Index | wcb Versions > 3.1 Instances > tcl Details

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Details of package wcb 3.1 tcl

Key Value
as::author Csaba Nemethi
as::build::date 2010-11-08
category Widget Utilities
description The Widget callback package Wcb provides general solution to widget validation, input manipulation, limitation, etc. It enables users to associate arbitrary commands with some Tk entry, tile entry, BWidget Entry, spinbox, tile combobox, listbox, tablelist, text, and ctext widget operations. These commands will be invoked automatically in the global scope whenever the respective widget operation is executed, either before and/or after. Before-callbacks can cancel the respective widget command or modify its arguments.
entity package
license BSD
platform tcl
require Tcl -require 8
Tk -require 8
subject widget callback validation limitation restriction input
summary Widget validation callback framework

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