# ACTIVESTATE TEAPOT-PKG BEGIN TM -*- tcl -*- # -- Tcl Module # @@ Meta Begin # Package uri 1.2.2 # Meta as::build::date 2013-11-06 # Meta as::origin http://sourceforge.net/projects/tcllib # Meta category Tcl Uniform Resource Identifier Management # Meta description URI utilities # Meta license BSD # Meta platform tcl # Meta require {Tcl 8.2} # Meta subject file http uri prospero url wais gopher news # Meta subject {fetching information} mailto ldap {rfc 2255} ftp # Meta subject www {rfc 2396} # Meta summary uri # @@ Meta End # ACTIVESTATE TEAPOT-PKG BEGIN REQUIREMENTS package require Tcl 8.2 # ACTIVESTATE TEAPOT-PKG END REQUIREMENTS # ACTIVESTATE TEAPOT-PKG BEGIN DECLARE package provide uri 1.2.2 # ACTIVESTATE TEAPOT-PKG END DECLARE # ACTIVESTATE TEAPOT-PKG END TM # uri.tcl -- # # URI parsing and fetch # # Copyright (c) 2000 Zveno Pty Ltd # Copyright (c) 2006 Pierre DAVID # Copyright (c) 2006 Andreas Kupries # Steve Ball, http://www.zveno.com/ # Derived from urls.tcl by Andreas Kupries # # TODO: # Handle www-url-encoding details # # CVS: $Id: uri.tcl,v 1.36 2011/03/23 04:39:54 andreas_kupries Exp $ package require Tcl 8.2 namespace eval ::uri { namespace export split join namespace export resolve isrelative namespace export geturl namespace export canonicalize namespace export register variable file:counter 0 # extend these variable in the coming namespaces variable schemes {} variable schemePattern "" variable url "" variable url2part array set url2part {} # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # basic regular expressions used in URL syntax. namespace eval basic { variable loAlpha {[a-z]} variable hiAlpha {[A-Z]} variable digit {[0-9]} variable alpha {[a-zA-Z]} variable safe {[$_.+-]} variable extra {[!*'(,)]} # danger in next pattern, order important for [] variable national {[][|\}\{\^~`]} variable punctuation {[<>#%"]} ;#" fake emacs hilit variable reserved {[;/?:@&=]} variable hex {[0-9A-Fa-f]} variable alphaDigit {[A-Za-z0-9]} variable alphaDigitMinus {[A-Za-z0-9-]} # next is variable unsafe {[][<>"#%\{\}|\\^~`]} ;#" emacs hilit variable escape "%${hex}${hex}" # unreserved = alpha | digit | safe | extra # xchar = unreserved | reserved | escape variable unreserved {[a-zA-Z0-9$_.+!*'(,)-]} variable uChar "(${unreserved}|${escape})" variable xCharN {[a-zA-Z0-9$_.+!*'(,);/?:@&=-]} variable xChar "(${xCharN}|${escape})" variable digits "${digit}+" variable toplabel \ "(${alpha}${alphaDigitMinus}*${alphaDigit}|${alpha})" variable domainlabel \ "(${alphaDigit}${alphaDigitMinus}*${alphaDigit}|${alphaDigit})" variable hostname \ "((${domainlabel}\\.)*${toplabel})" variable hostnumber \ "(${digits}\\.${digits}\\.${digits}\\.${digits})" variable host "(${hostname}|${hostnumber})" variable port $digits variable hostOrPort "${host}(:${port})?" variable usrCharN {[a-zA-Z0-9$_.+!*'(,);?&=-]} variable usrChar "(${usrCharN}|${escape})" variable user "${usrChar}*" variable password $user variable login "(${user}(:${password})?@)?${hostOrPort}" } ;# basic {} } # ::uri::register -- # # Register a scheme (and aliases) in the package. The command # creates a namespace below "::uri" with the same name as the # scheme and executes the script declaring the pattern variables # for this scheme in the new namespace. At last it updates the # uri variables keeping track of overall scheme information. # # The script has to declare at least the variable "schemepart", # the pattern for an url of the registered scheme after the # scheme declaration. Not declaring this variable is an error. # # Arguments: # schemeList Name of the scheme to register, plus aliases # script Script declaring the scheme patterns # # Results: # None. proc ::uri::register {schemeList script} { variable schemes variable schemePattern variable url variable url2part # Check scheme and its aliases for existence. foreach scheme $schemeList { if {[lsearch -exact $schemes $scheme] >= 0} { return -code error \ "trying to register scheme (\"$scheme\") which is already known" } } # Get the main scheme set scheme [lindex $schemeList 0] if {[catch {namespace eval $scheme $script} msg]} { catch {namespace delete $scheme} return -code error \ "error while evaluating scheme script: $msg" } if {![info exists ${scheme}::schemepart]} { namespace delete $scheme return -code error \ "Variable \"schemepart\" is