLARE # ACTIVESTATE TEAPOT-PKG END TM # -*- tcl -*- # ### ### ### ######### ######### ######### ## # Basic byte transfer facilities. Essentially fcopy with a different # API, hopefully better (progress and completion are separate). Also # equivalent facilities to transfer an explicitly given string instead # of reading the data to be transfered from a channel. # ### ### ### ######### ######### ######### ## Requirements package require Tcl 8.4 namespace eval ::transfer::copy { namespace export do chan string options namespace export doChan doString } # ### ### ### ######### ######### ######### ## API commands proc ::transfer::copy::do {type in out args} { switch -exact -- $type { chan - string {} default { return -code error \ "Unknown type \"$type\",\ expected chan, or string" } } options $out $args settings switch -exact -- $type { chan {doChan $in $out settings} string {doString $in $out settings} } return } proc ::transfer::copy::chan {in out args} { # Options: -size n # -blocksize n # -progress cmd, (cmd n) - feedback # -command cmd, (cmd n ?err?) - completion options $out $args settings doChan $in $out settings return } proc ::transfer::copy::string {string out args} { # Options: -size n # -blocksize n # -progress cmd, (cmd n) - feedback # -command cmd, (cmd n ?err?) - completion options $out $args settings doString $string $out settings return } proc ::transfer::copy::options {chan alist optv {defaults {}}} { upvar 1 $optv settings # Prepare defaults, hardwired, output channel, and caller array set settings { -size -1 -progress {} -command {} } array set settings [CGet $chan] array set settings $defaults # Process the options set capture 0 foreach o $alist { # Store argument to previous option if {$capture} { set settings($key) $o set capture 0 continue } # Dispatch & process the option switch -exact -- $o { -blocksize - -command - -encoding - -eofchar - -progress - -size - -translation { set key $o set capture 1 } default { return -code error \ "Unknown option \"$o\",\ expected one of -size,\ -blocksize, -progress,\ or -command" } } } if {$capture} { return -code error \ "wrong\#args, option \"$o\" \ is without argument" } if {![llength $settings(-command)]} { return -code error \ "Completion callback is missing" } return } # ### ### ### ######### ######### ######### ## Implementation. Transfer from a channel. proc ::transfer::copy::doChan {in out ov} { upvar 1 $ov settings upvar 0 settings(-size) size upvar 0 settings(-command) command if {$size == 0} { # Nothing to transfer. Is that an error, or mildy ok ? # For now: Ok. Run command 0 return } set state [CGet $out] Configure $out [array get settings] upvar 0 settings(-progress) progress if {$size > 0} { fcopy $in $out -size $size -command \ [list \ ::transfer::copy::HandlerChan \ $size $progress $command \ $in $out $state] } else { fcopy $in $out -command [list \ ::transfer::copy::HandlerChan \ $size $progress $command \ $in $out $state] return } } proc ::transfer::copy::HandlerChan { size progress command in out state transfered args } { # Progress if {[llength $progress]} { Run progress $transfered } # Error signaled ? if {[llength $args]} { # Restore channel state and then propagate the problem # forward. Configure $out $state Run command $transfered [lindex $args 0] return } # How much transfered, have we transfered everything ? if {($size >= 0) && ($size <= $transfered)} { # Everything has been transfered, trigger completion # callback. The caller has to close the output channel! Configure $out $state Run command $transfered return } if {[eof $in]} { # Input has closed, action depends on the specified size. -1 # signals transfer to eof, so we are now done. Otherwise we # have transfered less than we wanted, and that is an error. Configure $out $state if {$size < 0} { Run command $transfered } else { Run command $transfered \ "Transfer aborted, not\ enough input" } return } # Wait for more callbacks. return } # ### ### ### ######### ######### ######### ## Implementation. Transfer from a string. proc ::transfer::copy::doString {str out ov} { upvar 1 $ov settings upvar 0 settings(-size) size upvar 0 settings(-command) command if {$size == 0} { # Nothing to transfer. Is that an error, or mildy ok ? # For now: Ok Run command 0 return } set length [::string length $str] if {$size > 0} { if {$length < $size} { Run command 0 \ "Transfer impossible,\ not enough data for size"] return } set last $size } else { # size < 0 (Note size == 0 already captured) set last $length set size $last } # We transfer the string in chunks of -blocksize. We cannot use # fcopy for this, so do our own event processing. set state [CGet $out] Configure $out [array get settings] upvar 0 settings(-blocksize) blocksize upvar 0 settings(-progress) progress fileevent $out writable [list \ ::transfer::copy::HandlerString \ $size 0 $last \ $blocksize 0 [expr {$blocksize - 1}] \ $progress $command \ $str $out $state] return } proc ::transfer::copy::HandlerString { pending transfered last block from to progress command str out state } { # pending + transfered = last. from/to is chunk to transfer. if {$to > $last} { set to end incr transfered $pending set pending 0 } set code [catch { puts -nonewline $out \ [::string range $str $from $to] } res] if {$code} { Configure $out $state fileevent $out writable {} Run command $transfered $res return } if {[llength $progress]} { Run progress $transfered } if {$pending == 0} { # Done Configure $out $state fileevent $out writable {} Run command $transfered } # Prepare for next chunk incr transfered $block incr pending -$block incr from $block incr to $block fileevent $out writable [list \ ::transfer::copy::HandlerString \ $pending $transfered $last \ $block $from $to \ $progress $command \ $str $out $state] return } # ### ### ### ######### ######### ######### ## Implementation. Support commands. proc ::transfer::copy::Run {cmdv args} { upvar 1 $cmdv c set command $c foreach a $args {lappend command $a} return [uplevel #0 $command] # 8.5: {*}$c {*}$args } proc ::transfer::copy::CGet {chan} { array set settings {} foreach o { -buffersize -encoding -translation -eofchar -blocking } { set settings($o) [fconfigure $chan $o] } set settings(-blocksize) $settings(-buffersize) unset settings(-buffersize) return [array get settings] } proc ::transfer::copy::Configure {chan settings} { array set tmp $settings set tmp(-buffersize) $tmp(-blocksize) unset tmp(-blocksize) unset -nocomplain tmp(-progress) unset -nocomplain tmp(-command) unset -nocomplain tmp(-size) foreach o [array names tmp] { fconfigure $chan $o $tmp($o) } return } # ### ### ### ######### ######### ######### ## Ready package provide transfer::copy 0.1