# ACTIVESTATE TEAPOT-PKG BEGIN TM -*- tcl -*- # -- Tcl Module # @@ Meta Begin # Package counter 2.0.4 # Meta as::build::date 2015-05-25 # Meta as::origin http://sourceforge.net/projects/tcllib # Meta category Counters and Histograms # Meta description Procedures for counters and histograms # Meta license BSD # Meta platform tcl # Meta require {Tcl 8.2} # Meta subject tallying histogram statistics counting # Meta summary counter # @@ Meta End # ACTIVESTATE TEAPOT-PKG BEGIN REQUIREMENTS package require Tcl 8.2 # ACTIVESTATE TEAPOT-PKG END REQUIREMENTS # ACTIVESTATE TEAPOT-PKG BEGIN DECLARE package provide counter 2.0.4 # ACTIVESTATE TEAPOT-PKG END DECLARE # ACTIVESTATE TEAPOT-PKG END TM # counter.tcl -- # # Procedures to manage simple counters and histograms. # # Copyright (c) 1998-2000 by Ajuba Solutions. # # See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution # of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES. # # RCS: @(#) $Id: counter.tcl,v 1.23 2005/09/30 05:36:38 andreas_kupries Exp $ package require Tcl 8.2 namespace eval ::counter { # Variables of name counter::T-$tagname # are created as arrays to support each counter. # Time-based histograms are kept in sync with each other, # so these variables are shared among them. # These base times record the time corresponding to the first bucket # of the per-minute, per-hour, and per-day time-based histograms. variable startTime variable minuteBase variable hourBase variable hourEnd variable dayBase variable hourIndex variable dayIndex # The time-based histogram uses an after event and a list # of counters to do mergeing on. variable tagsToMerge if {![info exists tagsToMerge]} { set tagsToMerge {} } variable mergeInterval namespace export init reset count exists get names start stop namespace export histHtmlDisplay histHtmlDisplayRow histHtmlDisplayBarChart } # ::counter::init -- # # Set up a counter. # # Arguments: # tag The identifier for the counter. Pass this to counter::count # args option values pairs that define characteristics of the counter: # See the man page for definitons. # # Results: # None. # # Side Effects: # Initializes state about a counter. proc ::counter::init {tag args} { upvar #0 counter::T-$tag counter if {[info exists counter]} { unset counter } set counter(N) 0 ;# Number of samples set counter(total) 0 set counter(type) {} # With an empty type the counter is a simple accumulator # for which we can compute an average. Here we loop through # the args to determine what additional counter attributes # we need to maintain in counter::count foreach {option value} $args { switch -- $option { -timehist { variable tagsToMerge variable secsPerMinute variable startTime variable minuteBase variable hourBase variable dayBase variable hourIndex variable dayIndex upvar #0 counter::H-$tag histogram upvar #0 counter::Hour-$tag hourhist upvar #0 counter::Day-$tag dayhist # Clear the histograms. for {set i 0} {$i < 60} {incr i} { set histogram($i) 0 } for {set i 0} {$i < 24} {incr i} { set hourhist($i) 0 } if {[info exists dayhist]} { unset dayhist } set dayhist(0) 0 # Clear all-time high records set counter(maxPerMinute) 0 set counter(maxPerHour) 0 set counter(maxPerDay) 0 # The value associated with -timehist is the number of seconds # in each bucket. Normally this is 60, but for # testing, we compress minutes. The value is limited at # 60 because the per-minute buckets are accumulated into # per-hour buckets later. if {$value == "" || $value == 0 || $value > 60} { set value 60 } # Histogram state variables. # All time-base histograms share the same bucket size # and starting times to keep them all synchronized. # So, we only initialize these parameters once. if {![info exists secsPerMinute]} { set secsPerMinute $value set startTime [clock seconds] set dayIndex 0 set dayStart [clock scan [clock format $startTime \ -format 00:00]] # Figure out what "hour" we are set delta [expr {$startTime - $dayStart}] set hourIndex [expr {$delta / ($secsPerMinute * 60)}] set day [expr {$hourIndex / 24}] set hourIndex [expr {$hourIndex % 24}] set hourBase [expr {$dayStart + $day * $secsPerMinute * 60 * 24}] set minuteBase [expr {$hourBase + $hourIndex * 60 * $secsPerMinute}] set partialHour [expr {$startTime - ($hourBase + $hourIndex * 60 * $secsPerMinute)}] set secs [expr {(60 * $secsPerMinute) - $partialHour}] if {$secs <= 0} { set secs 1 } # After the first timer, the event occurs once each "hour" set mergeInterval [expr {60 * $secsPerMinute * 1000}] after [expr {$secs * 1000}] [list counter::MergeHour $mergeInterval] } if {[lsearch $tagsToMerge $tag] < 0} { lappend tagsToMerge $tag } # This records the last used slots in order to zero-out the # buckets that are skipped during idle periods. set counter(lastMinute) -1 # The following is referenced when bugs cause histogram # hits outside the expect range (overflow and underflow) set counter(bucketsize) 0 } -group { # Cluster a set of counters with a single total upvar #0 counter::H-$tag histogram if {[info exists histogram]} { unset histogram } set counter(group) $value } -lastn { # The lastN samples are kept if a vector to form a running average. upvar #0 counter::V-$tag vector set counter(lastn) $value set counter(index) 0 if {[info exists vector]} { unset vector } for {set i 0} {$i < $value} {incr i} { set vector($i) 0 } } -hist { # A value-based histogram with buckets for different values. upvar #0 counter::H-$tag histogram if {[info exists histogram]} { unset histogram } set counter(bucketsize) $value set counter(mult) 1 } -hist2x { upvar #0 counter::H-$tag histogram if {[info exists histogram]} { unset histogram } set counter(bucketsize) $value set counter(mult) 2 } -hist10x { upvar #0 counter::H-$tag histogram if {[info exists histogram]} { unset histogram } set counter(bucketsize) $value set counter(mult) 10 } -histlog { upvar #0 counter::H-$tag histogram if {[info exists histogram]} { unset histogram } set counter(bucketsize) $value } -simple { # Useful when disabling predefined -timehist or -group counter } default { return -code error "Unsupported option $option.\ Must be -timehist, -group, -lastn, -hist, -hist2x, -hist10x, -histlog, or -simple." } } if {[string length $option]} { # In case an option doesn't change the type, but # this feature of the interface isn't used, etc. lappend counter(type) $option } } # Instead of supporting a counter that could have multiple attributes, # we support a single type to make counting more efficient. if {[llength $counter(type)] > 1} { return -code error "Multiple type attributes not supported. Use only one of\ -timehist, -group, -lastn, -hist, -hist2x, -hist10x, -histlog, -disabled." } return "" } # ::counter::reset -- # # Reset a counter. # # Arguments: # tag The identifier for the counter. # # Results: # None. # # Side Effects: # Deletes the counter and calls counter::init again for it. proc ::counter::reset {tag args} { upvar #0 counter::T-$tag counter # Layer reset on top of init. Here we figure out what # we need to pass into the init procedure to recreate it. switch -- $counter(type) { "" { set args "" } -group { upvar #0 counter::H-$tag histogram if {[info exists histogram]} { unset histogram } set args [list -group $counter(group)] } -lastn { upvar #0 counter::V-$tag vector if {[info exists vector]} { unset vector } set args [list -lastn $counter(lastn)] } -hist - -hist10x - -histlog - -hist2x { upvar #0 counter::H-$tag histogram if {[info exists histogram]} { unset histogram } set args [list $counter(type) $counter(bucketsize)] } -timehist { foreach h [list counter::H-$tag counter::Hour-$tag counter::Day-$tag] { upvar #0 $h histogram if {[info exists histogram]} { unset histogram } } set args [list -timehist $counter::secsPerMinute] } default {#ignore} } unset counter eval {counter::init $tag} $args set counter(resetDate) [clock seconds] return "" } # ::counter::count -- # # Accumulate statistics. # # Arguments: # tag The counter identifier. # delta The