# ACTIVESTATE TEAPOT-PKG BEGIN TM -*- tcl -*- # -- Tcl Module # @@ Meta Begin # Package pt::peg::from::peg 1.0.3 # Meta as::build::date 2015-05-25 # Meta as::origin http://sourceforge.net/projects/tcllib # Meta category Parser Tools # Meta description PEG Conversion. Read PEG format # Meta license BSD # Meta platform tcl # Meta require {Tcl 8.5} # Meta require pt::ast # Meta require pt::parse::peg # Meta require pt::pe # Meta require pt::pe::op # Meta require pt::peg # Meta subject expression {push down automaton} state EBNF # Meta subject {context-free languages} matching PEG TDPL # Meta subject {parsing expression} parser serialization conversion # Meta subject {recursive descent} grammar transducer # Meta subject {top-down parsing languages} # Meta subject {parsing expression grammar} LL(k) {format conversion} # Meta summary pt::peg::from::peg # @@ Meta End # ACTIVESTATE TEAPOT-PKG BEGIN REQUIREMENTS package require Tcl 8.5 package require pt::ast package require pt::parse::peg package require pt::pe package require pt::pe::op package require pt::peg # ACTIVESTATE TEAPOT-PKG END REQUIREMENTS # ACTIVESTATE TEAPOT-PKG BEGIN DECLARE package provide pt::peg::from::peg 1.0.3 # ACTIVESTATE TEAPOT-PKG END DECLARE # ACTIVESTATE TEAPOT-PKG END TM # pt_peg_from_peg.tcl -- # # Conversion from PEG (Human readable text) to PEG. # # Copyright (c) 2009-2014 Andreas Kupries # # See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution # of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES. # # RCS: @(#) $Id: pt_peg_from_peg.tcl,v 1.1 2010/03/26 05:07:24 andreas_kupries Exp $ # This package takes text for a human-readable PEG and produces the # canonical serialization of a parsing expression grammar. # TODO :: APIs for reading from arbitrary channel. # ### ### ### ######### ######### ######### ## Requisites package require Tcl 8.5 package require pt::peg ; # Verification that the input is proper. #package require pt::peg::interp #package require pt::peg::container::peg package require pt::parse::peg package require pt::ast package require pt::pe package require pt::pe::op # ### ### ### ######### ######### ######### ## namespace eval ::pt::peg::from::peg { namespace export convert convert-file namespace ensemble create } # ### ### ### ######### ######### ######### ## API. proc ::pt::peg::from::peg::convert {text} { # Initialize data for the pseudo-channel variable input $text variable loc 0 variable max [expr { [string length $text] - 1 }] return [Convert] } proc ::pt::peg::from::peg::convert-file {path} { # Initialize data for the pseudo-channel variable input [fileutil::cat $path] variable loc 0 variable max [expr { [string length $input] - 1 }] return [Convert] } # ### ### ### ######### ######### ######### proc ::pt::peg::from::peg::Convert {} { # Create the runtime ... set c [chan create read pt::peg::from::peg::CHAN] ; # pseudo-channel for input #set g [pt::peg::container::peg %AUTO] ; # load peg grammar #set i [pt::peg::interp %AUTO% $g] ; # grammar interpreter / parser #$g destroy set i [pt::parse::peg] # Parse input. set fail [catch { set ast [$i parse $c] } msg] if {$fail} { set ei $::errorInfo set ec $::errorCode } $i destroy close $c if {$fail} { variable input {} return -code error -errorinfo $ei -errorcode $ec $msg } # Now convert the AST to the grammar serial. set serial [pt::ast bottomup \ pt::peg::from::peg::GEN \ $ast] variable input {} return $serial # ### ### ### ######### ######### ######### } # ### ### ### ######### ######### ######### ## Internals - Pseudo channel to couple the in-memory text with the ## RDE. namespace eval ::pt::peg::from::peg::CHAN { namespace export