# ACTIVESTATE TEAPOT-PKG BEGIN TM -*- tcl -*- # -- Tcl Module # @@ Meta Begin # Package Oratcl::utils 4.5 # Meta as::author {Tom Poindexter} {Todd Helfter} # Meta as::build::date 2015-03-24 # Meta as::origin http://sourceforge.net/projects/oratcl # Meta category Database interface # Meta description Utility package to Oratcl, the tcl interface to # Meta description Oracle database, versions 8i, 9i and 10g. # Meta license BSD # Meta platform tcl # Meta require {Tcl 8.4} # Meta require {Oratcl 4.5} # Meta subject oracle sql database utilities # Meta summary Utilities to the tcl interface to Oracle database # @@ Meta End # ACTIVESTATE TEAPOT-PKG BEGIN REQUIREMENTS package require Tcl 8.4 package require Oratcl 4.5 # ACTIVESTATE TEAPOT-PKG END REQUIREMENTS # ACTIVESTATE TEAPOT-PKG BEGIN DECLARE package provide Oratcl::utils 4.5 # ACTIVESTATE TEAPOT-PKG END DECLARE # ACTIVESTATE TEAPOT-PKG END TM package require Oratcl package provide Oratcl::utils 4.5 # # create a namespace # namespace eval ::Oratcl::utils { namespace export logonBox variable OraTcl } # # # proc ::Oratcl::utils::limitEntry {args} { if {[llength $args] == 4} { set wid [lindex $args 0] set var [lindex $args 1] set idx [lindex $args 2] global [set var] if {[string length $idx] > 0} { set str [lindex [array get [set var] $idx] 1] if {[string length $str] > $wid} { set str [string range $str 0 [expr {$wid - 1}]] array set [set var] [list $idx $str] } } else { set str [set [set var]] if {[string length $str] > $wid} { set str [string range $str 0 [expr {$wid - 1}]] set [set var] $str } } } } # # logonBox : display a GUI database connection window # proc ::Oratcl::utils::logonBox args { variable OraTcl package require Tk if {! [info exists OraTcl(image)]} { Oratcl::utils::makeImage } Oratcl::utils::parseArgs $args catch {destroy .oralogon} set OraTcl(top) [eval toplevel .oralogon] wm title $OraTcl(top) {Database Connect Information} if {$OraTcl(usetile)} { Oratcl::utils::ttk_display } else { Oratcl::utils::tk_display } if {[winfo exists $OraTcl(top)]} { # center the window wm withdraw $OraTcl(top) update idletasks set x [expr {[winfo screenwidth $OraTcl(top)]/2 \ - [winfo reqwidth $OraTcl(top)]/2 \ - [winfo vrootx [winfo parent $OraTcl(top)]]}] set y [expr {[winfo screenheight $OraTcl(top)]/2 \ - [winfo reqheight $OraTcl(top)]/2 \ - [winfo vrooty [winfo parent $OraTcl(top)]]}] wm geom $OraTcl(top) +$x+$y wm deiconify $OraTcl(top) wm resizable $OraTcl(top) 0 0 catch {topmost $OraTcl(top) 1} res } grab $OraTcl(top) bind $OraTcl(top) [namespace code do_login] tkwait variable [namespace current]::OraTcl(button) return $OraTcl(lhandle) } # # create logonBox using tile (ttk) widgets # proc ::Oratcl::utils::ttk_display {} { variable OraTcl #puts $OraTcl(theme) #ttk::style theme use $OraTcl(theme) $OraTcl(top) configure -bg \ [ttk::style lookup TFrame -background] set OraTcl(win) [ \ ttk::labelframe $OraTcl(top).win \ -text Oratcl \ ] set OraTcl(err) [ \ ttk::entry $OraTcl(top).err \ -justify center \ -state readonly \ -takefocus 0 \ -textvariable [namespace current]::OraTcl(error) \ ] set OraTcl(btn) [ \ ttk::frame $OraTcl(top).btn \ ] set OraTcl(sep1) [ttk::separator $OraTcl(top).sep1 -orient horizontal] set OraTcl(sep2) [ttk::separator $OraTcl(top).sep2 -orient horizontal] grid $OraTcl(win) -row 0 -column 0 -sticky news -pady [list 9 9] -ipadx 10 -ipady 5 -padx [list 8 8] grid $OraTcl(sep1) -row 1 -column 0 -sticky ew -pady [list 0 4] grid $OraTcl(err) -row 2 -column 0 -sticky ew -padx [list 9 9] grid $OraTcl(sep2) -row 3 -column 0 -sticky ew -pady [list 4 0] grid $OraTcl(btn) -row 4 -column 0 -sticky ew -pady 2 grid columnconfigure $OraTcl(btn) [list 0 1] -weight 1 set OraTcl(win.pict_c) [ ttk::label $OraTcl(win).pict_c \ -image $OraTcl(image) \ ] set OraTcl(win.user_l) [ \ ttk::label $OraTcl(win).user_l \ -width 11 \ -text {Username:} \ ] set OraTcl(win.user_e) [ \ ttk::entry $OraTcl(win).user_e \ -width 30 \ -textvariable [namespace current]::OraTcl(user) \ ] set OraTcl(win.pass_l) [ \ ttk::label $OraTcl(win).pass_l \ -width 11 \ -text {Password:} \ ] set OraTcl(win.pass_e) [ \ ttk::entry $OraTcl(win).pass_e \ -width 30 \ -textvariable [namespace current]::OraTcl(pswd) \ -show * \ ] grid $OraTcl(win.pict_c) -row 0 -column 0 -sticky w -rowspan 4 -padx [list 20 0] -pady [list 4 0] grid $OraTcl(win.user_l) -row 0 -column 1 -sticky e -padx [list 20 0] grid $OraTcl(win.user_e) -row 0 -column 2 -sticky w -padx 0 -pady 6 grid $OraTcl(win.pass_l) -row 1 -column 1 -sticky e -padx [list 20 0] grid $OraTcl(win.pass_e) -row 1 -column 2 -sticky w -padx 0 if {$OraTcl(option,tns)} { set OraTcl(srvrlist) [parseTns] set OraTcl(win.data_l) [ \ ttk::label $OraTcl(win).data_l \ -width 11 \ -text {Service:} \ ] set OraTcl(win.data_e) [ \ ttk::combobox $OraTcl(win).data_e \ -width 30 \ -textvariable [namespace current]::OraTcl(srvr) \ -values $OraTcl(srvrlist) \ ] grid $OraTcl(win.data_l) -row 2 -column 1 -sticky e -padx [list 20 0] grid $OraTcl(win.data_e) -row 2 -column 2 -sticky w -padx 0 -pady 6 } if {$OraTcl(option,url)} { set OraTcl(win.url) [ ttk::frame $OraTcl(win).url \ ] grid $OraTcl(win.url) -row 2 -column 1 -columnspan 5 -pady 6 set OraTcl(win.url.host_l) [ \ ttk::label $OraTcl(win.url).host_l \ -width 2 \ -text {//} \ ] set OraTcl(win.url.host_e) [ \ ttk::entry $OraTcl(win.url).host_e \ -textvariable [namespace current]::OraTcl(host) \ ] set OraTcl(win.url.port_l) [ \ ttk::label $OraTcl(win.url).port_l \ -width 1 \ -text {:} \ ] set OraTcl(win.url.port_e) [ \ ttk::entry $OraTcl(win.url).port_e \ -textvariable [namespace current]::OraTcl(port) \ -width 6 ] set OraTcl(win.url.srvc_l) [ \ ttk::label $OraTcl(win.url).srvc_l \ -width 1 \ -text {/} \ ] set OraTcl(win.url.srvc_e) [ \ ttk::entry $OraTcl(win.url).srvc_e \ -textvariable [namespace current]::OraTcl(srvc) \ ] grid $OraTcl(win.url.host_l) -row 0 -column 0 grid $OraTcl(win.url.host_e) -row 0 -column 1 grid $OraTcl(win.url.port_l) -row 0 -column 2 grid $OraTcl(win.url.port_e) -row 0 -column 3 grid $OraTcl(win.url.srvc_l) -row 0 -column 4 grid $OraTcl(win.url.srvc_e) -row 0 -column 5 } set OraTcl(win.cnas_l) [ \ ttk::label $OraTcl(win).cnas_l \ -width 11 \ -text {Connect as:} \ ] set OraTcl(cnaslist) [list