# @@ Meta Begin # Redirect base-tk-thread # Meta as::note Business Edition Only --- License required # Meta as::repository http://teapot-be.activestate.com # Meta as::type application # Meta author ActiveState Software Inc. # Meta copyright (c) 2007 ActiveState Software Inc. # Meta description A single file tcl interpreter for the execution of # Meta description starkits, also a prefix file usable by Tcl Dev Kit's # Meta description TclApp for the creation of starpacks. --- Access to # Meta description this package requires a valid ActiveState ActiveTcl # Meta description Business Edition license. Please visit # Meta description http://www.activestate.com/business-edition to learn # Meta description more about the ActiveTcl Business Edition offering. # Meta license ActiveTcl Community License # Meta platform solaris2.6-sparc # Meta subject tclkit basekit starkit starpack deployment # Meta summary Single File Tcl Executable # @@ Meta End