# ACTIVESTATE TEAPOT-PKG BEGIN TM -*- tcl -*- # -- Tcl Module # @@ Meta Begin # Package math::linearalgebra 1.0.3 # Meta as::origin http://sf.net/projects/tcllib # Meta category Tcl Math Library # Meta description Linear Algebra # Meta license BSD # Meta platform tcl # Meta require {Tcl 8.4} # Meta subject {linear equations} matrices {least squares} # Meta subject {linear algebra} vectors math # Meta summary math::linearalgebra # @@ Meta End # ACTIVESTATE TEAPOT-PKG BEGIN REQUIREMENTS package require Tcl 8.4 # ACTIVESTATE TEAPOT-PKG END REQUIREMENTS # ACTIVESTATE TEAPOT-PKG BEGIN DECLARE package provide math::linearalgebra 1.0.3 # ACTIVESTATE TEAPOT-PKG END DECLARE # ACTIVESTATE TEAPOT-PKG END TM # linalg.tcl -- # Linear algebra package, based partly on Hume's LA package, # partly on experiments with various representations of # matrices. Also the functionality of the BLAS library has # been taken into account. # # General information: # - The package provides both a high-level general interface and # a lower-level specific interface for various LA functions # and tasks. # - The general procedures perform some checks and then call # the various specific procedures. The general procedures are # aimed at robustness and ease of use. # - The specific procedures do not check anything, they are # designed for speed. Failure to comply to the interface # requirements will presumably lead to [expr] errors. # - Vectors are represented as lists, matrices as lists of # lists, where the rows are the innermost lists: # # / a11 a12 a13 \ # | a21 a22 a23 | == { {a11 a12 a13} {a21 a22 a23} {a31 a32 a33} } # \ a31 a32 a33 / # package require Tcl 8.4 namespace eval ::math::linearalgebra { # Define the namespace namespace export dim shape conforming symmetric namespace export norm norm_one norm_two norm_max normMatrix namespace export dotproduct unitLengthVector normalizeStat namespace export axpy axpy_vect axpy_mat crossproduct namespace export add add_vect add_mat namespace export sub sub_vect sub_mat namespace export scale scale_vect scale_mat matmul transpose namespace export rotate angle choleski namespace export getrow getcol getelem setrow setcol setelem namespace export mkVector mkMatrix mkIdentity mkDiagonal namespace export mkHilbert mkDingdong mkBorder mkFrank namespace export mkMoler mkWilkinsonW+ mkWilkinsonW- namespace export solveGauss solveTriangular namespace export solveGaussBand solveTriangularBand namespace export determineSVD eigenvectorsSVD namespace export leastSquaresSVD namespace export orthonormalizeColumns orthonormalizeRows namespace export show to_LA from_LA } # dim -- # Return the dimension of an object (scalar, vector or matrix) # Arguments: # obj Object like a scalar, vector or matrix # Result: # Dimension: 0 for a scalar, 1 for a vector, 2 for a matrix # proc ::math::linearalgebra::dim { obj } { return [llength [shape $obj]] } # shape -- # Return the shape of an object (scalar, vector or matrix) # Arguments: # obj Object like a scalar, vector or matrix # Result: # List of the sizes: empty list for a scalar, number of components # for a vector, number of rows and columns for a matrix # proc ::math::linearalgebra::shape { obj } { if { [llength $obj] <= 1 } { return {} } set result [llength $obj] if { [llength [lindex $obj 0]] <= 1 } { return $result } else { lappend result [llength [lindex $obj 0]] } return $result } # show -- # Return a string representing the vector or matrix, # for easy printing # Arguments: # obj Object like a scalar, vector or matrix # format Format to be used (defaults to %6.4f) # rowsep Separator for rows (defaults to \n) # colsep Separator for columns (defaults to " ") # Result: # String representing the vector or matrix # proc ::math::linearalgebra::show { obj {format %6.4f} {rowsep \n} {colsep " "} } { set result "" if { [llength [lindex $obj 0]] == 1 } { foreach v $obj { append result "[format $format $v]$rowsep" } } else { foreach row $obj { foreach v $row { append result "[format $format $v]$colsep" } append result $rowsep } } return $result } # conforming -- # Determine if two objects (vector or matrix) are conforming # in shape, rows or for a matrix multiplication # Arguments: # type Type of conforming: shape, rows or matmul # obj1 First object (vector or matrix) # obj2 Second object (vector or matrix) # Result: # 1 if they conform, 0 if not # proc ::math::linearalgebra::conforming { type obj1 obj2 } { set shape1 [shape $obj1] set shape2 [shape $obj2] set result 0 if { $type == "shape" } { set result [expr {[lindex $shape1 0] == [lindex $shape2 0] && [lindex $shape1 1] == [lindex $shape2 1]}] } if { $type == "rows" } { set result [expr {[lindex $shape1 0] == [lindex $shape2 0]}] } if { $type == "matmul" } { set result [expr {[lindex $shape1 1] == [lindex $shape2 0]}] } return $result } # crossproduct -- # Return the "cross product" of two 3D vectors # Arguments: # vect1 First vector # vect2 Second vector # Result: # Cross product # proc ::math::linearalgebra::crossproduct { vect1 vect2 } { if { [llength $vect1] == 3 && [llength $vect2] == 3 } { foreach {v11 v12 v13} $vect1 {v21 v22 