Normal SYSOPER SYSDBA SYSASM] set OraTcl(win.cnas_e) [ \ ttk::combobox $OraTcl(win).cnas_e \ -width 30 \ -textvariable [namespace current]::OraTcl(cnas) \ -values $OraTcl(cnaslist) \ ] grid $OraTcl(win.cnas_l) -row 3 -column 1 -sticky e -padx [list 20 0] grid $OraTcl(win.cnas_e) -row 3 -column 2 -sticky w -padx 0 set OraTcl(btn.login) [ \ ttk::button $OraTcl(btn).login \ -text Login \ -command [namespace code do_login] \ ] set OraTcl(btn.close) [ \ ttk::button $OraTcl(btn).close \ -text Cancel \ -command [namespace code do_close] \ ] grid $OraTcl(btn.login) -row 0 -column 0 grid $OraTcl(btn.close) -row 0 -column 1 trace variable [namespace current]::OraTcl(user) w {::Oratcl::utils::limitEntry 30} trace variable [namespace current]::OraTcl(pswd) w {::Oratcl::utils::limitEntry 30} focus $OraTcl(win.user_e) } # # create logonBox using normal (tk) widgets # proc ::Oratcl::utils::tk_display {} { variable OraTcl set OraTcl(win) [ \ frame $OraTcl(top).win \ -relief raised \ -borderwidth 1 \ ] set OraTcl(err) [ \ entry $OraTcl(top).err \ -relief raised \ -borderwidth 1 \ -justify center \ -state readonly \ -takefocus 0 \ -textvariable [namespace current]::OraTcl(error) \ ] set OraTcl(btn) [ \ frame $OraTcl(top).btn \ -relief raised \ -borderwidth 1 ] grid $OraTcl(win) -row 0 -column 0 -sticky news -pady [list 9 9] -ipadx 10 -ipady 5 -padx [list 8 8] grid $OraTcl(err) -row 1 -column 0 -sticky ew -padx [list 9 9] grid $OraTcl(btn) -row 2 -column 0 -sticky ew -pady [list 9 9] -padx [list 8 8] grid columnconfigure $OraTcl(btn) [list 0 1] -weight 1 set OraTcl(win.pict_c) [ label $OraTcl(win).pict_c \ -image $OraTcl(image) \ ] set OraTcl(win.user_l) [ \ label $OraTcl(win).user_l \ -background [$OraTcl(top) cget -background] \ -text Username: \ ] set OraTcl(win.user_e) [ \ entry $OraTcl(win).user_e \ -width 30 \ -textvariable [namespace current]::OraTcl(user) \ ] set OraTcl(win.pass_l) [ \ label $OraTcl(win).pass_l \ -background [$OraTcl(win) cget -background] \ -text Password: \ ] set OraTcl(win.pass_e) [ \ entry $OraTcl(win).pass_e \ -show * \ -width 30 \ -textvariable [namespace current]::OraTcl(pswd) \ ] grid $OraTcl(win.pict_c) -row 0 -column 0 -sticky w -rowspan 4 -padx [list 20 0] -pady [list 4 0] grid $OraTcl(win.user_l) -row 0 -column 1 -sticky e -padx [list 20 0] grid $OraTcl(win.user_e) -row 0 -column 2 -sticky ew -padx 5 -pady 6 grid $OraTcl(win.pass_l) -row 1 -column 1 -sticky e -padx [list 20 0] grid $OraTcl(win.pass_e) -row 1 -column 2 -sticky ew -padx 5 if {$OraTcl(option,tns)} { set OraTcl(win.data_l) [ \ label $OraTcl(win).data_l \ -background [$OraTcl(top) cget -background] \ -text Service: \ ] set OraTcl(win.data_e) [ \ entry $OraTcl(win).data_e \ -width 30 \ -textvariable [namespace current]::OraTcl(srvr) \ ] grid $OraTcl(win.data_l) -row 2 -column 1 -sticky e -padx [list 20 0] grid $OraTcl(win.data_e) -row 2 -column 2 -sticky ew -padx 5 -pady 6 } if {$OraTcl(option,url)} { set OraTcl(win.url) [ frame $OraTcl(win).url \ ] grid $OraTcl(win.url) -row 2 -column 1 -columnspan 5 -pady 6 set OraTcl(win.url.host_l) [ \ label $OraTcl(win.url).host_l \ -width 2 \ -text {//} \ ] set OraTcl(win.url.host_e) [ \ entry $OraTcl(win.url).host_e \ -textvariable [namespace current]::OraTcl(host) \ ] set OraTcl(win.url.port_l) [ \ label $OraTcl(win.url).port_l \ -width 1 \ -text {:} \ ] set OraTcl(win.url.port_e) [ \ entry $OraTcl(win.url).port_e \ -textvariable [namespace current]::OraTcl(port) \ -width 6 ] set OraTcl(win.url.srvc_l) [ \ label $OraTcl(win.url).srvc_l \ -width 1 \ -text {/} \ ] set OraTcl(win.url.srvc_e) [ \ entry $OraTcl(win.url).srvc_e \ -textvariable [namespace current]::OraTcl(srvc) \ ] grid $OraTcl(win.url.host_l) -row 0 -column 0 grid $OraTcl(win.url.host_e) -row 0 -column 1 grid $OraTcl(win.url.port_l) -row 0 -column 2 grid $OraTcl(win.url.port_e) -row 0 -column 3 grid $OraTcl(win.url.srvc_l) -row 0 -column 4 grid $OraTcl(win.url.srvc_e) -row 0 -column 5 } set OraTcl(win.cnas_l) [ \ label $OraTcl(win).cnas_l) \ -text {Connect as:} \ ] set OraTcl(win.cnas_f) [ \ frame $OraTcl(win).cnas_f \ -relief sunken \ -borderwidth 1 \ ] grid $OraTcl(win.cnas_l) -row 3 -column 1 -sticky e -padx [list 20 0] grid $OraTcl(win.cnas_f) -row 3 -column 2 -sticky ew -padx 5 radiobutton $OraTcl(win.cnas_f).r1 -text Normal -value Normal -variable [namespace current]::OraTcl(cnas) radiobutton $OraTcl(win.cnas_f).r2 -text SYSDBA -value SYSDBA -variable [namespace current]::OraTcl(cnas) radiobutton $OraTcl(win.cnas_f).r3 -text SYSOPER -value SYSOPER -variable [namespace current]::OraTcl(cnas) radiobutton $OraTcl(win.cnas_f).r4 -text SYSASM -value SYSASM -variable [namespace current]::OraTcl(cnas) grid $OraTcl(win.cnas_f).r1 -row 1 -column 1 -sticky w grid $OraTcl(win.cnas_f).r2 -row 2 -column 1 -sticky w grid $OraTcl(win.cnas_f).r3 -row 3 -column 1 -sticky w grid $OraTcl(win.cnas_f).r4 -row 4 -column 1 -sticky w # create command buttons set OraTcl(btn.login) [ \ button $OraTcl(btn).login \ -text Login \ -borderwidth 1 \ -command [namespace code do_login] \ ] set OraTcl(btn.close) [ \ button $OraTcl(btn).close \ -text Cancel \ -borderwidth 1 \ -command [namespace code do_close] \ ] grid $OraTcl(btn.login) -row 0 -column 0 -padx 20 -pady 5 -sticky ew grid $OraTcl(btn.close) -row 0 -column 1 -padx 20 -pady 5 -sticky ew trace variable [namespace current]::OraTcl(user) w {::Oratcl::utils::limitEntry 30} trace variable [namespace current]::OraTcl(pswd) w {::Oratcl::utils::limitEntry 30} focus $OraTcl(win.user_e) } proc ::Oratcl::utils::signon {} { variable OraTcl set rval 0 if {$OraTcl(option,tns)} { if {! [string is space $OraTcl(srvr)]} { set connect [format %s/%s@%s \ $OraTcl(user) \ $OraTcl(pswd) \ $OraTcl(srvr)] } else { set connect [format %s/%s \ $OraTcl(user) \ $OraTcl(pswd)] } } if {$OraTcl(option,url)} { set connect [format "%s/%s@//%s:%s/%s" \ $OraTcl(user) \ $OraTcl(pswd) \ $OraTcl(host) \ $OraTcl(port) \ $OraTcl(srvc)] } set logonCmd "oralogon $connect " switch -- $OraTcl(cnas) { SYSDBA {set logonCmd [append logonCmd {-sysdba}]} SYSOPER {set logonCmd [append logonCmd {-sysoper}]} SYSASM {set logonCmd [append logonCmd {-sysasm}]} } set tcl_rc [catch {set lda [eval $logonCmd]} tcl_res ] if {$tcl_rc} { set [namespace