missing." } # Now we can extend the variables which keep track of the registered schemes. eval [linsert $schemeList 0 lappend schemes] set schemePattern "([::join $schemes |]):" foreach s $schemeList { # FRINK: nocheck set url2part($s) "${s}:[set ${scheme}::schemepart]" # FRINK: nocheck append url "(${s}:[set ${scheme}::schemepart])|" } set url [string trimright $url |] return } # ::uri::split -- # # Splits the given into its constituents. # # Arguments: # url the URL to split # # Results: # Tcl list containing constituents, suitable for 'array set'. proc ::uri::split {url {defaultscheme http}} { set url [string trim $url] set scheme {} # RFC 1738: scheme = 1*[ lowalpha | digit | "+" | "-" | "." ] regexp -- {^([a-z0-9+.-][a-z0-9+.-]*):} $url dummy scheme if {$scheme == {}} { set scheme $defaultscheme } # ease maintenance: dynamic dispatch, able to handle all schemes # added in future! if {[::info procs Split[string totitle $scheme]] == {}} { error "unknown scheme '$scheme' in '$url'" } regsub -- "^${scheme}:" $url {} url set parts(scheme) $scheme array set parts [Split[string totitle $scheme] $url] # should decode all encoded characters! return [array get parts] } proc ::uri::SplitFtp {url} { # @c Splits the given ftp- into its constituents. # @a url: The url to split, without! scheme specification. # @r List containing the constituents, suitable for 'array set'. # general syntax: # //:@://...//;type= # # additional rules: # # : are optional, detectable by presence of @. # is optional too. # # "//" [ [":" ] "@"] [":" ] "/" # "/" ..."/" "/" [";type=" ] upvar \#0 [namespace current]::ftp::typepart ftptype array set parts {user {} pwd {} host {} port {} path {} type {}} # slash off possible type specification if {[regexp -indices -- "${ftptype}$" $url dummy ftype]} { set from [lindex $ftype 0] set to [lindex $ftype 1] set parts(type) [string range $url $from $to] set from [lindex $dummy 0] set url [string replace $url $from end] } # Handle user, password, host and port if {[string match "//*" $url]} { set url [string range $url 2 end] array set parts [GetUPHP url] } set parts(path) [string trimleft $url /] return [array get parts] } proc ::uri::JoinFtp args { array set components { user {} pwd {} host {} port {} path {} type {} } array set components $args set userPwd {} if {[string length $components(user)] || [string length $components(pwd)]} { set userPwd $components(user)[expr {[string length $components(pwd)] ? ":$components(pwd)" : {}}]@ } set port {} if {[string length $components(port)]} { set port :$components(port) } set type {} if {[string length $components(type)]} { set type \;type=$components(type) } return ftp://${userPwd}$components(host)${port}/[string trimleft $components(path) /]$type } proc ::uri::SplitHttps {url} { return [SplitHttp $url] } proc ::uri::SplitHttp {url} { # @c Splits the given http- into its constituents. # @a url: The url to split, without! scheme specification. # @r List containing the constituents, suitable for 'array set'. # general syntax: # //:/? # # where and are as described in Section 3.1. If : # is omitted, the port defaults to 80. No user name or password is # allowed. is an HTTP selector, and is a query # string. The is optional, as is the and its # preceding "?". If neither nor is present, the "/" # may also be omitted. # # Within the and components, "/", ";", "?" are # reserved. The "/" character may be used within HTTP to designate a # hierarchical structure. # # path == "/" ..."/" "/" ["#" ] upvar #0 [namespace current]::http::search search upvar #0 [namespace current]::http::segment segment array set parts {host {} port {} path {} query {} fragment {}} set searchPattern "\\?