Index | TclOO Versions > 0.6.1 Instances > hpux-parisc Details

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Details of redirect TclOO 0.6.1 hpux-parisc

Key Value
as::author Donal K. Fellows
as::build::date 2009-11-26
as::note Business Edition Only --- License required
as::type package
category Object system
description TclOO is the planned object system for the Tcl core, as specified per TIP 257. It is provided as a package to allow for easier experimentation with it before it is actually added to the core. Please contact Donal K. Fellows with questions, comments and other thoughts. --- Access to this package requires a valid ActiveState ActiveTcl Business Edition license. Please visit to learn more about the ActiveTcl Business Edition offering.
entity redirect
license BSD
platform hpux-parisc
require Tcl -require 8.5
subject oo object class method type
summary TIP 257 Object system for the core.

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