v23} $vect2 {break} return [list \ [expr {$v12*$v23 - $v13*$v22}] \ [expr {$v13*$v21 - $v11*$v23}] \ [expr {$v11*$v22 - $v12*$v21}] ] } else { return -code error "Cross-product only defined for 3D vectors" } } # angle -- # Return the "angle" between two vectors (in radians) # Arguments: # vect1 First vector # vect2 Second vector # Result: # Angle between the two vectors # proc ::math::linearalgebra::angle { vect1 vect2 } { set dp [dotproduct $vect1 $vect2] set n1 [norm_two $vect1] set n2 [norm_two $vect2] if { $n1 == 0.0 || $n2 == 0.0 } { return -code error "Angle not defined for null vector" } return [expr {acos($dp/$n1/$n2)}] } # norm -- # Compute the (1-, 2- or Inf-) norm of a vector # Arguments: # vector Vector (list of numbers) # type Either 1, 2 or max/inf to indicate the type of # norm (default: 2, the euclidean norm) # Result: # The (1-, 2- or Inf-) norm of a vector # proc ::math::linearalgebra::norm { vector {type 2} } { if { $type == 2 } { return [norm_two $vector] } if { $type == 1 } { return [norm_one $vector] } if { $type == "max" || $type == "inf" } { return [norm_max $vector] } return -code error "Unknown norm: $type" } # norm_one -- # Compute the 1-norm of a vector # Arguments: # vector Vector # Result: # The 1-norm of a vector # proc ::math::linearalgebra::norm_one { vector } { set sum 0.0 foreach c $vector { set sum [expr {$sum+abs($c)}] } return $sum } # norm_two -- # Compute the 2-norm of a vector (euclidean norm) # Arguments: # vector Vector # Result: # The 2-norm of a vector # Note: # Rely on the function hypot() to make this robust # against overflow and underflow # proc ::math::linearalgebra::norm_two { vector } { set sum 0.0 foreach c $vector { set sum [expr {hypot($c,$sum)}] } return $sum } # norm_max -- # Compute the inf-norm of a vector (maximum of its components) # Arguments: # vector Vector # Result: # The inf-norm of a vector # proc ::math::linearalgebra::norm_max { vector } { set max [lindex $vector 0] foreach c $vector { set max [expr {abs($c)>$max? abs($c) : $max}] } return $max } # normMatrix -- # Compute the (1-, 2- or Inf-) norm of a matrix # Arguments: # matrix Matrix (list of row vectors) # type Either 1, 2 or max/inf to indicate the type of # norm (default: 2, the euclidean norm) # Result: # The (1-, 2- or Inf-) norm of the matrix # proc ::math::linearalgebra::normMatrix { matrix {type 2} } { set v {} foreach row $matrix { lappend v [norm $row $type] } return [norm $v $type] } # symmetric -- # Determine if the matrix is symmetric or not # Arguments: # matrix Matrix (list of row vectors) # eps Tolerance (defaults to 1.0e-8) # Result: # 1 if symmetric (within the tolerance), 0 if not # proc ::math::linearalgebra::symmetric { matrix {eps 1.0e-8} } { set shape [shape $matrix] if { [lindex $shape 0] != [lindex $shape 1] } { return 0 } set norm_org [normMatrix $matrix] set norm_asymm [normMatrix [sub $matrix [transpose $matrix]]] if { $norm_asymm <= $eps*$norm_org } { return 1 } else { return 0 } } # dotproduct -- # Compute the dot product of two vectors # Arguments: # vect1 First vector # vect2 Second vector # Result: # The dot product of the two vectors # proc ::math::linearalgebra::dotproduct { vect1 vect2 } { if { [llength $vect1] != [llength $vect2] } { return -code error "Vectors must be of equal length" } set sum 0.0 foreach c1 $vect1 c2 $vect2 { set sum [expr {$sum + $c1*$c2}] } return $sum } # unitLengthVector -- # Normalize a vector so that a length 1 results and return the new vector # Arguments: # vector Vector to be normalized # Result: # A vector of length 1 # proc ::math::linearalgebra::unitLengthVector { vector } { set scale [norm_two $vector] if { $scale == 0.0 } { return -code error "Can not normalize a null-vector" } return [scale [expr {1.0/$scale}] $vector] } # normalizeStat -- # Normalize a matrix or vector in a statistical sense and return the result # Arguments: # mv Matrix or vector to be normalized # Result: # A matrix or vector whose columns are normalised to have a mean of # 0 and a standard deviation of 1. # proc ::math::linearalgebra::normalizeStat { mv } { if { [llength [lindex $mv 0]] > 1 } { set result {} foreach vector [transpose $mv] { lappend result [NormalizeStat_vect $vector] } return [transpose $result] } else { return [NormalizeStat_vect $mv] } } # NormalizeStat_vect -- # Normalize a vector in a statistical sense and return the result # Arguments: # v Vector to be normalized # Result: # A vector whose elements are normalised to have a mean of # 0 and a standard deviation of 1. If all coefficients are equal, # a null-vector is returned. # proc ::math::linearalgebra::NormalizeStat_vect { v } { if { [llength $v] <= 1 } { return -code error "Vector can not be normalised - too few coefficients" } set sum 0.0 set sum2 0.0 set count 0.0 foreach c $v { set sum [expr {$sum + $c}] set sum2 [expr {$sum2 + $c*$c}] set count [expr {$count + 1.0}] } set corr [expr {$sum/$count}] set factor [expr {($sum2-$sum*$sum/$count)/($count-1)}] if { $factor > 0.0 } { set factor [expr {1.0/sqrt($factor)}] } else { set factor 0.0 } set result {} foreach c $v { lappend result [expr {$factor*($c-$corr)}] } return $result } # axpy -- # Compute the sum of a scaled vector/matrix and another # vector/matrix: a*x + y # Arguments: # scale Scale factor (a) for the first vector/matrix # mv1 First vector/matrix (x) # mv2 Second vector/matrix (y) # Result: # The result of a*x+y # proc ::math::linearalgebra::axpy { scale mv1 mv2 } { if { [llength [lindex $mv1 0]] > 1 } { return [axpy_mat $scale $mv1 $mv2] } else { return [axpy_vect $scale $mv1 $mv2] } } # axpy_vect -- # Compute the sum of a scaled vector and another vector: a*x + y # Arguments: # scale Scale factor (a) for the first vector # vect1 First vector (x) # vect2 Second vector (y) # Result: # The result of a*x+y # proc ::math::linearalgebra::axpy_vect { scale vect1 vect2 } { set result {} foreach c1 $vect1 c2 $vect2 { lappend result [expr {$scale*$c1+$c2}] } return $result } # axpy_mat -- # Compute the sum of a scaled matrix and another matrix: a*x + y # Arguments: # scale Scale factor (a) for the first matrix # mat1 First matrix (x) # mat2 Second matrix (y) # Result: # The result of a*x+y # proc ::math::linearalgebra::axpy_mat { scale mat1 mat2 } { set result {} foreach row1 $mat1 row2 $mat2 { lappend result [axpy_vect $scale $row1 $row2] } return $result } # add -- # Compute the sum of two vectors/matrices # Arguments: # mv1 First vector/matrix (x) # mv2 Second vector/matrix (y) # Result: # The result of x+y # proc ::math::linearalgebra::add { mv1 mv2 } { if { [llength [lindex $mv1 0]] > 1 } { return [add_mat $mv1 $mv2] } else { return [add_vect $mv1 $mv2] } } # add_vect -- # Compute the sum of two vectors # Arguments: # vect1 First vector (x) # vect2 Second vector (y) # Result: # The result of x+y # proc ::math::linearalgebra::add_vect { vect1 vect2 } { set result {} foreach c1 $vect1 c2 $vect2 { lappend result [expr {$c1+$c2}] } return $result } # add_mat -- # Compute the sum of two matrices # Arguments: # mat1 First matrix (x) # mat2 Second matrix (y) # Result: # The result of x+y # proc ::math::linearalgebra::add_mat { mat1 mat2 } { set result {} foreach row1 $mat1 row2 $mat2 { lappend result [add_vect $row1 $row2] } return $result } # sub -- # Compute the difference of two vectors/matrices # Arguments: # mv1 First vector/matrix (x) # mv2 Second vector/matrix (y) # Result: # The result of x-y # proc ::math::linearalgebra::sub { mv1 mv2 } { if { [llength [lindex $mv1 0]] > 0 } { return [sub_mat $mv1 $mv2] } else { return [sub_vect $mv1 $mv2] } } # sub_vect -- # Compute the difference of two vectors # Arguments: # vect1 First vector (x) # vect2 Second vector (y) # Result: # The result of x-y # proc ::math::linearalgebra::sub_vect { vect1 vect2 } { set result {} foreach c1 $vect1 c2 $vect2 { lappend result [expr {$c1-$c2}] } return $result } # sub_mat -- # Compute the difference of two matrices # Arguments: # mat1 First matrix (x) # mat2 Second matrix (y) # Result: # The result of x-y # proc ::math::linearalgebra::sub_mat { mat1 mat2 } { set result {} foreach row1 $mat1 row2 $mat2 { lappend result [sub_vect $row1 $row2] } return $result } # scale -- # Scale a vector or a matrix # Arguments: # scale Scale factor (scalar; a) # mv Vector/matrix (x) # Result: # The result of a*x # proc ::math::linearalgebra::scale { scale mv } { if { [llength [lindex $mv 0]] > 1 } { return [scale_mat $scale $mv] } else { return [scale_vect $scale $mv] } } # scale_vect -- # Scale a vector # Arguments: # scale Scale factor to apply (a) # vect Vector to be scaled (x) # Result: # The result of a*x # proc ::math::linearalgebra::scale_vect { scale vect } { set result {} foreach c $vect { lappend result [expr {$scale*$c}] } return $result } # scale_mat -- # Scale a matrix # Arguments: # scale Scale factor to apply # mat Matrix to be scaled # Result: # The result of x+y # proc ::math::linearalgebra::scale_mat { scale mat } { set result {} foreach row $mat { lappend result [scale_vect $scale $row] } return $result } # rotate -- # Apply a planar rotation to two vectors # Arguments: # c Cosine of the angle # s Sine of the angle # vect1 First vector (x) # vect2 Second vector (y) # Result: # A list of two elements: c*x-s*y and s*x+c*y # proc ::math::linearalgebra::rotate { c s vect1 vect2 } { set result1 {} set result2 {} foreach v1 $vect1 v2 $vect2 { lappend result1 [expr {$c*$v1-$s*$v2}] lappend result2 [expr {$s*$v1+$c*$v2}] } return [list $result1 $result2] } # transpose -- # Transpose a matrix # Arguments: # matrix Matrix to be transposed # Result: # The transposed matrix # Note: # The second transpose implementation is faster on large # matrices (100x100 say), there is no significant difference # on small ones (10x10 say). # # proc ::math::linearalgebra::transpose_old { matrix } { set row {} set transpose {} foreach c [lindex $matrix 0] { lappend row 0.0 } foreach r $matrix { lappend transpose $row } set nr 0 foreach r $matrix { set nc 0 foreach c $r { lset transpose $nc $nr $c incr nc } incr nr } return $transpose } proc ::math::linearalgebra::transpose { matrix } { set transpose {} set c 0 foreach col [lindex $matrix 0] { set newrow {} foreach row $matrix { lappend newrow [lindex $row $c] } lappend transpose $newrow incr c } return $transpose } # MorV -- # Identify if the object is a row/column vector or a matrix # Arguments: # obj Object to be examined # Result: # The letter R, C or M depending on the shape # (just to make it all work fine: S for scalar) # Note: # Private procedure to fix a bug in matmul # proc ::math::linearalgebra::MorV { obj } { if { [llength $obj] > 1 } { if { [llength [lindex $obj 0]] > 1 } { return "M" } else { return "C" } } else { if { [llength [lindex $obj 0]] > 1 } { return "R" } else { return "S" } } } # matmul -- # Multiply a vector/matrix with another vector/matrix # Arguments: # mv1 First vector/matrix (x) # mv2 Second vector/matrix (y) # Result: # The result of x*y # proc ::math::linearalgebra::matmul_org { mv1 mv2 } { if { [llength [lindex $mv1 0]] > 1 } { if { [llength [lindex $mv2 0]] > 1 } { return [matmul_mm $mv1 $mv2] } else { return [matmul_mv $mv1 $mv2] } } else { if { [llength [lindex $mv2 0]] > 1 } { return [matmul_vm $mv1 $mv2] } else { return [matmul_vv $mv1 $mv2] } } } proc ::math::linearalgebra::matmul { mv1 mv2 } { switch -exact -- "[MorV $mv1][MorV $mv2]" { "MM" { return [matmul_mm $mv1 $mv2] } "MC" { return [matmul_mv $mv1 $mv2] } "MR" { return -code error "Can not multiply a matrix with a row vector - wrong order" } "RM" { return [matmul_vm [transpose $mv1] $mv2] } "RC" { return [dotproduct [transpose $mv1] $mv2] } "RR" { return -code error "Can not multiply a matrix with a row vector - wrong order" } "CM" { return [transpose [matmul_vm $mv1 $mv2]] } "CR" { return [matmul_vv $mv1 [transpose $mv2]] } "CC" { return [matmul_vv $mv1 $mv2] } default { return -code error "Can not use a scalar object" } } } # matmul_mv -- # Multiply a matrix and a column vector # Arguments: # matrix Matrix (applied left: A) # vector Vector (interpreted as column vector: x) # Result: # The vector A*x # proc ::math::linearalgebra::matmul_mv { matrix vector } { set newvect {} foreach row $matrix { set sum 0.0 foreach v $vector c $row { set sum [expr {$sum+$v*$c}] } lappend newvect $sum } return $newvect } # matmul_vm -- # Multiply a row vector with a matrix # Arguments: # vector Vector (interpreted as row vector: x) # matrix Matrix (applied right: A) # Result: # The vector xtrans*A = Atrans*x # proc ::math::linearalgebra::matmul_vm { vector matrix } { return [transpose [matmul_mv [transpose $matrix] $vector]] } # matmul_vv -- # Multiply two vectors to obtain a matrix # Arguments: # vect1 First vector (column vector, x) # vect2 Second vector (row vector, y) # Result: # The "outer product" x*ytrans # proc ::math::linearalgebra::matmul_vv { vect1 vect2 } { set newmat {} foreach v1 $vect1 { set newrow {} foreach v2 $vect2 { lappend newrow [expr {$v1*$v2}] } lappend newmat $newrow } return $newmat } # matmul_mm -- # Multiply two matrices # Arguments: # mat1 First matrix (A) # mat2 Second matrix (B) # Result: # The matrix product A*B # Note: # By transposing matrix B we can access the columns # as rows - much easier and quicker, as they are # the elements of the outermost list. # proc ::math::linearalgebra::matmul_mm { mat1 mat2 } { set newmat {} set tmat [transpose $mat2] foreach row1 $mat1 { set newrow {} foreach row2 $tmat { lappend newrow [dotproduct $row1 $row2] } lappend newmat $newrow } return $newmat } # mkVector -- # Make a vector of a given size # Arguments: # ndim Dimension of the vector # value Default value for all elements (default: 0.0) # Result: # A list with ndim elements, representing a vector # proc ::math::linearalgebra::mkVector { ndim {value 0.0} } { set result {} while { $ndim > 0 } { lappend result $value incr ndim -1 } return $result } # mkUnitVector -- # Make a unit vector in a given direction # Arguments: # ndim Dimension of the vector # dir The direction (0, ... ndim-1) # Result: # A list with ndim elements, representing a unit vector # proc ::math::linearalgebra::mkUnitVector { ndim dir } { if { $dir < 0 || $dir >= $ndim } { return -code error "Invalid direction for unit vector - $dir" } else { set result [mkVector $ndim] lset result $dir 1.0 } return $result } # mkMatrix -- # Make a matrix of a given size # Arguments: # nrows Number of rows # ncols Number of columns # value Default value for all elements (default: 0.0) # Result: # A nested list, representing an nrows x ncols matrix # proc ::math::linearalgebra::mkMatrix { nrows ncols {value 0.0} } { set result {} while { $nrows > 0 } { lappend result [mkVector $ncols $value] incr nrows -1 } return $result } # mkIdent -- # Make an identity matrix of a given size # Arguments: # size Number of rows/columns # Result: # A nested list, representing an size x size identity matrix # proc ::math::linearalgebra::mkIdentity { size } { set result [mkMatrix $size $size 0.0] while { $size > 0 } { incr size -1 lset result $size $size 1.0 } return $result } # mkDiagonal -- # Make a diagonal matrix of a given size # Arguments: # diag List of values to appear on the diagonal # # Result: # A nested list, representing a diagonal matrix # proc ::math::linearalgebra::mkDiagonal { diag } { set size [llength $diag] set