increment amount. Defaults to 1. # arg For -group types, this is the histogram index. # # Results: # None # # Side Effects: # Accumlate statistics. proc ::counter::count {tag {delta 1} args} { upvar #0 counter::T-$tag counter set counter(total) [expr {$counter(total) + $delta}] incr counter(N) # Instead of supporting a counter that could have multiple attributes, # we support a single type to make counting a skosh more efficient. # foreach option $counter(type) { switch -- $counter(type) { "" { # Simple counter return } -group { upvar #0 counter::H-$tag histogram set subIndex [lindex $args 0] if {![info exists histogram($subIndex)]} { set histogram($subIndex) 0 } set histogram($subIndex) [expr {$histogram($subIndex) + $delta}] } -lastn { upvar #0 counter::V-$tag vector set vector($counter(index)) $delta set counter(index) [expr {($counter(index) +1)%$counter(lastn)}] } -hist { upvar #0 counter::H-$tag histogram set bucket [expr {int($delta / $counter(bucketsize))}] if {![info exists histogram($bucket)]} { set histogram($bucket) 0 } incr histogram($bucket) } -hist10x - -hist2x { upvar #0 counter::H-$tag histogram set bucket 0 for {set max $counter(bucketsize)} {$delta > $max} \ {set max [expr {$max * $counter(mult)}]} { incr bucket } if {![info exists histogram($bucket)]} { set histogram($bucket) 0 } incr histogram($bucket) } -histlog { upvar #0 counter::H-$tag histogram set bucket [expr {int(log($delta)*$counter(bucketsize))}] if {![info exists histogram($bucket)]} { set histogram($bucket) 0 } incr histogram($bucket) } -timehist { upvar #0 counter::H-$tag histogram variable minuteBase variable secsPerMinute set minute [expr {([clock seconds] - $minuteBase) / $secsPerMinute}] if {$minute > 59} { # this occurs while debugging if the process is # stopped at a breakpoint too long. set minute 59 } # Initialize the current bucket and # clear any buckets we've skipped since the last sample. if {$minute != $counter(lastMinute)} { set histogram($minute) 0 for {set i [expr {$counter(lastMinute)+1}]} \ {$i < $minute} \ {incr i} { set histogram($i) 0 } set counter(lastMinute) $minute } set histogram($minute) [expr {$histogram($minute) + $delta}] } default {#ignore} } # } return } # ::counter::exists -- # # Return true if the counter exists. # # Arguments: # tag The counter identifier. # # Results: # 1 if it has been defined. # # Side Effects: # None. proc ::counter::exists {tag} { upvar #0 counter::T-$tag counter return [info exists counter] } # ::counter::get -- # # Return statistics. # # Arguments: # tag The counter identifier. # option What statistic to get # args Needed by some options. # # Results: # With no args, just the counter value. # # Side Effects: # None. proc ::counter::get {tag {option -total} args} { upvar #0 counter::T-$tag counter switch -- $option { -total { return $counter(total) } -totalVar { return ::counter::T-$tag\(total) } -N { return $counter(N) } -avg { if {$counter(N) == 0} { return 0 } else { return [expr {$counter(total) / double($counter(N))}] } } -avgn { if {$counter(type) != "-lastn"} { return -code error "The -avgn option is only supported for -lastn counters." } upvar #0 counter::V-$tag vector set sum 0 for {set i 0} {($i < $counter(N)) && ($i < $counter(lastn))} {incr i} { set sum [expr {$sum + $vector($i)}] } if {$i == 0} { return 0 } else { return [expr {$sum / double($i)}] } } -hist { upvar #0 counter::H-$tag histogram if {[llength $args]} { # Return particular bucket set bucket [lindex $args 0] if {[info exists histogram($bucket)]} { return $histogram($bucket) } else { return 0 } } else { # Dump the whole histogram set result {} if {$counter(type) == "-group"} { set sort -dictionary } else { set sort -integer } foreach x [lsort $sort [array names histogram]] { lappend result $x $histogram($x) } return $result } } -histVar { return ::counter::H-$tag } -histHour { upvar #0 counter::Hour-$tag histogram set result {} foreach x [lsort -integer [array names histogram]] { lappend result $x $histogram($x) } return $result } -histHourVar { return ::counter::Hour-$tag } -histDay { upvar #0 counter::Day-$tag histogram set result {} foreach x [lsort -integer [array names histogram]] { lappend result $x $histogram($x) } return $result } -histDayVar { return ::counter::Day-$tag } -maxPerMinute { return $counter(maxPerMinute) } -maxPerHour { return $counter(maxPerHour) } -maxPerDay { return $counter(maxPerDay) } -resetDate { if {[info exists counter(resetDate)]} { return $counter(resetDate) } else { return "" } } -all { return [array get counter] } default { return -code error "Invalid option $option.\ Should be -all, -total, -N, -avg, -avgn, -hist, -histHour,\ -histDay, -totalVar, -histVar, -histHourVar, -histDayVar -resetDate." } } } # ::counter::names -- # # Return the list of defined counters. # # Arguments: # none # # Results: # A list of counter tags. # # Side Effects: # None. proc ::counter::names {} { set result {} foreach v [info vars ::counter::T-*] { if {[info exists $v]} { # Declared arrays might not exist, yet # strip prefix from name set v [string range $v [string length "::counter::T-"] end] lappend result $v } } return $result } # ::counter::MergeHour -- # # Sum the per-minute histogram into the next hourly bucket. # On 24-hour boundaries, sum the hourly buckets into the next day bucket. # This operates on all time-based histograms. # # Arguments: # none # # Results: # none # # Side Effects: # See description. proc ::counter::MergeHour {interval} { variable hourIndex variable minuteBase variable hourBase variable tagsToMerge variable secsPerMinute after $interval [list counter::MergeHour $interval] if {![info exists hourBase] || $hourIndex == 0} { set hourBase $minuteBase } set minuteBase [clock seconds] foreach tag $tagsToMerge { upvar #0 counter::T-$tag counter upvar #0 counter::H-$tag histogram upvar #0 counter::Hour-$tag hourhist # Clear any buckets we've skipped since the last sample. for {set i [expr {$counter(lastMinute)+1}]} {$i < 60} {incr i} { set histogram($i) 0 } set counter(lastMinute) -1 # Accumulate into the next hour bucket. set hourhist($hourIndex) 0 set max 0 foreach i [array names histogram] { set hourhist($hourIndex) [expr {$hourhist($hourIndex) + $histogram($i)}] if {$histogram($i) > $max} { set max $histogram($i) } } set perSec [expr {$max / $secsPerMinute}] if {$perSec > $counter(maxPerMinute)} { set counter(maxPerMinute) $perSec } } set hourIndex [expr {($hourIndex + 1) % 24}] if {$hourIndex == 0} { counter::MergeDay } } # ::counter::MergeDay -- # # Sum the per-minute histogram into the next hourly bucket. # On 24-hour boundaries, sum the hourly buckets into the next day bucket. # This operates on all time-based histograms. # # Arguments: # none # # Results: # none # # Side Effects: # See description. proc ::counter::MergeDay {} { variable dayIndex variable dayBase variable hourBase variable tagsToMerge variable secsPerMinute # Save the hours histogram into a bucket for the last day # counter(day,$day) is the starting time for that day bucket if {![info exists dayBase]} { set dayBase $hourBase } foreach tag $tagsToMerge { upvar #0 counter::T-$tag counter upvar #0 counter::Day-$tag dayhist upvar #0 counter::Hour-$tag hourhist set dayhist($dayIndex) 0 set max 0 for {set i 0} {$i < 24} {incr i} { if {[info exists hourhist($i)]} { set dayhist($dayIndex) [expr {$dayhist($dayIndex) + $hourhist($i)}] if {$hourhist($i) > $max} { set max $hourhist($i) } } } set perSec [expr {double($max) / ($secsPerMinute * 60)}] if {$perSec > $counter(maxPerHour)} { set counter(maxPerHour) $perSec } } set perSec [expr {double($dayhist($dayIndex)) / ($secsPerMinute * 60 * 24)}] if {$perSec > $counter(maxPerDay)} { set counter(maxPerDay) $perSec } incr dayIndex } # ::counter::histHtmlDisplay -- # # Create an html display of the histogram. # # Arguments: # tag The counter tag # args option, value pairs that affect the display: # -title Label to display above bar chart # -unit minutes, hours, or