(${search})\$" set fragmentPattern "#(${segment})\$" # slash off possible fragment. # NOTE: This must be done before the query, because a fragment can # follow a query, and slashing off the query first will take the # fragment with it. Bug #3235340. if {[regexp -indices -- $fragmentPattern $url match fragment]} { set from [lindex $fragment 0] set to [lindex $fragment 1] set parts(fragment) [string range $url $from $to] set url [string replace $url [lindex $match 0] end] } # slash off possible query. the 'search' regexp, while official, # is not good enough. We have apparently lots of urls in the wild # which contain unquoted urls with queries in a query. The RE # finds the embedded query, not the actual one. Using string first # now instead of a RE if {[set pos [string first ? $url]] >= 0} { incr pos set parts(query) [string range $url $pos end] incr pos -1 set url [string replace $url $pos end] } if {[string match "//*" $url]} { set url [string range $url 2 end] array set parts [GetUPHP url] } set parts(path) [string trimleft $url /] return [array get parts] } proc ::uri::JoinHttp {args} { return [eval [linsert $args 0 ::uri::JoinHttpInner http 80]] } proc ::uri::JoinHttps {args} { return [eval [linsert $args 0 ::uri::JoinHttpInner https 443]] } proc ::uri::JoinHttpInner {scheme defport args} { array set components {host {} path {} query {} fragment {}} set components(port) $defport array set components $args set port {} if {[string length $components(port)] && $components(port) != $defport} { set port :$components(port) } set query {} if {[string length $components(query)]} { set query ?$components(query) } regsub -- {^/} $components(path) {} components(path) if { $components(fragment) != "" } { set components(fragment) "#$components(fragment)" } else { set components(fragment) "" } return $scheme://$components(host)$port/$components(path)$query$components(fragment) } proc ::uri::SplitFile {url} { # @c Splits the given file- into its constituents. # @a url: The url to split, without! scheme specification. # @r List containing the constituents, suitable for 'array set'. upvar #0 [namespace current]::basic::hostname hostname upvar #0 [namespace current]::basic::hostnumber hostnumber if {[string match "//*" $url]} { set url [string range $url 2 end] set hostPattern "^($hostname|$hostnumber)" switch -exact -- $::tcl_platform(platform) { windows { # Catch drive letter append hostPattern :? } default { # Proceed as usual } } if {[regexp -indices -- $hostPattern $url match host]} { set fh [lindex $host 0] set th [lindex $host 1] set parts(host) [string range $url $fh $th] set matchEnd [lindex $match 1] incr matchEnd set url [string range $url $matchEnd end] } } set parts(path) $url return [array get parts] } proc ::uri::JoinFile args { array set components { host {} port {} path {} } array set components $args switch -exact -- $::tcl_platform(platform) { windows { if {[string length $components(host)]} { return file://$components(host):$components(path) } else { return file://$components(path) } } default { return file://$components(host)$components(path) } } } proc ::uri::SplitMailto {url} { # @c Splits the given mailto- into its constituents. # @a url: The url to split, without! scheme specification. # @r List containing the constituents, suitable for 'array set'. if {[string match "*@*" $url]} { set url [::split $url @] return [list user [lindex $url 0] host [lindex $url 1]] } else { return [list user $url] } } proc ::uri::JoinMailto args { array set components { user {} host {} } array set components $args return mailto:$components(user)@$components(host) } proc ::uri::SplitNews {url} { if { [string first @ $url] >= 0 } { return [list message-id $url] } else { return [list newsgroup-name $url] } } proc ::uri::JoinNews args { array set components { message-id {} newsgroup-name {} } array set components $args return news:$components(message-id)$components(newsgroup-name) } proc ::uri::SplitLdaps {url} { ::uri::SplitLdap $url } proc ::uri::SplitLdap {url} { # @c Splits the given Ldap- into its constituents. # @a url: The url to split, without! scheme specification. # @r List containing the constituents, suitable for 'array set'. # general syntax: # //:/???? # # where and are as described in Section 5 of RFC 1738. # No user name or password is allowed. # If omitted, the port defaults to 389 for ldap, 636 for ldaps # is the base DN for the search # is a comma separated list of attributes description # is either "base", "one" or "sub". # is a RFC 2254 filter specification # are documented in RFC 2255 # array set parts {host {} port {} dn {} attrs {} scope {} filter {} extensions {}} # host port dn attrs scope filter extns set re {//([^:?/]+)(?::([0-9]+))?(?:/([^?]+)(?:\?([^?]*)(?:\?(base|one|sub)?(?:\?([^?]*)(?:\?(.*))?)?)?)?)?