result [mkMatrix $size $size 0.0] while { $size > 0 } { incr size -1 lset result $size $size [lindex $diag $size] } return $result } # mkHilbert -- # Make a Hilbert matrix of a given size # Arguments: # size Size of the matrix # Result: # A nested list, representing a Hilbert matrix # Notes: # Hilbert matrices are very ill-conditioned wrt # eigenvalue/eigenvector problems. Therefore they # are good candidates for testing the accuracy # of algorithms and implementations. # proc ::math::linearalgebra::mkHilbert { size } { set size [llength $diag] set result {} for { set j 0 } { $j < $size } { incr j } { set row {} for { set i 0 } { $i < $size } { incr i } { lappend row [expr {1.0/($i+$j+1.0)}] } lappend result $row } return $result } # mkDingdong -- # Make a Dingdong matrix of a given size # Arguments: # size Size of the matrix # Result: # A nested list, representing a Dingdong matrix # Notes: # Dingdong matrices are imprecisely represented, # but have the property of being very stable in # such algorithms as Gauss elimination. # proc ::math::linearalgebra::mkDingdong { size } { set result {} for { set j 0 } { $j < $size } { incr j } { set row {} for { set i 0 } { $i < $size } { incr i } { lappend row [expr {0.5/($size-$i-$j-0.5)}] } lappend result $row } return $result } # mkOnes -- # Make a square matrix consisting of ones # Arguments: # size Number of rows/columns # Result: # A nested list, representing a size x size matrix, # filled with 1.0 # proc ::math::linearalgebra::mkOnes { size } { return [mkMatrix $size $size 1.0] } # mkMoler -- # Make a Moler matrix # Arguments: # size Size of the matrix # Result: # A nested list, representing a Moler matrix # Notes: # Moler matrices have a very simple Choleski # decomposition. It has one small eigenvalue # and it can easily upset elimination methods # for systems of linear equations # proc ::math::linearalgebra::mkMoler { size } { set result {} for { set j 0 } { $j < $size } { incr j } { set row {} for { set i 0 } { $i < $size } { incr i } { if { $i == $j } { lappend row [expr {$i+1}] } else { lappend row [expr {($i>$j?$j:$i)-1.0}] } } lappend result $row } return $result } # mkFrank -- # Make a Frank matrix # Arguments: # size Size of the matrix # Result: # A nested list, representing a Frank matrix # proc ::math::linearalgebra::mkFrank { size } { set result {} for { set j 0 } { $j < $size } { incr j } { set row {} for { set i 0 } { $i < $size } { incr i } { lappend row [expr {($i>$j?$j:$i)-2.0}] } lappend result $row } return $result } # mkBorder -- # Make a bordered matrix # Arguments: # size Size of the matrix # Result: # A nested list, representing a bordered matrix # Note: # This matrix has size-2 eigenvalues at 1. # proc ::math::linearalgebra::mkBorder { size } { set result {} for { set j 0 } { $j < $size } { incr j } { set row {} for { set i 0 } { $i < $size } { incr i } { set entry 0.0 if { $i == $j } { set entry 1.0 } if { $i == $size-1 } { set entry [expr {pow(2.0,-$j)}] if { $j == $size-1 } { set entry 0.0 } } if { $j == $size-1 } { set entry [expr {pow(2.0,-$i)}] if { $i == $size-1 } { set entry 0.0 } } lappend row $entry } lappend result $row } return $result } # mkWilkinsonW+ -- # Make a Wilkinson W+ matrix # Arguments: # size Size of the matrix # Result: # A nested list, representing a Wilkinson W+ matrix # Note: # This kind of matrix has pairs of eigenvalues that # are very close together. Usually the order is odd. # proc ::math::linearalgebra::mkWilkinsonW+ { size } { set result {} for { set j 0 } { $j < $size } { incr j } { set row {} for { set i 0 } { $i < $size } { incr i } { set entry 0.0 if { $i == $j } { set entry [expr {$size/2 + 1 - ($i>$size-$i+1? $size-$i : $i+1)}] } if { $i == $j+1 || $i+1 == $j } { set entry 1 } lappend row $entry } lappend result $row } return $result } # mkWilkinsonW+ -- # Make a Wilkinson W+ matrix # Arguments: # size Size of the matrix # Result: # A nested list, representing a Wilkinson W+ matrix # Note: # This kind of matrix has pairs of eigenvalues with # opposite signs (if the order is odd). # proc ::math::linearalgebra::mkWilkinsonW- { size } { set result {} for { set j 0 } { $j < $size } { incr j } { set row {} for { set i 0 } { $i < $size } { incr i } { set entry 0.0 if { $i == $j } { set entry [expr {$size/2 + $i}] } if { $i == $j+1 || $i+1 == $j } { set entry 1 } lappend row $entry } lappend result $row } return $result } # getrow -- # Get the specified row from a matrix # Arguments: # matrix Matrix in question # row Index of the row # # Result: # A list with the values on the requested row # proc ::math::linearalgebra::getrow { matrix row } { lindex $matrix $row } # setrow -- # Set the specified row in a matrix # Arguments: # matrix _Name_ of matrix in question # row Index of the row # newvalues New values for the row # # Result: # Updated matrix # Side effect: # The matrix is updated # proc ::math::linearalgebra::setrow { matrix row newvalues } { upvar $matrix mat lset mat $row $newvalues return $mat } # getcol -- # Get the specified column from a matrix # Arguments: # matrix Matrix in question # col Index of the column # # Result: # A list with the values on the requested column # proc ::math::linearalgebra::getcol { matrix col } { set result {} foreach r $matrix { lappend result [lindex $r $col] } return $result } # setcol -- # Set the specified column in a matrix # Arguments: # matrix _Name_ of matrix in question # col Index of the column # newvalues New values for the column # # Result: # Updated matrix # Side effect: # The matrix is updated # proc ::math::linearalgebra::setcol { matrix col newvalues } { upvar $matrix mat for { set i 0 } { $i < [llength $mat] } { incr i } { lset mat $i $col [lindex $newvalues $i] } return $mat } # getelem -- # Get the specified element (row,column) from a matrix/vector # Arguments: # matrix Matrix in question # row Index of the row # col Index of the column (not present for vectors) # # Result: # The matrix element (row,column) # proc ::math::linearalgebra::getelem { matrix row {col {}} } { if { $col != {} } { lindex $matrix $row $col } else { lindex $matrix $row } } # setelem -- # Set the specified element (row,column) in a matrix or vector # Arguments: # matrix _Name_ of matrix/vector in question # row Index of the row # col Index of the column/new value # newvalue New value for the element (not present for vectors) # # Result: # Updated matrix # Side effect: # The matrix is updated # proc ::math::linearalgebra::setelem { matrix row col {newvalue {}} } { upvar $matrix mat if { $newvalue != {} } { lset mat $row $col $newvalue } else { lset mat $row $col } return $mat } # solveGauss -- # Solve a system of linear equations using Gauss elimination # Arguments: # matrix Matrix defining the coefficients # bvect Right-hand side (may be several columns) # # Result: # Solution of the system or an error in case of singularity # proc ::math::linearalgebra::solveGauss { matrix bvect } { set norows [llength $matrix] set nocols $norows for { set i 0 } { $i < $nocols } { incr i } { set sweep_row [getrow $matrix $i] set bvect_sweep [getrow $bvect $i] # No pivoting yet set sweep_fact [expr {double([lindex $sweep_row $i])}] for { set j [expr {$i+1}] } { $j < $norows } { incr j } { set current_row [getrow $matrix $j] set bvect_current [getrow $bvect $j] set factor [expr {-[lindex $current_row $i]/$sweep_fact}] lset matrix $j [axpy_vect $factor $sweep_row $current_row] lset bvect $j [axpy_vect $factor $bvect_sweep $bvect_current] } } return [solveTriangular $matrix $bvect] } # solveTriangular -- # Solve a system of linear equations where the matrix is # upper-triangular # Arguments: # matrix Matrix defining the coefficients # bvect Right-hand side (may be several columns) # # Result: # Solution of the system or an error in case of singularity # proc ::math::linearalgebra::solveTriangular { matrix bvect } { set norows [llength $matrix] set nocols $norows for { set i [expr {$norows-1}] } { $i >= 0 } { incr i -1 } { set sweep_row [getrow $matrix $i] set bvect_sweep [getrow $bvect $i] set sweep_fact [expr {double([lindex $sweep_row $i])}] set norm_fact [expr {1.0/$sweep_fact}] lset bvect $i [scale $norm_fact $bvect_sweep] for { set j [expr {$i-1}] } { $j >= 0 } { incr j -1 } { set current_row [getrow $matrix $j] set bvect_current [getrow $bvect $j] set factor [expr {-[lindex $current_row $i]/$sweep_fact}] lset bvect $j [axpy_vect $factor $bvect_sweep $bvect_current] } } return $bvect } # solveGaussBand -- # Solve a system of linear equations using Gauss elimination, # where the matrix is stored as a band matrix. # Arguments: # matrix Matrix defining the coefficients (in band form) # bvect Right-hand side (may be several columns) # # Result: # Solution of the system or an error in case of singularity # proc ::math::linearalgebra::solveGaussBand { matrix bvect } { set norows [llength $matrix] set nocols $norows set nodiags [llength [lindex $matrix 0]] set lowdiags [expr {($nodiags-1)/2}] for { set i 0 } { $i < $nocols } { incr i } { set sweep_row [getrow $matrix $i] set bvect_sweep [getrow $bvect $i] set sweep_fact [lindex $sweep_row [expr {$lowdiags-$i}]] for { set j [expr {$i+1}] } { $j <= $lowdiags } { incr j } { set sweep_row [concat [lrange $sweep_row 1 end] 0.0] set current_row [getrow $matrix $j] set bvect_current [getrow $bvect $j] set factor [expr {-[lindex $current_row $i]/$sweep_fact}] lset matrix $j [axpy_vect $factor $sweep_row $current_row] lset bvect $j [axpy_vect $factor $bvect_sweep $bvect_current] } } return [solveTriangularBand $matrix $bvect] } # solveTriangularBand -- # Solve a system of linear equations where the matrix is # upper-triangular (stored as a band matrix) # Arguments: # matrix Matrix defining the coefficients (in band form) # bvect Right-hand side (may be several columns) # # Result: # Solution of the system or an error in case of singularity # proc ::math::linearalgebra::solveTriangularBand { matrix bvect } { set norows [llength $matrix] set nocols $norows set nodiags [llength [lindex $matrix 0]] set uppdiags [expr {($nodiags-1)/2}] set middle [expr {($nodiags-1)/2}] for { set i [expr {$norows-1}] } { $i >= 0 } { incr i -1 } { set sweep_row [getrow $matrix $i] set bvect_sweep [getrow $bvect $i] set sweep_fact [lindex $sweep_row $middle] set norm_fact [expr {1.0/$sweep_fact}] lset bvect $i [scale $norm_fact $bvect_sweep] for { set j [expr {$i-1}] } { $j >= $i-$middle && $j >= 0 } \ { incr j -1 } { set current_row [getrow $matrix $j] set bvect_current [getrow $bvect $j] set k [expr {$i-$middle}] set factor [expr {-[lindex $current_row $k]/$sweep_fact}] lset bvect $j [axpy_vect $factor $bvect_sweep $bvect_current] } } return $bvect } # determineSVD -- # Determine the singular value decomposition of a matrix # Arguments: # A Matrix to be examined # epsilon Tolerance for the procedure (defaults to 2.3e-16) # # Result: # List of the three elements U, S and V, where: # U, V orthogonal matrices, S a diagonal matrix (here a vector) # such that A = USVt # Note: # This is taken directly from Hume's LA package, and adjusted # to fit the different matrix format. Also changes are applied # that can be found in the second edition of Nash's book # "Compact numerical methods for computers" # # To be done: transpose the algorithm so that we can work # on rows, rather than columns # proc ::math::linearalgebra::determineSVD { A {epsilon 2.3e-16} } { foreach {m n} [shape $A] {break} set tolerance [expr {$epsilon * $epsilon* $m * $n}] set V [mkIdentity $n] # # Top of the iteration # set count 1 for {set isweep 0} {$isweep < 30 && $count > 0} {incr isweep} { set count [expr {$n*($n-1)/2}] ;# count of rotations in a sweep for {set j 0} {$j < [expr {$n-1}]} {incr j} { for {set k [expr {$j+1}]} {$k < $n} {incr k} { set p [set q [set r 0.0]] for {set i 0} {$i < $m} {incr i} { set Aij [lindex $A $i $j] set Aik [lindex $A $i $k] set p [expr {$p + $Aij*$Aik}] set q [expr {$q + $Aij*$Aij}] set r [expr {$r + $Aik*$Aik}] } if { $q < $r } { set c 0.0 set s 1.0 } elseif { $q * $r == 0.0 } { # Underflow of small elements incr count -1 continue } elseif { ($p*$p)/($q*$r) < $tolerance } { # Cols j,k are orthogonal incr count -1 continue } else { set q [expr {$q-$r}] set v [expr {sqrt(4.0*$p*$p + $q*$q)}] set c [expr {sqrt(($v+$q)/(2.0*$v))}] set s [expr {-$p/($v*$c)}] # s == sine of rotation angle, c == cosine # Note: -s in comparison with original LA! } # # Rotation of A # set colj [getcol $A $j] set colk [getcol $A $k] foreach {colj colk} [rotate $c $s $colj $colk] {break} setcol A $j $colj setcol A $k $colk # # Rotation of V # set colj [getcol $V $j] set colk [getcol $V $k] foreach {colj colk} [rotate $c $s $colj $colk] {break} setcol V $j $colj setcol V $k $colk } ;#k } ;# j #puts "pass=$isweep skipped rotations=$count" } ;# isweep set S {} for {set j 0} {$j < $n} {incr j} { set q [norm_two [getcol $A $j]] lappend S $q if { $q >= $tolerance } { set newcol [scale [expr {1.0/$q}] [getcol $A $j]] setcol A $j $newcol } } ;# j return [list $A $S $V] } # eigenvectorsSVD -- # Determine the eigenvectors and eigenvalues of a real # symmetric matrix via the SVD # Arguments: # A Matrix to be examined # eps Tolerance for the procedure (defaults to 2.3e-16) # # Result: # List of the matrix of eigenvectors and the vector of corresponding # eigenvalues # Note: # This is taken directly from Hume's LA package, and adjusted # to fit the different matrix format. Also changes are applied # that can be found in the second edition of Nash's book # "Compact numerical methods for computers" # proc ::math::linearalgebra::eigenvectorsSVD { A {eps 2.3e-16} } { foreach {m n} [shape $A] {break} if { $m != $n } { return -code error "Expected a square matrix" } # # Determine the shift h so that the matrix A+hI is positive # definite (the Gershgorin region) # set h {} set i 0 foreach row $A { set aii [lindex $row $i] set sum [expr {2.0*abs($aii) - [norm_one $row]}] incr i if { $h == {} || $sum < $h } { set h $sum } } if { $h <= $eps } { set h [expr {$h - sqrt($eps)}] # try to make smallest eigenvalue positive and not too small set A [sub $A [scale_mat $h [mkIdentity $m]]] } else { set h 0.0 } # # Determine the SVD decomposition: this holds the # eigenvectors and eigenvalues # foreach {U S V} [determineSVD $A $eps] {break} # # Rescale and flip signs if all negative or zero # for {set j 0} {$j < $n} {incr j} { set s 0.0 set notpositive 0 for {set i 0} {$i < $n} {incr i} { set Uij [lindex $U $i $j] if { $Uij <= 0.0 } { incr notpositive } set s [expr {$s + $Uij*$Uij}] } set s [expr {sqrt($s)}] if { $notpositive == $n } { set sf [expr {-$s}] } else { set sf $s } set colv [getcol $U $j] setcol U $j [scale_vect [expr {1.0/$sf}] $colv] } for {set j 0} {$j < $n} {incr j} { lset S $j [expr {[lindex $S $j] + $h}] } return [list $U $S] } # leastSquaresSVD -- # Determine the solution to the least-squares problem Ax ~ y # via the singular value decomposition # Arguments: # A Matrix to be examined # y Dependent variable # qmin Minimum singular value to be considered (defaults to 0) # epsilon Tolerance for the procedure (defaults to 2.3e-16) # # Result: # Vector x as the solution of the least-squares problem # proc ::math::linearalgebra::leastSquaresSVD { A y {qmin 0.0} {epsilon 2.3e-16} } { foreach {m n} [shape $A] {break} foreach {U S V} [determineSVD $A $epsilon] {break} set tol [expr {$epsilon * $epsilon * $n * $n}] # # form Utrans*y into g # set g {} for {set j 0} {$j < $n} {incr j} { set s 0.0 for {set i 0} {$i < $m} {incr i} { set Uij [lindex $U $i $j] set yi [lindex $y $i] set s [expr {$s + $Uij*$yi}] } lappend g $s ;# g[j] = $s } # # form VS+g = VS+Utrans*g # set x {} for {set j 0} {$j < $n} {incr j} { set s 0.0 for {set i 0} {$i < $n} {incr i} { set zi [lindex $S $i] if { $zi > $qmin } { set Vji [lindex $V $j $i] set gi [lindex $g $i] set s [expr {$s + $Vji*$gi/$zi}] } } lappend x $s } return $x } # choleski -- # Determine the Choleski decomposition of a symmetric, # positive-semidefinite matrix (this condition is not checked!) # # Arguments: # matrix Matrix to be treated # # Result: # Lower-triangular matrix (L) representing the Choleski decomposition: # L Lt = matrix # proc ::math::linearalgebra::choleski { matrix } { foreach {rows cols} [shape $matrix] {break} set result $matrix for { set j 0 } { $j < $cols } { incr j } { if { $j > 0 } { for { set i $j } { $i < $cols } { incr i } { set sum [lindex $result $i $j] for { set k 0 } { $k <= $j-1 } { incr k } { set Aki [lindex $result $i $k] set Akj [lindex $result $j $k] set sum [expr {$sum-$Aki*$Akj}] } lset result $i $j $sum } } # # Take care of a singular matrix # if { [lindex $result $j $j] <= 0.0 } { lset result $j $j 0.0 } # # Scale the column # set s [expr {sqrt([lindex $result $j $j])}] for { set i 0 } { $i < $cols } { incr i } { if { $i >= $j } { if { $s == 0.0 } { lset result $i $j 0.0 } else { lset result $i $j [expr {[lindex $result $i $j]/$s}] } } else { lset result $i $j 0.0 } } } return $result } # orthonormalizeColumns -- # Orthonormalize the columns of a matrix, using the modified # Gram-Schmidt method # Arguments: # matrix Matrix to be treated # # Result: # Matrix with pairwise orthogonal columns, each having length 1 # proc ::math::linearalgebra::orthonormalizeColumns { matrix } { transpose [orthonormalizeRows [transpose $matrix]] } # orthonormalizeRows -- # Orthonormalize the rows of a matrix, using the modified # Gram-Schmidt method # Arguments: # matrix Matrix to be treated # # Result: # Matrix with pairwise orthogonal rows, each having length 1 # proc ::math::linearalgebra::orthonormalizeRows { matrix } { set result $matrix set rowno 0 foreach r $matrix { set newrow [unitLengthVector [getrow $result $rowno]] setrow result $rowno $newrow incr rowno set rowno2 $rowno # # Update the matrix immediately: this is numerically # more stable # foreach nextrow [lrange $result $rowno end] { set factor [dotproduct $newrow $nextrow] set nextrow [sub_vect $nextrow [scale_vect $factor $newrow]] setrow result $rowno2 $nextrow incr rowno2 } } return $result } # to_LA -- # Convert a matrix or vector to the LA format # Arguments: # mv Matrix or vector to be converted # # Result: # List according to LA conventions # proc ::math::linearalgebra::to_LA { mv } { foreach {rows cols} [shape $mv] { if { $cols == {} } { set cols 0 } } set result [list 2 $rows $cols] foreach row $mv { set result [concat $result $row] } return $result } # from_LA -- # Convert a matrix or vector from the LA format # Arguments: # mv Matrix or vector to be converted # # Result: # List according to current conventions # proc ::math::linearalgebra::from_LA { mv } { foreach {rows cols} [lrange $mv 1 2] {break} if { $cols != 0 } { set result {} set elem2 2 for { set i 0 } { $i < $rows } { incr i } { set elem1 [expr {$elem2+1}] incr elem2 $cols lappend result [lrange $mv $elem1 $elem2] } } else { set result [lrange $mv 3 end] } return $result } # # Announce the package's presence # package provide math::linearalgebra 1.0.3 if { 0 } { Te doen: behoorlijke testen! matmul solveGauss_band join_col, join_row kleinste-kwadraten met SVD en met Gauss PCA } if { 0 } { set matrix {{1.0 2.0 -1.0} {3.0 1.1 0.5} {1.0 -2.0 3.0}} set bvect {{1.0 2.0 -1.0} {3.0 1.1 0.5} {1.0 -2.0 3.0}} puts [join [::math::linearalgebra::solveGauss $matrix $bvect] \n] set bvect {{4.0 2.0} {12.0 1.2} {4.0 -2.0}} puts [join [::math::linearalgebra::solveGauss $matrix $bvect] \n] } if { 0 } { set vect1 {1.0 2.0} set vect2 {3.0 4.0} ::math::linearalgebra::axpy_vect 1.0 $vect1 $vect2 ::math::linearalgebra::add_vect $vect1 $vect2 puts [time {::math::linearalgebra::axpy_vect 1.0 $vect1 $vect2} 50000] puts [time {::math::linearalgebra::axpy_vect 2.0 $vect1 $vect2} 50000] puts [time {::math::linearalgebra::axpy_vect 1.0 $vect1 $vect2} 50000] puts [time {::math::linearalgebra::axpy_vect 1.1 $vect1 $vect2} 50000] puts [time {::math::linearalgebra::add_vect $vect1 $vect2} 50000] } if { 0 } { set M {{1 2} {2 1}} puts "[::math::linearalgebra::determineSVD $M]" } if { 0 } { set M {{1 2} {2 1}} puts "[::math::linearalgebra::normMatrix $M]" } if { 0 } { set M {{1.3 2.3} {2.123 1}} puts "[::math::linearalgebra::show $M]" set M {{1.3 2.3 45 3.} {2.123 1 5.6 0.01}} puts "[::math::linearalgebra::show $M]" puts "[::math::linearalgebra::show $M %12.4f]" } if { 0 } { set M {{1 0 0} {1 1 0} {1 1 1}} puts [::math::linearalgebra::orthonormalizeRows $M] } if { 0 } { set M [::math::linearalgebra::mkMoler 5] puts [::math::linearalgebra::choleski $M] }