# ACTIVESTATE TEAPOT-PKG BEGIN TM -*- tcl -*- # -- Tcl Module # @@ Meta Begin # Package chatwidget 1.0.0 # Meta as::origin http://sf.net/projects/tcllib # Meta category Composite widget for chat applications # Meta description Provides a multi-paned view suitable for display of chat # Meta description room or irc channel information # Meta license BSD # Meta platform tcl # Meta require {Tk 8.5} # Meta subject chatwidget chat widget irc {composite widget} # Meta subject mega-widget # Meta summary chatwidget # @@ Meta End # ACTIVESTATE TEAPOT-PKG BEGIN REQUIREMENTS package require Tk 8.5 # ACTIVESTATE TEAPOT-PKG END REQUIREMENTS # ACTIVESTATE TEAPOT-PKG BEGIN DECLARE package provide chatwidget 1.0.0 # ACTIVESTATE TEAPOT-PKG END DECLARE # ACTIVESTATE TEAPOT-PKG END TM # chatwidget.tcl -- # # This package provides a composite widget suitable for use in chat # applications. A number of panes managed by panedwidgets are available # for displaying user names, chat text and for entering new comments. # The main display area makes use of text widget peers to enable a split # view for history or searching. # # Copyright (C) 2007 Pat Thoyts # # See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution # of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES. # # RCS: @(#) $Id: chatwidget.tcl,v 1.3 2007/10/24 10:32:19 patthoyts Exp $ package require Tk 8.5 namespace eval chatwidget { variable version 1.0.0 namespace export chatwidget ttk::style layout ChatwidgetFrame { Entry.field -sticky news -border 1 -children { ChatwidgetFrame.padding -sticky news } } if {[lsearch -exact [font names] ChatwidgetFont] == -1} { eval [list font create ChatwidgetFont] [font configure TkTextFont] eval [list font create ChatwidgetBoldFont] \ [font configure ChatwidgetFont] -weight bold eval [list font create ChatwidgetItalicFont] \ [font configure ChatwidgetFont] -slant italic } } proc chatwidget::chatwidget {w args} { Create $w interp hide {} $w interp alias {} $w {} [namespace origin WidgetProc] $w return $w } proc chatwidget::WidgetProc {self cmd args} { upvar #0 [namespace current]::$self state switch -- $cmd { hook { if {[llength $args] < 2} { return -code error "wrong \# args: should be\ \"$self hook add|remove type script ?priority?\"" } return [uplevel 1 [list [namespace origin Hook] $self] $args] } message { return [uplevel 1 [list [namespace origin Message] $self] $args] } name { return [uplevel 1 [list [namespace origin Name] $self] $args] } topic { return [uplevel 1 [list [namespace origin Topic] $self] $args] } names { return [uplevel 1 [list [namespace origin Names] $self] $args] } entry { return [uplevel 1 [list [namespace origin Entry] $self] $args] } peer { return [uplevel 1 [list [namespace origin Peer] $self] $args] } chat - default { return [uplevel 1 [list [namespace origin Chat] $self] $args] } } return } proc chatwidget::Chat {self args} { upvar #0 [namespace current]::$self state if {[llength $args] == 0} { return $state(chat_widget) } return [uplevel 1 [list $state(chat_widget)] $args] } proc chatwidget::Peer {self args} { upvar #0 [namespace current]::$self state if {[llength $args] == 0} { return $state(chat_peer_widget) } return [uplevel 1 [list $state(chat_peer_widget)] $args] } proc chatwidget::Topic {self cmd args} { upvar #0 [namespace current]::$self state switch -exact -- $cmd { show { grid $self.topic -row 0 -column 0 -sticky new } hide { grid forget $self.topic } set { set state(topic) [lindex $args 0] } default { return -code error "bad option \"$cmd\":\ must be show, hide or set" } } } proc