} if {! [regexp $re $url match parts(host) parts(port) \ parts(dn) parts(attrs) parts(scope) parts(filter) \ parts(extensions)]} then { return -code error "unable to match URL \"$url\"" } set parts(attrs) [::split $parts(attrs) ","] return [array get parts] } proc ::uri::JoinLdap {args} { return [eval [linsert $args 0 ::uri::JoinLdapInner ldap 389]] } proc ::uri::JoinLdaps {args} { return [eval [linsert $args 0 ::uri::JoinLdapInner ldaps 636]] } proc ::uri::JoinLdapInner {scheme defport args} { array set components {host {} port {} dn {} attrs {} scope {} filter {} extensions {}} set components(port) $defport array set components $args set port {} if {[string length $components(port)] && $components(port) != $defport} { set port :$components(port) } set url "$scheme://$components(host)$port" set components(attrs) [::join $components(attrs) ","] set s "" foreach c {dn attrs scope filter extensions} { if {[string equal $c "dn"]} then { append s "/" } else { append s "?" } if {! [string equal $components($c) ""]} then { append url "${s}$components($c)" set s "" } } return $url } proc ::uri::GetUPHP {urlvar} { # @c Parse user, password host and port out of the url stored in # @c variable . # @d Side effect: The extracted information is removed from the given url. # @r List containing the extracted information in a format suitable for # @r 'array set'. # @a urlvar: Name of the variable containing the url to parse. upvar \#0 [namespace current]::basic::user user upvar \#0 [namespace current]::basic::password password upvar \#0 [namespace current]::basic::hostname hostname upvar \#0 [namespace current]::basic::hostnumber hostnumber upvar \#0 [namespace current]::basic::port port upvar $urlvar url array set parts {user {} pwd {} host {} port {}} # syntax # "//" [ [":" ] "@"] [":" ] "/" # "//" already cut off by caller set upPattern "^(${user})(:(${password}))?@" if {[regexp -indices -- $upPattern $url match theUser c d thePassword]} { set fu [lindex $theUser 0] set tu [lindex $theUser 1] set fp [lindex $thePassword 0] set tp [lindex $thePassword 1] set parts(user) [string range $url $fu $tu] set parts(pwd) [string range $url $fp $tp] set matchEnd [lindex $match 1] incr matchEnd set url [string range $url $matchEnd end] } set hpPattern "^($hostname|$hostnumber)(:($port))?" if {[regexp -indices -- $hpPattern $url match theHost c d e f g h thePort]} { set fh [lindex $theHost 0] set th [lindex $theHost 1] set fp [lindex $thePort 0] set tp [lindex $thePort 1] set parts(host) [string range $url $fh $th] set parts(port) [string range $url $fp $tp] set matchEnd [lindex $match 1] incr matchEnd set url [string range $url $matchEnd end] } return [array get parts] } proc ::uri::GetHostPort {urlvar} { # @c Parse host and port out of the url stored in variable . # @d Side effect: The extracted information is removed from the given url. # @r List containing the extracted information in a format suitable for # @r 'array set'. # @a urlvar: Name of the variable containing the url to parse. upvar #0 [namespace current]::basic::hostname hostname upvar #0 [namespace current]::basic::hostnumber hostnumber upvar #0 [namespace current]::basic::port port upvar $urlvar url set pattern "^(${hostname}|${hostnumber})(:(${port}))?" if {[regexp -indices -- $pattern $url match host c d e f g h thePort]} { set fromHost [lindex $host 0] set toHost [lindex $host 1] set fromPort [lindex $thePort 0] set toPort [lindex $thePort 1] set parts(host) [string range $url $fromHost $toHost] set parts(port) [string range $url $fromPort $toPort] set matchEnd [lindex $match 1] incr matchEnd set url [string range $url $matchEnd end] } return [array get parts] } # ::uri::resolve -- # # Resolve an arbitrary URL, given a base URL # # Arguments: # base base URL (absolute) # url arbitrary URL # # Results: # Returns a URL proc ::uri::resolve {base url} { if {[string length $url]} { if {[isrelative $url]} { array set baseparts [split $base] switch -- $baseparts(scheme) { http - https - ftp - file { array set relparts [split $url] if { [string match /* $url] } { catch { set baseparts(path) $relparts(path) } } elseif { [string match */ $baseparts(path)] } { set baseparts(path) "$baseparts(path)$relparts(path)" } else { if { [string length $relparts(path)] > 0 } { set path [lreplace [::split $baseparts(path) /] end end] set baseparts(path) "[::join $path /]/$relparts(path)" } } catch { set baseparts(query) $relparts(query) } catch { set baseparts(fragment) $relparts(fragment) } return [eval [linsert [array get baseparts] 0 join]] } default { return -code error "unable to resolve relative URL \"$url\"" } } } else { return $url } } else { return $base } } # ::uri::isrelative -- # # Determines whether a URL is absolute or relative # # Arguments: # url URL to check # # Results: # Returns 1 if the URL is relative, 0 otherwise proc ::uri::isrelative url { return [expr {![regexp -- {^[a-z0-9+-.][a-z0-9+-.]