# ACTIVESTATE TEAPOT-PKG BEGIN TM -*- tcl -*- # -- Tcl Module # @@ Meta Begin # Package widget::dateentry 0.91 # Meta as::build::date 2010-05-28 # Meta as::origin http://sourceforge.net/projects/tcllib # Meta license BSD # Meta platform tcl # Meta require {Tcl 8.4} # Meta require tile # Meta require widget # Meta require widget::calendar # @@ Meta End # ACTIVESTATE TEAPOT-PKG BEGIN DECLARE package provide widget::dateentry 0.91 # ACTIVESTATE TEAPOT-PKG END DECLARE # ACTIVESTATE TEAPOT-PKG END TM # -*- tcl -*- # # dateentry.tcl - # # dateentry widget # # This widget provides an entry with a visual calendar for # choosing a date. It is mostly a gathering compoments. # # The basics for the entry were taken from the "MenuEntry widget" # of the widget package in the tklib. # The visual calendar is taken from http://wiki.tcl.tk/1816. # # So many thanks to Richard Suchenwirth for visual calendar # and to Jeff Hobbs for the widget package in tklib. # # See the example at the bottom. # # RCS: @(#) $Id: dateentry.tcl,v 1.3 2008/11/14 03:40:23 hobbs Exp $ # # Creation and Options - widget::dateentry $path ... # -command -default {} # -dateformat -default "%m/%d/%Y" # -font -default {Helvetica 9} # -background -default white # -textvariable -default {} -configuremethod C-textvariable # # Following are passed to widget::calendar component: # -firstday # -highlightcolor # # Methods # $widget post - display calendar dropdown # $widget unpost - remove calendar dropdown # All other methods to entry # # Bindings # NONE # ### package require widget package require widget::calendar if {![package vsatisfies [package provide Tk] 8.5]} { package require tile } namespace eval ::widget { # http://www.famfamfam.com/lab/icons/mini/ # ?Mini? is a set of 144 GIF icons available for free use for any purpose. variable dateentry_gifdata { R0lGODlhEAAQAMQAANnq+K7T5HiUsMHb+v/vlOXs9IyzzHWs1/T5/1ZtjUlVa+z1/+3 x9uTx/6a2ysng+FFhe0NLXIDG/fD4/ykxQz5FVf/41vr8/6TI3MvM0XHG/vbHQPn8// b8/4PL/f///yH5BAAAAAAALAAAAAAQABAAAAWV4Cdam2h+5AkExCYYsCC0iSAGTisAP JC7kNvicPBIjkeiIyHCMDzQaFRTYH4wBY6W0+kgvpNC8GNgXLhd8CQ8Lp8f3od8sSgo RIasHPGY0AcNdiIHBV0PfHQNgAURIgKFfBMPCw2KAIyOkH0LA509FY4TXn6UDT0MoB8 JDwwFDK+wrxkUjgm2EBAKChERFRUUYyfCwyEAOw== } # http://www.famfamfam.com/lab/icons/silk/ # ?Silk? is a smooth, free icon set, variable dateentry_gifdata { R0lGODlhEAAQAPZ8AP99O/9/PWmrYmytZW6uaHOxbP+EQv+LR/+QTf+UUv+VVP+WVP+ YV/+ZWP+aWv+dXP+eXf+fX/+nVP+rWv+gYP+hYf+iYv+jZP+kZP+kZf+wYf+zaP+4bf +5cf+7df+9eUJ3u1KEw1SGxFWGxlaHx12KxVyKxl+MxlmKyFuKyV+NyF6Oy1+Py2OSz mSTzmiW0WqX0W6Z02+b1HKe1nSg13Wh13qj2nqk2X2l3H6o3ZHBjJvHlqXNoa/Sq4Cp 3YOr3IKq34mu2Yyw24mw3pG03Za434Ss4Ieu4Yiv4oyx44+14Yyy5I+05ZC15pO355S 355W445294Zq75p++5pa66Zi66Zq865u9652+656/7KG/55/A7aTB5KTB56vG5abD6a HB7qLB76rG6a7J6rLL6rfO6rrQ67zQ68PdwNfp1dji8Nvk8d7n8t7n8+Lq9Obt9urw9 +vx9+3y+O7z+e/z+fD0+vH2+vL2+vT3+/n8+f7+/v7//v///wAAAAAAAAAAACH5BAEA AH0ALAAAAAAQABAAAAfMgH2Cg4SFg2FbWFZUTk1LSEY+ODaCYHiXmJmXNIJZeBkXFBA NCwgHBgF4MoJXeBgfHh0cGxoTEgB4MIJVnxcWFREPDgwKCXgugk94X3zNzs1ecSyCTH difD0FaT0DPXxcbCiCSXZjzQJpO3kFfFFqI4JHdWTnaTp8AnxFaiKCQHRl+KARwKMHA W9E1KgQlIOOGT569uyB2EyIGhOCbsw500XLFClQlAz5EUTNCUE15MB546bNGjUwY5YQ NCPGixYrUpAIwbMnCENACQUCADs= } } proc ::widget::createdateentryLayout {} { variable dateentry if {[info exists dateentry]} { return } set dateentry 1 variable dateentry_pngdata variable dateentry_gifdata set img ::widget::img_dateentry image create photo $img -format GIF -data $dateentry_gifdata namespace eval ::ttk [list set dateimg $img] ; # namespace resolved namespace eval ::ttk { # Create -padding for space on left and right of icon set pad [expr {[image width $dateimg] + 6}] style theme settings "default" { style layout dateentry { Entry.field -children { dateentry.icon -side left Entry.padding -children { Entry.textarea } } } # center icon in padded cell style element create dateentry.icon image $dateimg \ -sticky "" -padding [list $pad 0 0 0] } if 0 { # Some mappings would be required per-theme to adapt to theme # changes foreach theme [style theme names] { style theme settings $theme { # Could have disabled, pressed, ... state images #style map dateentry -image [list disabled $img] } } } } } snit::widgetadaptor widget::dateentry { delegate option * to hull delegate method * to hull option -command -default {} option -dateformat -default "%m/%d/%Y" -configuremethod C-passtocalendar option -font -default {Helvetica 9} -configuremethod C-passtocalendar option -textvariable -default {} delegate option -highlightcolor to calendar