chatwidget::Names {self args} { upvar #0 [namespace current]::$self state set frame [winfo parent $state(names_widget)] set pane [winfo parent $frame] if {[llength $args] == 0} { return $state(names_widget) } if {[llength $args] == 1 && [lindex $args 0] eq "hide"} { return [$pane forget $frame] } if {[llength $args] == 1 && [lindex $args 0] eq "show"} { return [$pane add $frame] } return [uplevel 1 [list $state(names_widget)] $args] } proc chatwidget::Entry {self args} { upvar #0 [namespace current]::$self state if {[llength $args] == 0} { return $state(entry_widget) } if {[llength $args] == 1 && [lindex $args 0] eq "text"} { return [$state(entry_widget) get 1.0 end-1c] } return [uplevel 1 [list $state(entry_widget)] $args] } proc chatwidget::Message {self text args} { upvar #0 [namespace current]::$self state set chat $state(chat_widget) set mark end set type normal set nick Unknown set time [clock seconds] set tags {} while {[string match -* [set option [lindex $args 0]]]} { switch -exact -- $option { -nick { set nick [Pop args 1] } -time { set time [Pop args 1] } -type { set type [Pop args 1] } -mark { set type [Pop args 1] } -tags { set tags [Pop args 1] } default { return -code error "unknown option \"$option\"" } } Pop args } if {[catch {Hook $self run message $text \ -mark $mark -type $type -nick $nick \ -time $time -tags $tags}] == 3} then { return } if {$type ne "system"} { lappend tags NICK-$nick } lappend tags TYPE-$type $chat configure -state normal set ts [clock format $time -format "\[%H:%M\]\t"] $chat insert $mark $ts [concat BOOKMARK STAMP $tags] if {$type eq "action"} { $chat insert $mark " * $nick " [concat BOOKMARK NICK $tags] lappend tags ACTION } elseif {$type eq "system"} { } else { $chat insert $mark "$nick\t" [concat BOOKMARK NICK $tags] } if {$type ne "system"} { lappend tags MSG NICK-$nick } $chat insert $mark $text $tags $chat insert $mark "\n" $tags $chat configure -state disabled if {$state(autoscroll)} { $chat see end } return } # $w name add ericthered -group admin -color red # state(names) {{pat -color red -group admin -thing wilf} {eric ....}} proc chatwidget::Name {self cmd args} { upvar #0 [namespace current]::$self state switch -exact -- $cmd { list { switch -exact -- [lindex $args 0] { -full { return $state(names) } default { foreach item $state(names) { lappend r [lindex $item 0] } return $r } } } add { if {[llength $args] < 1 || ([llength $args] % 2) != 1} { return -code error "wrong # args: should be\ \"add nick ?-group group ...?\"" } set nick [lindex $args 0] if {[set ndx [lsearch -exact -index 0 $state(names) $nick]] == -1} { array set opts {-group {} -colour black} array set opts [lrange $args 1 end] lappend state(names) [linsert [array get opts] 0 $nick] } else { array set opts [lrange [lindex $state(names) $ndx] 1 end] array set opts [lrange $args 1 end] lset state(names) $ndx [linsert [array get opts] 0 $nick] } UpdateNames $self } delete { if {[llength $args] != 1} { return -code error "wrong # args: should be \"delete nick\"" } set nick [lindex $args 0] if {[set ndx [lsearch -exact -index 0 $state(names) $nick]] != -1} { set state(names) [lreplace $state(names) $ndx $ndx] UpdateNames $self } } default { return -code error "bad name option \"$cmd\":\ must be list, names, add or delete" } } } proc chatwidget::UpdateNames {self} { upvar #0 [namespace current]::$self state if {[info exists state(updatenames)]} { after cancel $state(updatenames) } set state(updatenames) [after idle [list [namespace origin UpdateNamesExec] $self]] } proc chatwidget::UpdateNamesExec {self} { upvar #0 [namespace current]::$self state unset state(updatenames) set names $state(names_widget) set chat $state(chat_widget) foreach tagname [lsearch -all -inline [$names tag names] NICK-*] { $names tag delete $tagname } foreach tagname [lsearch -all -inline [$names tag names] GROUP-*] { $names tag delete $tagname } $names configure -state normal $names delete 1.0 end array set groups {} foreach item $state(names) { set group {} if {[set ndx [lsearch $item -group]] != -1} { set group [lindex $item [incr ndx]] } lappend groups($group) [lindex $item 0] } foreach group [lsort [array names groups]] { Hook $self run names_group $group $names insert end "$group\n" [list SUBTITLE GROUP-$group] foreach nick [lsort -dictionary $groups($group)] { $names tag configure NICK-$nick unset -nocomplain opts ; array set opts {} if {[set ndx [lsearch -exact -index 0 $state(names) $nick]] != -1} { array set opts [lrange [lindex $state(names) $ndx] 1 end] if {[info exists opts(-color)]} { $names tag configure NICK-$nick -foreground $opts(-color) $chat tag configure NICK-$nick -foreground $opts(-color) } eval [linsert [lindex $state(names) $ndx] 0 \ Hook $self run names_nick] } $names insert end $nick\n [list NICK NICK-$nick GROUP-$group] } } $names insert end "[llength $state(names)] nicks\n" [list SUBTITLE] $names configure -state disabled } proc chatwidget::Pop {varname {nth 0}} { upvar $varname args set r [lindex $args $nth] set args [lreplace $args $nth $nth] return $r } proc chatwidget::Hook {self do type args} { upvar #0 [namespace current]::$self state set valid {message post names_group names_nick} if {[lsearch -exact $valid $type] == -1} { return -code error "unknown hook type \"$type\":\ must be one of [join $valid ,]" } switch -exact -- $do { add { if {[llength $args] < 1 || [llength $args] > 2} { return -code error "wrong # args: should be \"add hook cmd ?priority?\"" } foreach {cmd pri} $args break if {$pri eq {}} { set pri 50 } lappend state(hook,$type) [list $cmd $pri] set state(hook,$type) [lsort -real -index 1 [lsort -unique $state(hook,$type)]] } remove { if {[llength $args] != 1} { return -code error "wrong # args: should be \"remove hook cmd\"" } if {![info exists state(hook,$type)]} { return } for {set ndx 0} {$ndx < [llength $state(hook,$type)]} {incr ndx} { set item [lindex $state(hook,$type) $ndx] if {[lindex $item 0] eq [lindex $args 0]} { set state(hook,$type) [lreplace $state(hook,$type) $ndx $ndx] break } } set state(hook,$type) } run { if {![info exists state(hook,$type)]} { return } set res "" foreach item $state(hook,$type) { foreach {cmd pri} $item break set code [catch {eval $cmd $args} err] if {$code} { ::bgerror "error running \"$type\" hook: $err" break } else { lappend res $err } } return $res } list { if {[info exists state(hook,$type)]} { return $state(hook,$type) } } default { return -code error "unknown hook action \"$do\":\ must be add, remove, list or run" } } } proc chatwidget::Grid {w {row 0} {column 0}} { grid rowconfigure $w $row -weight 1 grid columnconfigure $w $column -weight 1 } proc chatwidget::Create {self} { upvar #0 [set State [namespace current]::$self] state set state(history) {} set state(current) 0 set state(autoscroll) 1 set state(names) {} set self [ttk::frame $self -class Chatwidget] set outer [ttk::panedwindow $self.outer -orient vertical] set inner [ttk::panedwindow $outer.inner -orient horizontal] # Create a topic/subject header set topic [ttk::frame $self.topic] ttk::label $topic.label -anchor w -text Topic ttk::entry $topic.text -state