current]::OraTcl(error) "$tcl_res" } else { set rval 1 set OraTcl(lhandle) $lda destroy $OraTcl(top) } return $rval } proc ::Oratcl::utils::do_login {} { variable OraTcl if {[::Oratcl::utils::signon]} { destroy $OraTcl(top) set OraTcl(button) 1 } } proc ::Oratcl::utils::do_close {} { variable OraTcl set OraTcl(lhandle) {} set OraTcl(error) {} destroy $OraTcl(top) set OraTcl(button) 0 } proc ::Oratcl::utils::parseArgs args { variable OraTcl set OraTcl(user) {} set OraTcl(pswd) {} set OraTcl(srvr) {} set OraTcl(host) hostname set OraTcl(port) 1521 set OraTcl(srvc) service set OraTcl(cnas) Normal set OraTcl(usetile) false set OraTcl(theme) default set OraTcl(option,url) false set OraTcl(option,tns) true foreach {opt arg} [lindex $args 0] { switch -- $opt { -tw - -tilewidgets { set OraTcl(usetile) true set OraTcl(theme) $arg } -type { if {[string equal $arg url]} { set OraTcl(option,url) true set OraTcl(option,tns) false } if {[string equal $arg tns]} { set OraTcl(option,url) false set OraTcl(option,tns) true } } -u - -user { set OraTcl(user) $arg } -p - -password { set OraTcl(pswd) $arg } -s - -service { set OraTcl(srvr) $arg set OraTcl(srvc) $arg } -host { set OraTcl(host) $arg } -port { set OraTcl(port) $arg } -ft - -frametitle { } default { puts "$arg unknown" } } } if {$OraTcl(usetile)} { if {! [string equal [info commands ::ttk::style] ::ttk::style]} { package require tile if {! [string equal [info commands ::ttk::style] ::ttk::style]} { rename ::style ::ttk::style } } ttk::style theme use $OraTcl(theme) } } proc ::Oratcl::utils::parseTns {} { global env set fL {} if {[info exists env(ORACLE_HOME)]} { lappend fL [file join $env(ORACLE_HOME) network admin tnsnames.ora] } if {[info exists env(ORACLE_HOME)]} { lappend fL [file join / var opt oracle tnsnames.ora] } if {[info exists env(HOME)]} { lappend fL [file join $env(HOME) .tnsnames.ora] } if {[info exists env(TNS_ADMIN)]} { lappend fL [file join $env(TNS_ADMIN) tnsnames.ora] } set sidlist {} foreach f $fL { set tcl_ok [catch {set fd [open $f r]} tcl_res] if {$tcl_ok != 0} { continue } set data [split [read $fd] \n] close $fd foreach line $data { if {[string is space $line]} { continue } if {[string is alnum [string range $line 0 0]]} { lappend sidlist [lindex $line 0] } } } return [lsort -unique $sidlist] } proc ::Oratcl::utils::makeImage {} { variable OraTcl set img {} append img 4749463839615a005700f700006300006318006b00007300007b00007b100 \ 07b18006b000863001877080873140c6300216300316318317308317b0831 \ 811b058a1c0e8a1c248331239925169c3121ad3110ae2d1d7b31318431318 \ 4393190312d943131943d299c3520ad4125c63100ce3100bd3108c63108bd \ 3110ce3118ce3900ce3908d63908ce3910ce3921ce4200d64200d64208ce4 \ 210d64210ce4a00ce5200ce5a00ce6300d65200d65a00ce4a10ce4218bd4a \ 29c64a21ce4a18ce4e1cd64a18d64a29d05623d6522900319408318c08319 \ 410318418317b18318410318c14319029316b36316029317331316f21317b \ 20338531317b36398300319c0039a508319c08399c10319c10399c0839a50 \ a3fa21839a014449e104aa51e4cad2d4caa3152b52b5aad3761ad42315a55 \ 31524f315d48366e6e273e65375e7932438d363a9c3131a92d31a23e39b13 \ d35c03b39ce3931ce4137ce4a3da35f4ec06e4fce5c37ce5650d65235d357 \ 4fce6363ce7b50626b945e7dbfaf83768f8da78da5a8b6bba587a5d4b6c3e \ 0de5200d66300e26300d75b32de7100e77f00de7820dc653fd8624ce1684c \ dc734ce7704cdf7e4ae08356e77b5ade885aef5a5af75a5ad66363de6363e \ 76363f76363ff6363ef6b63de7b63da7f6be77b63de886be78463f97767ef \ 8473e78c5ae79400e49f00e7944ae79c4ad6a056e49a54db9f65e49e60ebb \ 700f5d600ffeb00fffb00e7af60debd6befad5aefad63e78c6be19278e794 \ 77f59876e9a27be8b574e9aa8eefad94e4c47bedc783f7c576f8cd86edde8 \ 9f8e68affe68afff78cd6a5a5d6adadde9c9ce7a49cdeb59ce7bd9ce7b5a5 \ e7b9a9efad9cefb59cefb5a5efb5adefb5b5efbda5efbdadf7b5adefc6adf \ fe794d6e7a5f7ef94ffef94e7ef9cdeefa5e7efa5f7f794fff794eff79cf7 \ f79cfff79cffff94f7ff9cffff9cdec5cbf2c7bef7cac1f7d2c6fcc8c0f7d \ 6d6ffdecef7ded6d6e7e7dedef7e7e7e7f4e1e1ffdbd8ffe7def7e7e7ffe7 \ e7dee7efe7e7eff7efdeffefe7deefefefefeff7efefffefefe7effffff7e \ ff7f7f7fff7f7f7f7fffffff7f7ffffffffff21fe05202d646c2d0021f904 \ 010000a8002c000000005a0057000008fe0051091c48b0a0c18308132a5cc \ 8b0a143873e769c001122040813172d6aa44831c4215ebf1e8a1c99f02247 \ 8b182daea81122250d503050564cd992a28b520271e162c54a94cf9f72e49 \ 01c5ad044458a463bd6581548230d55ab54753ca971e3d1ab274d12dd8a8a \ 664794a9527d858a2ac68aaf29d3caac8a14a945ae448f266d194206538da \ 056110231752edbab3503570d017728e08d8254a55ca10a54dfaa34057b95 \ abd144619233db5624842a2328b132a7563ca16222d6cc15d9eeb83cf22f4 \ a41a034aa2a245ae60959ecfe95db913134ea9a42593fa4fc3590a08a81a4 \ 5e9dab639c3f7de8d085abedba2323e1c3079b94318362a850823bfefa58a \ 7cf4f162842f6c8a1ab39e9dc51d81da2f62aa3a52a1acb2dea3887ee0b14 \ 28400088476a5f5107027cf13174436d1d61548362b59d100e3ae70568211 \ 904cea521450822440a29776c420a2d0c91d20105147080c61b766c620a41 \ 3af8a61628a81017822ce85cf19f85508011998147b172501c10002080016 \ 770c0a224893c82d000004409818a74d83109256e0ca403906fd1e61722f0 \ 9c07e0984d8cd0a05b18adb0827b077d10a594687050e5956d20621005510 \ a00000471b248271b02c941535a1da5c252652694f38514630208041a82ad \ 100a2a87c2904a281d1d84a7910018d0a79594b4b186411f10a067a771ce4 \ 9091b69043a5781fef69d75d5267e4811e098409441e051798592525e2915 \ 0144167c0cf4c605091c20009f72da61c71b686460d01b6eb02a410571b2b \ 1861a1238808140a3b89551478c9d79823a15e2da8408f38520c82ab15194 \ 5c47b602d1c7406ebc51092470bcb10607694480c0020c485bd01b7358628 \ 91d71b481061a011c40f0b7a88ce29a469652d5881fb8eed8c1682e5445c8 \ 2a3424458863168d4910c2952cdc709c01088040c1d3bea130c30e7310000 \ 0331b1cee6f29c180e955e170c163806084908327e1aca308afca594488ac \ 24a86caccd0b23d2868a3bf73c6dc2596f0db1cc34574c9568307869910b7 \ f00c123806588f1451e7ee8634ba69d1d256bfe081700f8054138808d33d7 \ 6453bc32d68343cc73d93f57a61921732592c714b75a683910e01883942a3 \ 1fc76110700163b101d88bfac33d906af2cb8e931cf4cb1c59ab1b5825cb2 \ f877f48e0022118e3116c9904a784765103a416e08ae35d78ba73e500f73b \ 46cc7f18a7b6df6ae1b12680be58dde1e063bb450040a6dcb21450680f75e \ 7d73c3844b7ff8f962b75e76de5cf6d6c7ed6f03a1c63f895084caecb1531 \ 406e5075b5dcedc67387c091066a81b487bc405983db82d7bb8020226fa31 \ 1118a08c2d46098118865510e6390f7a5d7b9ff9c2863cf5c52f8314c1831 \ 06e87ab2518a31915b9606fa6320620e4e160a56b1fd934f035f6a58f01fe \ 