*:} $url]}] } # ::uri::geturl -- # # Fetch the data from an arbitrary URL. # # This package provides a handler for the file: # scheme, since this conflicts with the file command. # # Arguments: # url address of data resource # args configuration options # # Results: # Depends on scheme proc ::uri::geturl {url args} { array set urlparts [split $url] switch -- $urlparts(scheme) { file { return [eval [linsert $args 0 file_geturl $url]] } default { # Load a geturl package for the scheme first and only if # that fails the scheme package itself. This prevents # cyclic dependencies between packages. if {[catch {package require $urlparts(scheme)::geturl}]} { package require $urlparts(scheme) } return [eval [linsert $args 0 $urlparts(scheme)::geturl $url]] } } } # ::uri::file_geturl -- # # geturl implementation for file: scheme # # TODO: # This is an initial, basic implementation. # Eventually want to support all options for geturl. # # Arguments: # url URL to fetch # args configuration options # # Results: # Returns data from file proc ::uri::file_geturl {url args} { variable file:counter set var [namespace current]::file[incr file:counter] upvar #0 $var state array set state {data {}} array set parts [split $url] set ch [open $parts(path)] # Could determine text/binary from file extension, # except on Macintosh # fconfigure $ch -translation binary set state(data) [read $ch] close $ch return $var } # ::uri::join -- # # Format a URL # # Arguments: # args components, key-value format # # Results: # A URL proc ::uri::join args { array set components $args return [eval [linsert $args 0 Join[string totitle $components(scheme)]]] } # ::uri::canonicalize -- # # Canonicalize a URL # # Acknowledgements: # Andreas Kupries # # Arguments: # uri URI (which contains a path component) # # Results: # The canonical form of the URI proc ::uri::canonicalize uri { # Make uri canonical with respect to dots (path changing commands) # # Remove single dots (.) => pwd not changing # Remove double dots (..) => gobble previous segment of path # # Fixes for this command: # # * Ignore any url which cannot be split into components by this # module. Just assume that such urls do not have a path to # canonicalize. # # * Ignore any url which could be split into components, but does # not have a path component. # # In the text above 'ignore' means # 'return the url unchanged to the caller'. if {[catch {array set u [::uri::split $uri]}]} { return $uri } if {![info exists u(path)]} { return $uri } set uri $u(path) # Remove leading "./" "../" "/.." (and "/../") regsub -all -- {^(\./)+} $uri {} uri regsub -all -- {^/(\.\./)+} $uri {/} uri regsub -all -- {^(\.\./)+} $uri {} uri # Remove inner /./ and /../ while {[regsub -all -- {/\./} $uri {/} uri]} {} while {[regsub -all -- {/[^/]+/\.\./} $uri {/} uri]} {} while {[regsub -all -- {^[^/]+/\.\./} $uri {} uri]} {} # Munge trailing /.. while {[regsub -all -- {/[^/]+/\.\.} $uri {/} uri]} {} if { $uri == ".." } { set uri "/" } set u(path) $uri set uri [eval [linsert [array get u] 0 ::uri::join]] return $uri } # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # regular expressions covering various url schemes # Currently known URL schemes: # # (RFC 1738) # ------------------------------------------------ # scheme basic syntax of scheme specific part # ------------------------------------------------ # ftp //:@://...//;type= # # http //:/? # # gopher //:/ # %09 # %09%09 # # mailto # news # # nntp //:// # telnet //:@:/ # wais //:/ # //:/? # //:/// # file /// # prospero //:/;= # ------------------------------------------------ # # (RFC 2111) # ------------------------------------------------ # scheme basic syntax of scheme specific part # ------------------------------------------------ # mid message-id # message-id/content-id # cid content-id # ------------------------------------------------ # # (RFC 2255) # ------------------------------------------------ # scheme basic syntax of scheme specific part # ------------------------------------------------ # ldap //:/???? # ------------------------------------------------ # FTP uri::register ftp { variable escape [set [namespace parent [namespace current]]::basic::escape] variable login [set [namespace parent [namespace current]]::basic::login] variable charN {[a-zA-Z0-9$_.