# ACTIVESTATE TEAPOT-PKG BEGIN TM -*- tcl -*- # -- Tcl Module # @@ Meta Begin # Package cmdr::officer 0.8 # Meta author {Andreas Kupries} # Meta build::by andreask # Meta build::date 2013-10-29 # Meta description 'cmdr::officer's can learn to do many things, by # Meta description delegating things to the 'cmdr::private's actually able # Meta description to perform it. # Meta location https://core.tcl.tk/akupries/cmdr # Meta platform tcl # Meta require TclOO # Meta require cmdr::actor # Meta require cmdr::help # Meta require cmdr::private # Meta require debug # Meta require debug::caller # Meta require linenoise::facade # Meta require try # Meta require {Tcl 8.5-} # Meta require {oo::util 1.2} # Meta require {string::token::shell 1.1} # Meta subject {command line} delegation dispatch # Meta summary Aggregation of multiple commands for dispatch. # Meta vc::revision f453a7ed65b66b807ad31b4490dfc1873390448b # Meta vc::system fossil # @@ Meta End # ACTIVESTATE TEAPOT-PKG BEGIN REQUIREMENTS package require TclOO package require cmdr::actor package require cmdr::help package require cmdr::private package require debug package require debug::caller package require linenoise::facade package require try package require Tcl 8.5- package require oo::util 1.2 package require string::token::shell 1.1 # ACTIVESTATE TEAPOT-PKG END REQUIREMENTS # ACTIVESTATE TEAPOT-PKG BEGIN DECLARE package provide cmdr::officer 0.8 # ACTIVESTATE TEAPOT-PKG END DECLARE # ACTIVESTATE TEAPOT-PKG END TM ## -*- tcl -*- # # ## ### ##### ######## ############# ##################### ## CMDR - Officer - Command execution. Dispatcher. ## An actor. ## - Officers can learn to do many things, by delegating things to the ## privates actually able to perform it. # @@ Meta Begin # Package cmdr::officer 0 # Meta author {Andreas Kupries} # Meta location https://core.tcl.tk/akupries/cmdr # Meta platform tcl # Meta summary Aggregation of multiple commands for dispatch. # Meta description 'cmdr::officer's can learn to do many things, # Meta description by delegating things to the 'cmdr::private's # Meta description actually able to perform it. # Meta subject {command line} delegation dispatch # Meta require TclOO # Meta require cmdr::actor # Meta require cmdr::help # Meta require cmdr::private # Meta require debug # Meta require debug::caller # Meta require linenoise::facade # Meta require try # Meta require {Tcl 8.5-} # Meta require {oo::util 1.2} # Meta require {string::token::shell 1.1} # @@ Meta End # # ## ### ##### ######## ############# ##################### ## Requisites package require Tcl 8.5 package require debug package require debug::caller package require linenoise::facade package require string::token::shell 1.1 package require try package require TclOO package require oo::util 1.2 ;# link helper. package require cmdr::actor package require cmdr::private package require cmdr::help # # ## ### ##### ######## ############# ##################### debug define cmdr/officer debug level cmdr/officer debug prefix cmdr/officer {[debug caller] | } # # ## ### ##### ######## ############# ##################### ## Definition - Single purpose command. # # ## ### ##### ######## ############# ##################### ## Definition oo::class create ::cmdr::officer { superclass ::cmdr::actor # # ## ### ##### ######## ############# ## Lifecycle. # action specification. # declares a hierarchy of sub-ordinate officers and privates. # Specification commands. # # private $name $arguments $cmdprefix --> sub-ordinate private for the action. # officer $name $actions --> sub-ordinate officer with more actions. # default $name --> default action constructor {super name actions} { debug.cmdr/officer {} next my super: $super my name: $name set myactions $actions ; # Action spec for future initialization set myinit no ; # Dispatch map will be initialized lazily set mymap {} ; # Action map starts knowing nothing set mycommands {} ; # Ditto set myccommands {} ; # Ditto, derived cache, see method CCommands. set mychildren {} ; # List of created subordinates. set myhandler {} return } # # ## ### ##### ######## ############# method ehandler {cmd} { debug.cmdr/officer {} set myhandler $cmd return } # # ## ### ##### ######## ############# ## Public API. (Introspection, mostly). ## - Determine set of known actions. ## - Determine default action. ## - Determine handler for an action. method known {} { debug.cmdr/officer {} my Setup set result {} dict for {k v} $mymap { if {![string match a,* $k]} continue lappend result [string range $k 2 end] } return $result } method hasdefault {} { debug.cmdr/officer {} 10 my Setup return [dict exists $mymap default] } method default {} { debug.cmdr/officer {} 10 my Setup return [dict get $mymap default] } method lookup {name} { debug.cmdr/officer {} my Setup if {![dict exists $mymap a,$name]} { return -code error \ -errorcode [list CMDR ACTION UNKNOWN $name] \ "Expected action name, got \"$name\"" } return [dict get $mymap a,$name] } method has {name} { debug.cmdr/officer {} my Setup return [dict exists $mymap a,$name] } method children {} { debug.cmdr/officer {} my Setup return $mychildren } # # ## ### ##### ######## ############# ## Internal. Dispatcher setup. Defered until required. ## Core setup code runs only once. method Setup {} { # Process the action specification only once. if {$myinit} return set myinit 1 debug.cmdr/officer {} my learn $myactions if {[my has help]} return cmdr help auto [self] return } method learn {script} { debug.cmdr/officer {} # Make the DSL commands directly available. Note that # "description:" and "common" are superclass methods, and # renamed to their DSL counterparts. The others are unexported # instance methods of this class. link \ {ehandler ehandler} \ {private Private} \ {officer Officer} \ {default Default} \ {alias Alias} \ {description description:} \ undocumented \ {common set} eval $script # Postprocessing. set mycommands [lsort -dict $mycommands] return } # Convenience method for dynamically creating a command hierarchy. # Command specified as path, intermediate officers are generated # automatically as needed. method extend {path arguments action} { if {[llength $path] == 1} { # Reached the bottom of the recursion. # Generate the private handling arguments and action. set cmd [lindex $path 0] Private $cmd $arguments $action return } # Recurse, creating the intermediate officers as needed. set path [lassign $path cmd] if {![has $cmd]} { Officer $cmd {} } [my lookup $cmd] extend $path $arguments $action return } # # ## ### ##### ######## ############# ## Implementation of the action specification language. # common => set (super cmdr::actor) # description => description: (super cmdr::actor) forward Private my DefineAction private forward Officer my DefineAction officer method Default {{name {}}} { if {[llength [info level 0]] == 2} { set name [my Last] } elseif {![dict exists $mymap a,$name]} { return -code error \ -errorcode [list CMDR ACTION UNKNOWN $name] \ "Unable to set default, expected action, got \"$name\"" } dict set mymap default $name return } method Alias {name args} { set n [llength $args] if {($n == 1) || (($n > 1) && ([lindex $args 0] ne "="))} { return -code error \ "wrong\#args: should be \"name ?= cmd ?word...??\"" } my ValidateAsUnknown $name if {$n == 0} { # Simple alias, to preceding action. set handler [my lookup [my Last]] } else { # Track the chain of words through the existing hierarchy # of actions to locate the final handler. set handler [self] foreach word [lassign $args _dummy_] { set handler [$handler lookup $word] } } # We essentially copy the definition of the command the alias # refers to. my Def $name $handler return } # Internal. Common code to declare actions and their handlers. method DefineAction {what name args} { my ValidateAsUnknown $name # Note: By placing the subordinate objects into the officer's # namespace they will be automatically destroyed with the # officer itself. No special code for cleanup required. set handler [self namespace]::${what}_$name cmdr::$what create $handler [self] $name {*}$args # Propagate error handler. $handler ehandler $myhandler lappend mychildren $handler my Def $name $handler return } method Def {name handler} { # Make an action known to the dispatcher. dict set