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12c2d5b2710fd0002d22641676441f1a047b8617a1820f66c0f19839a286f \ fdc0f404cb8001cfe40e5e9cae8cd0999452c18210738f8fb32e8f6642f43 \ b0a0bed9cf1f550082111eeb8726529a3ab8a82642f06086a6b29822b4784 \ 40e74b4017c4c36407ed84122fedd48935a48fc205ec840ff50781445e883 \ 0f5580c206d2c1055c816332c5148d434f4e902960a0d2dfbd4838c484017 \ 0f807404d28c610cd9a969df35c2040c84022c78c097d42210cc1b03a10f0 \ d0ddf0015d233879fa40a0e081643f0629c2f0021096108b6f0a011829709 \ cd72b63910e3d9d0f53a0404a92fd971408430b45b8831f28f704473068ea \ 5fb13bcff900040fa406e70c04c108f4908537b40d0a7030cdba579c11c59 \ fdc8116009e9b5322823274001d406082e64593f3ab785ee25f00c2052c7e \ f64a9a6004e73043d9075ea03e1f48ec0249a23805feca574123073ee5654 \ 68323f6ffac3834884f4d2c9e66112b67d43735053e8000fee382eebb60a9 \ a126d42260c111be981ffce637fb0d80df072804e1cadddf87fcbb5f11fa9 \ be004dfaf880d86811110c8ffffdd977efbe01a25007c8c570433117f1391 \ 02fb1032f2370f21a00f12a80f210302cf507dfbe07f2ed080f3d0817cb10 \ ff2856f8b775f34b1811dd18021308021f3037ca10f1a710c27b0770dd87d \ f32080c9077c7830054c50151b183229581103581113e88215210bd4f781d \ e5783e697819cb76b4fa7764f30151b981a413880ffa40f2d78143e506848 \ e80220a0841f581dda07044e9019f1377f0e487029f87f21b05426200c47e \ 17f7ce102131886920102c017204b5082de677b6b711576101ee667151723 \ 76d60020fe49c077fde387ea66491a027d4e787278070449e05326200224e \ 0011b90016660066200064830066000066110066510069dd88967b08a1b30 \ 011be00116e00124600124c02ea276777ab80118708a6030064a600446200 \ 4dcb44290d428111420f5b24241b08c42108cc0e85b3c374a6ef340f5d331 \ f4d331d6988d16028d27177bb8a38d10b45fe2088ee2884e62f77150f07f3 \ b227fffb10f1de38e40207f01f27f16c28e6ec38ed93350cdc723ee088fee \ 988ef3988e57008f00d98ef13826ff788fe9d831faf874d9a38e075990fd9 \ 805fb508fff488ff3b80f58a090ff6835ec0749ee9856115991ed9805f060 \ 3406398ff1388dee78041cd931c0277f108c872bfb209269257f1b0920fb4 \ 09167248f007990f19890f8d82831796ed4588cc8783468048ed67839f453 \ 947db0077bc00778c00753f9055cd0055c90955cd90509878dd7588ee3589 \ 45bd10756b9075b7046e1b896b74296c2210d5149955ea096e318206e594d \ 70399578d0568da20577199366c907dcb815010100003b image create photo picture -data [binary format H* $img] set OraTcl(image) picture } proc ::Oratcl::utils::prettyDesc {lh tb} { puts {} set l [oradesc $lh $tb] set namelen 41 set nulllen 8 set typelen 28 set namesep [string repeat {_} $namelen] set nullsep [string repeat {_} $nulllen] set typesep [string repeat {_} $typelen] puts {} puts [format " %-${namelen}s %-${nulllen}s %-${typelen}s" Name Null? Type] puts [format " %-${namelen}s %-${nulllen}s %-${typelen}s" $namesep $nullsep $typesep] foreach e $l { set colname [lindex $e 0] set colnull {} if {! [lindex $e 5]} { set colnull {NOT NULL} } set coltype {} set t [lindex $e 2] switch -exact $t { CHAR - NCHAR - VARCHAR2 - NVARCHAR2 { set coltype ${t}([lindex $e 1]) } NUMBER { set pr [lindex $e 3] set sc [lindex $e 4] if {$sc} { set coltype ${t}(${pr},${sc}) } else { set coltype ${t}(${pr}) } } default { set coltype $t } } puts [format " %-${namelen}s %-${nulllen}s %-${typelen}s" $colname $colnull $coltype] } }