Index | zmq Versions > 2.2.0 Instances > macosx10.5-i386-x86_64 Details

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Details of package zmq 2.2.0 macosx10.5-i386-x86_64

Key Value
author Jos Decoster
build::date 2012-11-27
description zmq is a Tcl binding for the zeromq library ( for interprocess communication.
entity package
generated::by critcl 3.1 andreask
generated::date 2012-11-27
license LGPLv3 / BSD
platform macosx10.5-i386-x86_64
require Tcl -require 8.5
subject ZeroMQ ZMQ 0MQ messaging inter process communication RPC message queue queue broadcast communication producer - consumer publish - subscribe
summary A Tcl wrapper for the ZeroMQ messaging library

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