# @@ Meta Begin # Redirect tcc 0.4.1 # Meta as::author {Mark Janssen} # Meta as::build::date 2015-03-24 # Meta as::note Business Edition Only --- License required # Meta as::origin http://tcltcc.googlecode.com/ # Meta as::repository http://teapot-be.activestate.com # Meta as::type package # Meta category Compiler Experimental # Meta description This package is a wrapper around tcc aka tinycc, a C # Meta description compiler which can compile into memory and run from # Meta description there. The compiler was modified to allow the # Meta description reading of sources from a Tcl virtual filesystem. A # Meta description critcl emulation is available too. Note that the # Meta description compiler currently generates only ix86 code. --- # Meta description Access to this package requires a valid ActiveState # Meta description ActiveTcl Business Edition license. Please visit # Meta description http://www.activestate.com/business-edition to learn # Meta description more about the ActiveTcl Business Edition offering. # Meta license LGPL # Meta platform solaris2.10-ix86 # Meta require {Tcl 8.4} # Meta subject tcc compiler machine-code ix86 x86 jit critcl tinycc # Meta summary Tcl wrapper to tcc/tinycc # @@ Meta End