+!*'(,)?:@&=-]} variable char "(${charN}|${escape})" variable segment "${char}*" variable path "${segment}(/${segment})*" variable type {[AaDdIi]} variable typepart ";type=(${type})" variable schemepart \ "//${login}(/${path}(${typepart})?)?" variable url "ftp:${schemepart}" } # FILE uri::register file { variable host [set [namespace parent [namespace current]]::basic::host] variable path [set [namespace parent [namespace current]]::ftp::path] variable schemepart "//(${host}|localhost)?/${path}" variable url "file:${schemepart}" } # HTTP uri::register http { variable escape \ [set [namespace parent [namespace current]]::basic::escape] variable hostOrPort \ [set [namespace parent [namespace current]]::basic::hostOrPort] variable charN {[a-zA-Z0-9$_.+!*'(,);:@&=-]} variable char "($charN|${escape})" variable segment "${char}*" variable path "${segment}(/${segment})*" variable search $segment variable schemepart \ "//${hostOrPort}(/${path}(\\?${search})?)?" variable url "http:${schemepart}" } # GOPHER uri::register gopher { variable xChar \ [set [namespace parent [namespace current]]::basic::xChar] variable hostOrPort \ [set [namespace parent [namespace current]]::basic::hostOrPort] variable search \ [set [namespace parent [namespace current]]::http::search] variable type $xChar variable selector "$xChar*" variable string $selector variable schemepart \ "//${hostOrPort}(/(${type}(${selector}(%09${search}(%09${string})?)?)?)?)?" variable url "gopher:${schemepart}" } # MAILTO uri::register mailto { variable xChar [set [namespace parent [namespace current]]::basic::xChar] variable host [set [namespace parent [namespace current]]::basic::host] variable schemepart "$xChar+(@${host})?" variable url "mailto:${schemepart}" } # NEWS uri::register news { variable escape [set [namespace parent [namespace current]]::basic::escape] variable alpha [set [namespace parent [namespace current]]::basic::alpha] variable host [set [namespace parent [namespace current]]::basic::host] variable aCharN {[a-zA-Z0-9$_.+!*'(,);/?:&=-]} variable aChar "($aCharN|${escape})" variable gChar {[a-zA-Z0-9$_.+-]} variable newsgroup-name "${alpha}${gChar}*" variable message-id "${aChar}+@${host}" variable schemepart "\\*|${newsgroup-name}|${message-id}" variable url "news:${schemepart}" } # WAIS uri::register wais { variable uChar \ [set [namespace parent [namespace current]]::basic::xChar] variable hostOrPort \ [set [namespace parent [namespace current]]::basic::hostOrPort] variable search \ [set [namespace parent [namespace current]]::http::search] variable db "${uChar}*" variable type "${uChar}*" variable path "${uChar}*" variable database "//${hostOrPort}/${db}" variable index "//${hostOrPort}/${db}\\?${search}" variable doc "//${hostOrPort}/${db}/${type}/${path}" #variable schemepart "${doc}|${index}|${database}" variable schemepart \ "//${hostOrPort}/${db}((\\?${search})|(/${type}/${path}))?" variable url "wais:${schemepart}" } # PROSPERO uri::register prospero { variable escape \ [set [namespace parent [namespace current]]::basic::escape] variable hostOrPort \ [set [namespace parent [namespace current]]::basic::hostOrPort] variable path \ [set [namespace parent [namespace current]]::ftp::path] variable charN {[a-zA-Z0-9$_.+!*'(,)?:@&-]} variable char "(${charN}|$escape)" variable fieldname "${char}*" variable fieldvalue "${char}*" variable fieldspec ";${fieldname}=${fieldvalue}" variable schemepart "//${hostOrPort}/${path}(${fieldspec})*" variable url "prospero:$schemepart" } # LDAP uri::register ldap { variable hostOrPort \ [set [namespace parent [namespace current]]::basic::hostOrPort] # very crude parsing variable dn {[^?]*} variable attrs {[^?]*} variable scope "base|one|sub" variable filter {[^?]*} # extensions are not handled yet variable schemepart "//${hostOrPort}(/${dn}(\?${attrs}(\?(${scope})(\?${filter})?)?)?)?" variable url "ldap:$schemepart" } package provide uri 1.2.2