Index | tdom Versions > 0.8.1 Instances > solaris2.8-sparc Details

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Details of redirect tdom 0.8.1 solaris2.8-sparc

Key Value
activestatetags ActiveTcl Public
as::author Jochen Loewer
Rolf Ade
as::note Business Edition Only --- License required
as::type package
category XML DOM processing
description tDOM combines high performance XML data processing with easy and powerful Tcl scripting functionality. tDOM should be one of the fastest ways to manipulate XML with a scripting language and uses very little memory. Includes an interface to Expat, the XML parser from James Clark; a (partial) implementation of DOM Levels 1 and 2; a complete, compliant XPath implementation; and a fast XSLT implementation. --- Access to this package requires a valid ActiveState ActiveTcl Business Edition license. Please visit to learn more about the ActiveTcl Business Edition offering.
entity redirect
license MPL (Mozilla Public License)
platform solaris2.8-sparc
require Tcl -require 8.4
subject xml dom
summary XML processing toolkit

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