days select time-base histograms. # Specify anything else for value-based histograms. # -images URL of /images directory. # -gif Image for normal histogram bars # -ongif Image for the active histogram bar # -max Maximum number of value-based buckets to display # -height Pixel height of the highest bar # -width Pixel width of each bar # -skip Buckets to skip when labeling value-based histograms # -format Format used to display labels of buckets. # -text If 1, a text version of the histogram is dumped, # otherwise a graphical one is generated. # # Results: # HTML for the display as a complete table. # # Side Effects: # None. proc ::counter::histHtmlDisplay {tag args} { append result "

\n\n" append result [eval {counter::histHtmlDisplayRow $tag} $args] append result
return $result } # ::counter::histHtmlDisplayRow -- # # Create an html display of the histogram. # # Arguments: # See counter::histHtmlDisplay # # Results: # HTML for the display. Ths is one row of a 2-column table, # the calling page must define the tag. # # Side Effects: # None. proc ::counter::histHtmlDisplayRow {tag args} { upvar #0 counter::T-$tag counter variable secsPerMinute variable minuteBase variable hourBase variable dayBase variable hourIndex variable dayIndex array set options [list \ -title $tag \ -unit "" \ -images /images \ -gif Blue.gif \ -ongif Red.gif \ -max -1 \ -height 100 \ -width 4 \ -skip 4 \ -format %.2f \ -text 0 ] array set options $args # Support for self-posting pages that can clear counters. append result "" if {[ncgi::value resetCounter] == $tag} { counter::reset $tag return "" } switch -glob -- $options(-unit) { min* { upvar #0 counter::H-$tag histogram set histname counter::H-$tag if {![info exists minuteBase]} { return "" } set time $minuteBase set secsForMax $secsPerMinute set periodMax $counter(maxPerMinute) set curIndex [expr {([clock seconds] - $minuteBase) / $secsPerMinute}] set options(-max) 60 set options(-min) 0 } hour* { upvar #0 counter::Hour-$tag histogram set histname counter::Hour-$tag if {![info exists hourBase]} { return "" } set time $hourBase set secsForMax [expr {$secsPerMinute * 60}] set periodMax $counter(maxPerHour) set curIndex [expr {$hourIndex - 1}] if {$curIndex < 0} { set curIndex 23 } set options(-max) 24 set options(-min) 0 } day* { upvar #0 counter::Day-$tag histogram set histname counter::Day-$tag if {![info exists dayBase]} { return "" } set time $dayBase set secsForMax [expr {$secsPerMinute * 60 * 24}] set periodMax $counter(maxPerDay) set curIndex dayIndex set options(-max) $dayIndex set options(-min) 0 } default { # Value-based histogram with arbitrary units. upvar #0 counter::H-$tag histogram set histname counter::H-$tag set unit $options(-unit) set curIndex "" set time "" } } if {! [info exists histogram]} { return "\n" } set max 0 set maxName 0 foreach {name value} [array get histogram] { if {$value > $max} { set max $value set maxName $name } } # Start 2-column HTML display. A summary table at the left, the histogram on the right. append result "\n append result "\n return $result } # ::counter::histHtmlDisplayBarChart -- # # Create an html display of the histogram. # # Arguments: # tag The counter tag. # histVar The name of the histogram array # max The maximum counter value in a histogram bucket. # curIndex The "current" histogram index, for time-base histograms. # time The base, or starting time, for the time-based histograms. # args The array get of the options passed into histHtmlDisplay # # Results: # HTML for the bar chart. # # Side Effects: # See description. proc ::counter::histHtmlDisplayBarChart {tag histVar max curIndex time args} { upvar #0 counter::T-$tag counter upvar 1 $histVar histogram variable secsPerMinute array set options $args append result "