delegate option -firstday to calendar component dropbox component calendar variable waitVar variable formattedDate variable rawDate variable startOnMonday 1 constructor args { ::widget::createdateentryLayout installhull using ttk::entry -style dateentry bindtags $win [linsert [bindtags $win] 1 TDateEntry] $self MakeCalendar $self configurelist $args set now [clock seconds] set x [clock format $now -format "%d/%m%/%Y"] set rawDate [clock scan "$x 00:00:00" -format "%d/%m%/%Y %H:%M:%S"] set formattedDate [clock format $rawDate -format $options(-dateformat)] $hull configure -state normal $hull delete 0 end $hull insert end $formattedDate $hull configure -state readonly } method C-passtocalendar {option value} { set options($option) $value $calendar configure $option $value } method MakeCalendar {args} { set dropbox $win.__drop destroy $dropbox toplevel $dropbox -takefocus 0 wm withdraw $dropbox if {[tk windowingsystem] ne "aqua"} { wm overrideredirect $dropbox 1 } else { tk::unsupported::MacWindowStyle style $dropbox \ help {noActivates hideOnSuspend} } wm transient $dropbox [winfo toplevel $win] wm group $dropbox [winfo parent $win] wm resizable $dropbox 0 0 # Unpost on Escape or whenever user clicks outside the dropdown bind $dropbox [list $win unpost] bind $dropbox [subst -nocommands { if {[string first "$dropbox" [winfo containing %X %Y]] != 0} { $win unpost } }] set calendar $dropbox.calendar widget::calendar $calendar -command [mymethod DateChosen] \ -textvariable [myvar formattedDate] \ -dateformat $options(-dateformat) \ -font $options(-font) \ -borderwidth 1 -relief solid pack $calendar -expand 1 -fill both return $dropbox } method post { args } { # XXX should we reset date on each display? if {![winfo exists $dropbox]} { $self MakeCalendar } set waitVar 0 foreach {x y} [$self PostPosition] { break } wm geometry $dropbox "+$x+$y" wm deiconify $dropbox raise $dropbox if {[tk windowingsystem] ne "aqua"} { tkwait visibility $dropbox } ttk::globalGrab $dropbox focus -force $calendar return tkwait variable [myvar waitVar] $self unpost } method unpost {args} { ttk::releaseGrab $dropbox wm withdraw $dropbox } method PostPosition {} { # PostPosition -- # Returns the x and y coordinates where the menu # should be posted, based on the dateentry and menu size # and -direction option. # # TODO: adjust menu width to be at least as wide as the button # for -direction above, below. # set x [winfo rootx $win] set y [winfo rooty $win] set dir "below" ; #[$win cget -direction] set bw [winfo width $win] set bh [winfo height $win] set mw [winfo reqwidth $dropbox] set mh [winfo reqheight $dropbox] set sw [expr {[winfo screenwidth $dropbox] - $bw - $mw}] set sh [expr {[winfo screenheight $dropbox] - $bh - $mh}] switch -- $dir { above { if {$y >= $mh} { incr y -$mh } { incr y $bh } } below { if {$y <= $sh} { incr y $bh } { incr y -$mh } } left { if {$x >= $mw} { incr x -$mw } { incr x $bw } } right { if {$x <= $sw} { incr x $bw } { incr x -$mw } } } return [list $x $y] } method DateChosen { args } { upvar 0 $options(-textvariable) date set waitVar 1 set date $formattedDate set rawDate [clock scan $formattedDate -format $options(-dateformat)] if { $options(-command) ne "" } { uplevel \#0 $options(-command) $formattedDate $rawDate } $self unpost $hull configure -state normal $hull delete 0 end $hull insert end $formattedDate $hull configure -state readonly } } # Bindings for menu portion. # # This is a variant of the ttk menubutton.tcl bindings. # See menubutton.tcl for detailed behavior info. # bind TDateEntry { %W state active } bind TDateEntry { %W state !active } bind TDateEntry <> { %W post } bind TDateEntry { %W post } bind TDateEntry { %W unpost } bind TDateEntry { %W state pressed ; %W post } bind TDateEntry { %W state !pressed } package provide widget::dateentry 0.91 ############## # TEST CODE ## ############## if { [info script] eq $argv0 } { proc getDate { args } { puts [info level 0] puts "DATE $::DATE" update } proc dateTrace { args } { puts [info level 0] } # Samples # package require widget::dateentry set ::DATE "" set start [widget::dateentry .s -textvariable ::DATE \ -dateformat "%d.%m.%Y %H:%M" \ -command [list getDate .s]] set end [widget::dateentry .e \ -command [list getDate .e] \ -highlightcolor dimgrey \ -font {Courier 10} \ -firstday sunday] grid [label .sl -text "Start:"] $start -padx 4 -pady 4 grid [label .el -text "End:" ] $end -padx 4 -pady 4 trace add variable ::DATE write dateTrace set ::DATE 1 puts [$end get] }