mymap last $name dict set mymap a,$name $handler lappend mycommands $name return } method ValidateAsUnknown {name} { debug.cmdr/officer {} if {![dict exists $mymap a,$name]} return return -code error -errorcode {CMDR ACTION KNOWN} \ "Unable to learn $name, already specified." } method Last {} { if {![dict exists $mymap last]} { return -code error -errorcode {CMDR ACTION NO-LAST} \ "Cannot be used as first command" } return [dict get $mymap last] } method Known {name} { return [dict exists $mymap a,$name] } # # ## ### ##### ######## ############# ## Command dispatcher. Choose the subordinate and delegate. method do {args} { debug.cmdr/officer {} my Setup # No command specified, what should we do ? # (1) If there is a default, we can go on (Do will call on it). # (2) Without default we must enter an interactive shell. # (3) Except if interaction is globally suppressed. Then we # fall through, again, to generate the proper error message. # # Result: Interact with the user if no command was specified, # we have no default to punt to and interaction is globally # allowed. if {![llength $args] && ![my hasdefault] && [cmdr interactive?]} { # Drop into a shell where the user can enter her commands # interactively. set shell [linenoise::facade new [self]] set myreplexit 0 ; # Initialize stop signal, no stopping $shell history 1 $shell repl $shell destroy return } my Do {*}$args return } # Internal. Actual dispatch. Shared by main entry and shell. method Do {args} { debug.cmdr/officer {} set reset 0 if {![my exists *command*]} { my set *command* $args set reset 1 } try { # Empty command. Delegate to the default, if we have any. # Otherwise fail. if {![llength $args]} { if {[my hasdefault]} { return [[my lookup [my default]] do] } return -code error -errorcode {CMDR DO EMPTY} \ "No command found." } # Split into command and arguments set remainder [lassign $args cmd] # Delegate to the handler for a known command. if {[my Known $cmd]} { my lappend *prefix* $cmd [my lookup $cmd] do {*}$remainder return } # The command word is not known. Delegate the full command to # the default, if we have any. Otherwise fail. if {[my hasdefault]} { # prefix left as is. return [[my lookup [my default]] do {*}$args] } if {[catch { set prefix " [my get *prefix*] " }]} { set prefix "" } return -code error \ -errorcode [list CMDR DO UNKNOWN $cmd] \ "Unknown command \"[string trimleft $prefix]$cmd\". Please use 'help[string trimright $prefix]' to see the list of available commands." } finally { if {$reset} { my unset *command* } my unset *prefix* } } # # ## ### ##### ######## ############# ## Shell hook methods called by the linenoise::facade. method prompt1 {} { return "[my fullname] > " } method prompt2 {} { error {Continuation lines are not supported} } method continued {line} { return 0 } method exit {} { return $myreplexit } method dispatch {cmd} { debug.cmdr/officer {} if {$cmd eq {}} { # No command, do nothing. return } if {$cmd eq ".exit"} { set myreplexit 1 ; return } my Do {*}[string token shell $cmd] } method report {what data} { debug.cmdr/officer {} switch -exact -- $what { ok { if {$data eq {}} return puts stdout $data } fail { puts stderr $data } default { return -code error \ "Internal error, bad result type \"$what\", expected ok, or fail" } } } # # ## ### ##### ######## ############# # Shell hook method - Command line completion. method complete {line} { debug.cmdr/officer {} 10 #puts stderr ////////$line try { set completions [my complete-words [my parse-line $line]] } on error {e o} { puts stderr "ERROR: $e" puts stderr $::errorInfo set completions {} } #puts stderr =($completions) return $completions } method complete-words {parse} { debug.cmdr/officer {} 10 #puts stderr [my fullname]/[self]/$parse/ # Note: This method has to entry-points. # (1) Above in 'complete', for command completion from self's REPL. # (2) Below, as part of recursion from a higher officer while # following the chain of words to the actor responsible # for handling the last word. my Setup # Unfold the parse state dict with parse {} ;# --> line ok words at nwords doexit # ok - boolean flag, syntax ok ? yes/no # line - string, the raw command line with quotes, escapes, etc. # nwords - number of words found in the -> line # words - list of words found in the -> line. # at - index of the current word to process. # doexit - boolean flag, pseudo-command 'exit' active ? yes/no # # words = list (tuple), where tuple = (type startoff endoff string) # doexit - True only for entry point (1), false for all of (2) and down. # Parse error, bad syntax. No completions. if {!