Index | twapi Versions > 3.0.32 Instances > win32-ix86 Details

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Details of package twapi 3.0.32 win32-ix86

Key Value
as::author Ashok P. Nadkarni
as::build::date 2014-02-19
category Windows API Access
description The Tcl Windows API (TWAPI) extension project provides direct and high level access to Win32 API's on Windows NT platforms (Windows 2000 and later). This is done at two levels. A direct interface to the supported Windows API is provided where the Tcl commands directly map to Windows functions as described in Microsoft Windows SDK. The recommended interface is a higher level interface that is more convenient, powerful and much easier to use than the raw Windows API. In combination with the built-in facilities in Tcl, TWAPI makes it possible to write a wide variety of Windows applications ranging from desktop applications to web servers running as Windows services. See the Windows Inspection Tool Set for an example of Tcl/TWAPI based application.
entity package
license BSD
platform win32-ix86
require Tcl -require 8.4
subject windows api access
summary Tcl Windows API access.

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