initialize finalize read watch namespace ensemble create } proc pt::peg::from::peg::CHAN::initialize {c mode} { return {initialize finalize watch read} } proc pt::peg::from::peg::CHAN::finalize {c} {} proc pt::peg::from::peg::CHAN::watch {c events} {} proc pt::peg::from::peg::CHAN::read {c n} { # Note: Should have binary string of the input, to properly handle # encodings ... variable ::pt::peg::from::peg::input variable ::pt::peg::from::peg::loc variable ::pt::peg::from::peg::max if {$loc >= $max} { return {} } set end [expr {$loc + $n - 1}] set res [string range $input $loc $end] incr loc $n return $res } # ### ### ### ######### ######### ######### ## Internals - Bottom up walk converting AST to PEG serialization. ## Pseudo-ensemble namespace eval ::pt::peg::from::peg::GEN {} proc pt::peg::from::peg::GEN {ast} { # The reason for not being an ensemble, an additional param # (8.6+ can code that as ensemble). return [namespace eval GEN $ast] } proc pt::peg::from::peg::GEN::ALNUM {s e} { return [pt::pe alnum] } proc pt::peg::from::peg::GEN::ALPHA {s e} { return [pt::pe alpha] } proc pt::peg::from::peg::GEN::AND {s e} { return [pt::pe ahead [pt::pe dot]] ; # -> Prefix } proc pt::peg::from::peg::GEN::ASCII {s e} { return [pt::pe ascii] } proc pt::peg::from::peg::GEN::Attribute {s e args} { return [lindex $args 0] ; # -> Definition } proc pt::peg::from::peg::GEN::Char {s e args} { return [lindex $args 0] } proc pt::peg::from::peg::GEN::CharOctalFull {s e} { variable ::pt::peg::from::peg::input return [pt::pe terminal [char unquote [string range $input $s $e]]] } proc pt::peg::from::peg::GEN::CharOctalPart {s e} { variable ::pt::peg::from::peg::input return [pt::pe terminal [char unquote [string range $input $s $e]]] } proc pt::peg::from::peg::GEN::CharSpecial {s e} { variable ::pt::peg::from::peg::input return [pt::pe terminal [char unquote [string range $input $s $e]]] } proc pt::peg::from::peg::GEN::CharUnescaped {s e} { variable ::pt::peg::from::peg::input return [pt::pe terminal [string range $input $s $e]] } proc pt::peg::from::peg::GEN::CharUnicode {s e} { variable ::pt::peg::from::peg::input return [pt::pe terminal [char unquote [string range $input $s $e]]] } proc pt::peg::from::peg::GEN::Class {s e args} { if {[llength $args] == 1} { ; # integrated pe::op flatten return [lindex $args 0] } else { return [pt::pe choice {*}$args] ; # <- Chars and Ranges } } proc pt::peg::from::peg::GEN::CONTROL {s e} { return [pt::pe control] } proc pt::peg::from::peg::GEN::DDIGIT {s e} { return [pt::pe ddigit] } proc pt::peg::from::peg::GEN::Definition {s e args} { # args = list/2 (symbol pe) | <- Ident(ifier) Expression # args = list/3 (mode symbol pe) | <- Attribute Ident(ifier) Expression if {[llength $args] == 3} { lassign $args mode sym pe } else { lassign $args sym pe set mode value } # sym = list/2 ('n' name) return [list [lindex $sym 1] $mode [pt::pe::op flatten $pe]] } proc pt::peg::from::peg::GEN::DIGIT {s e} { return [pt::pe digit] } proc pt::peg::from::peg::GEN::DOT {s e} { return [pt::pe dot] } proc pt::peg::from::peg::GEN::Expression {s e args} { if {[llength $args] == 1} { ; # integrated pe::op flatten return [lindex $args 0] } else { return [pt::pe choice {*}$args] ; # <- Primary } } proc pt::peg::from::peg::GEN::Grammar {s e args} { # args = list (start, list/3(symbol, mode, rule)...) <- Header Definition* array set symbols {} set rules {} foreach def [lsort -index 0 -dict [lassign $args startexpr]] { lassign $def sym mode rhs if {[info exists symbol($sym)]} { return -code error "Double declaration of symolb '$sym'" } set symbols($sym) . lappend rules $sym [list is $rhs mode $mode] } # Full grammar return [list pt::grammar::peg [list rules $rules start $startexpr]] } proc pt::peg::from::peg::GEN::GRAPH {s e} { return [pt::pe graph] } proc pt::peg::from::peg::GEN::Header {s e args} { # args = list/2 (list/2 ('n', name), pe) <- Ident(ifier) StartExpr return [lindex $args 1] ; # StartExpr passes through } proc pt::peg::from::peg::GEN::Ident {s e} { variable ::pt::peg::from::peg::input return [pt::pe nonterminal [string range $input $s $e]] } proc pt::peg::from::peg::GEN::Identifier {s e args} { return [lindex $args 0] ; # <- Ident, passes through } proc pt::peg::from::peg::GEN::LEAF {s e} { return leaf } proc pt::peg::from::peg::GEN::LOWER {s e} { return [pt::pe lower] } proc pt::peg::from::peg::GEN::Literal {s e args} { set n [llength $args] if {$n == 1} { # integrated pe::op flatten, return just the char. return [lindex $args 0] } elseif {$n == 0} { # No chars, empty string, IOW epsilon. return [pt::pe epsilon] } else { # Series of chars -> Primary return [pt::pe sequence {*}$args] } } proc pt::peg::from::peg::GEN::NOT {s e} { return [pt::pe notahead [pt::pe dot]] ; # -> Prefix (dot is placeholder) } proc pt::peg::from::peg::GEN::PLUS {s e} { return [pt::pe repeat1 [pt::pe dot]] ; # -> Suffix (dot is placeholder) } proc pt::peg::from::peg::GEN::Primary {s e args} { return [lindex $args 0] ; # -> Expression, pass through } proc pt::peg::from::peg::GEN::Prefix {s e args} { # args = list/1 (pe) | <- AND/NOT, Expression # args = list/2 (pe/prefix, pe) | <- Expression if {[llength $args] == 2} { # Prefix operator present ... Replace its child (dot, # placeholder) with our second, the actual expression. return [lreplace [lindex $args 0] 1 1 [lindex $args 1]] } else { # Pass the sub-expression return [lindex $args 0] } } proc pt::peg::from::peg::GEN::PRINTABLE {s e} { return [pt::pe printable] } proc pt::peg::from::peg::GEN::PUNCT {s e} { return [pt::pe punct] } proc pt::peg::from::peg::GEN::QUESTION {s e} { return [pt::pe optional [pt::pe dot]] ; # -> Suffix (dot is placeholder) } proc pt::peg::from::peg::GEN::Range {s e args} { # args = list/1 (pe/t) | <- Char (pass through) # args = list/2 (pe/t, pe/t) | <- Char, Char if {[llength $args] == 2} { # Convert two terminals to range return [pt::pe range [lindex $args 0 1] [lindex $args 1 1]] } else { # Pass the char ... return [lindex $args 0] } } proc pt::peg::from::peg::GEN::Sequence {s e args} { if {[llength $args] == 1} { ; # integrated pe::op flatten return [lindex $args 0] } else { return [pt::pe sequence {*}$args] ; # <- Prefix+ } } proc pt::peg::from::peg::GEN::SPACE {s e} { return [pt::pe space] } proc pt::peg::from::peg::GEN::STAR {s e} { return [pt::pe repeat0 [pt::pe dot]] ; # -> Suffix (dot is placeholder) } proc pt::peg::from::peg::GEN::StartExpr {s e args} { # args = list/1 (pe) | <- Expression, -> Header return [pt::pe::op flatten [lindex $args 0]] } proc pt::peg::from::peg::GEN::Suffix {s e args} { # args = list/1 (pe) | <- Expression # args = list/2 (pe, pe/suffix) | <- Expression */+/? if {[llength $args] == 2} { # Suffix operator present ... Replace its child (dot, # placeholder) with our first, the actual expression. return [lreplace [lindex $args 1] 1 1 [lindex $args 0]] } else { # Pass the sub-expression return [lindex $args 0] } } proc pt::peg::from::peg::GEN::UPPER {s e} { return [pt::pe upper] } proc pt::peg::from::peg::GEN::VOID {s e} { return void } proc pt::peg::from::peg::GEN::WORDCHAR {s e} { return [pt::pe wordchar] } proc pt::peg::from::peg::GEN::XDIGIT {s e} { return [pt::pe xdigit] } # ### ### ### ######### ######### ######### ## Ready package provide pt::peg::from::peg 1.0.3 return