$ok} { #puts stderr \tBAD return {} } # Empty line. All our commands are completions, plus the # special '.exit' command to stop the REPL. Thus using # mycommands instead of mycommands. if {$line eq {}} { #puts stderr \tALL set completions [my CCommands] if {[my hasdefault]} { dict set parse doexit 0 lappend completions {*}[[my lookup [my default]] complete-words $parse] } return [lsort -unique [lsort -dict $completions]] } # Beyond the end of the line. No completions. if {$at == $nwords} { #puts stderr \tBEYOND return {} } if {$at < ($nwords - 1)} { # This officer has to handle a word in the middle of the # command line. This is done by delegating to the # subordinate associated with the current word and letting # it handle the remainder. #puts stderr \tRECURSE return [my CompleteRecurse $parse] } # This officer is responsible for handling the last word on # the command line. We do this by computing the set of # matching commands from the set the officer knows and # providing them as completions. One tricky thing: If we have # a default we ask it as well, and merge its completions to # ours. Lastly, we may have to add the '.exit' pseudo-command # as well. #puts stderr \tMATCH\ ([lindex $words $at end]) set commands [my CCommands $doexit] set completions \ [my completions $parse \ [my match $parse $commands]] if {[my hasdefault]} { dict set parse doexit 0 lappend completions {*}[[my lookup [my default]] complete-words $parse] } #puts stderr \tC($completions) return [lsort -unique [lsort -dict $completions]] } method CompleteRecurse {parse} { debug.cmdr/officer {} 10 # Inside the command line. Find the relevant subordinate based # on the current word and let it handle everything. # The '.exit' pseudo-command of the subordinate is irrelevant # during recursion from the current or higher REPL, suppress # it. The pseudo-command is only relevant to the officers # actually in their REPL. dict set parse doexit 0 set matches [my match $parse [my known]] if {[llength $matches] == 1} { # Proper subordinate found. Delegate. Note: Step to next # word, we have processed the current one. dict incr parse at set handler [my lookup [lindex $matches 0]] return [$handler complete-words $parse] } # The search was inconclusive. Try the default, if we have any. if {[my hasdefault]} { return [[my lookup [my default]] complete-words $parse] } # No default, no completions. return {} } # # ## ### ##### ######## ############# method CCommands {{doexit 1}} { debug.cmdr/officer {} 10 if {![llength $myccommands]} { # Fill completion command cache. # Standard pseudo-commands. if {$doexit} { lappend myccommands .exit } foreach c $mycommands { # Undocumented commands are not available to completion. if {![[my lookup $c] documented]} continue lappend myccommands $c } set myccommands [lsort -unique [lsort -dict $myccommands]] } return $myccommands } # # ## ### ##### ######## ############# method help {{prefix {}}} { debug.cmdr/officer {} my Setup # Query each subordinate for their help and use it to piece ours together. # Note: Result is not finally formatted text, but nested dict structure. # Same is expected from the sub-ordinates # help = dict (name -> command) #if {![my documented]} { return {} } set help {} foreach c [my known] { set cname [list {*}$prefix $c] set actor [my lookup $c] if {![$actor documented]} continue set help [dict merge $help [$actor help $cname]] } return $help } # # ## ### ##### ######## ############# variable myinit myactions mymap mycommands myccommands mychildren \ myreplexit myhandler # # ## ### ##### ######## ############# } # # ## ### ##### ######## ############# ##################### ## Ready package provide cmdr::officer 0.8