\n" append result "\n" append result "\n" append result "" append result "\n" if {[info exists secsForMax]} { # Time-base histogram set string {} set t $secsForMax set days [expr {$t / (60 * 60 * 24)}] if {$days == 1} { append string "1 Day " } elseif {$days > 1} { append string "$days Days " } set t [expr {$t - $days * (60 * 60 * 24)}] set hours [expr {$t / (60 * 60)}] if {$hours == 1} { append string "1 Hour " } elseif {$hours > 1} { append string "$hours Hours " } set t [expr {$t - $hours * (60 * 60)}] set mins [expr {$t / 60}] if {$mins == 1} { append string "1 Minute " } elseif {$mins > 1} { append string "$mins Minutes " } set t [expr {$t - $mins * 60}] if {$t == 1} { append string "1 Second " } elseif {$t > 1} { append string "$t Seconds " } append result "" append result "\n" append result "" append result "\n" if {$periodMax > 0} { append result "" append result "\n" } append result "" switch -glob -- $options(-unit) { min* { append result "\n" } hour* { append result "\n" } day* { append result "\n" } default {#ignore} } } else { # Value-base histogram set ix [lsort -integer [array names histogram]] set mode [expr {$counter(bucketsize) * $maxName}] set first [expr {$counter(bucketsize) * [lindex $ix 0]}] set last [expr {$counter(bucketsize) * [lindex $ix end]}] append result "" append result "\n" append result "" append result "\n" append result "" append result "\n" append result "" append result "\n" append result "" append result "\n" append result "\n" if {$options(-max) < 0} { set options(-max) [lindex $ix end] } if {![info exists options(-min)]} { set options(-min) [lindex $ix 0] } } # End table nested inside left-hand column append result
[html::font]Total[html::font][format $options(-format) $counter(total)]
[html::font]Bucket Size[html::font]$string
[html::font]Max Per Sec[html::font][format %.2f [expr {$max/double($secsForMax)}]]
[html::font]Best Per Sec[html::font][format %.2f $periodMax]
[html::font]Starting Time[html::font][clock format $time \ -format %k:%M:%S]
[html::font][clock format $time \ -format %k:%M:%S]
[html::font][clock format $time \ -format "%b %d %k:%M"]
[html::font]Average[html::font][format $options(-format) [counter::get $tag -avg]]
[html::font]" append result "Reset
\n append result
\n" # Display the histogram if {$options(-text)} { } else { append result [eval \ {counter::histHtmlDisplayBarChart $tag histogram $max $curIndex $time} \ [array get options]] } # Close the right hand column, but leave our caller's table open. append result
\n" set ix [lsort -integer [array names histogram]] for {set t $options(-min)} {$t < $options(-max)} {incr t} { if {![info exists histogram($t)]} { set value 0 } else { set value $histogram($t) } if {$max == 0 || $value == 0} { set height 1 } else { set percent [expr {round($value * 100.0 / $max)}] set height [expr {$percent * $options(-height) / 100}] } if {$t == $curIndex} { set img src=$options(-images)/$options(-ongif) } else { set img src=$options(-images)/$options(-gif) } append result "\n" } append result "" # Count buckets outside the range requested set overflow 0 set underflow 0 foreach t [lsort -integer [array names histogram]] { if {($options(-max) > 0) && ($t > $options(-max))} { incr overflow } if {($options(-min) >= 0) && ($t < $options(-min))} { incr underflow } } # Append a row of labels at the bottom. set colors {black #CCCCCC} set bgcolors {#CCCCCC black} set colori 0 if {$counter(type) != "-timehist"} { # Label each bucket with its value # This is probably wrong for hist2x and hist10x append result "" set skip $options(-skip) if {![info exists counter(mult)]} { set counter(mult) 1 } # These are tick marks set img src=$options(-images)/$options(-gif) append result "" for {set i $options(-min)} {$i < $options(-max)} {incr i} { if {(($i % $skip) == 0)} { append result "\n" } else { append result "" } } append result # These are the labels append result "" for {set i $options(-min)} {$i < $options(-max)} {incr i} { if {$counter(type) == "-histlog"} { if {[catch {expr {int(log($i) * $counter(bucketsize))}} x]} { # Out-of-bounds break } } else { set x [expr {$i * $counter(bucketsize) * $counter(mult)}] } set label [format $options(-format) $x] if {(($i % $skip) == 0)} { set color [lindex $colors $colori] set bg [lindex $bgcolors $colori] set colori [expr {($colori+1) % 2}] append result "" } } append result } else { switch -glob -- $options(-unit) { min* { if {$secsPerMinute != 60} { set format %k:%M:%S set skip 12 } else { set format %k:%M set skip 4 } set deltaT $secsPerMinute set wrapDeltaT [expr {$secsPerMinute * -59}] } hour* { if {$secsPerMinute != 60} { set format %k:%M set skip 4 } else { set format %k set skip 2 } set deltaT [expr {$secsPerMinute * 60}] set wrapDeltaT [expr {$secsPerMinute * 60 * -23}] } day* { if {$secsPerMinute != 60} { set format "%m/%d %k:%M" set skip 10 } else { set format %k set skip $options(-skip) } set deltaT [expr {$secsPerMinute * 60 * 24}] set wrapDeltaT 0 } default {#ignore} } # These are tick marks set img src=$options(-images)/$options(-gif) append result "" foreach t [lsort -integer [array names histogram]] { if {(($t % $skip) == 0)} { append result "\n" } else { append result "" } } append result set lastLabel "" append result "" foreach t [lsort -integer [array names histogram]] { # Label each bucket with its time set label [clock format $time -format $format] if {(($t % $skip) == 0) && ($label != $lastLabel)} { set color [lindex $colors $colori] set bg [lindex $bgcolors $colori] set colori [expr {($colori+1) % 2}] append result "" set lastLabel $label } if {$t == $curIndex} { incr time $wrapDeltaT } else { incr time $deltaT } } append result \n } append result "
" if {$underflow > 0} { append result "
Skipped $underflow samples <\ [expr {$options(-min) * $counter(bucketsize)}]\n" } if {$overflow > 0} { append result "
Skipped $overflow samples >\ [expr {$options(-max) * $counter(bucketsize)}]\n" } return $result } # ::counter::start -- # # Start an interval timer. This should be pre-declared with # type either -hist, -hist2x, or -hist20x # # Arguments: # tag The counter identifier. # instance There may be multiple intervals outstanding # at any time. This serves to distinquish them. # # Results: # None # # Side Effects: # Records the starting time for the instance of this interval. proc ::counter::start {tag instance} { upvar #0 counter::Time-$tag time # clock clicks can return negative values if the sign bit is set # Here we turn it into a 31-bit counter because we only want # relative differences set msec [expr {[clock clicks -milliseconds] & 0x7FFFFFFF}] set time($instance) [list $msec [clock seconds]] } # ::counter::stop -- # # Record an interval timer. # # Arguments: # tag The counter identifier. # instance There may be multiple intervals outstanding # at any time. This serves to distinquish them. # func An optional function used to massage the time # stamp before putting into the histogram. # # Results: # None # # Side Effects: # Computes the current interval and adds it to the histogram. proc ::counter::stop {tag instance {func ::counter::Identity}} { upvar #0 counter::Time-$tag time if {![info exists time($instance)]} { # Extra call. Ignore so we can debug error cases. return } set msec [expr {[clock clicks -milliseconds] & 0x7FFFFFFF}] set now [list $msec [clock seconds]] set delMicros [expr {[lindex $now 0] - [lindex $time($instance) 0]}] if {$delMicros < 0} { # Microsecond counter wrapped. set delMicros [expr {0x7FFFFFFF - [lindex $time($instance) 0] + [lindex $now 0]}] } set delSecond [expr {[lindex $now 1] - [lindex $time($instance) 1]}] unset time($instance) # It is quite possible that the millisecond counter is much # larger than 1000, so we just use it unless our microsecond # calculation is screwed up. if {$delMicros >= 0} { counter::count $tag [$func [expr {$delMicros / 1000.0}]] } else { counter::count $tag [$func $delSecond] } } # ::counter::Identity -- # # Return its argument. This is used as the default function # to apply to an interval timer. # # Arguments: # x Some value. # # Results: # $x # # Side Effects: # None proc ::counter::Identity {x} { return $x } package provide counter 2.0.4