disabled -textvariable [set State](topic) grid $topic.label $topic.text -sticky new -pady {2 0} -padx 1 Grid $topic 0 1 # Create the usernames scrolled text set names [ttk::frame $inner.names -style ChatwidgetFrame] text $names.text -borderwidth 0 -relief flat -font ChatwidgetFont ttk::scrollbar $names.vs -command [list $names.text yview] $names.text configure -width 10 -height 10 -state disabled \ -yscrollcommand [list [namespace origin scroll_set] $names.vs $inner 0] bindtags $names.text [linsert [bindtags $names.text] 1 ChatwidgetNames] grid $names.text $names.vs -sticky news -padx 1 -pady 1 Grid $names 0 0 set state(names_widget) $names.text # Create the chat display set chatf [ttk::frame $inner.chat -style ChatwidgetFrame] set peers [ttk::panedwindow $chatf.peers -orient vertical] set upper [ttk::frame $peers.upper] set lower [ttk::frame $peers.lower] set chat [text $lower.text -borderwidth 0 -relief flat -wrap word \ -state disabled -font ChatwidgetFont] set chatvs [ttk::scrollbar $lower.vs -command [list $chat yview]] $chat configure -height 10 -state disabled \ -yscrollcommand [list [namespace origin scroll_set] $chatvs $peers 1] grid $chat $chatvs -sticky news Grid $lower 0 0 set peer [$chat peer create $upper.text -borderwidth 0 -relief flat \ -wrap word -state disabled -font ChatwidgetFont] set peervs [ttk::scrollbar $upper.vs -command [list $peer yview]] $peer configure -height 0 \ -yscrollcommand [list [namespace origin scroll_set] $peervs $peers 0] grid $peer $peervs -sticky news Grid $upper 0 0 $peers add $upper $peers add $lower -weight 1 grid $peers -sticky news -padx 1 -pady 1 Grid $chatf 0 0 bindtags $chat [linsert [bindtags $chat] 1 ChatwidgetText] set state(chat_widget) $chat set state(chat_peer_widget) $peer # Create the entry widget set entry [ttk::frame $outer.entry -style ChatwidgetFrame] text $entry.text -borderwidth 0 -relief flat -font ChatwidgetFont ttk::scrollbar $entry.vs -command [list $entry.text yview] $entry.text configure -height 1 \ -yscrollcommand [list [namespace origin scroll_set] $entry.vs $outer 0] bindtags $entry.text [linsert [bindtags $entry.text] 1 ChatwidgetEntry] grid $entry.text $entry.vs -sticky news -padx 1 -pady 1 Grid $entry 0 0 set state(entry_widget) $entry.text bind ChatwidgetEntry "[namespace origin Post] \[[namespace origin Self] %W\]" bind ChatwidgetEntry "[namespace origin Post] \[[namespace origin Self] %W\]" bind ChatwidgetEntry "#" bind ChatwidgetEntry "#" bind ChatwidgetEntry "[namespace origin History] \[[namespace origin Self] %W\] prev" bind ChatwidgetEntry "[namespace origin History] \[[namespace origin Self] %W\] next" bind ChatwidgetEntry "[namespace origin Nickcomplete] \[[namespace origin Self] %W\]" bind ChatwidgetEntry "\[[namespace origin Self] %W\] chat yview scroll -1 pages" bind ChatwidgetEntry "\[[namespace origin Self] %W\] chat yview scroll 1 pages" bind $self "+unset -nocomplain [namespace current]::%W" bind $peer [list [namespace origin PaneMap] %W $peers 0] bind $names.text [list [namespace origin PaneMap] %W $inner -90] bind $entry.text [list [namespace origin PaneMap] %W $outer -28] bind ChatwidgetText <> { ttk::style layout ChatwidgetFrame { Entry.field -sticky news -border 1 -children { ChatwidgetFrame.padding -sticky news } } } $names.text tag configure SUBTITLE \ -background grey80 -font ChatwidgetBoldFont $chat tag configure NICK -font ChatwidgetBoldFont $chat tag configure TYPE-system -font ChatwidgetItalicFont $inner add $chatf -weight 1 $inner add $names $outer add $inner -weight 1 $outer add $entry grid $outer -row 1 -column 0 -sticky news -padx 1 -pady 1 Grid $self 1 0 return $self } proc chatwidget::Self {widget} { set class [winfo class [set w $widget]] while {[winfo exists $w] && [winfo class $w] ne "Chatwidget"} { set w [winfo parent $w] } if {![winfo exists $w]} { return -code error "invalid window $widget" } return $w } # Set initial position of sash proc chatwidget::PaneMap {w pane offset} { bind $pane {} if {[llength [$pane panes]] > 1} { if {$offset < 0} { if {[$pane cget -orient] eq "horizontal"} { set axis width } else { set axis height } after idle [list $pane sashpos 0 [expr {[winfo $axis $pane] + $offset}]] } else { after idle [list $pane sashpos 0 $offset] } } } # Handle auto-scroll smarts. This will cause the scrollbar to be removed if # not required and to disable autoscroll for the text widget if we are not # tracking the bottom line. proc chatwidget::scroll_set {scrollbar pw set f1 f2} { $scrollbar set $f1 $f2 if {($f1 == 0) && ($f2 == 1)} { grid remove $scrollbar } else { if {[winfo manager $scrollbar] eq {}} {} if {[llength [$pw panes]] > 1} { set pos [$pw sashpos 0] grid $scrollbar after idle [list $pw sashpos 0 $pos] } else { grid $scrollbar } } if {$set} { upvar #0 [namespace current]::[Self $scrollbar] state set state(autoscroll) [expr {(1.0 - $f2) < 1.0e-6 }] } } proc chatwidget::Post {self} { set msg [$self entry get 1.0 end-1c] if {$msg eq ""} { return -code break "" } if {[catch {Hook $self run post $msg}] != 3} { $self entry delete 1.0 end upvar #0 [namespace current]::$self state set state(history) [lrange [lappend state(history) $msg] end-50 end] set state(current) [llength $state(history)] } return -code break "" } proc chatwidget::History {self dir} { upvar #0 [namespace current]::$self state switch -exact -- $dir { prev { if {$state(current) == 0} { return } if {$state(current) == [llength $state(history)]} { set state(temp) [$self entry get 1.0 end-1c] } if {$state(current)} { incr state(current) -1 } $self entry delete 1.0 end $self entry insert 1.0 [lindex $state(history) $state(current)] return } next { if {$state(current) == [llength $state(history)]} { return } if {[incr state(current)] == [llength $state(history)] && [info exists state(temp)]} { set msg $state(temp) } else { set msg [lindex $state(history) $state(current)] } $self entry delete 1.0 end $self entry insert 1.0 $msg } default { return -code error "invalid direction \"$dir\": must be either prev or next" } } } proc chatwidget::Nickcomplete {self} { upvar #0 [namespace current]::$self state if {[info exists state(nickcompletion)]} { foreach {index matches after} $state(nickcompletion) break after cancel $after incr index if {$index > [llength $matches]} { set index 0 } set delta 2c } else { set delta 1c set partial [$self entry get "insert - $delta wordstart" "insert - $delta wordend"] set matches [lsearch -all -inline -glob -index 0 $state(names) $partial*] set index 0 } switch -exact -- [llength $matches] { 0 { bell ; return -code break ""} 1 { set match [lindex [lindex $matches 0] 0]} default { set match [lindex [lindex $matches $index] 0] set state(nickcompletion) [list $index $matches \ [after 2000 [list [namespace origin NickcompleteCleanup] $self]]] } } $self entry delete "insert - $delta wordstart" "insert - $delta wordend" $self entry insert insert "$match " return -code break "" } proc chatwidget::NickcompleteCleanup {self} { upvar #0 [namespace current]::$self state if {[info exists state(nickcompletion)]} { unset state(nickcompletion) } } package provide chatwidget $chatwidget::version