# @@ Meta Begin # Redirect crimp::bmp 0.1.1 # Meta as::note Business Edition Only --- License required # Meta as::repository http://teapot-be.activestate.com # Meta as::type package # Meta author {Andreas Kupries} # Meta build::date 2015-06-11 # Meta description This package provides the CRIMP eco-system with the # Meta description functionality to handle images stored as Windows # Meta description Bitmap (BMP). --- Access to this package requires a # Meta description valid ActiveState ActiveTcl Business Edition # Meta description license. Please visit # Meta description http://www.activestate.com/business-edition to learn # Meta description more about the ActiveTcl Business Edition offering. # Meta generated::by {critcl 3.1.13} andreask # Meta generated::date 2015-06-11 # Meta license Under a BSD license. # Meta platform solaris2.10-ix86 # Meta require {Tcl 8.5} # Meta require {crimp::core 0.1} # Meta subject image {BMP image} {Portable PixMap} {BMP import} # Meta subject {BMP export} image {image import} {image export} # Meta summary Extension of the CRIMP core to handle import and # Meta summary export of BMP images # @@ Meta End